Log file created at: Sun Mar 24 22:45:09 2024 imgoph.list last updated: 2024-01-25 22:16:14 -0500 Processed 77 good lines marking 960 segments traveled. Clinched Highway Statistics Overall in active systems: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--% Overall in active+preview systems: 506.00 of 71235.11 mi (0.71%) Overall by region: (each line reports active only then active+preview) CA: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 150.58 of 1119.91 mi (13.45%) DC: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 45.00 of 53.39 mi (84.27%) IL: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 34.08 of 593.79 mi (5.74%) ITA-LAZ: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 51.24 of 533.14 mi (9.61%) MA: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 28.28 of 488.35 mi (5.79%) MD: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 110.53 of 250.04 mi (44.21%) NY: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 11.05 of 803.17 mi (1.38%) ON: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 2.09 of 422.48 mi (0.50%) PA: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 11.64 of 309.99 mi (3.75%) QC: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 17.85 of 50.89 mi (35.09%) VA: 0.00 of 0.00 mi -.--%, 43.64 of 140.25 mi (31.12%) System canstm (preview) overall: 17.85 of 40.84 mi (43.72%) System canstm by route (traveled routes only): GreLn (Green Line): 6.87 of 13.79 mi (49.83%) (QC GreLn only) OraLn (Orange Line): 6.61 of 18.46 mi (35.79%) (QC OraLn only) BluLn (Blue Line): 4.49 of 6.13 mi (73.32%) (QC BluLn only) System canstm connected routes traveled: 3 of 4 (75.0%), clinched: 0 of 4 (0.0%). System canttc (preview) overall: 2.09 of 44.13 mi (4.75%) System canttc by route (traveled routes only): 1 (Line 1 Yonge-University-Spadina): 2.09 of 24.41 mi (8.58%) (ON 1 only) 2 (Line 2 Bloor-Danforth): 0.12 of 16.60 mi (0.75%) (ON 2 only) System canttc connected routes traveled: 2 of 3 (66.7%), clinched: 0 of 3 (0.0%). System itafl (preview) overall: 8.65 of 400.82 mi (2.16%) System itafl by route (traveled routes only): FL4: 8.65 of 25.00 mi (34.61%) (ITA-LAZ FL4 only) FL4 (Albano Laziale): 8.65 of 16.26 mi (53.21%) (ITA-LAZ FL4Alb only) FL4 (Frascati): 8.65 of 14.24 mi (60.78%) (ITA-LAZ FL4Fra only) FL5: 1.43 of 48.75 mi (2.94%) (ITA-LAZ FL5 only) FL6: 8.65 of 84.69 mi (10.22%) (ITA-LAZ FL6 only) FL7: 3.49 of 86.73 mi (4.02%) (ITA-LAZ FL7 only) FL8: 3.49 of 36.79 mi (9.48%) (ITA-LAZ FL8 only) System itafl connected routes traveled: 7 of 11 (63.6%), clinched: 0 of 11 (0.0%). System itafc (preview) overall: 20.40 of 79.69 mi (25.60%) System itafc by route (traveled routes only): FC1 (Tranvétto): 3.72 of 3.72 mi (100.00%) (ITA-LAZ FC1 only) FC2 (Metromare): 15.19 of 17.57 mi (86.43%) (ITA-LAZ FC2 only) FC3 (Ferrovia Roma-Viterbo): 1.50 of 58.40 mi (2.56%) (ITA-LAZ FC3 only) System itafc connected routes traveled: 3 of 3 (100.0%), clinched: 1 of 3 (33.3%). System itarm (preview) overall: 16.83 of 36.45 mi (46.16%) System itarm by route (traveled routes only): MA: 5.06 of 11.52 mi (43.98%) (ITA-LAZ MA only) MB: 7.73 of 11.15 mi (69.32%) (ITA-LAZ MB only) MB1: 7.91 of 10.52 mi (75.23%) (ITA-LAZ MB1 only) MC: 3.25 of 11.20 mi (29.03%) (ITA-LAZ MC only) System itarm connected routes traveled: 4 of 4 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 4 (0.0%). System itart (preview) overall: 9.00 of 19.82 mi (45.42%) System itart by route (traveled routes only): 2: 0.49 of 1.66 mi (29.41%) (ITA-LAZ 2Rom only) 3: 5.15 of 8.60 mi (59.95%) (ITA-LAZ 3Rom only) 5: 1.16 of 4.41 mi (26.27%) (ITA-LAZ 5Rom only) 8: 1.94 of 3.49 mi (55.46%) (ITA-LAZ 8Rom only) 14: 1.16 of 4.54 mi (25.46%) (ITA-LAZ 14Rom only) 19: 3.28 of 8.75 mi (37.49%) (ITA-LAZ 19Rom only) System itart connected routes traveled: 6 of 6 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 6 (0.0%). System usamarc (preview) overall: 75.08 of 197.26 mi (38.06%) System usamarc by region: DC: 5.98 of 11.28 mi (53.05%) MD: 69.09 of 168.36 mi (41.04%) WV: 0.00 of 17.62 mi (0.00%) System usamarc by route (traveled routes only): BruLn (Brunswick Line): 0.91 of 72.87 mi (1.24%) DC BruLn: 0.91 of 6.20 mi (14.61%) FreBra (Frederick Branch): 0.91 of 55.91 mi (1.62%) DC FreBra: 0.91 of 6.20 mi (14.61%) CamLn (Camden Line): 36.56 of 36.56 mi (100.00%) DC CamLn: 3.72 of 3.72 mi (100.00%) MD CamLn: 32.84 of 32.84 mi (100.00%) PennLn (Penn Line): 40.66 of 77.21 mi (52.67%) DC PennLn: 4.41 of 4.41 mi (100.00%) MD PennLn: 36.25 of 72.79 mi (49.80%) System usamarc connected routes traveled: 4 of 4 (100.0%), clinched: 1 of 4 (25.0%). System usaace (preview) overall: 2.88 of 85.82 mi (3.35%) System usaace by route (traveled routes only): ACE (Altamont Corridor Express): 2.88 of 85.82 mi (3.35%) (CA ACE only) System usaace connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 1 (0.0%). System usajpbx (preview) overall: 49.37 of 78.11 mi (63.20%) System usajpbx by route (traveled routes only): CT (Caltrain): 49.37 of 78.11 mi (63.20%) (CA CT only) System usajpbx connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 1 (0.0%). System usabmsl (preview) overall: 3.59 of 14.77 mi (24.30%) System usabmsl by route (traveled routes only): MetSub (Metro SubwayLink): 3.59 of 14.77 mi (24.30%) (MD MetSub only) System usabmsl connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 1 (0.0%). System usambta (preview) overall: 15.35 of 37.51 mi (40.93%) System usambta by route (traveled routes only): BluLn (Blue Line): 1.96 of 5.90 mi (33.21%) (MA BluLn only) OraLn (Orange Line): 1.57 of 11.26 mi (13.92%) (MA OraLn only) RedLn (Red Line): 6.33 of 11.69 mi (54.11%) (MA RedLn only) RedLn (Red Line (Braintree)): 11.83 of 17.64 mi (67.02%) (MA RedLnBra only) System usambta connected routes traveled: 4 of 4 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 4 (0.0%). System usasepta (preview) overall: 1.33 of 37.61 mi (3.54%) System usasepta by route (traveled routes only): MarFraLn (Market-Frankford Line): 1.33 of 13.01 mi (10.24%) (PA MarFraLn only) System usasepta connected routes traveled: 1 of 4 (25.0%), clinched: 0 of 4 (0.0%). System usanycs (preview) overall: 11.05 of 227.49 mi (4.86%) System usanycs by route (traveled routes only): 1: 3.27 of 14.90 mi (21.94%) (NY 1 only) 2: 4.93 of 25.69 mi (19.20%) (NY 2 only) 3: 4.93 of 18.28 mi (26.99%) (NY 3 only) A: 0.95 of 32.71 mi (2.91%) (NY A only) A (Ozone Park branch): 0.95 of 23.83 mi (4.00%) (NY AOzo only) B: 2.73 of 19.32 mi (14.11%) (NY B only) C: 0.95 of 18.94 mi (5.03%) (NY C only) D: 2.73 of 26.03 mi (10.48%) (NY D only) E: 0.37 of 15.79 mi (2.34%) (NY E only) F: 6.12 of 27.44 mi (22.29%) (NY F only) G: 0.71 of 10.63 mi (6.64%) (NY G only) M: 2.73 of 18.47 mi (14.77%) (NY M only) System usanycs connected routes traveled: 12 of 25 (48.0%), clinched: 0 of 25 (0.0%). System usapath (preview) overall: 1.15 of 13.46 mi (8.58%) System usapath by region: NJ: 0.00 of 10.52 mi (0.00%) NY: 1.15 of 2.95 mi (39.19%) System usapath by route (traveled routes only): PATH (Hoboken - 33rd St): 1.15 of 3.52 mi (32.85%) NY PATHH33: 1.15 of 2.30 mi (50.15%) PATH (Journal Square - 33rd St): 1.15 of 5.82 mi (19.84%) NY PATHJ33: 1.15 of 2.30 mi (50.15%) System usapath connected routes traveled: 2 of 4 (50.0%), clinched: 0 of 4 (0.0%). System usawmat (preview) overall: 117.26 of 125.90 mi (93.14%) System usawmat by region: DC: 37.08 of 37.08 mi (100.00%) MD: 36.53 of 38.00 mi (96.13%) VA: 43.64 of 50.81 mi (85.90%) System usawmat by route (traveled routes only): BluLn (Blue Line): 22.41 of 29.57 mi (75.77%) VA BluLn: 8.42 of 15.59 mi (54.03%) DC BluLn: 10.01 of 10.01 mi (100.00%) MD BluLn: 3.97 of 3.97 mi (100.00%) GreLn (Green Line): 22.21 of 22.21 mi (100.00%) MD GreLnSui: 4.62 of 4.62 mi (100.00%) DC GreLn: 10.97 of 10.97 mi (100.00%) MD GreLn: 6.61 of 6.61 mi (100.00%) OraLn (Orange Line): 24.53 of 26.00 mi (94.34%) VA OraLn: 12.47 of 12.47 mi (100.00%) DC OraLn: 9.28 of 9.28 mi (100.00%) MD OraLn: 2.78 of 4.25 mi (65.41%) RedLn (Red Line): 31.76 of 31.76 mi (100.00%) MD RedLn: 12.29 of 12.29 mi (100.00%) DC RedLn: 13.21 of 13.21 mi (100.00%) MD RedLnGle: 6.26 of 6.26 mi (100.00%) SilLn (Silver Line): 43.02 of 43.02 mi (100.00%) VA SilLn: 29.03 of 29.03 mi (100.00%) DC SilLn: 10.01 of 10.01 mi (100.00%) MD SilLn: 3.97 of 3.97 mi (100.00%) YelLn (Yellow Line): 22.15 of 22.15 mi (100.00%) VA YelLn: 7.50 of 7.50 mi (100.00%) DC YelLn: 8.04 of 8.04 mi (100.00%) MD YelLn: 6.61 of 6.61 mi (100.00%) System usawmat connected routes traveled: 6 of 6 (100.0%), clinched: 4 of 6 (66.7%). System usacta (preview) overall: 34.08 of 104.63 mi (32.57%) System usacta by route (traveled routes only): BlueLn (Blue Line): 18.10 of 28.20 mi (64.18%) (IL BlueLn only) BroLn (Brown Line): 0.67 of 11.52 mi (5.83%) (IL BroLn only) GreLn (Green Line (Ashland)): 6.49 of 19.48 mi (33.32%) (IL GreLn only) GreLnE63 (Green Line (East 63rd)): 6.49 of 17.72 mi (36.62%) (IL GreLnE63 only) OraLn (Orange Line): 11.19 of 12.55 mi (89.15%) (IL OraLn only) PinkLn (Pink Line): 0.67 of 10.69 mi (6.28%) (IL PinkLn only) System usacta connected routes traveled: 6 of 9 (66.7%), clinched: 0 of 9 (0.0%). System usalams (preview) overall: 1.84 of 16.25 mi (11.32%) System usalams by route (traveled routes only): B (B (Red) Line): 1.84 of 15.18 mi (12.12%) (CA B only) D (D (Purple) Line): 1.84 of 5.12 mi (35.94%) (CA D only) System usalams connected routes traveled: 2 of 2 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 2 (0.0%). System usabart (preview) overall: 42.52 of 124.39 mi (34.19%) System usabart by route (traveled routes only): BARTBlue (BART Blue Line): 19.66 of 39.72 mi (49.49%) (CA BARTBlue only) BARTGre (BART Green Line): 31.78 of 54.26 mi (58.57%) (CA BARTGre only) BARTOra (BART Orange Line): 29.16 of 51.46 mi (56.67%) (CA BARTOra only) BARTRed (BART Red Line): 12.80 of 37.89 mi (33.78%) (CA BARTRed only) BARTYel (BART Yellow Line): 15.87 of 63.06 mi (25.16%) (CA BARTYel only) System usabart connected routes traveled: 5 of 5 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 5 (0.0%). System usablrl (preview) overall: 1.32 of 28.91 mi (4.56%) System usablrl by route (traveled routes only): BLRL (Light RailLink): 1.32 of 26.59 mi (4.96%) (MD BLRL only) BLRL (Light RailLink (Balti-Wash International branch)): 1.32 of 26.52 mi (4.97%) (MD BLRLBWI only) BLRL (Light RailLink (Penn Station branch)): 1.32 of 2.06 mi (64.10%) (MD BLRLPen only) System usablrl connected routes traveled: 3 of 3 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 3 (0.0%). System usadcsc (preview) overall: 1.93 of 1.93 mi (100.00%) System usadcsc by route (traveled routes only): DCSC (DC Streetcar): 1.93 of 1.93 mi (100.00%) (DC DCSC only) System usadcsc connected routes traveled: 1 of 1 (100.0%), clinched: 1 of 1 (100.0%). System usambtlr (preview) overall: 12.93 of 29.40 mi (43.97%) System usambtlr by route (traveled routes only): GreLnB (Green (Boston College) Line): 2.19 of 6.39 mi (34.26%) (MA GreLnB only) GreLnC (Green (Cleveland Circle) Line): 3.63 of 5.14 mi (70.60%) (MA GreLnC only) GreLnD (Green (Riverside) Line): 11.86 of 14.37 mi (82.51%) (MA GreLnD only) GreLnE (Green (Arborway) Line): 1.33 of 8.67 mi (15.35%) (MA GreLnE only) System usambtlr connected routes traveled: 4 of 5 (80.0%), clinched: 0 of 5 (0.0%). System usaseplr (preview) overall: 1.16 of 39.37 mi (2.95%) System usaseplr by route (traveled routes only): Rte10 (Lancaster Avenue Line): 1.16 of 5.92 mi (19.61%) (PA Rte10 only) Rte11 (Woodland Avenue Line): 1.16 of 6.69 mi (17.37%) (PA Rte11 only) Rte13 (Chester Avenue Line): 1.16 of 6.77 mi (17.15%) (PA Rte13 only) Rte34 (Baltimore Avenue Line): 1.16 of 4.89 mi (23.76%) (PA Rte34 only) Rte36 (Elmwood Avenue Line): 1.16 of 7.02 mi (16.54%) (PA Rte36 only) System usaseplr connected routes traveled: 5 of 8 (62.5%), clinched: 0 of 8 (0.0%). System usapitlr (preview) overall: 10.31 of 23.96 mi (43.02%) System usapitlr by route (traveled routes only): BlueLn (Blue Line): 5.09 of 10.96 mi (46.45%) (PA BlueLn only) RedLn (Red Line): 10.31 of 11.28 mi (91.36%) (PA RedLn only) SilLn (Silver Line): 2.52 of 13.91 mi (18.12%) (PA SilLn only) System usapitlr connected routes traveled: 3 of 3 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 3 (0.0%). System usalamlr (preview) overall: 28.57 of 95.56 mi (29.90%) System usalamlr by route (traveled routes only): A (A (Blue) Line): 9.68 of 50.09 mi (19.32%) (CA A only) C (C (Green) Line): 8.39 of 19.87 mi (42.25%) (CA C only) E (E (Expo) Line): 11.75 of 22.30 mi (52.68%) (CA E only) System usalamlr connected routes traveled: 3 of 4 (75.0%), clinched: 0 of 4 (0.0%). System usamts (preview) overall: 2.49 of 63.04 mi (3.95%) System usamts by route (traveled routes only): BlueLn (Blue Line): 2.49 of 30.80 mi (8.09%) (CA BlueLn only) GreLn (Green Line): 0.08 of 24.44 mi (0.34%) (CA GreLn only) OraLn (Orange Line): 1.48 of 17.80 mi (8.34%) (CA OraLn only) System usamts connected routes traveled: 3 of 3 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 3 (0.0%). System usamuni (preview) overall: 4.54 of 36.34 mi (12.49%) System usamuni by route (traveled routes only): MuniJ (J (Church)): 2.49 of 6.64 mi (37.55%) (CA MuniJ only) MuniK (K (Ingleside)): 2.33 of 7.87 mi (29.65%) (CA MuniK only) MuniL (L (Taraval)): 2.33 of 8.05 mi (29.00%) (CA MuniL only) MuniM (M (Ocean View)): 2.33 of 9.08 mi (25.71%) (CA MuniM only) MuniN (N (Judah)): 4.54 of 8.93 mi (50.86%) (CA MuniN only) System usamuni connected routes traveled: 5 of 7 (71.4%), clinched: 0 of 7 (0.0%). System usavta (preview) overall: 21.25 of 39.89 mi (53.27%) System usavta by route (traveled routes only): VTABlue (VTA Blue Line): 6.93 of 17.05 mi (40.67%) (CA VTABlue only) VTAGre (VTA Green Line): 13.72 of 14.24 mi (96.32%) (CA VTAGre only) VTAOra (VTA Orange Line): 9.67 of 17.89 mi (54.05%) (CA VTAOra only) System usavta connected routes traveled: 3 of 3 (100.0%), clinched: 0 of 3 (0.0%). Traveled 0 of 0 (nan%), Clinched 0 of 0 (nan%) active systems Traveled 27 of 536 (5.0%), Clinched 1 of 536 (0.2%) preview systems Most recent updates for listed routes: