Travel Mapping Railway Browser

In addition to the Railway Browser functionality here to search for routes by system and region, TM's Route Finder can help search for routes by other criteria.

Select Route to Display (click a header to sort by that column)
TierSystemRegionRoute Name.list NameLevelRoot
2jpnrshdJPNAoLn (Ao Line)JPN AoLnpreviewjpn.shdao
2jpnrshdJPNArimaLn (Arima Line)JPN ArimaLnpreviewjpn.shdarima
2jpnrshdJPNShinKobeKosokuLn (Shinden Kobe Kosoku Line)JPN ShinKobeKosokuLnpreviewjpn.shdkobekosoku
2jpnrshdJPNKoenToshiLn (Koen Toshi Line)JPN KoenToshiLnpreviewjpn.shdkoentoshi
2jpnrshdJPNSandaLn (Sanda Line)JPN SandaLnpreviewjpn.shdsanda