Travel Mapping Railway Browser

In addition to the Railway Browser functionality here to search for routes by system and region, TM's Route Finder can help search for routes by other criteria.

Select Route to Display (click a header to sort by that column)
TierSystemRegionRoute Name.list NameLevelRoot
4usaseplrPARte10 (Lancaster Avenue Line)PA Rte10previewpa.rte010
4usaseplrPARte11 (Woodland Avenue Line)PA Rte11previewpa.rte011
4usaseplrPARte13 (Chester Avenue Line)PA Rte13previewpa.rte013
4usaseplrPARte15 (Girard Avenue Line)PA Rte15previewpa.rte015
4usaseplrPARte34 (Baltimore Avenue Line)PA Rte34previewpa.rte034
4usaseplrPARte36 (Elmwood Avenue Line)PA Rte36previewpa.rte036
4usaseplrPARte101 (Media Line)PA Rte101previewpa.rte101
4usaseplrPARte102 (Sharon Hill Line)PA Rte102previewpa.rte102