Log file created at: Thu Aug 15 21:55:13 2024 tckma.rlist last updated: 2024-08-12 22:47:39 -0400 Processed 35 good lines marking 717 segments traveled. Clinched Highway Statistics Overall in active systems: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--% Overall in active+preview systems: 1065.87 of 107591.87 mi (0.99%) Overall by region: (each line reports active only then active+preview) CA: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 2.54 of 2861.87 mi (0.09%) CT: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 115.02 of 228.82 mi (50.27%) DC: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 9.27 of 53.39 mi (17.37%) DE: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 23.30 of 23.30 mi (100.00%) ENG: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 363.10 of 7502.19 mi (4.84%) FL: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 4.24 of 797.68 mi (0.53%) GA: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 9.54 of 367.55 mi (2.59%) MA: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 133.12 of 656.20 mi (20.29%) MD: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 90.63 of 280.23 mi (32.34%) NJ: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 59.00 of 462.23 mi (12.76%) NY: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 114.14 of 1510.37 mi (7.56%) PA: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 58.68 of 846.56 mi (6.93%) RI: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 49.81 of 49.81 mi (100.00%) VA: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 8.33 of 841.09 mi (0.99%) WLS: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 25.14 of 781.73 mi (3.22%) System eurhr (preview) overall: 0.14 of 587.88 mi (0.02%) System eurhr by region: ENG: 0.14 of 402.67 mi (0.04%) ESP-IB: 0.00 of 2.69 mi (0.00%) GGY: 0.00 of 1.63 mi (0.00%) IMN: 0.00 of 1.59 mi (0.00%) IRL: 0.00 of 5.58 mi (0.00%) NIR: 0.00 of 3.57 mi (0.00%) NOR: 0.00 of 0.62 mi (0.00%) SCT: 0.00 of 70.15 mi (0.00%) WLS: 0.00 of 99.37 mi (0.00%) System eurhr by route (traveled routes only): ChiPRRwy (Chinnor & Princes Risborough Railway): 0.14 of 3.73 mi (3.83%) (ENG ChiPRRwy only) System eurhr connected routes traveled: 1 of 154 (0.6%), clinched: 0 of 154 (0.0%). System gbngc (preview) overall: 32.39 of 316.87 mi (10.22%) System gbngc by route (traveled routes only): ECML (North Eastern): 32.39 of 268.84 mi (12.05%) (ENG ECMLNEn only) ECML (West Riding): 32.39 of 210.72 mi (15.37%) (ENG ECMLWRd only) System gbngc connected routes traveled: 2 of 2 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 2 (0.0%). System gbngr (preview) overall: 32.39 of 460.40 mi (7.04%) System gbngr by region: ENG: 32.39 of 406.21 mi (7.97%) SCT: 0.00 of 54.19 mi (0.00%) System gbngr by route (traveled routes only): ECML (East Coast Main Line (Edinburgh)): 32.39 of 396.41 mi (8.17%) ENG ECMLEdi: 32.39 of 342.22 mi (9.47%) ECML (East Coast Main Line (Leeds)): 32.39 of 206.73 mi (15.67%) (ENG ECMLLee only) ECML (East Coast Main Line (Lincoln)): 32.39 of 138.73 mi (23.35%) (ENG ECMLLin only) System gbngr connected routes traveled: 3 of 3 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 3 (0.0%). System gbngx (preview) overall: 0.82 of 51.51 mi (1.58%) System gbngx by route (traveled routes only): GatEx (Gatwick Express): 0.82 of 51.51 mi (1.58%) (ENG GatEx only) System gbngx connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 1 (0.0%). System gbnht (preview) overall: 32.39 of 216.04 mi (14.99%) System gbnht by route (traveled routes only): ECML (East Coast Main Line (Hull)): 32.39 of 216.50 mi (14.96%) (ENG ECMLHul only) System gbnht connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 1 (0.0%). System gbnhx (preview) overall: 12.06 of 16.04 mi (75.22%) System gbnhx by route (traveled routes only): HEx (Heathrow Express): 12.06 of 16.04 mi (75.22%) (ENG HEx only) System gbnhx connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 1 (0.0%). System gbnld (preview) overall: 32.39 of 395.96 mi (8.18%) System gbnld by region: ENG: 32.39 of 341.77 mi (9.48%) SCT: 0.00 of 54.19 mi (0.00%) System gbnld by route (traveled routes only): ECML (East Coast Main Line (Lumo)): 32.39 of 395.96 mi (8.18%) ENG ECMLLum: 32.39 of 341.77 mi (9.48%) System gbnld connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 1 (0.0%). System gbnxc (preview) overall: 78.67 of 1112.54 mi (7.07%) System gbnxc by region: ENG: 56.84 of 1028.86 mi (5.52%) SCT: 0.00 of 54.19 mi (0.00%) WLS: 21.84 of 29.49 mi (74.05%) System gbnxc by route (traveled routes only): XCML (Cross-Country Main Line (SW - NE)): 5.53 of 565.75 mi (0.98%) ENG XCML: 5.53 of 511.56 mi (1.08%) XCML (Cross-Country Main Line (NW - S Coast)): 43.00 of 257.98 mi (16.67%) (ENG XCMLSou only) XCML (Cross-Country Main Line (NW - SW)): 5.53 of 175.03 mi (3.16%) (ENG XCMLMan only) XCML (Cross-Country Main Line (Reading - NE)): 48.68 of 304.97 mi (15.96%) (ENG XCMLDon only) BirPetLn (Birmingham - Peterborough Line): 2.63 of 162.34 mi (1.62%) (ENG BirPetLn only) CarNotLn (Cardiff - Nottingham Line): 21.84 of 167.03 mi (13.07%) WLS CarNotLn: 21.84 of 29.49 mi (74.05%) System gbnxc connected routes traveled: 6 of 6 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 6 (0.0%). System gbnaw (preview) overall: 21.84 of 1036.79 mi (2.11%) System gbnaw by region: ENG: 0.00 of 357.30 mi (0.00%) WLS: 21.84 of 679.49 mi (3.21%) System gbnaw by route (traveled routes only): MarLn (Marches Line): 12.39 of 170.49 mi (7.27%) WLS MarLn: 12.39 of 41.87 mi (29.60%) NWSW (North Wales - South Wales): 12.39 of 233.68 mi (5.30%) WLS NWSWCar: 12.39 of 41.87 mi (29.60%) SevShoLn (Severn Shores Line): 21.84 of 56.66 mi (38.54%) WLS SevShoLn: 21.84 of 29.49 mi (74.05%) EbbwValeLn (Ebbw Vale Line (Cardiff)): 10.68 of 29.31 mi (36.44%) (WLS EbbwValeLn only) EbbwValeLn (Ebbw Vale Line (Newport)): 1.13 of 19.76 mi (5.71%) (WLS EbbwValeLnNew only) AbeLn (Aberdare Line): 0.27 of 23.26 mi (1.17%) (WLS AbeLn only) CorLn (Coryton Line): 0.27 of 8.97 mi (3.02%) (WLS CorLn only) MerLn (Merthyr Line): 0.27 of 23.56 mi (1.15%) (WLS MerLn only) PenLn (Penarth Line): 0.27 of 11.43 mi (2.37%) (WLS PenLn only) RhoLn (Rhondda Line): 0.27 of 22.82 mi (1.19%) (WLS RhoLn only) RhyLn (Rhymney Line): 0.27 of 31.90 mi (0.85%) (WLS RhyLn only) VoGLn (Vale of Glamorgan Line): 0.27 of 43.69 mi (0.62%) (WLS VoGLn only) System gbnaw connected routes traveled: 12 of 27 (44.4%), clinched: 0 of 27 (0.0%). System gbnch (preview) overall: 104.79 of 177.18 mi (59.14%) System gbnch by route (traveled routes only): ChiML (Chiltern Main Line (Birmingham)): 95.69 of 112.72 mi (84.89%) (ENG ChiML only) ChiML (Chiltern Main Line (Oxford)): 54.26 of 67.28 mi (80.66%) (ENG ChiMLOxf only) AylLn (Aylesbury Line): 5.18 of 40.48 mi (12.80%) (ENG AylLn only) IckLn (Ickneld Line): 0.14 of 7.32 mi (1.95%) (ENG IckLn only) StrBra (Stratford-upon-Avon branch): 15.52 of 15.52 mi (100.00%) (ENG StrBra only) System gbnch connected routes traveled: 5 of 5 (100.0%), clinched: 1 of 5 (20.0%). System gbngn (preview) overall: 58.05 of 126.49 mi (45.90%) System gbngn by route (traveled routes only): FenLn (Fen Line): 58.05 of 100.65 mi (57.68%) (ENG FenLn only) RheeVlyLn (Rhee Valley Line): 58.05 of 58.84 mi (98.66%) (ENG RheeVlyLn only) NorCityLn (Northern City Line): 4.43 of 30.27 mi (14.64%) (ENG NorCityLn only) NorCityLn (Northern City Line (Welwyn GC branch)): 18.42 of 21.50 mi (85.69%) (ENG NorCityLnWel only) System gbngn connected routes traveled: 4 of 4 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 4 (0.0%). System gbngw (preview) overall: 152.42 of 1125.58 mi (13.54%) System gbngw by region: ENG: 127.28 of 1024.37 mi (12.42%) WLS: 25.14 of 101.21 mi (24.84%) System gbngw by route (traveled routes only): GWML (Great Western Main Line): 83.99 of 138.55 mi (60.62%) (ENG GWML only) SWalML (South Wales Main Line): 146.91 of 223.99 mi (65.59%) ENG SWalML: 121.77 of 121.77 mi (100.00%) WLS SWalML: 25.14 of 102.22 mi (24.60%) DevML (Devon Main Line): 36.83 of 303.15 mi (12.15%) (ENG DevML only) CotLn (Cotswolds Line): 53.40 of 150.86 mi (35.39%) (ENG CotLn only) OxfLn (Oxford Line): 53.68 of 64.12 mi (83.71%) (ENG OxfLn only) BerHanLn (Berks & Hants Line): 36.83 of 174.36 mi (21.13%) (ENG BerHanLn only) GolVlyLn (Golden Valley Line): 78.29 of 121.70 mi (64.33%) (ENG GolVlyLn only) CorML (Cornish Main Line): 33.18 of 244.16 mi (13.59%) WLS CorML: 25.14 of 25.14 mi (100.00%) ENG CorML: 8.03 of 219.02 mi (3.67%) WesML (Wessex Mainline): 33.18 of 140.34 mi (23.64%) WLS WesML: 25.14 of 25.14 mi (100.00%) ENG WesML: 8.03 of 115.19 mi (6.97%) ThaVlyLn (Thames Valley Line): 53.68 of 53.68 mi (100.00%) (ENG ThaVlyLn only) NorDowLn (North Downs Line): 0.49 of 52.21 mi (0.94%) (ENG NorDowLn only) BruLn (Brunel Line): 0.44 of 15.63 mi (2.81%) (ENG BruLn only) OxCanLn (Oxford Canal Line): 5.51 of 33.34 mi (16.53%) (ENG OxCanLn only) TraWilLn (Trans-Wilts Line): 5.88 of 32.50 mi (18.08%) (ENG TraWilLn only) SevVlyLn (Severn Valley Line): 5.53 of 69.31 mi (7.97%) (ENG SevVlyLn only) HeaWesLn (Heart of Wessex Line): 5.53 of 126.19 mi (4.38%) (ENG HeaWesLn only) System gbngw connected routes traveled: 16 of 30 (53.3%), clinched: 1 of 30 (3.3%). System gbnle (preview) overall: 2.63 of 548.56 mi (0.48%) System gbnle by route (traveled routes only): WAML (West Anglia Main Line): 2.63 of 58.04 mi (4.53%) (ENG WAML only) BreLn (Breckland Line): 2.63 of 93.28 mi (2.82%) (ENG BreLn only) System gbnle connected routes traveled: 2 of 21 (9.5%), clinched: 0 of 21 (0.0%). System gbnlo (preview) overall: 1.15 of 103.74 mi (1.11%) System gbnlo by route (traveled routes only): WinLn (Windrush Line (Clapham Junction)): 1.15 of 11.35 mi (10.15%) (ENG WinLnCla only) System gbnlo connected routes traveled: 1 of 12 (8.3%), clinched: 0 of 12 (0.0%). System gbnse (preview) overall: 77.53 of 455.04 mi (17.04%) System gbnse by route (traveled routes only): HS1 (Southeastern Highspeed: London - Dover - Ramsgate): 0.97 of 99.77 mi (0.98%) (ENG HS1Dov only) HS1 (Southeastern Highspeed: London - Chatham - Ramsgate): 19.22 of 78.93 mi (24.35%) (ENG HS1Cha only) ChaML (Chatham Main Line): 77.53 of 77.53 mi (100.00%) (ENG ChaML only) ThaLn (Thanet Line): 52.25 of 79.54 mi (65.68%) (ENG ThaLn only) SoleStLn (Sole Street Line): 29.17 of 36.80 mi (79.25%) (ENG SoleStLn only) KentDowLn (Kent Downs Line): 17.69 of 59.15 mi (29.90%) (ENG KentDowLn only) MaiELn (Maidstone East Line): 4.88 of 38.71 mi (12.61%) (ENG MaiELn only) SwaLn (Swale Line): 0.54 of 7.88 mi (6.84%) (ENG SwaLn only) BexLn (Bexleyheath Line): 3.07 of 25.55 mi (12.03%) (ENG BexLn only) BroSLn (Bromley South Line): 12.81 of 15.02 mi (85.26%) (ENG BroSLn only) System gbnse connected routes traveled: 10 of 24 (41.7%), clinched: 1 of 24 (4.2%). System gbnsn (preview) overall: 1.28 of 400.81 mi (0.32%) System gbnsn by route (traveled routes only): SusMLE (Sussex Main Line (East)): 0.82 of 83.91 mi (0.97%) (ENG SusMLE only) SusMLW (Sussex Main Line (West)): 0.82 of 71.01 mi (1.15%) (ENG SusMLW only) ChiLn (Chichester Line): 0.82 of 87.54 mi (0.93%) (ENG ChiLn only) ArunVlyLn (Arun Valley Line): 0.82 of 67.66 mi (1.21%) (ENG ArunVlyLn only) EGriLn (East Grinstead Line): 0.82 of 30.19 mi (2.70%) (ENG EGriLn only) RdhLn (Redhill Line): 0.82 of 22.85 mi (3.57%) (ENG RdhLn only) GipHillLn (Gipsy Hill Line): 0.82 of 11.92 mi (6.84%) (ENG GipHillLn only) PecLn (Peckham Line): 0.46 of 11.55 mi (4.02%) (ENG PecLn only) SouLonLn (South London Line): 0.82 of 16.21 mi (5.03%) (ENG SouLonLn only) SutLn (Sutton Line): 0.82 of 37.15 mi (2.20%) (ENG SutLn only) WalLn (Uckfield Line): 0.82 of 18.85 mi (4.33%) (ENG WalLn only) System gbnsn connected routes traveled: 11 of 22 (50.0%), clinched: 0 of 22 (0.0%). System gbnsw (preview) overall: 0.49 of 528.74 mi (0.09%) System gbnsw by route (traveled routes only): ReaLn (Reading Line): 0.49 of 43.63 mi (1.12%) (ENG ReaLn only) System gbnsw connected routes traveled: 1 of 23 (4.3%), clinched: 0 of 23 (0.0%). System gbntl (preview) overall: 73.14 of 301.65 mi (24.25%) System gbntl by route (traveled routes only): ThaLnk (Thameslink (Cambridge - Brighton)): 59.02 of 113.45 mi (52.02%) (ENG ThaLnkCam only) ThaLnk (Thameslink (Bedford - Brighton)): 0.51 of 104.93 mi (0.49%) (ENG ThaLnk only) ThaLnk (Thameslink (Bedford - Three Bridges)): 0.51 of 83.25 mi (0.61%) (ENG ThaLnkBed only) ThaLnk (Thameslink (Peterborough - Horsham)): 33.36 of 119.12 mi (28.00%) (ENG ThaLnkPet only) ThaLnk (Thameslink (St Albans - Sutton)): 0.78 of 42.66 mi (1.82%) (ENG ThaLnkSut only) ThaLnk (Thameslink (Blackfriars - Sevenoaks)): 7.92 of 27.22 mi (29.10%) (ENG ThaLnkSev only) ThaLnk (Thameslink (Luton - Rainham)): 6.45 of 69.35 mi (9.30%) (ENG ThaLnkRai only) System gbntl connected routes traveled: 7 of 7 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 7 (0.0%). System gbnwm (preview) overall: 9.39 of 255.08 mi (3.68%) System gbnwm by route (traveled routes only): NucLn (NuCKLe Line): 0.29 of 19.84 mi (1.47%) (ENG NucLn only) ShaLn (Shakespeare Line): 3.72 of 43.45 mi (8.55%) (ENG ShaLn only) WyreVlyLn (Wyre Valley Line): 9.10 of 60.60 mi (15.02%) (ENG WyreVlyLn only) System gbnwm connected routes traveled: 3 of 11 (27.3%), clinched: 0 of 11 (0.0%). System gbnxr (preview) overall: 35.57 of 74.88 mi (47.51%) System gbnxr by route (traveled routes only): EliLn (Elizabeth Line (Reading - Abbey Wood)): 35.57 of 50.50 mi (70.44%) (ENG EliLn only) EliLn (Elizabeth Line (Heathrow Terminal 4 - Abbey Wood)): 11.24 of 30.35 mi (37.04%) (ENG EliLnHea only) EliLn (Elizabeth Line (Heathrow Terminal 5 - Shenfield)): 11.24 of 41.17 mi (27.30%) (ENG EliLnShe only) System gbnxr connected routes traveled: 3 of 3 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 3 (0.0%). System gbnlu (preview) overall: 6.58 of 246.58 mi (2.67%) System gbnlu by route (traveled routes only): CenLn (Central Line (West Ruislip - Epping)): 2.33 of 33.83 mi (6.88%) (ENG CenLn only) CenLn (Central Line (Ealing - Hainault - Woodford)): 0.63 of 26.82 mi (2.34%) (ENG CenLnEal only) CirLn (Circle Line): 0.48 of 17.02 mi (2.81%) (ENG CirLn only) HaCLn (Hammersmith & City Line): 0.48 of 16.06 mi (2.98%) (ENG HaCLn only) JubLn (Jubilee Line): 3.14 of 22.18 mi (14.17%) (ENG JubLn only) MetLn (Metropolitan Line (Amersham)): 3.14 of 28.18 mi (11.15%) (ENG MetLnAme only) MetLn (Metropolitan Line (Chesham)): 3.14 of 29.71 mi (10.58%) (ENG MetLn only) MetLn (Metropolitan Line (Uxbridge)): 3.14 of 20.64 mi (15.23%) (ENG MetLnUxb only) MetLn (Metropolitan Line (Watford)): 3.14 of 18.51 mi (16.98%) (ENG MetLnWat only) System gbnlu connected routes traveled: 9 of 26 (34.6%), clinched: 0 of 26 (0.0%). System gbnlt (preview) overall: 0.46 of 16.93 mi (2.74%) System gbnlt by route (traveled routes only): TLnk (Tramlink (Wimbledon - Beckenham Jct)): 0.46 of 11.42 mi (4.07%) (ENG TLnkWBJ only) TLnk (Tramlink (Beckenham Jct - Wimbledon)): 0.46 of 11.77 mi (3.94%) (ENG TLnkBJW only) System gbnlt connected routes traveled: 2 of 5 (40.0%), clinched: 0 of 5 (0.0%). System usaamtk (preview) overall: 518.75 of 21421.67 mi (2.42%) System usaamtk by region: AL: 0.00 of 230.64 mi (0.00%) AR: 0.00 of 310.55 mi (0.00%) AZ: 0.00 of 781.19 mi (0.00%) BC: 0.00 of 35.20 mi (0.00%) CA: 0.00 of 2010.91 mi (0.00%) CO: 0.00 of 652.92 mi (0.00%) CT: 115.02 of 169.09 mi (68.03%) DC: 4.41 of 12.81 mi (34.44%) DE: 23.30 of 23.30 mi (100.00%) FL: 0.00 of 506.40 mi (0.00%) GA: 0.00 of 315.69 mi (0.00%) IA: 0.00 of 295.66 mi (0.00%) ID: 0.00 of 100.18 mi (0.00%) IL: 0.00 of 1089.94 mi (0.00%) IN: 0.00 of 444.89 mi (0.00%) KS: 0.00 of 476.33 mi (0.00%) KY: 0.00 of 195.86 mi (0.00%) LA: 0.00 of 386.40 mi (0.00%) MA: 97.37 of 289.55 mi (33.63%) MD: 90.63 of 152.03 mi (59.61%) ME: 0.00 of 72.83 mi (0.00%) MI: 0.00 of 525.94 mi (0.00%) MN: 0.00 of 382.04 mi (0.00%) MO: 0.00 of 655.72 mi (0.00%) MS: 0.00 of 479.33 mi (0.00%) MT: 0.00 of 676.82 mi (0.00%) NC: 0.00 of 564.92 mi (0.00%) ND: 0.00 of 428.17 mi (0.00%) NE: 0.00 of 389.63 mi (0.00%) NH: 0.00 of 59.54 mi (0.00%) NJ: 59.00 of 59.00 mi (100.00%) NM: 0.00 of 601.31 mi (0.00%) NV: 0.00 of 467.39 mi (0.00%) NY: 30.11 of 785.45 mi (3.83%) OH: 0.00 of 381.30 mi (0.00%) OK: 0.00 of 132.76 mi (0.00%) ON: 0.00 of 83.69 mi (0.00%) OR: 0.00 of 342.91 mi (0.00%) PA: 49.10 of 620.22 mi (7.92%) QC: 0.00 of 48.43 mi (0.00%) RI: 49.81 of 49.81 mi (100.00%) SC: 0.00 of 552.15 mi (0.00%) TN: 0.00 of 133.87 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 1547.50 mi (0.00%) UT: 0.00 of 381.47 mi (0.00%) VA: 0.00 of 783.29 mi (0.00%) VT: 0.00 of 249.58 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 967.20 mi (0.00%) WI: 0.00 of 238.03 mi (0.00%) WV: 0.00 of 281.83 mi (0.00%) System usaamtk by route (traveled routes only): AE (Acela): 460.10 of 460.10 mi (100.00%) DC AE: 4.41 of 4.41 mi (100.00%) MD AE: 90.63 of 90.63 mi (100.00%) DE AE: 23.30 of 23.30 mi (100.00%) PA AE: 49.10 of 49.10 mi (100.00%) NJ AE: 59.00 of 59.00 mi (100.00%) NY AE: 30.11 of 30.11 mi (100.00%) CT AE: 115.02 of 115.02 mi (100.00%) RI AE: 49.81 of 49.81 mi (100.00%) MA AE: 38.72 of 38.72 mi (100.00%) AD (Adirondack): 0.44 of 382.75 mi (0.11%) NY AD: 0.44 of 334.32 mi (0.13%) HL (Amtrak Hartford Line): 2.27 of 62.46 mi (3.63%) CT HL: 2.27 of 56.33 mi (4.03%) BF (Berkshire Flyer): 0.44 of 190.85 mi (0.23%) NY BF: 0.44 of 179.27 mi (0.25%) CL (Capitol Limited): 0.91 of 771.45 mi (0.12%) DC CL: 0.91 of 6.20 mi (14.61%) CA (Cardinal): 227.65 of 1141.92 mi (19.94%) DC CA: 4.41 of 7.51 mi (58.73%) MD CA: 90.63 of 90.63 mi (100.00%) DE CA: 23.30 of 23.30 mi (100.00%) PA CA: 49.10 of 49.10 mi (100.00%) NJ CA: 59.00 of 59.00 mi (100.00%) NY CA: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) CN (Carolinian): 227.65 of 707.24 mi (32.19%) DC CN: 4.41 of 7.51 mi (58.73%) MD CN: 90.63 of 90.63 mi (100.00%) DE CN: 23.30 of 23.30 mi (100.00%) PA CN: 49.10 of 49.10 mi (100.00%) NJ CN: 59.00 of 59.00 mi (100.00%) NY CN: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) CR (Crescent): 227.65 of 1373.23 mi (16.58%) DC CR: 4.41 of 7.51 mi (58.73%) MD CR: 90.63 of 90.63 mi (100.00%) DE CR: 23.30 of 23.30 mi (100.00%) PA CR: 49.10 of 49.10 mi (100.00%) NJ CR: 59.00 of 59.00 mi (100.00%) NY CR: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) DE (Downeaster): 15.36 of 144.93 mi (10.60%) MA DE: 15.36 of 36.98 mi (41.53%) ES (Empire Service): 0.44 of 468.41 mi (0.09%) (NY ES only) EA (Ethan Allen Express): 0.44 of 312.27 mi (0.14%) NY EA: 0.44 of 227.48 mi (0.19%) KS (Keystone Service): 92.98 of 194.28 mi (47.86%) PA KS: 32.78 of 134.08 mi (24.45%) NJ KS: 59.00 of 59.00 mi (100.00%) NY KS: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) LS (Lake Shore Limited (Boston)): 44.53 of 1026.31 mi (4.34%) MA LSBos: 44.53 of 159.83 mi (27.86%) LS (Lake Shore Limited (New York)): 0.44 of 971.84 mi (0.05%) NY LSNew: 0.44 of 510.21 mi (0.09%) ML (Maple Leaf): 0.44 of 552.28 mi (0.08%) NY ML: 0.44 of 468.59 mi (0.09%) NE (Northeast Regional (Newport News)): 460.10 of 648.20 mi (70.98%) DC NENew: 4.41 of 7.51 mi (58.73%) MD NENew: 90.63 of 90.63 mi (100.00%) DE NENew: 23.30 of 23.30 mi (100.00%) PA NENew: 49.10 of 49.10 mi (100.00%) NJ NENew: 59.00 of 59.00 mi (100.00%) NY NENew: 30.11 of 30.11 mi (100.00%) CT NENew: 115.02 of 115.02 mi (100.00%) RI NENew: 49.81 of 49.81 mi (100.00%) MA NENew: 38.72 of 38.72 mi (100.00%) NE (Northeast Regional (Norfolk)): 460.10 of 684.02 mi (67.26%) DC NENor: 4.41 of 7.51 mi (58.73%) MD NENor: 90.63 of 90.63 mi (100.00%) DE NENor: 23.30 of 23.30 mi (100.00%) PA NENor: 49.10 of 49.10 mi (100.00%) NJ NENor: 59.00 of 59.00 mi (100.00%) NY NENor: 30.11 of 30.11 mi (100.00%) CT NENor: 115.02 of 115.02 mi (100.00%) RI NENor: 49.81 of 49.81 mi (100.00%) MA NENor: 38.72 of 38.72 mi (100.00%) NE (Northeast Regional (Roanoke)): 460.10 of 684.67 mi (67.20%) DC NERoa: 4.41 of 7.51 mi (58.73%) MD NERoa: 90.63 of 90.63 mi (100.00%) DE NERoa: 23.30 of 23.30 mi (100.00%) PA NERoa: 49.10 of 49.10 mi (100.00%) NJ NERoa: 59.00 of 59.00 mi (100.00%) NY NERoa: 30.11 of 30.11 mi (100.00%) CT NERoa: 115.02 of 115.02 mi (100.00%) RI NERoa: 49.81 of 49.81 mi (100.00%) MA NERoa: 38.72 of 38.72 mi (100.00%) NE (Northeast Regional (Springfield)): 305.22 of 365.41 mi (83.53%) DC NESpr: 4.41 of 4.41 mi (100.00%) MD NESpr: 90.63 of 90.63 mi (100.00%) DE NESpr: 23.30 of 23.30 mi (100.00%) PA NESpr: 49.10 of 49.10 mi (100.00%) NJ NESpr: 59.00 of 59.00 mi (100.00%) NY NESpr: 30.11 of 30.11 mi (100.00%) CT NESpr: 48.67 of 102.73 mi (47.37%) PL (Palmetto): 227.65 of 840.79 mi (27.08%) DC PL: 4.41 of 7.51 mi (58.73%) MD PL: 90.63 of 90.63 mi (100.00%) DE PL: 23.30 of 23.30 mi (100.00%) PA PL: 49.10 of 49.10 mi (100.00%) NJ PL: 59.00 of 59.00 mi (100.00%) NY PL: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) PA (Pennsylvanian): 92.98 of 435.35 mi (21.36%) PA PA: 32.78 of 375.15 mi (8.74%) NJ PA: 59.00 of 59.00 mi (100.00%) NY PA: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) SM (Silver Meteor): 227.65 of 1408.21 mi (16.17%) DC SM: 4.41 of 7.51 mi (58.73%) MD SM: 90.63 of 90.63 mi (100.00%) DE SM: 23.30 of 23.30 mi (100.00%) PA SM: 49.10 of 49.10 mi (100.00%) NJ SM: 59.00 of 59.00 mi (100.00%) NY SM: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) SS (Silver Star): 227.65 of 1527.63 mi (14.90%) DC SS: 4.41 of 7.51 mi (58.73%) MD SS: 90.63 of 90.63 mi (100.00%) DE SS: 23.30 of 23.30 mi (100.00%) PA SS: 49.10 of 49.10 mi (100.00%) NJ SS: 59.00 of 59.00 mi (100.00%) NY SS: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) VF (Valley Flyer): 2.27 of 98.26 mi (2.31%) CT VF: 2.27 of 56.33 mi (4.03%) VT (Vermonter): 305.22 of 604.17 mi (50.52%) DC VT: 4.41 of 4.41 mi (100.00%) MD VT: 90.63 of 90.63 mi (100.00%) DE VT: 23.30 of 23.30 mi (100.00%) PA VT: 49.10 of 49.10 mi (100.00%) NJ VT: 59.00 of 59.00 mi (100.00%) NY VT: 30.11 of 30.11 mi (100.00%) CT VT: 48.67 of 102.73 mi (47.37%) System usaamtk connected routes traveled: 25 of 53 (47.2%), clinched: 1 of 53 (1.9%). System usacndx (preview) overall: 50.53 of 110.72 mi (45.64%) System usacndx by region: CT: 50.53 of 104.59 mi (48.31%) MA: 0.00 of 6.12 mi (0.00%) System usacndx by route (traveled routes only): HarLn (Hartford Line): 2.27 of 62.46 mi (3.63%) CT HarLn: 2.27 of 56.33 mi (4.03%) ShoLnE (Shore Line East): 50.53 of 50.53 mi (100.00%) (CT ShoLnE only) System usacndx connected routes traveled: 2 of 2 (100.0%), clinched: 1 of 2 (50.0%). System usalirr (preview) overall: 27.08 of 309.01 mi (8.76%) System usalirr by route (traveled routes only): BabBra (Babylon Branch (Grand Central)): 8.82 of 38.99 mi (22.63%) (NY BabBraGCT only) BabBra (Babylon Branch (Penn Station)): 12.72 of 39.34 mi (32.33%) (NY BabBra only) HemBra (Hempstead Branch): 13.22 of 21.70 mi (60.92%) (NY HemBra only) LongBeaBra (Long Beach Branch): 11.63 of 24.87 mi (46.77%) (NY LongBeaBra only) MonBra (Montauk Branch): 24.39 of 117.31 mi (20.79%) (NY MonBra only) OysBayBra (Oyster Bay Branch): 9.51 of 23.72 mi (40.12%) (NY OysBayBra only) PortJefBra (Port Jefferson Branch): 27.08 of 59.80 mi (45.29%) (NY PortJefBra only) PortWasBra (Port Washington Branch (Grand Central)): 1.93 of 19.66 mi (9.82%) (NY PortWasBraGCT only) PortWasBra (Port Washington Branch (Penn Station)): 5.83 of 20.00 mi (29.13%) (NY PortWasBra only) RocBra (Far Rockaway Branch): 7.74 of 22.46 mi (34.45%) (NY RocBra only) RonBra (Ronkonkoma Branch (Grand Central)): 23.19 of 50.99 mi (45.48%) (NY RonBraGCT only) RonBra (Ronkonkoma Branch (Penn Station)): 27.08 of 51.33 mi (52.76%) (NY RonBra only) WHemBra (West Hempstead Branch): 1.69 of 21.29 mi (7.94%) (NY WHemBra only) System usalirr connected routes traveled: 13 of 14 (92.9%), clinched: 0 of 14 (0.0%). System usamarc (preview) overall: 77.22 of 197.28 mi (39.14%) System usamarc by region: DC: 4.41 of 11.28 mi (39.11%) MD: 72.81 of 168.37 mi (43.24%) WV: 0.00 of 17.62 mi (0.00%) System usamarc by route (traveled routes only): BruLn (Brunswick Line): 0.91 of 72.87 mi (1.24%) DC BruLn: 0.91 of 6.20 mi (14.61%) FreBra (Frederick Branch): 0.91 of 55.91 mi (1.62%) DC FreBra: 0.91 of 6.20 mi (14.61%) CamLn (Camden Line): 2.15 of 36.56 mi (5.87%) DC CamLn: 2.15 of 3.72 mi (57.72%) PennLn (Penn Line): 77.22 of 77.22 mi (100.00%) DC PennLn: 4.41 of 4.41 mi (100.00%) MD PennLn: 72.81 of 72.81 mi (100.00%) System usamarc connected routes traveled: 4 of 4 (100.0%), clinched: 1 of 4 (25.0%). System usambtx (preview) overall: 132.40 of 440.09 mi (30.08%) System usambtx by region: MA: 107.63 of 415.32 mi (25.91%) RI: 24.77 of 24.77 mi (100.00%) System usambtx by route (traveled routes only): FaiLn (Fairmount Line): 0.31 of 9.20 mi (3.39%) (MA FaiLn only) FitLn (Fitchburg Line): 0.49 of 53.97 mi (0.91%) (MA FitLn only) FoxLn (Foxboro Line): 9.72 of 23.02 mi (42.20%) (MA FoxLn only) FraLn (Franklin Line): 9.72 of 30.64 mi (31.71%) (MA FraLn only) GreLn (Greenbush Line): 0.31 of 28.02 mi (1.11%) (MA GreLn only) HavLn (Haverhill Line): 0.95 of 33.23 mi (2.87%) (MA HavLn only) HavLnWil (Haverhill Line (Wildcat Branch)): 15.36 of 33.57 mi (45.75%) (MA HavLnWil only) KinLn (Kingston Line): 0.31 of 35.56 mi (0.88%) (MA KinLn only) LowLn (Lowell Line): 25.62 of 25.62 mi (100.00%) (MA LowLn only) MidLn (Middleborough/Lakeville Line): 0.31 of 36.03 mi (0.87%) (MA MidLn only) NeeLn (Needham Line): 5.15 of 13.68 mi (37.66%) (MA NeeLn only) NewLn (Newburyport Line): 0.95 of 36.77 mi (2.59%) (MA NewLn only) ProLn (Providence Line): 63.49 of 63.49 mi (100.00%) RI ProLn: 24.77 of 24.77 mi (100.00%) MA ProLn: 38.72 of 38.72 mi (100.00%) RocLn (Rockport Line): 0.95 of 35.66 mi (2.67%) (MA RocLn only) StoLn (Stoughton Line): 15.20 of 19.20 mi (79.16%) (MA StoLn only) WorLn (Worcester Line): 44.53 of 44.53 mi (100.00%) (MA WorLn only) CapeFly (CapeFLYER): 0.31 of 79.99 mi (0.39%) (MA CapeFly only) System usambtx connected routes traveled: 17 of 17 (100.0%), clinched: 3 of 17 (17.6%). System usamncw (preview) overall: 108.77 of 361.49 mi (30.09%) System usamncw by region: CT: 46.99 of 103.10 mi (45.58%) NJ: 0.00 of 29.28 mi (0.00%) NY: 61.78 of 229.11 mi (26.96%) System usamncw by route (traveled routes only): HarLn (Harlem Line): 51.95 of 82.45 mi (63.01%) (NY HarLn only) HudLn (Hudson Line): 5.55 of 73.44 mi (7.55%) (NY HudLn only) NewHavLn (New Haven Line): 69.14 of 73.29 mi (94.34%) NY NewHavLn: 22.14 of 26.30 mi (84.21%) CT NewHavLn: 46.99 of 46.99 mi (100.00%) NewHavLn (New Haven Line (New Canaan Branch)): 1.82 of 7.87 mi (23.15%) (CT NewHavLnCan only) NewHavLn (New Haven Line (Danbury Branch)): 0.30 of 23.66 mi (1.29%) (CT NewHavLnDan only) NewHavLn (New Haven Line (Waterbury Branch)): 5.19 of 31.89 mi (16.27%) (CT NewHavLnWat only) System usamncw connected routes traveled: 6 of 7 (85.7%), clinched: 0 of 7 (0.0%). System usanjtr (preview) overall: 65.72 of 395.44 mi (16.62%) System usanjtr by region: NJ: 57.95 of 378.77 mi (15.30%) NY: 1.21 of 6.90 mi (17.48%) PA: 6.56 of 9.76 mi (67.18%) System usanjtr by route (traveled routes only): AtlCityLn (Atlantic City Line): 6.56 of 68.66 mi (9.55%) PA AtlCityLn: 6.56 of 9.76 mi (67.18%) MonBooLn (Montclair-Boontown Line): 7.95 of 61.87 mi (12.85%) NY MonBooLn: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) NJ MonBooLn: 6.74 of 60.66 mi (11.11%) MorEssLn (Morris and Essex Line): 7.95 of 61.81 mi (12.86%) NY MorEssLn: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) NJ MorEssLn: 6.74 of 60.61 mi (11.12%) NECorLn (Northeast Corridor Line): 59.16 of 59.16 mi (100.00%) NY NECorLn: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) NJ NECorLn: 57.95 of 57.95 mi (100.00%) NJerCoaLn (North Jersey Coast Line): 21.77 of 67.41 mi (32.30%) NY NJerCoaLn: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) NJ NJerCoaLn: 20.56 of 66.20 mi (31.07%) RarVlyLn (Raritan Valley Line): 1.73 of 45.98 mi (3.75%) (NJ RarVlyLn only) System usanjtr connected routes traveled: 6 of 12 (50.0%), clinched: 1 of 12 (8.3%). System usasepa (preview) overall: 78.84 of 224.92 mi (35.05%) System usasepa by region: DE: 20.81 of 20.81 mi (100.00%) NJ: 1.04 of 2.24 mi (46.39%) PA: 56.99 of 201.87 mi (28.23%) System usasepa by route (traveled routes only): AirLn (Airport Line): 2.16 of 8.56 mi (25.24%) (PA AirLn only) CHWLn (Chestnut Hill West Line): 3.62 of 11.07 mi (32.68%) (PA CHWLn only) CynLn (Cynwyd Line): 0.44 of 5.22 mi (8.35%) (PA CynLn only) ManNorLn (Manayunk/Norristown Line): 9.58 of 19.60 mi (48.90%) (PA ManNorLn only) MedWawLn (Media/Wawa Line): 0.65 of 17.19 mi (3.77%) (PA MedWawLn only) PaoThoLn (Paoli/Thorndale Line): 0.44 of 34.60 mi (1.26%) (PA PaoThoLn only) TreLn (Trenton Line): 31.97 of 32.75 mi (97.60%) PA TreLn: 30.93 of 31.71 mi (97.52%) NJ TreLn: 1.04 of 1.04 mi (100.00%) WilNewLn (Wilmington/Newark Line): 37.29 of 38.30 mi (97.35%) DE WilNewLn: 20.81 of 20.81 mi (100.00%) PA WilNewLn: 16.48 of 17.50 mi (94.20%) System usasepa connected routes traveled: 8 of 13 (61.5%), clinched: 0 of 13 (0.0%). System usambta (preview) overall: 9.41 of 37.51 mi (25.08%) System usambta by route (traveled routes only): BluLn (Blue Line): 0.41 of 5.90 mi (6.97%) (MA BluLn only) OraLn (Orange Line): 2.51 of 11.26 mi (22.26%) (MA OraLn only) RedLn (Red Line): 6.49 of 11.69 mi (55.49%) (MA RedLn only) RedLn (Red Line (Braintree)): 6.49 of 17.64 mi (36.77%) (MA RedLnBra only) System usambta connected routes traveled: 4 of 4 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 4 (0.0%). System usanycs (preview) overall: 9.47 of 227.49 mi (4.16%) System usanycs by route (traveled routes only): 1: 7.39 of 14.90 mi (49.61%) (NY 1 only) 2: 6.50 of 25.69 mi (25.31%) (NY 2 only) 3: 6.50 of 18.28 mi (35.58%) (NY 3 only) N: 1.53 of 20.63 mi (7.40%) (NY N only) Q: 1.53 of 18.15 mi (8.41%) (NY Q only) R: 1.53 of 21.94 mi (6.95%) (NY R only) S (42nd Street Shuttle): 0.55 of 0.55 mi (100.00%) (NY S42 only) W: 1.53 of 9.92 mi (15.38%) (NY W only) System usanycs connected routes traveled: 8 of 25 (32.0%), clinched: 1 of 25 (4.0%). System usawdw (preview) overall: 4.24 of 5.56 mi (76.20%) System usawdw by route (traveled routes only): EpcMon (Epcot Monorail): 3.03 of 3.03 mi (100.00%) (FL EpcMon only) ExpMon (Express Monorail): 1.21 of 2.53 mi (47.68%) (FL ExpMon only) ResMon (Resorts Monorail): 1.21 of 2.53 mi (47.68%) (FL ResMon only) System usawdw connected routes traveled: 3 of 3 (100.0%), clinched: 1 of 3 (33.3%). System usawmat (preview) overall: 13.19 of 125.90 mi (10.48%) System usawmat by region: DC: 4.86 of 37.08 mi (13.11%) MD: 0.00 of 38.00 mi (0.00%) VA: 8.33 of 50.81 mi (16.39%) System usawmat by route (traveled routes only): BluLn (Blue Line): 6.11 of 29.57 mi (20.66%) VA BluLn: 1.25 of 15.59 mi (7.99%) DC BluLn: 4.86 of 10.01 mi (48.58%) OraLn (Orange Line): 12.39 of 26.00 mi (47.68%) VA OraLn: 7.53 of 12.47 mi (60.42%) DC OraLn: 4.86 of 9.28 mi (52.41%) SilLn (Silver Line): 12.21 of 43.02 mi (28.39%) VA SilLn: 7.35 of 29.03 mi (25.32%) DC SilLn: 4.86 of 10.01 mi (48.58%) System usawmat connected routes traveled: 3 of 6 (50.0%), clinched: 0 of 6 (0.0%). System usamarta (preview) overall: 9.54 of 47.93 mi (19.90%) System usamarta by route (traveled routes only): GoldLn (Gold Line): 9.54 of 22.56 mi (42.27%) (GA GoldLn only) RedLn (Red Line): 9.54 of 24.42 mi (39.06%) (GA RedLn only) System usamarta connected routes traveled: 2 of 4 (50.0%), clinched: 0 of 4 (0.0%). System usambtlr (preview) overall: 16.09 of 29.40 mi (54.71%) System usambtlr by route (traveled routes only): GreLnB (Green (Boston College) Line): 4.95 of 6.39 mi (77.44%) (MA GreLnB only) GreLnC (Green (Cleveland Circle) Line): 2.56 of 5.14 mi (49.74%) (MA GreLnC only) GreLnD (Green (Riverside) Line): 13.33 of 14.37 mi (92.75%) (MA GreLnD only) GreLnE (Green (Arborway) Line): 2.54 of 8.67 mi (29.31%) (MA GreLnE only) System usambtlr connected routes traveled: 4 of 5 (80.0%), clinched: 0 of 5 (0.0%). System usamts (preview) overall: 2.54 of 63.04 mi (4.03%) System usamts by route (traveled routes only): BlueLn (Blue Line): 0.42 of 30.80 mi (1.36%) (CA BlueLn only) GreLn (Green Line): 2.54 of 24.44 mi (10.40%) (CA GreLn only) System usamts connected routes traveled: 2 of 3 (66.7%), clinched: 0 of 3 (0.0%). Traveled 0 of 0 (-nan%), Clinched 0 of 0 (-nan%) active systems Traveled 37 of 674 (5.5%), Clinched 0 of 674 (0.0%) preview systems Most recent updates for listed routes: