Log file created at: Sun Jul 28 23:39:44 2024 hoopitypoop.rlist last updated: 2024-07-14 22:12:45 -0400 Incorrect format line (4 or 6 fields expected, found 5): GA GA SkyTrn Air RenCarCen Processed 36 good lines marking 912 segments traveled. Clinched Highway Statistics Overall in active systems: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--% Overall in active+preview systems: 1149.58 of 107285.60 mi (1.07%) Overall by region: (each line reports active only then active+preview) GA: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 9.16 of 367.55 mi (2.49%) IL: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 395.63 of 1599.36 mi (24.74%) IN: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 224.90 of 514.95 mi (43.67%) JPN: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 70.92 of 16517.61 mi (0.43%) MO: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 1.89 of 682.73 mi (0.28%) NJ: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 19.92 of 462.23 mi (4.31%) NY: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 1.21 of 1510.37 mi (0.08%) OH: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 266.62 of 416.03 mi (64.09%) PA: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 159.33 of 846.56 mi (18.82%) System jpnrkku (preview) overall: 35.05 of 53.43 mi (65.59%) System jpnrkku by route (traveled routes only): KeikyuMainLn (Keikyu Main Line): 35.05 of 35.05 mi (100.00%) (JPN KeikyuMainLn only) System jpnrkku connected routes traveled: 1 of 5 (20.0%), clinched: 1 of 5 (20.0%). System jpnrksi (preview) overall: 41.60 of 129.50 mi (32.13%) System jpnrksi by route (traveled routes only): Skyliner (Keisei Skyliner): 32.33 of 39.68 mi (81.46%) (JPN Skyliner only) AccExpHaneda (Keisei Access Express Haneda): 41.60 of 53.19 mi (78.21%) (JPN AccExpHaneda only) AccExpUeno (Keisei Access Express Ueno): 32.33 of 39.68 mi (81.46%) (JPN AccExpUeno only) Morningliner (Keisei Morningliner / Eveningliner): 0.74 of 42.09 mi (1.76%) (JPN Morningliner only) HokusoLn (Keisei Hokuso Line): 20.16 of 20.16 mi (100.00%) (JPN HokusoLn only) KeiNarAptLn (Keisei Narita Airport Line): 28.20 of 32.16 mi (87.68%) (JPN KeiNarAptLn only) KeiseiMainLn (Keisei Main Line): 0.74 of 42.09 mi (1.76%) (JPN KeiseiMainLn only) OshiageLn (Keisei Oshiage Line): 3.55 of 3.55 mi (100.00%) (JPN OshiageLn only) System jpnrksi connected routes traveled: 8 of 13 (61.5%), clinched: 2 of 13 (15.4%). System usaamtk (preview) overall: 657.27 of 21421.67 mi (3.07%) System usaamtk by region: AL: 0.00 of 230.64 mi (0.00%) AR: 0.00 of 310.55 mi (0.00%) AZ: 0.00 of 781.19 mi (0.00%) BC: 0.00 of 35.20 mi (0.00%) CA: 0.00 of 2010.91 mi (0.00%) CO: 0.00 of 652.92 mi (0.00%) CT: 0.00 of 169.09 mi (0.00%) DC: 0.00 of 12.81 mi (0.00%) DE: 0.00 of 23.30 mi (0.00%) FL: 0.00 of 506.40 mi (0.00%) GA: 0.00 of 315.69 mi (0.00%) IA: 0.00 of 295.66 mi (0.00%) ID: 0.00 of 100.18 mi (0.00%) IL: 55.35 of 1089.94 mi (5.08%) IN: 154.84 of 444.89 mi (34.80%) KS: 0.00 of 476.33 mi (0.00%) KY: 0.00 of 195.86 mi (0.00%) LA: 0.00 of 386.40 mi (0.00%) MA: 0.00 of 289.55 mi (0.00%) MD: 0.00 of 152.03 mi (0.00%) ME: 0.00 of 72.83 mi (0.00%) MI: 0.00 of 525.94 mi (0.00%) MN: 0.00 of 382.04 mi (0.00%) MO: 0.00 of 655.72 mi (0.00%) MS: 0.00 of 479.33 mi (0.00%) MT: 0.00 of 676.82 mi (0.00%) NC: 0.00 of 564.92 mi (0.00%) ND: 0.00 of 428.17 mi (0.00%) NE: 0.00 of 389.63 mi (0.00%) NH: 0.00 of 59.54 mi (0.00%) NJ: 19.92 of 59.00 mi (33.77%) NM: 0.00 of 601.31 mi (0.00%) NV: 0.00 of 467.39 mi (0.00%) NY: 1.21 of 785.45 mi (0.15%) OH: 266.62 of 381.30 mi (69.92%) OK: 0.00 of 132.76 mi (0.00%) ON: 0.00 of 83.69 mi (0.00%) OR: 0.00 of 342.91 mi (0.00%) PA: 159.33 of 620.22 mi (25.69%) QC: 0.00 of 48.43 mi (0.00%) RI: 0.00 of 49.81 mi (0.00%) SC: 0.00 of 552.15 mi (0.00%) TN: 0.00 of 133.87 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 1547.50 mi (0.00%) UT: 0.00 of 381.47 mi (0.00%) VA: 0.00 of 783.29 mi (0.00%) VT: 0.00 of 249.58 mi (0.00%) WA: 0.00 of 967.20 mi (0.00%) WI: 0.00 of 238.03 mi (0.00%) WV: 0.00 of 281.83 mi (0.00%) System usaamtk by route (traveled routes only): AE (Acela): 21.13 of 460.10 mi (4.59%) NJ AE: 19.92 of 59.00 mi (33.77%) NY AE: 1.21 of 30.11 mi (4.01%) AD (Adirondack): 0.44 of 382.75 mi (0.11%) NY AD: 0.44 of 334.32 mi (0.13%) BF (Berkshire Flyer): 0.44 of 190.85 mi (0.23%) NY BF: 0.44 of 179.27 mi (0.25%) BO (Borealis): 5.67 of 414.97 mi (1.37%) IL BO: 5.67 of 48.70 mi (11.65%) BW (Blue Water): 41.01 of 322.99 mi (12.70%) IL BW: 14.79 of 14.79 mi (100.00%) IN BW: 26.22 of 44.46 mi (58.97%) CZ (California Zephyr): 36.08 of 2407.23 mi (1.50%) IL CZ: 36.08 of 207.94 mi (17.35%) CL (Capitol Limited): 486.07 of 771.45 mi (63.01%) IL CL: 14.79 of 14.79 mi (100.00%) IN CL: 154.84 of 154.84 mi (100.00%) OH CL: 266.62 of 266.62 mi (100.00%) PA CL: 49.82 of 185.63 mi (26.84%) CA (Cardinal): 25.85 of 1141.92 mi (2.26%) IL CA: 4.72 of 26.28 mi (17.95%) NJ CA: 19.92 of 59.00 mi (33.77%) NY CA: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) SB (Carl Sandburg): 36.08 of 262.33 mi (13.75%) (IL SB only) CN (Carolinian): 21.13 of 707.24 mi (2.99%) NJ CN: 19.92 of 59.00 mi (33.77%) NY CN: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) NO (City of New Orleans): 1.78 of 946.17 mi (0.19%) IL NO: 1.78 of 371.09 mi (0.48%) CR (Crescent): 21.13 of 1373.23 mi (1.54%) NJ CR: 19.92 of 59.00 mi (33.77%) NY CR: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) EB (Empire Builder (Portland)): 5.67 of 2269.19 mi (0.25%) IL EBPor: 5.67 of 48.70 mi (11.65%) EB (Empire Builder (Seattle)): 5.67 of 2217.28 mi (0.26%) IL EBSea: 5.67 of 48.70 mi (11.65%) ES (Empire Service): 0.44 of 468.41 mi (0.09%) (NY ES only) EA (Ethan Allen Express): 0.44 of 312.27 mi (0.14%) NY EA: 0.44 of 227.48 mi (0.19%) HI (Hiawatha): 5.67 of 87.21 mi (6.51%) IL HI: 5.67 of 48.70 mi (11.65%) IL (Illini Service): 1.78 of 316.79 mi (0.56%) (IL IL only) IZ (Illinois Zephyr): 36.08 of 262.33 mi (13.75%) (IL IZ only) KS (Keystone Service): 21.13 of 194.28 mi (10.88%) NJ KS: 19.92 of 59.00 mi (33.77%) NY KS: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) LS (Lake Shore Limited (Boston)): 347.12 of 1026.31 mi (33.82%) IL LSBos: 14.79 of 14.79 mi (100.00%) IN LSBos: 154.84 of 154.84 mi (100.00%) OH LSBos: 177.49 of 247.24 mi (71.79%) LS (Lake Shore Limited (New York)): 347.56 of 971.84 mi (35.76%) IL LSNew: 14.79 of 14.79 mi (100.00%) IN LSNew: 154.84 of 154.84 mi (100.00%) OH LSNew: 177.49 of 247.24 mi (71.79%) NY LSNew: 0.44 of 510.21 mi (0.09%) LI (Lincoln Service): 1.69 of 286.02 mi (0.59%) IL LI: 1.69 of 284.76 mi (0.59%) ML (Maple Leaf): 0.44 of 552.28 mi (0.08%) NY ML: 0.44 of 468.59 mi (0.09%) NE (Northeast Regional (Newport News)): 21.13 of 648.20 mi (3.26%) NJ NENew: 19.92 of 59.00 mi (33.77%) NY NENew: 1.21 of 30.11 mi (4.01%) NE (Northeast Regional (Norfolk)): 21.13 of 684.02 mi (3.09%) NJ NENor: 19.92 of 59.00 mi (33.77%) NY NENor: 1.21 of 30.11 mi (4.01%) NE (Northeast Regional (Roanoke)): 21.13 of 684.67 mi (3.09%) NJ NERoa: 19.92 of 59.00 mi (33.77%) NY NERoa: 1.21 of 30.11 mi (4.01%) NE (Northeast Regional (Springfield)): 21.13 of 365.41 mi (5.78%) NJ NESpr: 19.92 of 59.00 mi (33.77%) NY NESpr: 1.21 of 30.11 mi (4.01%) PL (Palmetto): 21.13 of 840.79 mi (2.51%) NJ PL: 19.92 of 59.00 mi (33.77%) NY PL: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) PA (Pennsylvanian): 132.28 of 435.35 mi (30.38%) PA PA: 111.15 of 375.15 mi (29.63%) NJ PA: 19.92 of 59.00 mi (33.77%) NY PA: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) PM (Pere Marquette): 41.01 of 179.11 mi (22.90%) IL PM: 14.79 of 14.79 mi (100.00%) IN PM: 26.22 of 45.19 mi (58.02%) SK (Saluki): 1.78 of 316.79 mi (0.56%) (IL SK only) SM (Silver Meteor): 21.13 of 1408.21 mi (1.50%) NJ SM: 19.92 of 59.00 mi (33.77%) NY SM: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) SS (Silver Star): 21.13 of 1527.63 mi (1.38%) NJ SS: 19.92 of 59.00 mi (33.77%) NY SS: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) SW (Southwest Chief): 36.08 of 2252.99 mi (1.60%) IL SW: 36.08 of 221.64 mi (16.28%) TX (Texas Eagle): 1.69 of 2741.38 mi (0.06%) IL TX: 1.69 of 284.76 mi (0.59%) VT (Vermonter): 21.13 of 604.17 mi (3.50%) NJ VT: 19.92 of 59.00 mi (33.77%) NY VT: 1.21 of 30.11 mi (4.01%) WV (Wolverine): 41.01 of 306.65 mi (13.37%) IL WV: 14.79 of 14.79 mi (100.00%) IN WV: 26.22 of 44.46 mi (58.97%) System usaamtk connected routes traveled: 38 of 53 (71.7%), clinched: 0 of 53 (0.0%). System usametx (preview) overall: 259.11 of 492.90 mi (52.57%) System usametx by region: IL: 259.11 of 486.31 mi (53.28%) WI: 0.00 of 6.58 mi (0.00%) System usametx by route (traveled routes only): ME (Metra Electric): 31.56 of 31.56 mi (100.00%) (IL ME only) MEBlue (Metra Electric (Blue Island Branch)): 15.17 of 19.11 mi (79.40%) (IL MEBlu only) MESChi (Metra Electric (South Chicago Branch)): 13.06 of 13.06 mi (100.00%) (IL MESCh only) RI (Rock Island District): 35.10 of 40.88 mi (85.86%) (IL RI only) RISub (Rock Island District (Suburban Branch)): 16.60 of 16.60 mi (100.00%) (IL RISub only) SWS (Southwest Service): 4.72 of 41.03 mi (11.49%) (IL SWS only) HC (Heritage Corridor): 1.69 of 37.72 mi (4.47%) (IL HC only) BNSF (BNSF): 37.78 of 37.78 mi (100.00%) (IL BNSF only) MDW (Milwaukee District West): 40.84 of 40.84 mi (100.00%) (IL MDW only) UPW (Union Pacific West): 36.45 of 44.53 mi (81.85%) (IL UPW only) MDN (Milwaukee District North): 5.67 of 50.76 mi (11.18%) (IL MDN only) NCS (North Central Service): 13.01 of 54.08 mi (24.05%) (IL NCS only) UPNW (Union Pacific Northwest): 64.35 of 64.35 mi (100.00%) (IL UPNW only) UPNWMcH (Union Pacific Northwest (McHenry Branch)): 43.68 of 51.40 mi (84.98%) (IL UPNWMcH only) UPN (Union Pacific North): 2.90 of 52.66 mi (5.51%) IL UPN: 2.90 of 46.07 mi (6.30%) System usametx connected routes traveled: 15 of 15 (100.0%), clinched: 6 of 15 (40.0%). System usanjtr (preview) overall: 21.13 of 395.44 mi (5.34%) System usanjtr by region: NJ: 19.92 of 378.77 mi (5.26%) NY: 1.21 of 6.90 mi (17.48%) PA: 0.00 of 9.76 mi (0.00%) System usanjtr by route (traveled routes only): MonBooLn (Montclair-Boontown Line): 7.95 of 61.87 mi (12.85%) NY MonBooLn: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) NJ MonBooLn: 6.74 of 60.66 mi (11.11%) MorEssLn (Morris and Essex Line): 7.95 of 61.81 mi (12.86%) NY MorEssLn: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) NJ MorEssLn: 6.74 of 60.61 mi (11.12%) NECorLn (Northeast Corridor Line): 21.13 of 59.16 mi (35.72%) NY NECorLn: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) NJ NECorLn: 19.92 of 57.95 mi (34.38%) NJerCoaLn (North Jersey Coast Line): 21.13 of 67.41 mi (31.35%) NY NJerCoaLn: 1.21 of 1.21 mi (100.00%) NJ NJerCoaLn: 19.92 of 66.20 mi (30.10%) RarVlyLn (Raritan Valley Line): 1.73 of 45.98 mi (3.75%) (NJ RarVlyLn only) System usanjtr connected routes traveled: 5 of 12 (41.7%), clinched: 0 of 12 (0.0%). System usanicd (preview) overall: 91.02 of 91.02 mi (100.00%) System usanicd by region: IL: 20.96 of 20.96 mi (100.00%) IN: 70.06 of 70.06 mi (100.00%) System usanicd by route (traveled routes only): SouShoLn (South Shore Line): 91.02 of 91.02 mi (100.00%) IN SouShoLn: 70.06 of 70.06 mi (100.00%) IL SouShoLn: 20.96 of 20.96 mi (100.00%) System usanicd connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 1 of 1 (100.0%). System usamarta (preview) overall: 9.16 of 47.93 mi (19.10%) System usamarta by route (traveled routes only): GoldLn (Gold Line): 9.16 of 22.56 mi (40.58%) (GA GoldLn only) RedLn (Red Line): 9.16 of 24.42 mi (37.50%) (GA RedLn only) System usamarta connected routes traveled: 2 of 4 (50.0%), clinched: 0 of 4 (0.0%). System usacta (preview) overall: 95.48 of 104.63 mi (91.25%) System usacta by route (traveled routes only): BlueLn (Blue Line): 28.20 of 28.20 mi (100.00%) (IL BlueLn only) BroLn (Brown Line): 11.52 of 11.52 mi (100.00%) (IL BroLn only) GreLn (Green Line (Ashland)): 19.48 of 19.48 mi (100.00%) (IL GreLn only) GreLnE63 (Green Line (East 63rd)): 17.72 of 17.72 mi (100.00%) (IL GreLnE63 only) OraLn (Orange Line): 12.55 of 12.55 mi (100.00%) (IL OraLn only) PinkLn (Pink Line): 10.69 of 10.69 mi (100.00%) (IL PinkLn only) RedLn (Red Line): 22.09 of 22.38 mi (98.71%) (IL RedLn only) System usacta connected routes traveled: 7 of 9 (77.8%), clinched: 6 of 9 (66.7%). System usabsda (preview) overall: 23.67 of 46.51 mi (50.89%) System usabsda by region: IL: 21.77 of 21.77 mi (100.00%) MO: 1.89 of 24.73 mi (7.66%) System usabsda by route (traveled routes only): MLBlueLn (Blue Line): 9.95 of 22.08 mi (45.06%) MO MLBlueLn: 1.89 of 14.02 mi (13.51%) IL MLBlueLn: 8.06 of 8.06 mi (100.00%) MLRedLn (Red Line): 23.67 of 36.99 mi (63.98%) MO MLRedLn: 1.89 of 15.22 mi (12.45%) IL MLRedLn: 21.77 of 21.77 mi (100.00%) System usabsda connected routes traveled: 2 of 3 (66.7%), clinched: 0 of 3 (0.0%). System usaair (preview) overall: 2.84 of 30.39 mi (9.35%) System usaair by region: AZ: 0.00 of 4.88 mi (0.00%) CA: 0.00 of 6.05 mi (0.00%) FL: 0.00 of 3.97 mi (0.00%) GA: 0.00 of 1.34 mi (0.00%) IL: 2.84 of 2.84 mi (100.00%) MN: 0.00 of 0.22 mi (0.00%) NJ: 0.00 of 2.30 mi (0.00%) NY: 0.00 of 7.82 mi (0.00%) TX: 0.00 of 0.97 mi (0.00%) System usaair by route (traveled routes only): AirTraSys (ORD Airport Transit System): 2.84 of 2.84 mi (100.00%) (IL AirTraSys only) System usaair connected routes traveled: 1 of 15 (6.7%), clinched: 1 of 15 (6.7%). Traveled 0 of 0 (-nan%), Clinched 0 of 0 (-nan%) active systems Traveled 10 of 669 (1.5%), Clinched 1 of 669 (0.1%) preview systems Most recent updates for listed routes: