Log file created at: Wed Feb 19 22:07:02 2025 communityrailpartnerships.rlist last updated: 2025-02-01 14:04:13 +0000 Waypoint label CLEE not found in line: ENG BarLn Clee BarHum Processed 154 good lines marking 2318 segments traveled. Clinched Highway Statistics Overall in active systems: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--% Overall in active+preview systems: 3732.61 of 128401.09 mi (2.91%) Overall by region: (each line reports active only then active+preview) ENG: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 2738.42 of 7570.41 mi (36.17%) SCT: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 550.93 of 1621.99 mi (33.97%) WLS: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 443.26 of 782.14 mi (56.67%) System eures (preview) overall: 1.29 of 734.63 mi (0.18%) System eures by region: BEL: 0.00 of 199.07 mi (0.00%) DEU-NW: 0.00 of 121.97 mi (0.00%) ENG: 1.29 of 87.44 mi (1.48%) FRA-HDF: 0.00 of 206.43 mi (0.00%) FRA-IDF: 0.00 of 41.67 mi (0.00%) NLD: 0.00 of 78.05 mi (0.00%) System eures by route (traveled routes only): LonPar (Eurostar Blue (London - Paris)): 1.29 of 309.42 mi (0.42%) ENG LonPar: 1.29 of 87.44 mi (1.48%) LonAms (Eurostar Blue (London - Amsterdam)): 1.29 of 368.80 mi (0.35%) ENG LonAms: 1.29 of 87.44 mi (1.48%) System eures connected routes traveled: 2 of 5 (40.0%), clinched: 0 of 5 (0.0%). System eurhr (preview) overall: 53.59 of 507.43 mi (10.56%) System eurhr by region: ENG: 13.97 of 401.75 mi (3.48%) ESP-IB: 0.00 of 2.69 mi (0.00%) GGY: 0.00 of 1.63 mi (0.00%) IMN: 0.00 of 1.59 mi (0.00%) IRL: 0.00 of 5.58 mi (0.00%) NIR: 0.00 of 3.41 mi (0.00%) NOR: 0.00 of 0.62 mi (0.00%) SCT: 39.62 of 70.15 mi (56.48%) WLS: 0.00 of 20.01 mi (0.00%) System eurhr by route (traveled routes only): BureVlyRwy (Bure Valley Railway): 0.24 of 8.72 mi (2.77%) (ENG BureVlyRwy only) Jac (The Jacobite): 39.62 of 39.62 mi (100.00%) (SCT Jac only) NYMRwy (North Yorkshire Moors Railway): 2.79 of 22.98 mi (12.14%) (ENG NYMRwy only) SwaRwy (Swanage Railway): 10.94 of 10.94 mi (100.00%) (ENG SwaRwy only) System eurhr connected routes traveled: 4 of 142 (2.8%), clinched: 2 of 142 (1.4%). System gbncs (preview) overall: 200.09 of 898.23 mi (22.28%) System gbncs by region: ENG: 22.68 of 309.98 mi (7.32%) SCT: 177.41 of 588.25 mi (30.16%) System gbncs by route (traveled routes only): HigSle (Highland Sleeper (Aberdeen portion)): 45.27 of 532.24 mi (8.50%) ENG HigSleAbe: 22.68 of 309.98 mi (7.32%) SCT HigSleAbe: 22.59 of 222.26 mi (10.16%) HigSle (Highland Sleeper (Fort William portion)): 100.74 of 565.71 mi (17.81%) ENG HigSle: 22.68 of 309.98 mi (7.32%) SCT HigSle: 78.06 of 255.74 mi (30.52%) HigSle (Highland Sleeper (Inverness portion)): 128.15 of 590.50 mi (21.70%) ENG HigSleInv: 22.68 of 309.98 mi (7.32%) SCT HigSleInv: 105.47 of 280.52 mi (37.60%) LowSle (Lowland Sleeper (Glasgow portion)): 26.09 of 403.40 mi (6.47%) ENG LowSle: 22.68 of 309.98 mi (7.32%) SCT LowSle: 3.41 of 93.42 mi (3.65%) LowSle (Lowland Sleeper (Edinburgh portion)): 33.77 of 403.37 mi (8.37%) ENG LowSleEdi: 22.68 of 309.98 mi (7.32%) SCT LowSleEdi: 11.09 of 93.39 mi (11.88%) System gbncs connected routes traveled: 5 of 5 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 5 (0.0%). System gbngc (preview) overall: 13.68 of 316.79 mi (4.32%) System gbngc by route (traveled routes only): ECML (North Eastern): 3.23 of 268.72 mi (1.20%) (ENG ECMLNEn only) ECML (West Riding): 13.68 of 210.64 mi (6.49%) (ENG ECMLWRd only) System gbngc connected routes traveled: 2 of 2 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 2 (0.0%). System gbngr (preview) overall: 35.79 of 460.28 mi (7.78%) System gbngr by region: ENG: 6.71 of 406.09 mi (1.65%) SCT: 29.08 of 54.19 mi (53.66%) System gbngr by route (traveled routes only): ECML (East Coast Main Line (Edinburgh)): 33.67 of 396.29 mi (8.50%) ENG ECMLEdi: 4.59 of 342.09 mi (1.34%) SCT ECMLEdi: 29.08 of 54.19 mi (53.66%) ECML (East Coast Main Line (Leeds)): 4.34 of 206.61 mi (2.10%) (ENG ECMLLee only) ECML (East Coast Main Line (Lincoln)): 1.55 of 138.61 mi (1.12%) (ENG ECMLLin only) System gbngr connected routes traveled: 3 of 3 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 3 (0.0%). System gbngx (preview) overall: 8.44 of 51.46 mi (16.40%) System gbngx by route (traveled routes only): GatEx (Gatwick Express): 8.44 of 51.46 mi (16.40%) (ENG GatEx only) System gbngx connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 1 (0.0%). System gbnht (preview) overall: 11.54 of 215.92 mi (5.35%) System gbnht by route (traveled routes only): ECML (East Coast Main Line (Hull)): 12.01 of 216.38 mi (5.55%) (ENG ECMLHul only) System gbnht connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 1 (0.0%). System gbnld (preview) overall: 33.67 of 395.84 mi (8.51%) System gbnld by region: ENG: 4.59 of 341.65 mi (1.34%) SCT: 29.08 of 54.19 mi (53.66%) System gbnld by route (traveled routes only): ECML (East Coast Main Line (Lumo)): 33.67 of 395.84 mi (8.51%) ENG ECMLLum: 4.59 of 341.65 mi (1.34%) SCT ECMLLum: 29.08 of 54.19 mi (53.66%) System gbnld connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 1 (0.0%). System gbnsx (preview) overall: 1.30 of 37.07 mi (3.50%) System gbnsx by route (traveled routes only): StaEx (Stansted Express): 1.30 of 37.07 mi (3.50%) (ENG StaEx only) System gbnsx connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 1 (0.0%). System gbnvt (preview) overall: 210.30 of 693.17 mi (30.34%) System gbnvt by region: ENG: 118.78 of 488.72 mi (24.30%) SCT: 14.50 of 121.81 mi (11.91%) WLS: 77.02 of 82.64 mi (93.20%) System gbnvt by route (traveled routes only): WCMLA (West Coast Main Line (A)): 62.03 of 410.87 mi (15.10%) ENG WCMLA: 50.93 of 318.04 mi (16.01%) SCT WCMLA: 11.09 of 92.83 mi (11.95%) WCMLB (West Coast Main Line (B)): 24.19 of 127.16 mi (19.02%) (ENG WCMLB only) WCMLC (West Coast Main Line (C)): 108.09 of 265.54 mi (40.71%) ENG WCMLC: 31.07 of 182.91 mi (16.99%) WLS WCMLC: 77.02 of 82.64 mi (93.20%) WCMLD (West Coast Main Line (D)): 7.99 of 195.25 mi (4.09%) (ENG WCMLD only) WCMLE (West Coast Main Line (E, Stoke)): 22.89 of 185.06 mi (12.37%) (ENG WCMLE only) WCMLE (West Coast Main Line (E, Crewe)): 39.09 of 190.66 mi (20.50%) (ENG WCMLECre only) WCMLF (West Coast Main Line (F)): 26.09 of 403.40 mi (6.47%) ENG WCMLF: 22.68 of 309.98 mi (7.32%) SCT WCMLF: 3.41 of 93.42 mi (3.65%) System gbnvt connected routes traveled: 7 of 7 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 7 (0.0%). System gbnxc (preview) overall: 393.48 of 1112.65 mi (35.36%) System gbnxc by region: ENG: 364.40 of 1028.95 mi (35.41%) SCT: 29.08 of 54.19 mi (53.66%) WLS: 0.00 of 29.51 mi (0.00%) System gbnxc by route (traveled routes only): XCML (Cross-Country Main Line (SW - NE)): 172.95 of 565.84 mi (30.57%) ENG XCML: 143.87 of 511.65 mi (28.12%) SCT XCML: 29.08 of 54.19 mi (53.66%) XCML (Cross-Country Main Line (NW - S Coast)): 136.09 of 257.98 mi (52.75%) (ENG XCMLSou only) XCML (Cross-Country Main Line (NW - SW)): 94.84 of 175.12 mi (54.15%) (ENG XCMLMan only) XCML (Cross-Country Main Line (Reading - NE)): 75.89 of 304.97 mi (24.89%) (ENG XCMLDon only) BirPetLn (Birmingham - Peterborough Line): 31.11 of 162.34 mi (19.16%) (ENG BirPetLn only) CarNotLn (Cardiff - Nottingham Line): 60.83 of 167.04 mi (36.41%) ENG CarNotLn: 60.83 of 137.54 mi (44.23%) System gbnxc connected routes traveled: 6 of 6 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 6 (0.0%). System gbnaw (preview) overall: 613.41 of 1037.48 mi (59.13%) System gbnaw by region: ENG: 170.15 of 357.33 mi (47.62%) WLS: 443.26 of 680.15 mi (65.17%) System gbnaw by route (traveled routes only): MarLn (Marches Line): 51.85 of 170.51 mi (30.41%) ENG MarLn: 51.85 of 128.62 mi (40.32%) NWSW (North Wales - South Wales): 141.92 of 233.76 mi (60.71%) WLS NWSW: 77.02 of 82.64 mi (93.20%) ENG NWSWChe: 8.14 of 8.40 mi (96.96%) WLS NWSWWre: 15.65 of 15.65 mi (100.00%) ENG NWSW: 41.11 of 85.19 mi (48.26%) NWCLn (North Wales Coast Line): 123.66 of 178.86 mi (69.14%) ENG NWCLn: 22.85 of 72.18 mi (31.66%) WLS NWCLnWre: 15.65 of 15.65 mi (100.00%) ENG NWCLnChe: 8.14 of 8.40 mi (96.96%) WLS NWCLn: 77.02 of 82.64 mi (93.20%) CamLn (Cambrian Line): 82.94 of 132.27 mi (62.71%) ENG CamLn: 15.55 of 64.88 mi (23.97%) WLS CamLn: 67.40 of 67.40 mi (100.00%) LlaManLn (Llandudno - Manchester Line): 67.73 of 99.15 mi (68.31%) WLS LlaManLn: 40.20 of 45.82 mi (87.73%) ENG LlaManLn: 27.53 of 53.32 mi (51.62%) LivWreLn (Liverpool - Wrescam Line): 18.57 of 39.31 mi (47.24%) ENG LivWreLn: 12.54 of 33.28 mi (37.68%) WLS LivWreLn: 6.03 of 6.03 mi (100.00%) CheCreLn (Chester - Crewe Line): 21.32 of 21.32 mi (100.00%) (ENG CheCreLn only) CamCoaLn (Cambrian Coast Line): 57.44 of 57.44 mi (100.00%) (WLS CamCoaLn only) WWalLn (West Wales Line (Milford Haven)): 84.47 of 116.79 mi (72.33%) (WLS WWalLn only) WWalLn (West Wales Line (Fishguard)): 41.69 of 41.69 mi (100.00%) (WLS WWalLnFis only) WWalLn (West Wales Line (Pembroke Dock)): 72.40 of 72.40 mi (100.00%) (WLS WWalLnPem only) SevShoLn (Severn Shores Line): 19.41 of 56.68 mi (34.24%) ENG SevShoLn: 19.41 of 27.17 mi (71.43%) ConVlyLn (Conwy Valley Line): 29.99 of 29.99 mi (100.00%) (WLS ConVlyLn only) BorLn (Borderlands Line): 1.06 of 27.50 mi (3.84%) WLS BorLn: 1.06 of 15.88 mi (6.65%) HeaWalLn (Heart of Wales Line): 121.46 of 121.46 mi (100.00%) ENG HeaWalLn: 33.44 of 33.44 mi (100.00%) WLS HeaWalLn: 88.02 of 88.02 mi (100.00%) SwanLn (Swanline): 13.13 of 45.45 mi (28.90%) (WLS SwanLn only) System gbnaw connected routes traveled: 16 of 27 (59.3%), clinched: 6 of 27 (22.2%). System gbnch (preview) overall: 53.41 of 177.14 mi (30.15%) System gbnch by route (traveled routes only): ChiML (Chiltern Main Line (Birmingham)): 32.38 of 112.67 mi (28.74%) (ENG ChiML only) ChiML (Chiltern Main Line (Oxford)): 11.93 of 67.22 mi (17.75%) (ENG ChiMLOxf only) StrBra (Stratford-upon-Avon branch): 15.52 of 15.52 mi (100.00%) (ENG StrBra only) System gbnch connected routes traveled: 3 of 5 (60.0%), clinched: 1 of 5 (20.0%). System gbnem (preview) overall: 322.90 of 747.49 mi (43.20%) System gbnem by route (traveled routes only): MML (EMR Intercity: Midland Mainline (Sheffield)): 19.02 of 165.53 mi (11.49%) (ENG MMLShe only) MML (EMR Intercity: Midland Mainline (Nottingham)): 7.32 of 127.29 mi (5.75%) (ENG MMLNot only) LutAirExp (EMR Connect: Luton Airport Express): 0.17 of 94.00 mi (0.18%) (ENG LutAirExp only) CasLn (EMR Regional: Castle Line): 40.54 of 106.88 mi (37.93%) (ENG CasLn only) DerVlyLn (EMR Regional: Derwent Valley Line): 32.99 of 32.99 mi (100.00%) (ENG DerVlyLn only) ImpsLn (EMR Regional: Imps Line): 0.88 of 16.68 mi (5.30%) (ENG ImpsLn only) LivNorLn (EMR Regional: Liverpool-Norwich Line): 89.19 of 255.45 mi (34.91%) (ENG LivNorLn only) NorStaLn (EMR Regional: North Staffordshire Line): 69.69 of 84.48 mi (82.49%) (ENG NorStaLn only) PoaLn (EMR Regional: Poacher Line): 81.51 of 81.51 mi (100.00%) (ENG PoaLn only) RedLn (EMR Regional: Redwing Line): 1.10 of 57.32 mi (1.92%) (ENG RedLn only) RobHoodLn (EMR Regional: Robin Hood Line): 32.16 of 32.16 mi (100.00%) (ENG RobHoodLn only) RomLn (EMR Regional: Roman Line): 37.10 of 37.10 mi (100.00%) (ENG RomLn only) System gbnem connected routes traveled: 12 of 13 (92.3%), clinched: 4 of 13 (30.8%). System gbngn (preview) overall: 4.55 of 126.36 mi (3.60%) System gbngn by route (traveled routes only): FenLn (Fen Line): 4.55 of 100.53 mi (4.53%) (ENG FenLn only) RheeVlyLn (Rhee Valley Line): 3.09 of 58.72 mi (5.27%) (ENG RheeVlyLn only) System gbngn connected routes traveled: 2 of 4 (50.0%), clinched: 0 of 4 (0.0%). System gbngw (preview) overall: 586.10 of 1125.26 mi (52.09%) System gbngw by region: ENG: 542.38 of 1024.07 mi (52.96%) WLS: 43.72 of 101.19 mi (43.20%) System gbngw by route (traveled routes only): GWML (Great Western Main Line): 57.95 of 138.57 mi (41.82%) (ENG GWML only) SWalML (South Wales Main Line): 66.41 of 224.00 mi (29.65%) ENG SWalML: 21.67 of 121.78 mi (17.80%) WLS SWalML: 44.73 of 102.21 mi (43.77%) DevML (Devon Main Line): 33.36 of 303.13 mi (11.01%) (ENG DevML only) CotLn (Cotswolds Line): 63.94 of 150.84 mi (42.39%) (ENG CotLn only) OxfLn (Oxford Line): 16.20 of 64.20 mi (25.23%) (ENG OxfLn only) BerHanLn (Berks & Hants Line): 9.56 of 174.34 mi (5.48%) (ENG BerHanLn only) GolVlyLn (Golden Valley Line): 36.04 of 121.72 mi (29.61%) (ENG GolVlyLn only) CorML (Cornish Main Line): 81.54 of 244.27 mi (33.38%) ENG CorML: 81.54 of 219.11 mi (37.22%) WesML (Wessex Main Line): 99.41 of 140.45 mi (70.78%) ENG WesML: 99.41 of 115.28 mi (86.23%) ThaVlyLn (Thames Valley Line): 5.65 of 53.65 mi (10.53%) (ENG ThaVlyLn only) NorDowLn (North Downs Line): 52.21 of 52.21 mi (100.00%) (ENG NorDowLn only) BruLn (Brunel Line): 15.63 of 15.63 mi (100.00%) (ENG BruLn only) OxfCanLn (Oxford Canal Line): 33.44 of 33.44 mi (100.00%) (ENG OxfCanLn only) OxfBriLn (Oxford-Bristol Line): 42.92 of 75.54 mi (56.83%) (ENG OxfBriLn only) TraWilLn (Trans-Wilts Line): 32.50 of 32.50 mi (100.00%) (ENG TraWilLn only) SevVlyLn (Severn Valley Line): 57.76 of 69.40 mi (83.23%) (ENG SevVlyLn only) HeaWesLn (Heart of Wessex Line): 67.82 of 126.28 mi (53.70%) (ENG HeaWesLn only) SevBeaLn (Severn Beach Line): 32.72 of 32.72 mi (100.00%) (ENG SevBeaLn only) AvoLn (Avocet Line): 11.08 of 11.08 mi (100.00%) (ENG AvoLn only) TarLn (Tarka Line): 38.96 of 38.96 mi (100.00%) (ENG TarLn only) DarLn (Dartmoor Line): 25.29 of 25.29 mi (100.00%) (ENG DarLn only) RivLn (Riveria Line): 27.96 of 27.96 mi (100.00%) (ENG RivLn only) TamVlyLn (Tamar Valley Line): 14.15 of 14.15 mi (100.00%) (ENG TamVlyLn only) LooeVlyLn (Looe Valley Line): 8.32 of 8.32 mi (100.00%) (ENG LooeVlyLn only) AtlCoaLn (Atlantic Coast Line): 19.47 of 19.47 mi (100.00%) (ENG AtlCoaLn only) MrtLn (Maritime Line): 11.40 of 11.40 mi (100.00%) (ENG MrtLn only) System gbngw connected routes traveled: 26 of 31 (83.9%), clinched: 13 of 31 (41.9%). System gbnle (preview) overall: 253.01 of 547.88 mi (46.18%) System gbnle by route (traveled routes only): GEML (Great Eastern Main Line): 2.40 of 116.21 mi (2.06%) (ENG GEML only) SunCoaLn (Sunshine Coast Line (Clacton-on-Sea)): 18.11 of 70.42 mi (25.72%) (ENG SunCoaLnCla only) SunCoaLn (Sunshine Coast Line (Colchester)): 2.39 of 54.70 mi (4.37%) (ENG SunCoaLnCol only) SunCoaLn (Sunshine Coast Line (Walton-on-the-Naze)): 19.99 of 19.99 mi (100.00%) (ENG SunCoaLnWal only) FliLn (Flitch Line): 6.17 of 45.22 mi (13.64%) (ENG FliLn only) SouLn (Southend Line): 17.18 of 41.75 mi (41.15%) (ENG SouLn only) CroVlyLn (Crouch Valley Line): 16.50 of 16.50 mi (100.00%) (ENG CroVlyLn only) MayLn (Mayflower Line): 11.20 of 11.20 mi (100.00%) (ENG MayLn only) WAML (West Anglia Main Line): 1.30 of 58.04 mi (2.23%) (ENG WAML only) WAML (West Anglia Main Line (Stratford branch)): 1.30 of 28.96 mi (4.47%) (ENG WAMLStr only) NewRvrLn (New River Line): 7.05 of 24.28 mi (29.04%) (ENG NewRvrLn only) BitLn (Bittern Line): 30.32 of 30.32 mi (100.00%) (ENG BitLn only) BreLn (Breckland Line): 1.81 of 93.28 mi (1.94%) (ENG BreLn only) EastSufLn (East Suffolk Line): 49.05 of 49.05 mi (100.00%) (ENG EastSufLn only) FelLn (Felixstowe Line): 15.31 of 15.31 mi (100.00%) (ENG FelLn only) GaiLn (Gainsborough Line): 11.68 of 11.68 mi (100.00%) (ENG GaiLn only) HerLn (Hereward Line): 31.75 of 82.08 mi (38.68%) (ENG HerLn only) MidSufLn (Mid-Suffolk Line): 0.87 of 55.75 mi (1.57%) (ENG MidSufLn only) WheLn (Wherry Line (Great Yarmouth)): 18.38 of 18.38 mi (100.00%) (ENG WheLnYar only) WheLn (Wherry Line (Lowestoft)): 23.49 of 23.49 mi (100.00%) (ENG WheLnLow only) WheLn (Wherry Line (Berney Arms)): 20.63 of 20.63 mi (100.00%) (ENG WheLnBer only) System gbnle connected routes traveled: 21 of 21 (100.0%), clinched: 10 of 21 (47.6%). System gbnln (preview) overall: 85.07 of 323.46 mi (26.30%) System gbnln by route (traveled routes only): BirLivLn (Birmingham - Liverpool Line): 12.06 of 89.14 mi (13.53%) (ENG BirLivLn only) NhpLn (Northampton Line): 24.19 of 116.57 mi (20.75%) (ENG NhpLn only) TreVlyLn (Trent Valley Line): 7.77 of 159.34 mi (4.87%) (ENG TreVlyLn only) PotLn (Potteries Line): 31.23 of 31.23 mi (100.00%) (ENG PotLn only) AbbLn (Abbey Line): 6.56 of 6.56 mi (100.00%) (ENG AbbLn only) MarValeLn (Marston Vale Line): 16.86 of 16.86 mi (100.00%) (ENG MarValeLn only) System gbnln connected routes traveled: 6 of 6 (100.0%), clinched: 3 of 6 (50.0%). System gbnme (preview) overall: 3.75 of 74.39 mi (5.04%) System gbnme by route (traveled routes only): WirLn (Wirral Line (Liverpool - Chester)): 0.27 of 18.37 mi (1.46%) (ENG WirLn only) WirLn (Wirral Line (Liverpool - Ellesmere Port)): 3.75 of 13.92 mi (26.94%) (ENG WirLnEll only) System gbnme connected routes traveled: 2 of 7 (28.6%), clinched: 0 of 7 (0.0%). System gbnnr (preview) overall: 884.88 of 1616.09 mi (54.75%) System gbnnr by route (traveled routes only): TyneVlyLn (Tyne Valley Line): 61.02 of 107.05 mi (57.01%) (ENG TyneVlyLn only) DurCoaLn (Durham Coast Line): 26.55 of 73.18 mi (36.29%) (ENG DurCoaLn only) EskVlyLn (Esk Valley Line): 34.25 of 34.25 mi (100.00%) (ENG EskVlyLn only) TeesVlyLn (Tees Valley Line): 12.26 of 39.24 mi (31.25%) (ENG TeesVlyLn only) BenLn (Bentham Line): 77.59 of 77.59 mi (100.00%) (ENG BenLn only) CumCoaLn (Cumbrian Coast Line): 85.67 of 85.67 mi (100.00%) (ENG CumCoaLn only) FurLn (Furness Line): 76.96 of 97.69 mi (78.78%) (ENG FurLn only) LakLn (Lakes Line): 10.08 of 10.08 mi (100.00%) (ENG LakLn only) SaCLn (Settle - Carlisle Line): 112.61 of 112.61 mi (100.00%) (ENG SaCLn only) CalLn (Calderdale Line): 52.34 of 89.91 mi (58.22%) (ENG CalLn only) EreVlyLn (Erewash Valley Line): 18.43 of 81.41 mi (22.63%) (ENG EreVlyLn only) LinLn (Lincoln Line): 51.97 of 89.95 mi (57.77%) (ENG LinLn only) PilLn (Pilgrim Line): 41.06 of 72.37 mi (56.74%) (ENG PilLn only) RosLn (Roses Line): 58.34 of 104.62 mi (55.76%) (ENG RosLn only) YorCoaLn (Yorkshire Coast Line): 57.48 of 113.24 mi (50.76%) (ENG YorCoaLn only) YorWolLn (Yorkshire Wolds Line): 31.73 of 83.51 mi (38.00%) (ENG YorWolLn only) AdlLn (Airedale Line (Bradford)): 15.27 of 17.96 mi (85.00%) (ENG AdlLnBra only) AdlLn (Airedale Line (Leeds)): 26.06 of 26.06 mi (100.00%) (ENG AdlLnLee only) DeaVlyLn (Dearne Valley Line): 3.40 of 46.84 mi (7.26%) (ENG DeaVlyLn only) HalLn (Hallam Line): 16.22 of 44.61 mi (36.35%) (ENG HalLn only) HarLn (Harrogate Line): 1.24 of 38.38 mi (3.22%) (ENG HarLn only) HudLn (Huddersfield Line (Bradford)): 10.44 of 18.71 mi (55.83%) (ENG HudLn only) HudLn (Huddersfield Line (Leeds)): 0.59 of 17.36 mi (3.40%) (ENG HudLnLee only) LeeBraLn (Leeds - Bradford Line): 10.79 of 13.49 mi (80.02%) (ENG LeeBraLn only) PenLn (Penistone Line): 35.90 of 35.90 mi (100.00%) (ENG PenLn only) PonLn (Pontefract Line (Castleford)): 0.35 of 32.81 mi (1.07%) (ENG PonLnCas only) PonLn (Pontefract Line (Wakefield)): 0.59 of 21.67 mi (2.72%) (ENG PonLnWak only) RotLn (Rotherham Line): 3.40 of 22.79 mi (14.91%) (ENG RotLn only) SelLn (Selby Line): 6.16 of 69.09 mi (8.92%) (ENG SelLn only) WakLn (Wakefield Line (Doncaster)): 0.59 of 30.08 mi (1.96%) (ENG WakLnDon only) WakLn (Wakefield Line (Sheffield)): 3.99 of 39.16 mi (10.19%) (ENG WakLnShe only) WhaLn (Wharfdale Line (Bradford)): 0.39 of 13.21 mi (2.97%) (ENG WhaLnBra only) WhaLn (Wharfedale Line (Leeds)): 7.18 of 15.83 mi (45.35%) (ENG WhaLnLee only) AirLn (Airport Line): 33.49 of 33.49 mi (100.00%) (ENG AirLn only) AthLn (Atherton Line): 39.92 of 68.65 mi (58.15%) (ENG AthLn only) BlaLn (Blackpool Line): 50.35 of 59.56 mi (84.54%) (ENG BlaLn only) BuxLn (Buxton Line): 19.05 of 25.09 mi (75.90%) (ENG BuxLn only) CalVlyLn (Calder Valley Line): 55.45 of 68.47 mi (80.98%) (ENG CalVlyLn only) ChatMossLn (Chat Moss Line): 12.08 of 42.88 mi (28.18%) (ENG ChatMossLn only) CityLn (City Line): 14.06 of 53.34 mi (26.35%) (ENG CityLn only) CLCLn (CLC Line): 0.50 of 34.52 mi (1.46%) (ENG CLCLn only) CreLn (Crewe Line): 31.32 of 31.32 mi (100.00%) (ENG CreLn only) EastLanLn (East Lancashire Line): 28.74 of 28.74 mi (100.00%) (ENG EastLanLn only) GloLn (Glossop Line): 2.78 of 14.64 mi (19.01%) (ENG GloLn only) HopeVlyLn (Hope Valley Line): 24.56 of 41.74 mi (58.83%) (ENG HopeVlyLn only) MidCheLn (Mid-Cheshire Line): 45.15 of 45.15 mi (100.00%) (ENG MidCheLn only) NorCheLn (North Cheshire Line): 16.10 of 36.05 mi (44.65%) (ENG NorCheLn only) RibVlyLn (Ribble Valley Line): 74.89 of 74.89 mi (100.00%) (ENG RibVlyLn only) SouFylLn (South Fylde Line): 20.00 of 20.00 mi (100.00%) (ENG SouFylLn only) SptLn (Southport Line): 37.98 of 37.98 mi (100.00%) (ENG SptLn only) StaLn (Stalybridge Line): 39.26 of 45.63 mi (86.04%) (ENG StaLn only) StoLn (Stoke Line): 14.58 of 37.87 mi (38.51%) (ENG StoLn only) StoStaLn (Stockport - Stalybridge Line): 0.75 of 8.09 mi (9.24%) (ENG StoStaLn only) WestLanLn (West Lancashire Line): 15.56 of 15.56 mi (100.00%) (ENG WestLanLn only) System gbnnr connected routes traveled: 54 of 58 (93.1%), clinched: 15 of 58 (25.9%). System gbnse (preview) overall: 147.36 of 459.94 mi (32.04%) System gbnse by route (traveled routes only): HS1 (Southeastern Highspeed: London - Canterbury - Margate): 9.71 of 91.50 mi (10.61%) (ENG HS1Can only) HS1 (Southeastern Highspeed: London - Dover - Ramsgate): 30.82 of 99.57 mi (30.96%) (ENG HS1Dov only) HS1 (Southeastern Highspeed: London - Chatham - Ramsgate): 8.97 of 78.72 mi (11.39%) (ENG HS1Cha only) SEML (South East Main Line): 10.34 of 86.47 mi (11.96%) (ENG SEML only) PadWoodLn (Paddock Wood Line): 19.49 of 78.05 mi (24.96%) (ENG PadWoodLn only) HasLn (Hastings Line): 32.46 of 61.78 mi (52.54%) (ENG HasLn only) ChaML (Chatham Main Line): 1.68 of 77.52 mi (2.17%) (ENG ChaML only) ThaLn (Thanet Line): 9.14 of 79.54 mi (11.49%) (ENG ThaLn only) SoleStLn (Sole Street Line): 0.17 of 36.80 mi (0.46%) (ENG SoleStLn only) KentDowLn (Kent Downs Line): 41.63 of 59.15 mi (70.38%) (ENG KentDowLn only) MaiELn (Maidstone East Line): 22.23 of 38.67 mi (57.48%) (ENG MaiELn only) MedVlyLn (Medway Valley Line): 20.85 of 20.85 mi (100.00%) (ENG MedVlyLn only) SwaLn (Swale Line): 7.88 of 7.88 mi (100.00%) (ENG SwaLn only) GroPkLn (Grove Park Line (Lewisham)): 0.11 of 22.20 mi (0.50%) (ENG GroPkLnLew only) System gbnse connected routes traveled: 14 of 24 (58.3%), clinched: 2 of 24 (8.3%). System gbnsn (preview) overall: 192.92 of 400.11 mi (48.22%) System gbnsn by route (traveled routes only): SusMLE (Sussex Main Line (East)): 11.67 of 83.86 mi (13.92%) (ENG SusMLE only) SusMLW (Sussex Main Line (West)): 27.97 of 70.96 mi (39.42%) (ENG SusMLW only) ChiLn (Chichester Line): 59.99 of 87.49 mi (68.56%) (ENG ChiLn only) ArunVlyLn (Arun Valley Line): 45.93 of 67.61 mi (67.94%) (ENG ArunVlyLn only) CoaELn (Coastway East Line): 10.56 of 40.24 mi (26.24%) (ENG CoaELn only) CoaWLn (Coastway West Line): 43.97 of 61.90 mi (71.03%) (ENG CoaWLn only) EGriLn (East Grinstead Line): 9.64 of 30.14 mi (31.98%) (ENG EGriLn only) RdhLn (Redhill Line): 1.76 of 22.80 mi (7.70%) (ENG RdhLn only) UckLn (Uckfield Line): 25.70 of 46.12 mi (55.72%) (ENG UckLn only) SutLn (Sutton Line): 0.23 of 37.10 mi (0.61%) (ENG SutLn only) MnkLn (Marshlink Line): 27.91 of 42.88 mi (65.08%) (ENG MnkLn only) RedTonLn (Redhill - Tonbridge Line): 20.06 of 20.06 mi (100.00%) (ENG RedTonLn only) SusCoaLn (Sussex Coast Line): 31.97 of 31.97 mi (100.00%) (ENG SusCoaLn only) SusDowLn (Sussex Downs Line): 16.72 of 16.72 mi (100.00%) (ENG SusDowLn only) System gbnsn connected routes traveled: 14 of 22 (63.6%), clinched: 3 of 22 (13.6%). System gbnsr (preview) overall: 550.93 of 1490.32 mi (36.97%) System gbnsr by region: ENG: 0.00 of 8.85 mi (0.00%) SCT: 550.93 of 1481.47 mi (37.19%) System gbnsr by route (traveled routes only): GML (Grampian Main Line (Edinburgh)): 11.49 of 129.43 mi (8.88%) (SCT GMLEdi only) GML (Grampian Main Line (Glasgow)): 14.49 of 154.10 mi (9.40%) (SCT GMLGla only) HML (Highland Main Line (Glasgow)): 89.35 of 180.76 mi (49.43%) (SCT HMLGla only) HML (Highland Main Line (Edinburgh)): 94.37 of 187.69 mi (50.28%) (SCT HMLEdi only) StaLn (Strathallan Line): 14.49 of 83.34 mi (17.39%) (SCT StaLn only) CroyLn (Croy Line): 5.03 of 47.82 mi (10.51%) (SCT CroyLn only) DunLn (Dunblane Line): 7.10 of 41.61 mi (17.06%) (SCT DunLn only) FifeLn (Fife Line (Cowdenbeath)): 11.49 of 31.54 mi (36.45%) (SCT FifeLnCow only) FifeLn (Fife Line (Dundee)): 11.49 of 58.67 mi (19.59%) (SCT FifeLnDun only) FifeLn (Fife Line (Perth)): 11.49 of 56.49 mi (20.35%) (SCT FifeLnPer only) FifeLn (Fife Line (Leven)): 11.49 of 36.21 mi (31.74%) (SCT FifeLnLev only) BorLn (Borders Line): 34.38 of 34.38 mi (100.00%) (SCT BorLn only) EastLotLn (East Lothian Line): 29.08 of 29.08 mi (100.00%) (SCT EastLotLn only) NorBerLn (North Berwick Line): 22.23 of 22.23 mi (100.00%) (SCT NorBerLn only) CstLn (Carstairs Line): 14.50 of 57.31 mi (25.31%) (SCT CstLn only) LanLn (Lanark Line): 3.41 of 29.71 mi (11.48%) (SCT LanLn only) ShoLn (Shotts Line): 14.50 of 47.29 mi (30.67%) (SCT ShoLn only) ArgLn (Argyle Line (Larkhall)): 8.46 of 24.19 mi (34.99%) (SCT ArgLnLar only) ArgLn (Argyle Line (Cumbernauld)): 8.46 of 34.53 mi (24.51%) (SCT ArgLnCum only) ArgLn (Argyle Line (Whifflet)): 0.73 of 23.52 mi (3.10%) (SCT ArgLnWhi only) NorClyLn (North Clyde Line (Helensburgh)): 5.03 of 66.91 mi (7.51%) (SCT NorClyLnHel only) CatCirLn (Cathcart Circle Line (Newton via Queens Park)): 0.43 of 8.16 mi (5.27%) (SCT CatCirLnQue only) CatCirLn (Cathcart Circle Line (Newton via Maxwell Park)): 0.43 of 9.59 mi (4.49%) (SCT CatCirLnMax only) CarLn (Carlisle Line): 81.65 of 115.60 mi (70.63%) SCT CarLn: 81.65 of 106.75 mi (76.49%) StrLn (Stranraer Line): 57.47 of 97.14 mi (59.16%) (SCT StrLn only) WestHigLn (West Highland Line (Oban)): 0.09 of 98.81 mi (0.09%) (SCT WestHigLnOba only) WestHigLn (West Highland Line (Fort William)): 101.56 of 159.19 mi (63.80%) (SCT WestHigLnFor only) FarNorLn (Far North Line): 132.85 of 173.31 mi (76.65%) (SCT FarNorLn only) System gbnsr connected routes traveled: 28 of 46 (60.9%), clinched: 3 of 46 (6.5%). System gbnsw (preview) overall: 257.66 of 532.58 mi (48.38%) System gbnsw by route (traveled routes only): SWML (South Western Main Line): 41.47 of 143.78 mi (28.84%) (ENG SWML only) PorDirLn (Portsmouth Direct Line): 44.40 of 74.84 mi (59.32%) (ENG PorDirLn only) BotLn (Botley Line): 20.64 of 96.81 mi (21.32%) (ENG BotLn only) WoELn (West of England Line): 66.26 of 173.31 mi (38.23%) (ENG WoELn only) ReaLn (Reading Line): 36.55 of 43.63 mi (83.77%) (ENG ReaLn only) AltLn (Alton Line): 14.46 of 47.38 mi (30.52%) (ENG AltLn only) BasLn (Basingstoke Line): 0.16 of 48.49 mi (0.33%) (ENG BasLn only) WinLn (Windsor Line): 18.70 of 25.78 mi (72.53%) (ENG WinLn only) CheLp (Chertsey Loop): 17.28 of 30.24 mi (57.14%) (ENG CheLp only) KinLp (Kingston Loop): 4.59 of 27.18 mi (16.90%) (ENG KinLp only) NewGuiLn (New Guildford Line): 0.33 of 29.82 mi (1.10%) (ENG NewGuiLn only) BooLn (Bookham Line): 0.33 of 30.72 mi (1.07%) (ENG BooLn only) BlaVlyLn (Blackwater Valley Line): 2.55 of 14.24 mi (17.88%) (ENG BlaVlyLn only) WeyVlyLn (Wey Valley Line): 11.87 of 11.87 mi (100.00%) (ENG WeyVlyLn only) NetLn (Netley Line): 12.99 of 25.09 mi (51.76%) (ENG NetLn only) TestVlyLn (Test Valley Line): 37.54 of 37.54 mi (100.00%) (ENG TestVlyLn only) System gbnsw connected routes traveled: 16 of 23 (69.6%), clinched: 2 of 23 (8.7%). System gbntl (preview) overall: 30.12 of 301.54 mi (9.99%) System gbntl by route (traveled routes only): ThaLnk (Thameslink (Cambridge - Brighton)): 11.53 of 113.34 mi (10.18%) (ENG ThaLnkCam only) ThaLnk (Thameslink (Bedford - Brighton)): 8.61 of 104.82 mi (8.21%) (ENG ThaLnk only) ThaLnk (Thameslink (Bedford - Three Bridges)): 8.90 of 83.14 mi (10.71%) (ENG ThaLnkBed only) ThaLnk (Thameslink (Peterborough - Horsham)): 17.28 of 119.02 mi (14.52%) (ENG ThaLnkPet only) ThaLnk (Thameslink (Blackfriars - Sevenoaks)): 9.31 of 27.22 mi (34.20%) (ENG ThaLnkSev only) System gbntl connected routes traveled: 5 of 7 (71.4%), clinched: 0 of 7 (0.0%). System gbntp (preview) overall: 133.01 of 855.54 mi (15.55%) System gbntp by region: ENG: 89.43 of 679.53 mi (13.16%) SCT: 43.58 of 176.00 mi (24.76%) System gbntp by route (traveled routes only): TPASRte (TransPennine Anglo-Scottish Route (Manchester - Edinburgh)): 60.18 of 233.64 mi (25.76%) ENG TPASRte: 49.08 of 140.81 mi (34.86%) SCT TPASRte: 11.09 of 92.83 mi (11.95%) TPASRte (TransPennine Anglo-Scottish Route (Manchester - Glasgow)): 52.49 of 234.23 mi (22.41%) ENG TPASRteGla: 49.08 of 140.81 mi (34.86%) SCT TPASRteGla: 3.41 of 93.42 mi (3.65%) TPNRte (TransPennine North Route (Liverpool - Newcastle)): 4.67 of 181.49 mi (2.57%) (ENG TPNRte only) TPNRte (TransPennine North Route (Newcastle - Edinburgh)): 29.08 of 124.20 mi (23.41%) SCT TPNRte: 29.08 of 54.19 mi (53.66%) TPNRte (TransPennine North Route (Liverpool - Hull)): 3.77 of 126.93 mi (2.97%) (ENG TPNRteHul only) TPNRte (TransPennine North Route (Manchester - Saltburn)): 15.11 of 140.24 mi (10.77%) (ENG TPNRteTee only) TPNRte (TransPennine North Route (Manchester - York)): 0.51 of 67.73 mi (0.75%) (ENG TPNRtePic only) TPNRte (TransPennine North Route (Manchester - Scarborough)): 5.67 of 110.41 mi (5.13%) (ENG TPNRteSca only) TPSRte (TransPennine South Route): 35.41 of 148.57 mi (23.84%) (ENG TPSRte only) System gbntp connected routes traveled: 9 of 9 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 9 (0.0%). System gbnwm (preview) overall: 93.83 of 251.26 mi (37.34%) System gbnwm by route (traveled routes only): MalLn (Malvern Line): 18.46 of 55.27 mi (33.40%) (ENG MalLn only) SalLn (Salopian Line (Smethwick Galton Bridge)): 0.16 of 42.90 mi (0.38%) (ENG SalLn only) SalLn (Salopian Line (Bescot Stadium)): 0.16 of 45.31 mi (0.36%) (ENG SalLnBes only) ChaLn (Chase Line): 1.71 of 34.61 mi (4.95%) (ENG ChaLn only) EleBearLn (Elephant & Bear Line): 19.84 of 19.84 mi (100.00%) (ENG EleBearLn only) ShaLn (Shakespeare Line): 22.27 of 43.41 mi (51.31%) (ENG ShaLn only) WyreVlyLn (Wyre Valley Line): 35.95 of 60.57 mi (59.35%) (ENG WyreVlyLn only) XCLn (Cross-City Line): 4.83 of 32.76 mi (14.74%) (ENG XCLn only) XCLn (Cross-City Line (Bromsgrove branch)): 3.82 of 23.20 mi (16.46%) (ENG XCLnBro only) System gbnwm connected routes traveled: 9 of 11 (81.8%), clinched: 1 of 11 (9.1%). System gbnxr (preview) overall: 0.49 of 74.87 mi (0.65%) System gbnxr by route (traveled routes only): EliLn (Elizabeth Line (Reading - Abbey Wood)): 0.49 of 50.49 mi (0.97%) (ENG EliLn only) System gbnxr connected routes traveled: 1 of 3 (33.3%), clinched: 0 of 3 (0.0%). System gbnman (preview) overall: 1.30 of 59.83 mi (2.17%) System gbnman by route (traveled routes only): MetLnk (Manchester Metrolink (Altrincham - Bury)): 0.89 of 18.67 mi (4.77%) (ENG MetLnkAlB only) MetLnk (Manchester Metrolink (Altrincham - Piccadilly)): 0.89 of 8.87 mi (10.04%) (ENG MetLnkAlP only) MetLnk (Manchester Metrolink (East Didsbury - Rochdale)): 0.41 of 22.80 mi (1.78%) (ENG MetLnkEDR only) System gbnman connected routes traveled: 3 of 9 (33.3%), clinched: 0 of 9 (0.0%). Traveled 0 of 0 (-nan%), Clinched 0 of 0 (-nan%) active systems Traveled 29 of 731 (4.0%), Clinched 0 of 731 (0.0%) preview systems Most recent updates for listed routes: