Log file created at: Sun Feb 2 11:02:35 2025 bartpetat.rlist last updated: 2025-01-13 07:54:36 +0100 Waypoint label DIV_8S not found in line: NLD 4Rot Koo +DIV_8S Waypoint label DIV_25 not found in line: NLD 4Rot +DIV_25 RotCen Waypoint labels DIV_47 and BEU not found in line: NLD 8Rot +DIV_47 Beu Unknown region/highway combo in line: NLD 24Rot Oos Beu Unknown region/highway combo in line: NLD 25Rot Beu +DIV_47 Unknown region/highway combo in line: NLD 25Rot RotCen LOOP Unknown region/highway combo in line: BEL 1Gen SintPies Gra Processed 205 good lines marking 3476 segments traveled. Clinched Highway Statistics Overall in active systems: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--% Overall in active+preview systems: 2618.95 of 125058.57 mi (2.09%) Overall by region: (each line reports active only then active+preview) AUT: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 5.21 of 1572.17 mi (0.33%) BEL: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 270.02 of 1980.48 mi (13.63%) CZE: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 73.26 of 3190.23 mi (2.30%) DEU-BB: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 4.90 of 130.18 mi (3.76%) DEU-BE: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 66.98 of 354.34 mi (18.90%) DEU-HB: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 7.39 of 85.49 mi (8.65%) DEU-NW: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 299.97 of 1007.71 mi (29.77%) DNK: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 13.32 of 129.55 mi (10.28%) ENG: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 315.72 of 7527.17 mi (4.19%) ESP-AN: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 5.73 of 493.58 mi (1.16%) ESP-CT: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 28.72 of 1095.59 mi (2.62%) ESP-VC: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 7.32 of 531.54 mi (1.38%) FRA-HDF: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 206.92 of 1461.38 mi (14.16%) FRA-IDF: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 73.75 of 1200.60 mi (6.14%) HKG: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 160.69 of 180.62 mi (88.97%) IL: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 2.00 of 1599.36 mi (0.13%) JPN: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 327.94 of 16567.66 mi (1.98%) LUX: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 32.90 of 139.85 mi (23.52%) NLD: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 666.64 of 926.73 mi (71.93%) NOR: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 45.38 of 1296.82 mi (3.50%) WLS: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 4.18 of 782.21 mi (0.53%) System autss (preview) overall: 3.52 of 130.15 mi (2.70%) System autss by region: AUT: 3.52 of 109.35 mi (3.22%) DEU-BY: 0.00 of 20.80 mi (0.00%) System autss by route (traveled routes only): S2 (Salzburg): 3.52 of 21.06 mi (16.70%) AUT S2Sal: 3.52 of 20.38 mi (17.25%) S3 (Salzburg): 3.52 of 81.00 mi (4.34%) AUT S3Sal: 3.52 of 71.27 mi (4.93%) System autss connected routes traveled: 2 of 5 (40.0%), clinched: 0 of 5 (0.0%). System autstw (preview) overall: 1.69 of 118.62 mi (1.43%) System autstw by route (traveled routes only): 9 (Wien): 0.48 of 3.73 mi (12.77%) (AUT 9Wie only) 49 (Wien): 1.69 of 5.27 mi (32.13%) (AUT 49Wie only) System autstw connected routes traveled: 2 of 30 (6.7%), clinched: 0 of 30 (0.0%). System belic (preview) overall: 277.78 of 1372.11 mi (20.25%) System belic by region: BEL: 213.13 of 1268.25 mi (16.80%) FRA-HDF: 0.00 of 8.91 mi (0.00%) LUX: 27.20 of 57.49 mi (47.31%) NLD: 37.46 of 37.46 mi (100.00%) System belic by route (traveled routes only): IC1: 90.76 of 164.42 mi (55.20%) (BEL IC1 only) IC2: 65.95 of 79.79 mi (82.65%) (BEL IC2 only) IC3: 67.26 of 125.44 mi (53.62%) (BEL IC3 only) IC4 (Poperinge portion): 40.86 of 93.62 mi (43.64%) (BEL IC4 only) IC4 (Lille portion): 40.86 of 85.10 mi (48.01%) BEL IC4Lil: 40.86 of 76.19 mi (53.63%) IC5: 31.45 of 65.17 mi (48.26%) (BEL IC5 only) IC6: 43.99 of 107.92 mi (40.76%) BEL IC6: 23.88 of 60.55 mi (39.44%) BEL IC6Mon: 20.11 of 47.37 mi (42.45%) IC7: 49.24 of 82.96 mi (59.36%) (BEL IC7 only) IC8: 25.25 of 86.79 mi (29.10%) (BEL IC8 only) IC9: 1.52 of 35.66 mi (4.25%) (BEL IC9 only) IC10 (Hamont portion): 1.52 of 54.43 mi (2.79%) (BEL IC10 only) IC10 (Hasselt portion): 1.52 of 61.31 mi (2.47%) (BEL IC10Has only) IC11: 23.55 of 87.59 mi (26.89%) (BEL IC11 only) IC12: 65.03 of 147.70 mi (44.03%) (BEL IC12 only) IC13: 15.50 of 56.91 mi (27.23%) (BEL IC13 only) IC14: 19.43 of 117.84 mi (16.49%) (BEL IC14 only) IC15: 1.52 of 48.18 mi (3.15%) (BEL IC15 only) IC16: 2.88 of 142.59 mi (2.02%) BEL IC16: 2.88 of 131.07 mi (2.19%) IC17: 2.98 of 59.59 mi (5.01%) (BEL IC17 only) IC18: 3.23 of 78.94 mi (4.10%) (BEL IC18 only) IC20: 67.26 of 135.72 mi (49.56%) (BEL IC20 only) IC21: 2.29 of 51.07 mi (4.48%) (BEL IC21 only) IC23: 45.65 of 154.91 mi (29.47%) BEL IC23: 22.66 of 110.22 mi (20.56%) BEL IC23Gen: 22.99 of 44.70 mi (51.44%) IC25: 0.36 of 87.96 mi (0.41%) (BEL IC25 only) IC26: 16.78 of 92.21 mi (18.19%) (BEL IC26 only) IC28: 40.86 of 94.31 mi (43.32%) (BEL IC28 only) IC29: 24.09 of 104.30 mi (23.10%) (BEL IC29 only) IC30: 2.39 of 32.40 mi (7.38%) (BEL IC30 only) IC31: 20.15 of 29.87 mi (67.45%) (BEL IC31 only) IC32: 0.90 of 33.20 mi (2.70%) (BEL IC32 only) IC33: 29.01 of 94.94 mi (30.55%) BEL IC33: 1.81 of 48.97 mi (3.70%) LUX IC33: 27.20 of 45.97 mi (59.16%) IC35: 98.17 of 98.17 mi (100.00%) NLD IC35: 38.71 of 38.71 mi (100.00%) BEL IC35: 59.46 of 59.46 mi (100.00%) System belic connected routes traveled: 32 of 34 (94.1%), clinched: 1 of 34 (2.9%). System bell (preview) overall: 33.20 of 644.44 mi (5.15%) System bell by route (traveled routes only): L1: 0.36 of 36.58 mi (0.98%) (BEL L1 only) L2: 25.59 of 70.78 mi (36.16%) (BEL L2 only) L2 (Zeebrugge Strand branch): 25.59 of 70.96 mi (36.07%) (BEL L2Str only) L9: 2.69 of 10.22 mi (26.35%) (BEL L9 only) L15: 1.81 of 47.66 mi (3.80%) (BEL L15 only) L23: 2.39 of 35.78 mi (6.68%) (BEL L23 only) L27: 0.99 of 36.25 mi (2.73%) (BEL L27 only) L28: 2.27 of 62.04 mi (3.66%) (BEL L28 only) System bell connected routes traveled: 8 of 19 (42.1%), clinched: 0 of 19 (0.0%). System belrsa (preview) overall: 60.13 of 113.96 mi (52.77%) System belrsa by region: BEL: 55.02 of 108.85 mi (50.55%) NLD: 5.11 of 5.11 mi (100.00%) System belrsa by route (traveled routes only): S32 (Antwerp): 27.02 of 40.22 mi (67.19%) NLD S32Ant: 5.11 of 5.11 mi (100.00%) BEL S32: 21.91 of 35.11 mi (62.41%) S33 (Antwerp): 2.39 of 34.43 mi (6.95%) (BEL S33 only) S34 (Antwerp): 24.25 of 32.84 mi (73.85%) (BEL S34 only) S35 (Antwerp): 15.02 of 15.02 mi (100.00%) (BEL S35 only) System belrsa connected routes traveled: 4 of 4 (100.0%), clinched: 1 of 4 (25.0%). System belrsb (preview) overall: 46.53 of 277.24 mi (16.78%) System belrsb by route (traveled routes only): S1 (Bruxelles / Brussels): 18.83 of 48.60 mi (38.75%) (BEL S1 only) S2 (Bruxelles / Brussels): 18.28 of 39.01 mi (46.87%) (BEL S2 only) S3 (Bruxelles / Brussels): 11.67 of 50.05 mi (23.31%) (BEL S3 only) S4 (Bruxelles / Brussels): 0.36 of 40.37 mi (0.88%) (BEL S4 only) S5 (Bruxelles / Brussels): 2.91 of 35.14 mi (8.29%) (BEL S5 only) S7 (Bruxelles / Brussels): 1.30 of 17.32 mi (7.48%) (BEL S7 only) S8 (Bruxelles / Brussels): 14.66 of 51.30 mi (28.57%) (BEL S8 only) S9 (Bruxelles / Brussels): 2.97 of 38.29 mi (7.76%) (BEL S9 only) S10 (Bruxelles / Brussels): 3.40 of 43.26 mi (7.86%) (BEL S10 only) S19 (Bruxelles / Brussels): 2.98 of 44.27 mi (6.74%) (BEL S19 only) System belrsb connected routes traveled: 10 of 12 (83.3%), clinched: 0 of 12 (0.0%). System belrsg (preview) overall: 16.90 of 72.92 mi (23.18%) System belrsg by route (traveled routes only): S51 (Gent): 5.34 of 40.35 mi (13.22%) (BEL S51 only) S52 (Gent): 1.66 of 22.65 mi (7.31%) (BEL S52 only) S53 (Gent): 16.90 of 31.94 mi (52.92%) (BEL S53 only) System belrsg connected routes traveled: 3 of 3 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 3 (0.0%). System belrsl (preview) overall: 51.49 of 114.81 mi (44.85%) System belrsl by region: BEL: 40.51 of 103.83 mi (39.01%) DEU-NW: 4.23 of 4.23 mi (100.00%) NLD: 6.74 of 6.74 mi (100.00%) System belrsl by route (traveled routes only): S41 (Liége): 32.85 of 65.71 mi (49.99%) BEL S41: 28.62 of 61.48 mi (46.55%) DEU-NW S41Lie: 4.23 of 4.23 mi (100.00%) S42 (Liége): 0.86 of 15.65 mi (5.49%) (BEL S42 only) S43 (Liége): 19.50 of 19.50 mi (100.00%) BEL S43: 12.75 of 12.75 mi (100.00%) NLD S43Lie: 6.74 of 6.74 mi (100.00%) S44 (Liége): 11.22 of 35.74 mi (31.39%) (BEL S44 only) System belrsl connected routes traveled: 4 of 4 (100.0%), clinched: 1 of 4 (25.0%). System czeep (preview) overall: 45.02 of 963.04 mi (4.67%) System czeep by route (traveled routes only): S1 (Praha): 38.68 of 38.68 mi (100.00%) (CZE S1 only) S2 (Praha): 1.44 of 46.34 mi (3.10%) (CZE S2 only) S4 (Praha): 0.26 of 35.14 mi (0.73%) (CZE S4 only) S5 (Praha): 0.26 of 22.39 mi (1.15%) (CZE S5 only) S7 (Praha): 18.54 of 46.47 mi (39.91%) (CZE S7 only) S11 (Praha): 0.44 of 8.89 mi (4.99%) (CZE S11 only) S12 (Praha): 0.56 of 9.48 mi (5.89%) (CZE S12 only) S20 (Praha): 6.34 of 34.47 mi (18.38%) (CZE S20 only) S22 (Praha): 1.30 of 24.95 mi (5.21%) (CZE S22 only) S28 (Praha): 6.34 of 27.02 mi (23.45%) (CZE S28 only) S34 (Praha): 1.30 of 11.28 mi (11.53%) (CZE S34 only) S49 (Praha): 1.62 of 13.47 mi (12.06%) (CZE S49 only) S54 (Praha): 0.26 of 31.78 mi (0.81%) (CZE S54 only) S61 (Praha): 1.17 of 10.96 mi (10.69%) (CZE S61 only) S71 (Praha): 1.17 of 15.44 mi (7.59%) (CZE S71 only) System czeep connected routes traveled: 15 of 55 (27.3%), clinched: 1 of 55 (1.8%). System czeiredo (preview) overall: 0.14 of 346.42 mi (0.04%) System czeiredo by route (traveled routes only): V41: 0.14 of 78.37 mi (0.18%) (CZE V41 only) System czeiredo connected routes traveled: 1 of 24 (4.2%), clinched: 0 of 24 (0.0%). System czemp (preview) overall: 15.17 of 39.89 mi (38.02%) System czemp by route (traveled routes only): A (Praha): 4.92 of 10.51 mi (46.85%) (CZE A only) B (Praha): 6.92 of 15.76 mi (43.89%) (CZE B only) C (Praha): 3.32 of 13.62 mi (24.41%) (CZE C only) System czemp connected routes traveled: 3 of 3 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 3 (0.0%). System czetb (preview) overall: 4.86 of 43.39 mi (11.20%) System czetb by route (traveled routes only): 3 (Brno): 4.86 of 6.96 mi (69.76%) (CZE 3Brn only) 10 (Brno): 4.86 of 10.06 mi (48.31%) (CZE 10Brn only) 11 (Brno): 0.26 of 1.07 mi (24.49%) (CZE 11Brn only) 12 (Brno): 0.75 of 5.13 mi (14.71%) (CZE 12Brn only) System czetb connected routes traveled: 4 of 12 (33.3%), clinched: 0 of 12 (0.0%). System czetp (preview) overall: 8.21 of 86.34 mi (9.51%) System czetp by route (traveled routes only): 1 (Praha): 1.60 of 8.99 mi (17.78%) (CZE 1Pra only) 2 (Praha): 1.27 of 9.15 mi (13.83%) (CZE 2Pra only) 6 (Praha): 1.81 of 8.34 mi (21.74%) (CZE 6Pra only) 8 (Praha): 0.93 of 8.86 mi (10.51%) (CZE 8Pra only) 12 (Praha): 1.78 of 9.83 mi (18.08%) (CZE 12Pra only) 14 (Praha): 1.06 of 9.50 mi (11.19%) (CZE 14Pra only) 15 (Praha): 0.41 of 7.21 mi (5.68%) (CZE 15Pra only) 18 (Praha): 1.66 of 7.06 mi (23.54%) (CZE 18Pra only) 20 (Praha): 5.19 of 10.46 mi (49.67%) (CZE 20Pra only) 22 (Praha): 2.02 of 12.92 mi (15.66%) (CZE 22Pra only) 23 (Praha): 1.94 of 4.94 mi (39.30%) (CZE 23Pra only) 25 (Praha): 1.60 of 11.14 mi (14.34%) (CZE 25Pra only) 26 (Praha): 4.17 of 13.14 mi (31.70%) (CZE 26Pra only) System czetp connected routes traveled: 13 of 26 (50.0%), clinched: 0 of 26 (0.0%). System deubs (preview) overall: 45.23 of 200.23 mi (22.59%) System deubs by region: DEU-BB: 3.06 of 52.50 mi (5.83%) DEU-BE: 42.17 of 147.73 mi (28.55%) System deubs by route (traveled routes only): S1 (Berlin): 4.98 of 32.31 mi (15.40%) DEU-BE S1: 4.98 of 25.33 mi (19.64%) S2 (Berlin): 2.45 of 29.13 mi (8.42%) DEU-BE S2: 2.45 of 22.19 mi (11.06%) S3 (Berlin): 9.82 of 28.32 mi (34.68%) DEU-BE S3: 9.82 of 27.58 mi (35.62%) S5 (Berlin): 10.64 of 30.73 mi (34.61%) DEU-BE S5: 10.64 of 16.61 mi (64.03%) S7 (Berlin): 23.48 of 29.51 mi (79.56%) DEU-BB S7: 3.06 of 3.06 mi (100.00%) DEU-BE S7: 20.42 of 26.45 mi (77.20%) S8 (Berlin): 1.16 of 34.95 mi (3.32%) DEU-BE S8: 1.16 of 24.97 mi (4.65%) S9 (Berlin): 10.98 of 30.35 mi (36.19%) DEU-BE S9: 10.98 of 24.40 mi (45.02%) S25 (Berlin): 6.62 of 24.76 mi (26.72%) DEU-BE S25: 6.62 of 22.26 mi (29.72%) S26 (Berlin): 6.62 of 17.15 mi (38.57%) DEU-BE S26: 6.62 of 15.74 mi (42.04%) S41 (Berlin (clockwise)): 11.70 of 23.14 mi (50.55%) (DEU-BE S41 only) S42 (Berlin (counterclockwise)): 11.70 of 23.14 mi (50.55%) (DEU-BE S42 only) S45 (Berlin): 4.61 of 19.95 mi (23.12%) DEU-BE S45: 4.61 of 14.00 mi (32.96%) S46 (Berlin): 5.85 of 25.27 mi (23.13%) DEU-BE S46: 5.85 of 19.56 mi (29.89%) S47 (Berlin): 0.92 of 6.25 mi (14.77%) (DEU-BE S47 only) S75 (Berlin): 2.28 of 8.48 mi (26.94%) (DEU-BE S75 only) S85 (Berlin): 1.16 of 18.92 mi (6.13%) (DEU-BE S85 only) System deubs connected routes traveled: 16 of 16 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 16 (0.0%). System deurrs (preview) overall: 231.39 of 435.48 mi (53.13%) System deurrs by route (traveled routes only): S1 (Rhein-Ruhr): 51.47 of 60.90 mi (84.52%) (DEU-NW S1 only) S2 (Rhein-Ruhr): 2.41 of 26.50 mi (9.10%) (DEU-NW S2 only) S2 (Rhein-Ruhr, Recklinghausen branch): 1.68 of 20.70 mi (8.11%) (DEU-NW S2Rec only) S3 (Rhein-Ruhr): 12.18 of 19.83 mi (61.40%) (DEU-NW S3 only) S4 (Rhein-Ruhr): 1.23 of 18.70 mi (6.58%) (DEU-NW S4 only) S5 (Rhein-Ruhr): 17.50 of 19.38 mi (90.29%) (DEU-NW S5 only) S6 (Rhein-Ruhr): 33.52 of 57.60 mi (58.19%) (DEU-NW S6 only) S7 (Rhein-Ruhr): 24.74 of 24.74 mi (100.00%) (DEU-NW S7 only) S8 (Rhein-Ruhr): 38.68 of 51.13 mi (75.65%) (DEU-NW S8 only) S9 (Rhein-Ruhr): 13.49 of 70.63 mi (19.10%) (DEU-NW S9 only) S11 (Rhein-Ruhr): 33.90 of 44.82 mi (75.65%) (DEU-NW S11 only) S12 (Rhein-Ruhr): 52.44 of 52.44 mi (100.00%) (DEU-NW S12 only) S19 (Rhein-Ruhr): 60.76 of 68.76 mi (88.37%) (DEU-NW S19 only) S28 (Rhein-Ruhr): 13.91 of 29.78 mi (46.73%) (DEU-NW S28 only) S68 (Rhein-Ruhr): 24.10 of 24.10 mi (100.00%) (DEU-NW S68 only) System deurrs connected routes traveled: 15 of 17 (88.2%), clinched: 3 of 17 (17.6%). System deubu (preview) overall: 20.41 of 90.25 mi (22.61%) System deubu by route (traveled routes only): U1 (Berlin): 5.05 of 5.49 mi (92.06%) (DEU-BE U1 only) U2 (Berlin): 0.79 of 12.63 mi (6.29%) (DEU-BE U2 only) U3 (Berlin): 7.57 of 11.63 mi (65.13%) (DEU-BE U3 only) U4 (Berlin): 1.74 of 1.74 mi (100.00%) (DEU-BE U4 only) U5 (Berlin): 6.02 of 13.49 mi (44.61%) (DEU-BE U5 only) U6 (Berlin): 4.46 of 12.60 mi (35.36%) (DEU-BE U6 only) System deubu connected routes traveled: 6 of 9 (66.7%), clinched: 1 of 9 (11.1%). System deurru (preview) overall: 12.14 of 135.00 mi (8.99%) System deurru by route (traveled routes only): U70 (Düsseldorf): 1.19 of 14.05 mi (8.44%) (DEU-NW U70 only) U71 (Düsseldorf): 1.14 of 6.73 mi (16.98%) (DEU-NW U71 only) U72 (Düsseldorf): 2.74 of 13.91 mi (19.69%) (DEU-NW U72 only) U73 (Düsseldorf): 4.10 of 8.35 mi (49.05%) (DEU-NW U73 only) U75 (Düsseldorf): 1.19 of 9.67 mi (12.26%) (DEU-NW U75 only) U76 (Düsseldorf): 1.19 of 17.78 mi (6.67%) (DEU-NW U76 only) U77 (Düsseldorf): 1.19 of 7.28 mi (16.28%) (DEU-NW U77 only) U78 (Düsseldorf): 4.05 of 5.18 mi (78.15%) (DEU-NW U78 only) U79 (Düsseldorf): 7.45 of 23.61 mi (31.55%) (DEU-NW U79 only) U83 (Düsseldorf): 2.15 of 6.69 mi (32.06%) (DEU-NW U83 only) System deurru connected routes traveled: 10 of 22 (45.5%), clinched: 0 of 22 (0.0%). System deuws (preview) overall: 7.82 of 7.82 mi (100.00%) System deuws by route (traveled routes only): WupSch (Wuppertaler Schwebebahn): 7.82 of 7.82 mi (100.00%) (DEU-NW WupSch only) System deuws connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 1 of 1 (100.0%). System deubt (preview) overall: 6.24 of 146.06 mi (4.28%) System deubt by region: DEU-BB: 1.84 of 29.69 mi (6.20%) DEU-BE: 4.40 of 116.37 mi (3.78%) System deubt by route (traveled routes only): M1 (Berlin): 1.74 of 8.32 mi (20.96%) (DEU-BE M1 only) M5 (Berlin): 0.64 of 10.11 mi (6.34%) (DEU-BE M5 only) M8 (Berlin): 1.34 of 12.80 mi (10.46%) (DEU-BE M8 only) M10 (Berlin): 2.20 of 7.13 mi (30.86%) (DEU-BE M10 only) 12 (Berlin): 1.24 of 6.95 mi (17.80%) (DEU-BE 12Ber only) 91 (Potsdam (Rehbrücke bound)): 1.21 of 6.34 mi (19.05%) (DEU-BB 91Pot only) 91 (Potsdam (Pirschheide bound)): 1.21 of 6.16 mi (19.60%) (DEU-BB 91Pir only) 92 (Potsdam): 1.39 of 7.90 mi (17.57%) (DEU-BB 92Pot only) 93 (Potsdam): 0.60 of 4.91 mi (12.20%) (DEU-BB 93Pot only) 94 (Potsdam): 0.61 of 5.07 mi (12.01%) (DEU-BB 94Pot only) 96 (Potsdam): 1.39 of 8.41 mi (16.50%) (DEU-BB 96Pot only) 98 (Potsdam): 1.21 of 5.71 mi (21.16%) (DEU-BB 98Pot only) 99 (Potsdam): 0.60 of 3.17 mi (18.88%) (DEU-BB 99Pot only) System deubt connected routes traveled: 13 of 41 (31.7%), clinched: 0 of 41 (0.0%). System deuhbt (preview) overall: 7.39 of 48.08 mi (15.38%) System deuhbt by region: DEU-HB: 7.39 of 45.29 mi (16.32%) DEU-NI: 0.00 of 2.78 mi (0.00%) System deuhbt by route (traveled routes only): 1 (Bremen): 0.25 of 13.62 mi (1.82%) (DEU-HB 1Bre only) 2 (Bremen): 3.02 of 7.42 mi (40.65%) (DEU-HB 2Bre only) 3 (Bremen): 4.11 of 7.39 mi (55.60%) (DEU-HB 3Bre only) 4 (Bremen): 0.06 of 13.97 mi (0.41%) DEU-HB 4Bre: 0.06 of 11.19 mi (0.51%) 5 (Bremen): 3.95 of 5.19 mi (76.04%) (DEU-HB 5Bre only) 6 (Bremen): 0.06 of 6.23 mi (0.91%) (DEU-HB 6Bre only) 8 (Bremen): 0.06 of 6.06 mi (0.93%) (DEU-HB 8Bre only) 10 (Bremen): 3.28 of 8.50 mi (38.62%) (DEU-HB 10Bre only) System deuhbt connected routes traveled: 8 of 8 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 8 (0.0%). System deurrt (preview) overall: 4.83 of 191.22 mi (2.53%) System deurrt by route (traveled routes only): 709 (Düsseldorf): 0.25 of 9.85 mi (2.57%) (DEU-NW 709Dus only) 901 (Duisburg): 0.15 of 13.05 mi (1.15%) (DEU-NW 901Dui only) 903 (Duisburg): 4.58 of 16.98 mi (26.96%) (DEU-NW 903Dui only) System deurrt connected routes traveled: 3 of 33 (9.1%), clinched: 0 of 33 (0.0%). System deunwh (preview) overall: 1.65 of 1.65 mi (100.00%) System deunwh by route (traveled routes only): HB21 (H-BAHN21 Dortmund Linie 1): 1.57 of 1.57 mi (100.00%) (DEU-NW HB211 only) HB21 (H-BAHN21 Dortmund Linie 2): 0.55 of 0.55 mi (100.00%) (DEU-NW HB212 only) HB21 (H-BAHN21 Dortmund Linie 3): 0.86 of 0.86 mi (100.00%) (DEU-NW HB213 only) HB21 (H-BAHN21 Dortmund Linie 5): 0.86 of 0.86 mi (100.00%) (DEU-NW HB215 only) HB21 (H-BAHN21 Dortmund Linie 7): 0.71 of 0.71 mi (100.00%) (DEU-NW HB217 only) System deunwh connected routes traveled: 5 of 5 (100.0%), clinched: 5 of 5 (100.0%). System dnkks (preview) overall: 0.97 of 104.01 mi (0.93%) System dnkks by route (traveled routes only): A (København): 0.97 of 40.80 mi (2.37%) (DNK A only) B (København): 0.97 of 29.18 mi (3.31%) (DNK B only) C (København): 0.97 of 34.39 mi (2.81%) (DNK C only) E (København): 0.97 of 35.96 mi (2.69%) (DNK E only) H (København): 0.97 of 13.05 mi (7.41%) (DNK H only) System dnkks connected routes traveled: 5 of 6 (83.3%), clinched: 0 of 6 (0.0%). System dnkkm (preview) overall: 12.35 of 25.54 mi (48.36%) System dnkkm by route (traveled routes only): M1 (København): 8.37 of 8.37 mi (100.00%) (DNK M1 only) M2 (København): 8.67 of 8.67 mi (100.00%) (DNK M2 only) System dnkkm connected routes traveled: 2 of 4 (50.0%), clinched: 2 of 4 (50.0%). System espave (preview) overall: 1.77 of 1567.27 mi (0.11%) System espave by region: ESP-AN: 1.77 of 296.87 mi (0.60%) ESP-AR: 0.00 of 156.84 mi (0.00%) ESP-AS: 0.00 of 52.77 mi (0.00%) ESP-CL: 0.00 of 232.11 mi (0.00%) ESP-CM: 0.00 of 355.66 mi (0.00%) ESP-CT: 0.00 of 211.01 mi (0.00%) ESP-MD: 0.00 of 102.32 mi (0.00%) ESP-VC: 0.00 of 159.70 mi (0.00%) System espave by route (traveled routes only): MadMal (Madrid - Málaga): 1.77 of 323.55 mi (0.55%) ESP-AN MadMal: 1.77 of 157.07 mi (1.12%) System espave connected routes traveled: 1 of 5 (20.0%), clinched: 0 of 5 (0.0%). System espcma (preview) overall: 4.97 of 39.35 mi (12.64%) System espcma by route (traveled routes only): C1 (Malaga): 4.97 of 18.95 mi (26.25%) (ESP-AN C1Mal only) C2 (Malaga): 2.63 of 23.03 mi (11.43%) (ESP-AN C2Mal only) System espcma connected routes traveled: 2 of 2 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 2 (0.0%). System esprc (preview) overall: 28.72 of 760.36 mi (3.78%) System esprc by route (traveled routes only): R5: 28.72 of 38.16 mi (75.26%) (ESP-CT R5 only) R50: 28.72 of 38.16 mi (75.26%) (ESP-CT R50 only) R6: 18.96 of 38.94 mi (48.68%) (ESP-CT R6 only) R60: 18.96 of 38.94 mi (48.68%) (ESP-CT R60 only) System esprc connected routes traveled: 4 of 24 (16.7%), clinched: 0 of 24 (0.0%). System espmb (preview) overall: 7.28 of 84.93 mi (8.57%) System espmb by route (traveled routes only): L8: 7.28 of 7.28 mi (100.00%) (ESP-CT L8 only) System espmb connected routes traveled: 1 of 14 (7.1%), clinched: 1 of 14 (7.1%). System espmvbl (preview) overall: 23.36 of 51.86 mi (45.05%) System espmvbl by route (traveled routes only): S3 (Metro del Baix Llobregat): 10.67 of 10.67 mi (100.00%) (ESP-CT S3 only) S4 (Metro del Baix Llobregat): 23.36 of 23.36 mi (100.00%) (ESP-CT S4 only) S8 (Metro del Baix Llobregat): 18.89 of 18.89 mi (100.00%) (ESP-CT S8 only) S9 (Metro del Baix Llobregat): 11.22 of 11.22 mi (100.00%) (ESP-CT S9 only) System espmvbl connected routes traveled: 4 of 9 (44.4%), clinched: 4 of 9 (44.4%). System espms (preview) overall: 0.75 of 10.32 mi (7.29%) System espms by route (traveled routes only): L1: 0.75 of 10.32 mi (7.29%) (ESP-AN L1 only) System espms connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 1 (0.0%). System espmv (preview) overall: 7.32 of 83.27 mi (8.79%) System espmv by route (traveled routes only): 1 (Valencia): 0.09 of 44.25 mi (0.20%) (ESP-VC 1Val only) 2 (Valencia): 0.09 of 24.46 mi (0.36%) (ESP-VC 2Val only) 3 (Valencia): 6.57 of 15.21 mi (43.19%) (ESP-VC 3Val only) 5 (Valencia): 6.57 of 8.25 mi (79.63%) (ESP-VC 5Val only) 7 (Valencia): 1.44 of 9.40 mi (15.27%) (ESP-VC 7Val only) 9 (Valencia): 6.34 of 14.49 mi (43.78%) (ESP-VC 9Val only) System espmv connected routes traveled: 6 of 6 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 6 (0.0%). System eures (preview) overall: 635.44 of 734.63 mi (86.50%) System eures by region: BEL: 119.55 of 199.07 mi (60.05%) DEU-NW: 121.97 of 121.97 mi (100.00%) ENG: 87.44 of 87.44 mi (100.00%) FRA-HDF: 205.35 of 206.43 mi (99.48%) FRA-IDF: 23.08 of 41.67 mi (55.39%) NLD: 78.05 of 78.05 mi (100.00%) System eures by route (traveled routes only): LonPar (Eurostar Blue (London - Paris)): 308.34 of 309.42 mi (99.65%) ENG LonPar: 87.44 of 87.44 mi (100.00%) FRA-HDF LonPar: 197.82 of 198.90 mi (99.46%) FRA-IDF LonPar: 23.08 of 23.08 mi (100.00%) LonAms (Eurostar Blue (London - Amsterdam)): 368.80 of 368.80 mi (100.00%) ENG LonAms: 87.44 of 87.44 mi (100.00%) FRA-HDF LonAms: 91.67 of 91.67 mi (100.00%) BEL LonAms: 111.64 of 111.64 mi (100.00%) NLD LonAms: 78.05 of 78.05 mi (100.00%) ParAms (Eurostar Red (Paris - Amsterdam)): 331.98 of 331.98 mi (100.00%) FRA-IDF ParAms: 23.08 of 23.08 mi (100.00%) FRA-HDF ParAms: 119.21 of 119.21 mi (100.00%) BEL ParAms: 111.64 of 111.64 mi (100.00%) NLD ParAms: 78.05 of 78.05 mi (100.00%) ParDor (Eurostar Red (Paris - Dortmund)): 332.34 of 411.87 mi (80.69%) FRA-IDF ParDor: 23.08 of 23.08 mi (100.00%) FRA-HDF ParDor: 119.21 of 119.21 mi (100.00%) BEL ParDor: 68.07 of 147.60 mi (46.12%) DEU-NW ParDor: 121.97 of 121.97 mi (100.00%) AmsDis (Eurostar Red (Amsterdam - Marne-la-Vallée)): 314.54 of 333.13 mi (94.42%) NLD AmsDis: 78.05 of 78.05 mi (100.00%) BEL AmsDis: 111.64 of 111.64 mi (100.00%) FRA-HDF AmsDis: 119.21 of 119.21 mi (100.00%) FRA-IDF AmsDis: 5.63 of 24.22 mi (23.25%) System eures connected routes traveled: 5 of 5 (100.0%), clinched: 2 of 5 (40.0%). System euret (preview) overall: 34.92 of 34.92 mi (100.00%) System euret by region: ENG: 18.44 of 18.44 mi (100.00%) FRA-HDF: 16.49 of 16.49 mi (100.00%) System euret by route (traveled routes only): ChaTnl (LeShuttle): 34.92 of 34.92 mi (100.00%) ENG ChaTnl: 18.44 of 18.44 mi (100.00%) FRA-HDF ChaTnl: 16.49 of 16.49 mi (100.00%) System euret connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 1 of 1 (100.0%). System eurair (preview) overall: 1.41 of 14.92 mi (9.47%) System eurair by region: DEU-HE: 0.00 of 0.19 mi (0.00%) DEU-NW: 1.41 of 1.41 mi (100.00%) ENG: 0.00 of 3.12 mi (0.00%) FRA-IDF: 0.00 of 6.21 mi (0.00%) ITA-EMI: 0.00 of 3.02 mi (0.00%) ITA-TOS: 0.00 of 0.96 mi (0.00%) System eurair by route (traveled routes only): SkyTrn (DUS SkyTrain Düsseldorf): 1.41 of 1.41 mi (100.00%) (DEU-NW SkyTrn only) System eurair connected routes traveled: 1 of 12 (8.3%), clinched: 1 of 12 (8.3%). System eurhr (preview) overall: 4.18 of 586.65 mi (0.71%) System eurhr by region: ENG: 0.00 of 401.75 mi (0.00%) ESP-IB: 0.00 of 2.69 mi (0.00%) GGY: 0.00 of 1.63 mi (0.00%) IMN: 0.00 of 1.59 mi (0.00%) IRL: 0.00 of 5.58 mi (0.00%) NIR: 0.00 of 3.41 mi (0.00%) NOR: 0.00 of 0.62 mi (0.00%) SCT: 0.00 of 70.15 mi (0.00%) WLS: 4.18 of 99.23 mi (4.21%) System eurhr by route (traveled routes only): GtOrmeTwy (Great Orme Tramway): 0.88 of 0.88 mi (100.00%) (WLS GtOrmeTwy only) SnoMouRwy (Snowdon Mountain Railway): 3.29 of 4.41 mi (74.63%) (WLS SnoMouRwy only) System eurhr connected routes traveled: 2 of 154 (1.3%), clinched: 1 of 154 (0.6%). System fratgv (preview) overall: 268.20 of 4811.64 mi (5.57%) System fratgv by region: BEL: 55.55 of 55.55 mi (100.00%) ESP-CT: 0.00 of 95.67 mi (0.00%) FRA-ARA: 0.00 of 453.16 mi (0.00%) FRA-BFC: 0.00 of 462.60 mi (0.00%) FRA-BRE: 0.00 of 374.36 mi (0.00%) FRA-CVL: 0.00 of 201.86 mi (0.00%) FRA-GES: 0.00 of 680.25 mi (0.00%) FRA-HDF: 187.86 of 342.18 mi (54.90%) FRA-IDF: 24.80 of 256.27 mi (9.68%) FRA-NAQ: 0.00 of 556.94 mi (0.00%) FRA-NOR: 0.00 of 94.48 mi (0.00%) FRA-OCC: 0.00 of 384.04 mi (0.00%) FRA-PAC: 0.00 of 303.17 mi (0.00%) FRA-PDL: 0.00 of 394.01 mi (0.00%) ITA-LOM: 0.00 of 21.00 mi (0.00%) ITA-PIE: 0.00 of 125.09 mi (0.00%) LUX: 0.00 of 10.30 mi (0.00%) MCO: 0.00 of 0.73 mi (0.00%) System fratgv by route (traveled routes only): BruBor (Brussels - Bordeaux): 190.91 of 586.65 mi (32.54%) BEL BruBor: 55.55 of 55.55 mi (100.00%) FRA-HDF BruBor: 129.73 of 130.80 mi (99.18%) FRA-IDF BruBor: 5.63 of 91.69 mi (6.14%) BruMar (Brussels - Marseille): 190.91 of 679.56 mi (28.09%) BEL BruMar: 55.55 of 55.55 mi (100.00%) FRA-HDF BruMar: 129.73 of 130.80 mi (99.18%) FRA-IDF BruMar: 5.63 of 71.79 mi (7.85%) BruMon (Brussels - Montpellier): 183.27 of 674.32 mi (27.18%) BEL BruMon: 55.55 of 55.55 mi (100.00%) FRA-HDF BruMon: 122.09 of 137.28 mi (88.94%) FRA-IDF BruMon: 5.63 of 71.79 mi (7.85%) BruNan (Brussels - Nantes): 190.91 of 490.73 mi (38.90%) BEL BruNan: 55.55 of 55.55 mi (100.00%) FRA-HDF BruNan: 129.73 of 130.80 mi (99.18%) FRA-IDF BruNan: 5.63 of 91.69 mi (6.14%) BruStr (Brussels - Strasbourg): 190.91 of 459.47 mi (41.55%) BEL BruStr: 55.55 of 55.55 mi (100.00%) FRA-HDF BruStr: 129.73 of 130.80 mi (99.18%) FRA-IDF BruStr: 5.63 of 41.18 mi (13.68%) ParBor (Paris - Bordeaux): 1.72 of 345.82 mi (0.50%) FRA-IDF ParBor: 1.72 of 37.22 mi (4.62%) ParBre (Paris - Brest): 1.72 of 383.61 mi (0.45%) FRA-IDF ParBre: 1.72 of 37.22 mi (4.62%) ParCal (Paris - Calais): 204.54 of 210.52 mi (97.16%) FRA-IDF ParCal: 23.08 of 23.08 mi (100.00%) FRA-HDF ParCal: 181.46 of 187.44 mi (96.81%) ParDun (Paris - Dunkerque): 104.27 of 183.59 mi (56.79%) FRA-IDF ParDun: 23.08 of 23.08 mi (100.00%) FRA-HDF ParDun: 81.19 of 160.51 mi (50.58%) ParHen (Paris - Hendaye): 1.72 of 484.36 mi (0.36%) FRA-IDF ParHen: 1.72 of 37.22 mi (4.62%) ParRoc (Paris - La Rochelle): 1.72 of 290.48 mi (0.59%) FRA-IDF ParRoc: 1.72 of 37.22 mi (4.62%) ParCro (Paris - Le Croisic): 1.72 of 301.11 mi (0.57%) FRA-IDF ParCro: 1.72 of 37.22 mi (4.62%) ParSab (Paris - Les Sables-d'Olonne): 1.72 of 315.86 mi (0.54%) FRA-IDF ParSab: 1.72 of 37.22 mi (4.62%) ParLil (Paris - Lille): 140.32 of 149.73 mi (93.72%) FRA-IDF ParLil: 23.08 of 23.08 mi (100.00%) FRA-HDF ParLil: 117.24 of 126.65 mi (92.57%) ParPoi (Paris - Poitiers): 1.72 of 203.57 mi (0.85%) FRA-IDF ParPoi: 1.72 of 37.22 mi (4.62%) ParQui (Paris - Quimper): 1.72 of 380.55 mi (0.45%) FRA-IDF ParQui: 1.72 of 37.22 mi (4.62%) ParStM (Paris - Saint-Malo): 1.72 of 283.12 mi (0.61%) FRA-IDF ParStM: 1.72 of 37.22 mi (4.62%) ParTou (Paris - Toulouse): 1.72 of 499.43 mi (0.34%) FRA-IDF ParTou: 1.72 of 37.22 mi (4.62%) ParTrs (Paris - Tours): 1.72 of 140.92 mi (1.22%) FRA-IDF ParTrs: 1.72 of 37.22 mi (4.62%) ParVal (Paris - Valenciennes): 104.27 of 151.03 mi (69.04%) FRA-IDF ParVal: 23.08 of 23.08 mi (100.00%) FRA-HDF ParVal: 81.19 of 127.95 mi (63.46%) System fratgv connected routes traveled: 20 of 47 (42.6%), clinched: 0 of 47 (0.0%). System frahdfterk (preview) overall: 103.16 of 1052.76 mi (9.80%) System frahdfterk by region: BEL: 0.00 of 27.44 mi (0.00%) FRA-GES: 0.00 of 25.87 mi (0.00%) FRA-HDF: 92.63 of 920.36 mi (10.06%) FRA-IDF: 10.53 of 41.81 mi (25.19%) FRA-NOR: 0.00 of 37.29 mi (0.00%) System frahdfterk by route (traveled routes only): K90: 58.45 of 127.78 mi (45.74%) (FRA-HDF K90 only) K92: 92.63 of 98.97 mi (93.59%) (FRA-HDF K92 only) K94: 92.93 of 142.88 mi (65.04%) (FRA-HDF K94 only) K10: 10.53 of 81.91 mi (12.86%) FRA-IDF K10: 10.53 of 18.87 mi (55.81%) K11: 10.53 of 81.91 mi (12.86%) FRA-IDF K11: 10.53 of 18.87 mi (55.81%) K12: 11.12 of 157.01 mi (7.09%) FRA-HDF K12: 0.59 of 138.13 mi (0.43%) FRA-IDF K12: 10.53 of 18.87 mi (55.81%) K13 (Cambrai): 10.53 of 129.36 mi (8.14%) FRA-IDF K13: 10.53 of 18.87 mi (55.81%) K13 (Mauberge): 10.53 of 143.11 mi (7.36%) FRA-IDF K13Mau: 10.53 of 18.87 mi (55.81%) K14: 10.53 of 96.26 mi (10.94%) FRA-IDF K14: 10.53 of 18.87 mi (55.81%) K15: 2.07 of 87.37 mi (2.37%) FRA-IDF K15: 2.07 of 25.01 mi (8.28%) K16: 10.83 of 183.53 mi (5.90%) FRA-HDF K16: 0.30 of 164.65 mi (0.18%) FRA-IDF K16: 10.53 of 18.87 mi (55.81%) K21: 0.30 of 101.62 mi (0.29%) (FRA-HDF K21 only) K40: 0.59 of 80.53 mi (0.73%) (FRA-HDF K40 only) K44: 0.59 of 78.98 mi (0.75%) (FRA-HDF K44 only) K45: 0.59 of 151.61 mi (0.39%) FRA-HDF K45: 0.59 of 114.33 mi (0.52%) K50: 0.59 of 44.97 mi (1.32%) (FRA-HDF K50 only) K51: 0.59 of 23.17 mi (2.55%) (FRA-HDF K51 only) K60: 1.67 of 65.21 mi (2.57%) (FRA-HDF K60 only) K61: 1.67 of 112.50 mi (1.49%) FRA-HDF K61: 1.67 of 86.63 mi (1.93%) System frahdfterk connected routes traveled: 19 of 26 (73.1%), clinched: 0 of 26 (0.0%). System frahdfterc (preview) overall: 12.21 of 267.02 mi (4.57%) System frahdfterc by region: FRA-HDF: 1.67 of 229.36 mi (0.73%) FRA-IDF: 10.53 of 37.66 mi (27.97%) System frahdfterc by route (traveled routes only): C10: 10.53 of 81.91 mi (12.86%) FRA-IDF C10: 10.53 of 18.87 mi (55.81%) C11: 10.53 of 50.05 mi (21.05%) FRA-IDF C11: 10.53 of 18.87 mi (55.81%) C13: 10.53 of 52.62 mi (20.02%) FRA-IDF C13: 10.53 of 18.87 mi (55.81%) C14: 10.53 of 52.62 mi (20.02%) FRA-IDF C14: 10.53 of 18.87 mi (55.81%) C17: 4.25 of 47.53 mi (8.94%) FRA-IDF C17: 4.25 of 23.04 mi (18.45%) C40: 0.59 of 21.09 mi (2.81%) (FRA-HDF C40 only) C41: 0.59 of 24.27 mi (2.44%) (FRA-HDF C41 only) C50: 0.59 of 25.36 mi (2.33%) (FRA-HDF C50 only) C51: 0.59 of 23.17 mi (2.55%) (FRA-HDF C51 only) C60: 1.67 of 29.72 mi (5.63%) (FRA-HDF C60 only) System frahdfterc connected routes traveled: 10 of 11 (90.9%), clinched: 0 of 11 (0.0%). System frahdfterp (preview) overall: 1.07 of 991.04 mi (0.11%) System frahdfterp by region: BEL: 0.00 of 6.43 mi (0.00%) FRA-HDF: 1.07 of 918.22 mi (0.12%) FRA-NOR: 0.00 of 66.39 mi (0.00%) System frahdfterp by route (traveled routes only): P73: 0.30 of 48.81 mi (0.61%) (FRA-HDF P73 only) P81: 0.77 of 15.65 mi (4.93%) FRA-HDF P81: 0.77 of 9.23 mi (8.36%) System frahdfterp connected routes traveled: 2 of 31 (6.5%), clinched: 0 of 31 (0.0%). System frarer (preview) overall: 29.29 of 366.42 mi (7.99%) System frarer by region: FRA-CVL: 0.00 of 1.51 mi (0.00%) FRA-HDF: 0.00 of 12.85 mi (0.00%) FRA-IDF: 29.29 of 352.07 mi (8.32%) System frarer by route (traveled routes only): A (Saint-Germain-en-Laye - Marne-la-Vallee-Chessy): 9.37 of 35.96 mi (26.07%) (FRA-IDF A only) A (Cergy-le-Haut - Boissy-Saint-Leger): 6.65 of 39.10 mi (17.00%) (FRA-IDF ABoi only) A (Poissy - Torcy): 6.65 of 32.88 mi (20.22%) (FRA-IDF APoi only) B (Aeroport CDG - St Remy Chevreause): 3.51 of 40.07 mi (8.75%) (FRA-IDF B only) B (Mitry-Claye - Robinson): 3.51 of 26.56 mi (13.20%) (FRA-IDF BMit only) C (Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines - Saint-Martin-d'Etampes): 6.39 of 53.55 mi (11.94%) (FRA-IDF C only) C (Invalides - Doudan La Foret): 2.80 of 38.11 mi (7.35%) (FRA-IDF CDou only) C (Versailles-Chateau-Rive-Gauche - Juvisy): 6.39 of 25.65 mi (24.92%) (FRA-IDF CVer only) C (Pontoise - Massy Palaiseau): 4.44 of 41.45 mi (10.72%) (FRA-IDF CPon only) D (Creil - Corbeil-Essones): 11.97 of 56.39 mi (21.22%) FRA-IDF D: 11.97 of 43.55 mi (27.49%) D (Goussainville - Melun): 11.97 of 43.68 mi (27.40%) (FRA-IDF DMel only) E (Nanterre La Foliee - Tournan): 1.55 of 32.08 mi (4.83%) (FRA-IDF E only) E (Nanterre La Folie - Chelles-Gournay): 1.55 of 18.12 mi (8.56%) (FRA-IDF EChe only) System frarer connected routes traveled: 13 of 15 (86.7%), clinched: 0 of 15 (0.0%). System fratra (preview) overall: 7.33 of 601.24 mi (1.22%) System fratra by region: FRA-CVL: 0.00 of 21.79 mi (0.00%) FRA-HDF: 0.00 of 50.65 mi (0.00%) FRA-IDF: 7.33 of 526.18 mi (1.39%) FRA-NOR: 0.00 of 2.62 mi (0.00%) System fratra by route (traveled routes only): H (Pontoise): 4.25 of 18.52 mi (22.95%) (FRA-IDF H only) H (Persan Beaumont via Valmondois): 4.25 of 18.32 mi (23.21%) (FRA-IDF HVal only) H (Persan-Beaumont via Montsoult-Maffliers): 4.25 of 22.05 mi (19.28%) (FRA-IDF HPer only) H (Luzarches): 4.25 of 21.91 mi (19.40%) (FRA-IDF HLuz only) K: 2.07 of 38.34 mi (5.40%) FRA-IDF K: 2.07 of 25.01 mi (8.28%) L (Cergy-le-Haut): 0.17 of 23.80 mi (0.71%) (FRA-IDF LCer only) N (Mantes-la-Jolie): 2.92 of 37.40 mi (7.80%) (FRA-IDF N only) N (Ramboullet): 2.92 of 29.39 mi (9.92%) (FRA-IDF NRam only) N (Dreux): 2.92 of 50.03 mi (5.83%) FRA-IDF NDre: 2.92 of 39.44 mi (7.39%) System fratra connected routes traveled: 9 of 26 (34.6%), clinched: 0 of 26 (0.0%). System frapm (preview) overall: 27.13 of 151.99 mi (17.85%) System frapm by route (traveled routes only): M1 (Paris): 1.79 of 10.36 mi (17.29%) (FRA-IDF M1 only) M2 (Paris): 6.65 of 7.57 mi (87.85%) (FRA-IDF M2 only) M5 (Paris): 4.19 of 8.73 mi (48.02%) (FRA-IDF M5 only) M6 (Paris): 6.25 of 8.25 mi (75.77%) (FRA-IDF M6 only) M7 (Ivry-sur-Seine, Paris): 4.04 of 11.57 mi (34.93%) (FRA-IDF M7 only) M7 (Villejuif, Paris): 4.04 of 12.38 mi (32.63%) (FRA-IDF M7Vil only) M9 (Paris): 2.98 of 12.32 mi (24.15%) (FRA-IDF M9 only) M12 (Paris): 1.23 of 10.29 mi (11.96%) (FRA-IDF M12 only) System frapm connected routes traveled: 8 of 19 (42.1%), clinched: 0 of 19 (0.0%). System fraidft (preview) overall: 1.88 of 112.92 mi (1.66%) System fraidft by route (traveled routes only): T2: 1.88 of 11.02 mi (17.03%) (FRA-IDF T2 only) System fraidft connected routes traveled: 1 of 16 (6.2%), clinched: 0 of 16 (0.0%). System gbngc (preview) overall: 5.64 of 316.79 mi (1.78%) System gbngc by route (traveled routes only): ECML (North Eastern): 5.64 of 268.72 mi (2.10%) (ENG ECMLNEn only) System gbngc connected routes traveled: 1 of 2 (50.0%), clinched: 0 of 2 (0.0%). System gbngr (preview) overall: 5.64 of 460.28 mi (1.22%) System gbngr by region: ENG: 5.64 of 406.09 mi (1.39%) SCT: 0.00 of 54.19 mi (0.00%) System gbngr by route (traveled routes only): ECML (East Coast Main Line (Edinburgh)): 5.64 of 396.29 mi (1.42%) ENG ECMLEdi: 5.64 of 342.09 mi (1.65%) System gbngr connected routes traveled: 1 of 3 (33.3%), clinched: 0 of 3 (0.0%). System gbngx (preview) overall: 0.94 of 51.51 mi (1.82%) System gbngx by route (traveled routes only): GatEx (Gatwick Express): 0.94 of 51.51 mi (1.82%) (ENG GatEx only) System gbngx connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 1 (0.0%). System gbnld (preview) overall: 5.29 of 395.84 mi (1.34%) System gbnld by region: ENG: 5.29 of 341.65 mi (1.55%) SCT: 0.00 of 54.19 mi (0.00%) System gbnld by route (traveled routes only): ECML (East Coast Main Line (Lumo)): 5.29 of 395.84 mi (1.34%) ENG ECMLLum: 5.29 of 341.65 mi (1.55%) System gbnld connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 1 (0.0%). System gbnxc (preview) overall: 29.63 of 1112.65 mi (2.66%) System gbnxc by region: ENG: 29.63 of 1028.95 mi (2.88%) SCT: 0.00 of 54.19 mi (0.00%) WLS: 0.00 of 29.51 mi (0.00%) System gbnxc by route (traveled routes only): XCML (Cross-Country Main Line (SW - NE)): 26.22 of 565.84 mi (4.63%) ENG XCML: 26.22 of 511.65 mi (5.12%) XCML (Cross-Country Main Line (NW - S Coast)): 3.41 of 257.98 mi (1.32%) (ENG XCMLSou only) XCML (Cross-Country Main Line (Reading - NE)): 13.39 of 304.97 mi (4.39%) (ENG XCMLDon only) System gbnxc connected routes traveled: 3 of 6 (50.0%), clinched: 0 of 6 (0.0%). System gbnem (preview) overall: 29.31 of 747.48 mi (3.92%) System gbnem by route (traveled routes only): MML (EMR Intercity: Midland Mainline (Sheffield)): 29.31 of 165.53 mi (17.70%) (ENG MMLShe only) MML (EMR Intercity: Midland Mainline (Nottingham)): 29.31 of 127.29 mi (23.02%) (ENG MMLNot only) LutAirExp (EMR Connect: Luton Airport Express): 29.31 of 94.00 mi (31.18%) (ENG LutAirExp only) System gbnem connected routes traveled: 3 of 13 (23.1%), clinched: 0 of 13 (0.0%). System gbngw (preview) overall: 1.34 of 1125.61 mi (0.12%) System gbngw by region: ENG: 1.34 of 1024.42 mi (0.13%) WLS: 0.00 of 101.19 mi (0.00%) System gbngw by route (traveled routes only): WesML (Wessex Main Line): 1.17 of 140.45 mi (0.84%) ENG WesML: 1.17 of 115.28 mi (1.02%) BruLn (Brunel Line): 0.16 of 15.63 mi (1.04%) (ENG BruLn only) System gbngw connected routes traveled: 2 of 31 (6.5%), clinched: 0 of 31 (0.0%). System gbnlo (preview) overall: 1.55 of 103.87 mi (1.49%) System gbnlo by route (traveled routes only): MilLn (Mildmay Line (Clapham Junction)): 0.21 of 17.93 mi (1.18%) (ENG MilLn only) MilLn (Mildmay Line (Richmond)): 1.21 of 17.42 mi (6.96%) (ENG MilLnRic only) WinLn (Windrush Line (Clapham Junction)): 0.34 of 11.35 mi (2.99%) (ENG WinLnCla only) System gbnlo connected routes traveled: 3 of 12 (25.0%), clinched: 0 of 12 (0.0%). System gbnnr (preview) overall: 46.84 of 1615.20 mi (2.90%) System gbnnr by route (traveled routes only): EreVlyLn (Erewash Valley Line): 3.40 of 81.41 mi (4.18%) (ENG EreVlyLn only) LinLn (Lincoln Line): 3.92 of 89.95 mi (4.36%) (ENG LinLn only) PilLn (Pilgrim Line): 0.52 of 72.37 mi (0.72%) (ENG PilLn only) RosLn (Roses Line): 10.86 of 104.62 mi (10.38%) (ENG RosLn only) YorCoaLn (Yorkshire Coast Line): 7.75 of 113.24 mi (6.85%) (ENG YorCoaLn only) YorWolLn (Yorkshire Wolds Line): 13.49 of 83.51 mi (16.15%) (ENG YorWolLn only) DeaVlyLn (Dearne Valley Line): 46.84 of 46.84 mi (100.00%) (ENG DeaVlyLn only) HalLn (Hallam Line): 3.40 of 44.61 mi (7.62%) (ENG HalLn only) PenLn (Penistone Line): 3.40 of 35.90 mi (9.47%) (ENG PenLn only) RotLn (Rotherham Line): 10.99 of 22.79 mi (48.20%) (ENG RotLn only) WakLn (Wakefield Line (Sheffield)): 18.59 of 39.16 mi (47.47%) (ENG WakLnShe only) YorkLn (York Line): 10.86 of 25.57 mi (42.49%) (ENG YorkLn only) System gbnnr connected routes traveled: 12 of 58 (20.7%), clinched: 1 of 58 (1.7%). System gbnse (preview) overall: 65.53 of 454.83 mi (14.41%) System gbnse by route (traveled routes only): HS1 (Southeastern Highspeed: London - Canterbury - Margate): 56.81 of 91.50 mi (62.09%) (ENG HS1Can only) HS1 (Southeastern Highspeed: London - Dover - Ramsgate): 65.53 of 99.57 mi (65.82%) (ENG HS1Dov only) HS1 (Southeastern Highspeed: London - Chatham - Ramsgate): 22.65 of 78.72 mi (28.77%) (ENG HS1Cha only) SEML (South East Main Line): 0.60 of 86.50 mi (0.69%) (ENG SEML only) PadWoodLn (Paddock Wood Line): 9.32 of 78.09 mi (11.93%) (ENG PadWoodLn only) KentDowLn (Kent Downs Line): 0.24 of 59.15 mi (0.40%) (ENG KentDowLn only) System gbnse connected routes traveled: 6 of 24 (25.0%), clinched: 0 of 24 (0.0%). System gbnsn (preview) overall: 1.08 of 400.82 mi (0.27%) System gbnsn by route (traveled routes only): SusMLE (Sussex Main Line (East)): 0.94 of 83.90 mi (1.12%) (ENG SusMLE only) SusMLW (Sussex Main Line (West)): 0.94 of 71.01 mi (1.32%) (ENG SusMLW only) ChiLn (Chichester Line): 0.94 of 87.54 mi (1.07%) (ENG ChiLn only) ArunVlyLn (Arun Valley Line): 0.94 of 67.65 mi (1.38%) (ENG ArunVlyLn only) EGriLn (East Grinstead Line): 0.94 of 30.19 mi (3.10%) (ENG EGriLn only) RdhLn (Redhill Line): 0.94 of 22.85 mi (4.10%) (ENG RdhLn only) GipHillLn (Gipsy Hill Line): 0.94 of 11.92 mi (7.86%) (ENG GipHillLn only) SouLonLn (South London Line): 0.94 of 16.20 mi (5.78%) (ENG SouLonLn only) SutLn (Sutton Line): 0.94 of 37.15 mi (2.52%) (ENG SutLn only) WalLn (Uckfield Line): 0.94 of 18.84 mi (4.97%) (ENG WalLn only) WestLonLn (West London Line): 0.24 of 26.37 mi (0.90%) (ENG WestLonLn only) MnkLn (Marshlink Line): 0.14 of 42.88 mi (0.33%) (ENG MnkLn only) System gbnsn connected routes traveled: 12 of 22 (54.5%), clinched: 0 of 22 (0.0%). System gbnsw (preview) overall: 84.75 of 528.74 mi (16.03%) System gbnsw by route (traveled routes only): SWML (South Western Main Line): 51.76 of 143.80 mi (35.99%) (ENG SWML only) PorDirLn (Portsmouth Direct Line): 25.11 of 74.86 mi (33.54%) (ENG PorDirLn only) BotLn (Botley Line): 51.76 of 96.82 mi (53.45%) (ENG BotLn only) WoELn (West of England Line): 84.75 of 173.33 mi (48.89%) (ENG WoELn only) ReaLn (Reading Line): 3.86 of 43.63 mi (8.84%) (ENG ReaLn only) AltLn (Alton Line): 30.10 of 47.40 mi (63.51%) (ENG AltLn only) BasLn (Basingstoke Line): 48.50 of 48.50 mi (100.00%) (ENG BasLn only) WinLn (Windsor Line): 3.86 of 25.78 mi (14.97%) (ENG WinLn only) CheLp (Chertsey Loop): 4.43 of 30.24 mi (14.64%) (ENG CheLp only) KinLp (Kingston Loop): 10.20 of 23.34 mi (43.68%) (ENG KinLp only) SheLn (Shepperton Line): 10.20 of 20.74 mi (49.16%) (ENG SheLn only) HamCouLn (Hampton Court Branch): 13.50 of 15.01 mi (89.99%) (ENG HamCouLn only) WokLn (Woking Line): 24.70 of 24.70 mi (100.00%) (ENG WokLn only) NewGuiLn (New Guildford Line): 13.80 of 29.84 mi (46.25%) (ENG NewGuiLn only) CheLn (Chessington Branch): 8.70 of 14.00 mi (62.14%) (ENG CheLn only) BooLn (Bookham Line): 8.70 of 30.74 mi (28.31%) (ENG BooLn only) MoleVlyLn (Mole Valley Line): 8.70 of 22.20 mi (39.19%) (ENG MoleVlyLn only) TestVlyLn (Test Valley Line): 1.17 of 37.54 mi (3.13%) (ENG TestVlyLn only) System gbnsw connected routes traveled: 18 of 23 (78.3%), clinched: 2 of 23 (8.7%). System gbntl (preview) overall: 29.35 of 301.59 mi (9.73%) System gbntl by route (traveled routes only): ThaLnk (Thameslink (Bedford - Brighton)): 28.64 of 104.87 mi (27.31%) (ENG ThaLnk only) ThaLnk (Thameslink (Bedford - Three Bridges)): 28.64 of 83.19 mi (34.43%) (ENG ThaLnkBed only) ThaLnk (Thameslink (St Albans - Sutton)): 19.94 of 42.60 mi (46.80%) (ENG ThaLnkSut only) ThaLnk (Thameslink (Luton - Rainham)): 28.64 of 69.30 mi (41.33%) (ENG ThaLnkRai only) System gbntl connected routes traveled: 4 of 7 (57.1%), clinched: 0 of 7 (0.0%). System gbntp (preview) overall: 24.80 of 854.83 mi (2.90%) System gbntp by region: ENG: 24.80 of 678.83 mi (3.65%) SCT: 0.00 of 176.00 mi (0.00%) System gbntp by route (traveled routes only): TPNRte (TransPennine North Route (Liverpool - Edinburgh)): 10.86 of 305.70 mi (3.55%) ENG TPNRte: 10.86 of 251.50 mi (4.32%) TPNRte (TransPennine North Route (Manchester - Saltburn)): 10.86 of 140.23 mi (7.75%) (ENG TPNRteTee only) TPNRte (TransPennine North Route (Manchester - York)): 17.04 of 67.73 mi (25.16%) (ENG TPNRtePic only) TPNRte (TransPennine North Route (York - Scarborough)): 10.86 of 110.41 mi (9.84%) (ENG TPNRteSca only) TPSRte (TransPennine South Route): 7.75 of 148.57 mi (5.22%) (ENG TPSRte only) System gbntp connected routes traveled: 5 of 8 (62.5%), clinched: 0 of 8 (0.0%). System gbnxr (preview) overall: 5.33 of 74.88 mi (7.11%) System gbnxr by route (traveled routes only): EliLn (Elizabeth Line (Reading - Abbey Wood)): 5.33 of 50.49 mi (10.55%) (ENG EliLn only) EliLn (Elizabeth Line (Heathrow Terminal 4 - Abbey Wood)): 5.33 of 30.34 mi (17.55%) (ENG EliLnHea only) EliLn (Elizabeth Line (Heathrow Terminal 5 - Shenfield)): 3.93 of 41.17 mi (9.55%) (ENG EliLnShe only) System gbnxr connected routes traveled: 3 of 3 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 3 (0.0%). System gbndlr (preview) overall: 6.40 of 22.38 mi (28.59%) System gbndlr by route (traveled routes only): DLR (Docklands Light Railway (Bank - Lewisham)): 4.89 of 6.64 mi (73.61%) (ENG DLR only) DLR (Docklands Light Railway (Bank - Woolwich Arsenal)): 4.56 of 8.79 mi (51.91%) (ENG DLRWoo only) DLR (Docklands Light Railway (Tower Gateway - Beckton)): 3.54 of 7.57 mi (46.75%) (ENG DLRRoy only) DLR (Docklands Light Railway (Stratford - Canary Wharf)): 0.26 of 3.33 mi (7.65%) (ENG DLRStr only) System gbndlr connected routes traveled: 4 of 6 (66.7%), clinched: 0 of 6 (0.0%). System gbnlu (preview) overall: 55.45 of 245.94 mi (22.55%) System gbnlu by route (traveled routes only): CenLn (Central Line (West Ruislip - Epping)): 10.22 of 33.73 mi (30.30%) (ENG CenLn only) CenLn (Central Line (Ealing - Hainault - Woodford)): 15.79 of 26.70 mi (59.14%) (ENG CenLnEal only) CirLn (Circle Line): 1.38 of 17.04 mi (8.08%) (ENG CirLn only) DisLn (District Line (Richmond - Upminster)): 6.78 of 27.56 mi (24.62%) (ENG DisLn only) DisLn (District Line (Ealing - Upminster)): 6.36 of 27.11 mi (23.47%) (ENG DisLnEal only) DisLn (District Line (Wimbledon - Barking)): 2.66 of 19.01 mi (14.01%) (ENG DisLnWim only) DisLn (District Line (Wimbledon - Edgware Road)): 0.71 of 8.39 mi (8.46%) (ENG DisLnEdg only) DisLn (District Line (Olympia)): 0.37 of 1.73 mi (21.28%) (ENG DisLnOly only) HaCLn (Hammersmith & City Line): 3.44 of 16.05 mi (21.40%) (ENG HaCLn only) JubLn (Jubilee Line): 7.32 of 22.30 mi (32.83%) (ENG JubLn only) MetLn (Metropolitan Line (Amersham)): 1.38 of 28.18 mi (4.89%) (ENG MetLnAme only) MetLn (Metropolitan Line (Chesham)): 1.38 of 29.71 mi (4.64%) (ENG MetLn only) MetLn (Metropolitan Line (Uxbridge)): 1.38 of 20.63 mi (6.67%) (ENG MetLnUxb only) NorLn (Northern Line (Barnet - Bank - Morden)): 3.26 of 22.88 mi (14.24%) (ENG NorLnBar only) NorLn (Northern Line (Edgware - Bank - Morden)): 3.26 of 21.82 mi (14.93%) (ENG NorLn only) NorLn (Northern Line (Mill Hill East - Bank - Morden)): 3.26 of 20.10 mi (16.21%) (ENG NorLnMor only) PicLn (Piccadilly Line (Heathrow Terminal 4)): 19.08 of 31.22 mi (61.11%) (ENG PicLnHT4 only) PicLn (Piccadilly Line (Heathrow Terminal 5)): 19.08 of 29.20 mi (65.34%) (ENG PicLn only) PicLn (Piccadilly Line (Uxbridge)): 10.53 of 31.33 mi (33.60%) (ENG PicLnUxb only) VicLn (Victoria Line): 3.56 of 13.29 mi (26.82%) (ENG VicLn only) System gbnlu connected routes traveled: 20 of 26 (76.9%), clinched: 0 of 26 (0.0%). System gbnss (preview) overall: 1.54 of 20.70 mi (7.43%) System gbnss by route (traveled routes only): SS (Sheffield Supertram (Tram-Train)): 1.54 of 7.30 mi (21.06%) (ENG SSBla only) System gbnss connected routes traveled: 1 of 4 (25.0%), clinched: 0 of 4 (0.0%). System hkgmtr (preview) overall: 132.35 of 132.35 mi (100.00%) System hkgmtr by route (traveled routes only): AirExp (Airport Express): 22.14 of 22.14 mi (100.00%) (HKG AirExp only) DisResLn (Disneyland Resort Line): 1.93 of 1.93 mi (100.00%) (HKG DisResLn only) ERailLn (East Rail Line): 23.73 of 23.73 mi (100.00%) (HKG ERailLn only) ERailLn (East Rail Line (Lok Ma Chu branch)): 26.13 of 26.13 mi (100.00%) (HKG ERailLnLok only) ERailLn (East Rail Line (Racecourse loop)): 2.62 of 2.62 mi (100.00%) (HKG ERailLnRac only) IslLn (Island Line): 9.46 of 9.46 mi (100.00%) (HKG IslLn only) KTLn (Kwun Tong Line): 11.00 of 11.00 mi (100.00%) (HKG KTLn only) SIslLn (South Island Line): 4.43 of 4.43 mi (100.00%) (HKG SIslLn only) TKOLn (Tseung Kwan O Line): 6.03 of 6.03 mi (100.00%) (HKG TKOLn only) TKOLn (Tseung Kwan O Line (LOHAS Park branch)): 1.93 of 1.93 mi (100.00%) (HKG TKOLnLoh only) TWLn (Tseung Wan Line): 10.03 of 10.03 mi (100.00%) (HKG TWLn only) TMLn (Tuen Ma Line): 35.76 of 35.76 mi (100.00%) (HKG TMLn only) TCLn (Tung Chung Line): 19.51 of 19.51 mi (100.00%) (HKG TCLn only) System hkgmtr connected routes traveled: 13 of 13 (100.0%), clinched: 13 of 13 (100.0%). System hkglr (preview) overall: 17.72 of 19.40 mi (91.32%) System hkglr by route (traveled routes only): 505: 3.17 of 4.06 mi (78.18%) (HKG 505 only) 505 (Ming Kum loop): 0.43 of 0.53 mi (81.63%) (HKG 505Min only) 507: 2.97 of 3.61 mi (82.32%) (HKG 507 only) 610: 7.95 of 8.58 mi (92.57%) (HKG 610 only) 614: 7.71 of 7.87 mi (97.97%) (HKG 614 only) 614P: 3.04 of 3.19 mi (95.00%) (HKG 614P only) 615: 8.65 of 8.65 mi (100.00%) (HKG 615 only) 615P: 3.98 of 3.98 mi (100.00%) (HKG 615P only) 705: 3.50 of 3.50 mi (100.00%) (HKG 705 only) 706: 3.50 of 3.50 mi (100.00%) (HKG 706 only) 751: 7.64 of 7.64 mi (100.00%) (HKG 751 only) 761p: 4.29 of 4.29 mi (100.00%) (HKG 761p only) System hkglr connected routes traveled: 12 of 12 (100.0%), clinched: 6 of 12 (50.0%). System hkghkt (preview) overall: 9.85 of 10.03 mi (98.20%) System hkghkt by route (traveled routes only): 1: 6.48 of 6.48 mi (100.00%) (HKG 1 only) 2: 6.11 of 6.11 mi (100.00%) (HKG 2 only) 3: 5.15 of 5.33 mi (96.62%) (HKG 3 only) 4: 3.76 of 3.76 mi (100.00%) (HKG 4 only) 5: 5.82 of 5.82 mi (100.00%) (HKG 5 only) 6: 8.25 of 8.25 mi (100.00%) (HKG 6 only) 7: 1.77 of 1.77 mi (100.00%) (HKG 7 only) System hkghkt connected routes traveled: 7 of 7 (100.0%), clinched: 6 of 7 (85.7%). System hkgpt (preview) overall: 0.77 of 0.77 mi (100.00%) System hkgpt by route (traveled routes only): PT (Peak Tram): 0.77 of 0.77 mi (100.00%) (HKG PT only) System hkgpt connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 1 of 1 (100.0%). System jpnjrsks (preview) overall: 298.73 of 2033.55 mi (14.69%) System jpnjrsks by route (traveled routes only): TokaidoShin (Tokaido Shinkansen): 298.73 of 323.14 mi (92.45%) (JPN TokaidoShin only) System jpnjrsks connected routes traveled: 1 of 11 (9.1%), clinched: 0 of 11 (0.0%). System jpnjre (preview) overall: 18.11 of 3725.08 mi (0.49%) System jpnjre by route (traveled routes only): ChuoRapidLn (Chūō (Rapid) Line): 5.68 of 33.59 mi (16.92%) (JPN ChuoRapidLn only) ChuoSobuLn (Chūō-Sōbu Line): 7.74 of 38.04 mi (20.36%) (JPN ChuoSobuLn only) YamanoteLn (Yamanote Line): 10.37 of 21.11 mi (49.13%) (JPN YamanoteLn only) YokosukaSobuLn (Yokosuka-Sōbu (Rapid) Line): 0.97 of 69.17 mi (1.40%) (JPN YokosukaSobuLn only) System jpnjre connected routes traveled: 4 of 86 (4.7%), clinched: 0 of 86 (0.0%). System jpnlexe (preview) overall: 8.52 of 661.79 mi (1.29%) System jpnlexe by route (traveled routes only): AzusaLtdChi (Azusa Ltd Exp Chiba): 7.74 of 164.67 mi (4.70%) (JPN AzusaLtdChi only) AzusaLtdTok (Azusa Ltd Exp Tokyo): 5.68 of 184.95 mi (3.07%) (JPN AzusaLtdTok only) System jpnlexe connected routes traveled: 2 of 10 (20.0%), clinched: 0 of 10 (0.0%). System jpnmtky (preview) overall: 1.15 of 19.20 mi (5.99%) System jpnmtky by route (traveled routes only): KarasumaLn (Karasuma Line): 1.15 of 8.43 mi (13.64%) (JPN KarasumaLn only) System jpnmtky connected routes traveled: 1 of 2 (50.0%), clinched: 0 of 2 (0.0%). System jpnmtto (preview) overall: 5.94 of 199.56 mi (2.98%) System jpnmtto by route (traveled routes only): GinzaLn (Ginza Line): 3.86 of 8.71 mi (44.27%) (JPN GinzaLn only) HanzomonLn (Hanzomon Line): 1.01 of 10.36 mi (9.77%) (JPN HanzomonLn only) TokTozaiLn (Tokyo Tozai Line): 1.07 of 19.03 mi (5.63%) (JPN TokTozaiLn only) System jpnmtto connected routes traveled: 3 of 16 (18.8%), clinched: 0 of 16 (0.0%). System jpnagt (preview) overall: 4.00 of 54.42 mi (7.35%) System jpnagt by route (traveled routes only): YurikamomeLn (Yurikamome Line): 4.00 of 8.03 mi (49.83%) (JPN YurikamomeLn only) System jpnagt connected routes traveled: 1 of 9 (11.1%), clinched: 0 of 9 (0.0%). System luxcfl (preview) overall: 31.97 of 133.04 mi (24.03%) System luxcfl by region: BEL: 0.00 of 6.85 mi (0.00%) FRA-GES: 0.00 of 1.11 mi (0.00%) LUX: 31.97 of 125.08 mi (25.56%) System luxcfl by route (traveled routes only): CFL10: 27.20 of 41.31 mi (65.84%) (LUX CFL10 only) CFL10a: 18.64 of 20.90 mi (89.20%) (LUX CFL10a only) CFL10b: 4.77 of 4.77 mi (100.00%) (LUX CFL10b only) CFL30: 0.70 of 22.56 mi (3.08%) (LUX CFL30 only) System luxcfl connected routes traveled: 4 of 10 (40.0%), clinched: 1 of 10 (10.0%). System luxst (preview) overall: 0.93 of 7.15 mi (12.96%) System luxst by route (traveled routes only): T1 (Lëtzebuerg): 0.93 of 7.15 mi (12.96%) (LUX T1 only) System luxst connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 1 (0.0%). System nldic (preview) overall: 42.57 of 42.57 mi (100.00%) System nldic by route (traveled routes only): IC23: 42.57 of 42.57 mi (100.00%) (NLD IC23 only) System nldic connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 1 of 1 (100.0%). System nldre (preview) overall: 150.35 of 185.55 mi (81.03%) System nldre by region: DEU-NW: 9.48 of 9.48 mi (100.00%) NLD: 140.87 of 176.08 mi (80.01%) System nldre by route (traveled routes only): RE1: 34.24 of 34.24 mi (100.00%) (NLD RE1 only) RE18: 30.64 of 30.64 mi (100.00%) NLD RE18: 21.16 of 21.16 mi (100.00%) DEU-NW RE18: 9.48 of 9.48 mi (100.00%) RE20: 47.02 of 47.02 mi (100.00%) (NLD RE20 only) RE30: 38.45 of 38.45 mi (100.00%) (NLD RE30 only) System nldre connected routes traveled: 4 of 6 (66.7%), clinched: 4 of 6 (66.7%). System nldrs (preview) overall: 415.43 of 546.17 mi (76.06%) System nldrs by region: DEU-NI: 0.00 of 6.02 mi (0.00%) NLD: 415.43 of 540.15 mi (76.91%) System nldrs by route (traveled routes only): RS1: 34.24 of 34.24 mi (100.00%) (NLD RS1 only) RS4: 0.63 of 28.00 mi (2.25%) (NLD RS4 only) RS5: 0.63 of 23.68 mi (2.66%) (NLD RS5 only) RS11: 53.32 of 53.32 mi (100.00%) (NLD RS11 only) RS12: 30.04 of 30.04 mi (100.00%) (NLD RS12 only) RS15: 11.61 of 11.61 mi (100.00%) (NLD RS15 only) RS18: 21.32 of 21.32 mi (100.00%) (NLD RS18 only) RS20: 47.02 of 47.02 mi (100.00%) (NLD RS20 only) RS21: 17.06 of 17.06 mi (100.00%) (NLD RS21 only) RS22: 8.45 of 8.45 mi (100.00%) (NLD RS22 only) RS23: 42.57 of 42.57 mi (100.00%) (NLD RS23 only) RS24: 35.35 of 35.35 mi (100.00%) (NLD RS24 only) RS30: 11.06 of 11.06 mi (100.00%) (NLD RS30 only) RS31: 27.39 of 27.39 mi (100.00%) (NLD RS31 only) RS32: 40.28 of 40.28 mi (100.00%) (NLD RS32 only) RS33: 27.05 of 27.05 mi (100.00%) (NLD RS33 only) RS34: 21.03 of 21.03 mi (100.00%) (NLD RS34 only) System nldrs connected routes traveled: 17 of 21 (81.0%), clinched: 15 of 21 (71.4%). System nldam (preview) overall: 24.16 of 24.16 mi (100.00%) System nldam by route (traveled routes only): 50 (Amsterdam): 12.65 of 12.65 mi (100.00%) (NLD 50Ams only) 51 (Amsterdam): 11.63 of 11.63 mi (100.00%) (NLD 51Ams only) 52 (Amsterdam): 5.72 of 5.72 mi (100.00%) (NLD 52Ams only) 53 (Amsterdam): 7.10 of 7.10 mi (100.00%) (NLD 53Ams only) 54 (Amsterdam): 7.71 of 7.71 mi (100.00%) (NLD 54Ams only) System nldam connected routes traveled: 5 of 5 (100.0%), clinched: 5 of 5 (100.0%). System nldrm (preview) overall: 58.57 of 63.62 mi (92.07%) System nldrm by route (traveled routes only): A (Rotterdam): 14.27 of 15.46 mi (92.33%) (NLD A only) B (Rotterdam): 23.74 of 28.19 mi (84.21%) (NLD B only) C (Rotterdam): 18.25 of 18.25 mi (100.00%) (NLD C only) D (Rotterdam): 12.83 of 12.83 mi (100.00%) (NLD D only) E (Rotterdam): 19.14 of 19.14 mi (100.00%) (NLD E only) System nldrm connected routes traveled: 5 of 5 (100.0%), clinched: 3 of 5 (60.0%). System nldat (preview) overall: 25.13 of 61.68 mi (40.74%) System nldat by route (traveled routes only): 1 (Amsterdam): 0.08 of 7.49 mi (1.08%) (NLD 1Ams only) 2 (Amsterdam): 1.90 of 5.67 mi (33.49%) (NLD 2Ams only) 3 (Amsterdam): 0.38 of 5.98 mi (6.33%) (NLD 3Ams only) 4 (Amsterdam): 3.26 of 3.66 mi (89.14%) (NLD 4Ams only) 5 (Amsterdam): 4.70 of 7.18 mi (65.40%) (NLD 5Ams only) 7 (Amsterdam): 0.40 of 7.32 mi (5.48%) (NLD 7Ams only) 12 (Amsterdam): 3.82 of 4.34 mi (88.02%) (NLD 12Ams only) 13 (Amsterdam): 1.33 of 4.73 mi (28.16%) (NLD 13Ams only) 14 (Amsterdam): 2.15 of 4.17 mi (51.56%) (NLD 14Ams only) 17 (Amsterdam): 0.87 of 6.25 mi (13.90%) (NLD 17Ams only) 19 (Amsterdam): 3.10 of 7.87 mi (39.32%) (NLD 19Ams only) 24 (Amsterdam): 2.98 of 3.55 mi (84.01%) (NLD 24Ams only) 25 (Amsterdam): 6.27 of 9.64 mi (65.03%) (NLD 25Ams only) 26 (Amsterdam): 5.09 of 5.09 mi (100.00%) (NLD 26Ams only) System nldat connected routes traveled: 14 of 15 (93.3%), clinched: 1 of 15 (6.7%). System nldht (preview) overall: 34.78 of 84.35 mi (41.23%) System nldht by route (traveled routes only): 1 (Den Haag): 9.14 of 11.78 mi (77.53%) (NLD 1Haa only) 2 (Den Haag): 1.70 of 7.97 mi (21.39%) (NLD 2Haa only) 3 (Den Haag): 19.19 of 19.96 mi (96.13%) (NLD 3Haa only) 4 (Den Haag): 14.00 of 17.51 mi (79.93%) (NLD 4Haa only) 6 (Den Haag): 1.31 of 7.68 mi (17.00%) (NLD 6Haa only) 9 (Den Haag): 4.28 of 8.31 mi (51.51%) (NLD 9Haa only) 12 (Den Haag): 0.27 of 4.53 mi (5.85%) (NLD 12Haa only) 15 (Den Haag): 1.92 of 6.07 mi (31.61%) (NLD 15Haa only) 16 (Den Haag): 0.97 of 7.23 mi (13.46%) (NLD 16Haa only) 17 (Den Haag): 0.44 of 9.85 mi (4.50%) (NLD 17Haa only) 19 (Den Haag): 1.27 of 7.34 mi (17.24%) (NLD 19Haa only) 34 (Den Haag): 16.75 of 16.75 mi (100.00%) (NLD 34Haa only) System nldht connected routes traveled: 12 of 13 (92.3%), clinched: 1 of 13 (7.7%). System nldrt (preview) overall: 1.28 of 43.80 mi (2.93%) System nldrt by route (traveled routes only): 1 (Rotterdam): 0.38 of 11.11 mi (3.42%) (NLD 1Rot only) 3 (Rotterdam): 0.38 of 7.07 mi (5.38%) (NLD 3Rot only) 4 (Rotterdam): 0.38 of 5.32 mi (7.15%) (NLD 4Rot only) 6 (Rotterdam): 0.38 of 4.44 mi (8.56%) (NLD 6Rot only) 7 (Rotterdam): 1.28 of 5.88 mi (21.78%) (NLD 7Rot only) 8 (Rotterdam): 0.38 of 8.17 mi (4.66%) (NLD 8Rot only) 11 (Rotterdam): 0.38 of 10.43 mi (3.65%) (NLD 11Rot only) System nldrt connected routes traveled: 7 of 9 (77.8%), clinched: 0 of 9 (0.0%). System nldut (preview) overall: 14.45 of 16.13 mi (89.62%) System nldut by route (traveled routes only): 20 (Nieuwegeinlijn, Utrecht): 10.62 of 12.29 mi (86.38%) (NLD 20Utr only) 21 (IJsselsteinlijn, Utrecht): 14.45 of 14.45 mi (100.00%) (NLD 21Utr only) 22 (Uithoflijn, Utrecht): 4.83 of 4.83 mi (100.00%) (NLD 22Utr only) System nldut connected routes traveled: 3 of 3 (100.0%), clinched: 2 of 3 (66.7%). System norf (preview) overall: 12.12 of 695.99 mi (1.74%) System norf by route (traveled routes only): F1: 11.32 of 82.80 mi (13.67%) (NOR F1 only) F4: 0.80 of 294.17 mi (0.27%) (NOR F4 only) F5: 0.80 of 356.93 mi (0.23%) (NOR F5 only) System norf connected routes traveled: 3 of 3 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 3 (0.0%). System norft (preview) overall: 30.84 of 56.22 mi (54.85%) System norft by route (traveled routes only): FLY1: 30.84 of 55.35 mi (55.71%) (NOR FLY1 only) FLY2: 30.84 of 35.60 mi (86.60%) (NOR FLY2 only) System norft connected routes traveled: 2 of 2 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 2 (0.0%). System norre (preview) overall: 30.84 of 400.10 mi (7.71%) System norre by route (traveled routes only): RE10: 30.84 of 138.10 mi (22.33%) (NOR RE10 only) RE11: 30.84 of 152.28 mi (20.25%) (NOR RE11 only) RE20: 0.44 of 103.87 mi (0.42%) (NOR RE20 only) RE30: 1.38 of 74.44 mi (1.86%) (NOR RE30 only) System norre connected routes traveled: 4 of 4 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 4 (0.0%). System norr (preview) overall: 30.84 of 465.58 mi (6.62%) System norr by route (traveled routes only): R12: 30.84 of 95.34 mi (32.34%) (NOR R12 only) R13: 20.52 of 59.09 mi (34.72%) (NOR R13 only) R14: 12.12 of 74.72 mi (16.23%) (NOR R14 only) R21: 0.44 of 36.14 mi (1.20%) (NOR R21 only) R22: 0.44 of 47.80 mi (0.91%) (NOR R22 only) R23: 0.44 of 14.35 mi (3.03%) (NOR R23 only) R31: 1.38 of 42.74 mi (3.23%) (NOR R31 only) System norr connected routes traveled: 7 of 11 (63.6%), clinched: 0 of 11 (0.0%). System norl (preview) overall: 7.12 of 101.09 mi (7.04%) System norl by route (traveled routes only): L1: 7.12 of 35.68 mi (19.95%) (NOR L1 only) L2: 1.24 of 20.63 mi (6.01%) (NOR L2 only) System norl connected routes traveled: 2 of 4 (50.0%), clinched: 0 of 4 (0.0%). System norot (preview) overall: 8.53 of 49.40 mi (17.27%) System norot by route (traveled routes only): 1 (Oslo): 8.53 of 14.54 mi (58.68%) (NOR 1Osl only) 2 (Oslo): 2.18 of 13.68 mi (15.95%) (NOR 2Osl only) 3 (Oslo): 2.18 of 18.38 mi (11.87%) (NOR 3Osl only) 4 (Oslo): 2.28 of 19.12 mi (11.94%) (NOR 4Osl only) 5 (Oslo): 4.57 of 22.82 mi (20.01%) (NOR 5Osl only) System norot connected routes traveled: 5 of 5 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 5 (0.0%). System norto (preview) overall: 1.71 of 25.04 mi (6.84%) System norto by route (traveled routes only): 11 (Oslo): 0.45 of 6.81 mi (6.63%) (NOR 11Osl only) 12 (Oslo): 1.71 of 7.12 mi (24.04%) (NOR 12Osl only) 13 (Oslo): 0.08 of 11.39 mi (0.74%) (NOR 13Osl only) 17 (Oslo): 0.45 of 5.71 mi (7.90%) (NOR 17Osl only) 18 (Oslo): 0.45 of 6.08 mi (7.42%) (NOR 18Osl only) System norto connected routes traveled: 5 of 6 (83.3%), clinched: 0 of 6 (0.0%). System usacta (preview) overall: 2.00 of 104.63 mi (1.92%) System usacta by route (traveled routes only): BroLn (Brown Line): 2.00 of 11.52 mi (17.40%) (IL BroLn only) GreLn (Green Line (Ashland)): 0.19 of 19.48 mi (0.96%) (IL GreLn only) GreLnE63 (Green Line (East 63rd)): 0.19 of 17.72 mi (1.06%) (IL GreLnE63 only) OraLn (Orange Line): 1.21 of 12.55 mi (9.62%) (IL OraLn only) PinkLn (Pink Line): 1.21 of 10.69 mi (11.28%) (IL PinkLn only) System usacta connected routes traveled: 5 of 9 (55.6%), clinched: 0 of 9 (0.0%). Traveled 0 of 0 (-nan%), Clinched 0 of 0 (-nan%) active systems Traveled 90 of 730 (12.3%), Clinched 7 of 730 (1.0%) preview systems Most recent updates for listed routes: 2024-05-06 | (France) Ile-de-France | RER E (Tournan branch) | fraidf.e | Route extended at west end from Haussmann Saint-Lazare to Nanterre La Folie