RailwayData @ 8d5436d8ae68dd935baabb7893b1da2f681e023a UserData @ 899e3502ff54791c010653b0a96674cc9cc185b2 DataProcessing @ 1282b3824ab3c457d1ef334234d9232476000f85 Start: Sun Aug 13 23:33:38 2023 [0.0] Making list of travelers. [0.0] Reading region, country, and continent descriptions. [0.0] Reading systems list in /fast/home/terescoj/travelmapping/RailwayData/systems.csv...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................! [0.0] Finding all .wpt files. 3119 files found. [0.0] Reading waypoints for all routes. ausasr ausmtm ausnswtl ausqrc ausqrt ausst ausvln austto austwa aussm ausat ausbt auscm ausgclr ausnlr ausslr ausyt autsk autso autss autsst autst autsv autsw autus autuw autstgm autstg autsti autstl autstw belic bell belrsa belrsb belrsc belrsg belrsl belbm belcm belat belbt belgt belkt canttc canstm canrem cheags chebes chebss chechs chefrrer chelx chesgs chesob chesos chetirc chevdrer chezhs chezss chelm chebet chebst cheget chezht czeduk czeem czeep czeidol czeiredo czevmjk czemp czetb czetl czetml czetol czetos czetpl czetp deubs deufrs deuhbs deudds deuhhs deuhs deukas deuls deumds deums deuns deurms deurns deuros deurrs deuss deuulrs deubu deubisb deucc deufu deuhhu deuhsb deuksrt deumu deunu deurssb deurru deusb deusu deuws deuat deubt deubrbt deubst deuhbt deuct deuctt deudat deudet deuddt deueft deuft deufft deufrt deugt deugrt deugtht deuhbst deuhalt deujt deukat deukst deult deumdt deumzt deumt deunmbt deundht deunt deuplt deurnt deurrt deurot deusnt deuswat deuult deuwut deuzt deuddb deunwh espca espcc espcm espcma espcmu espcsa espcs espcv espcz espet espfs esprab esprad esprc esprf espsfm espbm espmb espmvbl espmm espmma espmp espms espmv espetb espmg espmlm espta esptb esptbc esptmu espts esptt esptz fracp frahdfter franaqter frarer fratra frattu frallm fralym framam frapm frarm fratm fraant fraaut frabet frabrt frabt fracft fract fradt fragt fraidft frallt fralht fralmt fralyt framat framot framut franat franit fraot fraret frarot fraset frast fratot fratt fravt frabrtp frafdm fragbt fralhf fralyf frattp fraval gbnvt gbncs gbngc gbngx gbnht gbnhx gbnld gbnsx gbnaw gbncc gbnch gbnem gbngn gbngw gbnil gbnle gbnln gbnlo gbnme gbnse gbnsr gbntl gbntp gbnwm gbnxr irlnir gbndlr gbngs gbnlu gbntwm gbnbt gbnet gbnlt gbnman gbnnet gbnss gbnwmm gbnbarl gbndart gbngast gbnhprt gbnht5t gbnlcc gbnstts hkgmtr hkghkt hkglr hkgnpcc hkgop hkgpt imnimr irlent irlluas itafl itanf itanr itans itanv itagu itams itatfm itafc itagm itamm itanm itarm itatm itart itamt itant itatt itagf itanfc itanfv nldam nldrm nldat nldht nldrt nldut nzlatm nzlkr nzlwm polksl polpkm polskam polskmb polskmt polskmw polwkd polwm polbt polct polet polgdt polgwt polgrt polkt pollt polot polpt polslt polszt poltt polwt polwrt sgpmrt sgplrt svkzdb svkedb svkedk svktez usacndx usalirr usamarc usambtx usamncr usanjtr usasepa usavre usabmsl usambta usapatco usasepta usanycs usapath usasir usawmat usamarta usamdt usarta usacta usablrl usanfta usadcsc usahblr usalynx usambtlr usamtlr usanlr usarivl usaseplr usapitlr usatide usartalr usaairtrn usaatl usahunhts usarooist usawvuprt usamiam usammm [0.3] Sorting waypoints in Quadtree. [0.3] Finding unprocessed wpt files. 15 .wpt files in /fast/home/terescoj/travelmapping/RailwayData/data not processed, see unprocessedwpts.log. [0.3] Near-miss point log and tm-master.nmp file. [0.4] Concurrent segment detection...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................! [0.4] Creating label hashes and checking route integrity. [0.5] Reading updates file. [0.5] Reading systemupdates file. [0.5] Processing traveler list files: cl94 communityrailpartnerships deathtopumpkins duke87 kurzov londonpayg michih oyster panda80 scenicrailbritain si404 terescoj testmta [0.5] Processed 13 traveler list files. [0.5] Clearing route & label hash tables. [0.5] Writing route and label logs. [0.5] Augmenting travelers for detected concurrent segments..............! [0.5] Computing stats...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................! [0.5] Writing highway data stats log file (highwaydatastats.log). [0.5] Creating per-traveler stats logs and augmenting data structure..............! [0.5] Writing stats csv files. [0.5] Writing allbyregionactiveonly.csv. [0.5] Writing allbyregionactivepreview.csv. [0.5] Writing per-system stats csv files. [0.5] Reading datacheckfps.csv. [0.5] Setting up for graphs of highway data. [0.5] Creating unique names and vertices.....! [0.6] Creating edges................................................................! [0.6] Compressing collapsed edges..ERROR: segment name mismatch in HGEdge collapse constructor: edge1 named S5Jih,S6Jih edge2 named S9Jih .ERROR: segment name mismatch in HGEdge collapse constructor: edge1 named C,N,U edge2 named C,N,CVer,U ..! [0.7] Writing graph waypoint simplification log. [0.7] Writing master TM graph files. Simple graph has 41801 vertices, 44140 edges. Collapsed graph has 34145 vertices, 36484 edges. Traveled graph has 34145 vertices, 36484 edges. [0.9] Creating continent graphs. AFR (27,26) (27,26) (27,26) ASI (482,532) (462,512) (462,512) EUR (34740,36841) (28763,30864) (28763,30864) NA (3260,3344) (2691,2775) (2691,2775) OCE (3292,3397) (2202,2307) (2202,2307) ! [1.1] Creating multisystem graphs. ! [1.1] Creating system data graphs. ! [1.1] Creating country graphs. AUS (3150,3256) (2098,2204) (2098,2204) CAN (197,197) (148,148) (148,148) DEU (8983,9519) (8001,8537) (8001,8537) ESP (2676,2813) (2148,2285) (2148,2285) FRA (4134,4318) (3293,3477) (3293,3477) GBR (4596,4850) (3329,3583) (3329,3583) ITA (1853,1989) (1610,1746) (1610,1746) USA (3063,3147) (2543,2627) (2543,2627) ! [1.3] Creating multiregion graphs. ! [1.3] Creating regional data graphs. AL (4,3) (4,3) (4,3) AUS-ACT (14,13) (14,13) (14,13) AUS-NSW (879,895) (447,463) (447,463) AUS-QLD (613,615) (244,246) (244,246) AUS-SA (136,135) (128,127) (128,127) AUS-VIC (1290,1378) (1146,1234) (1146,1234) AUS-WA (220,220) (121,121) (121,121) AUT (1755,1874) (1434,1553) (1434,1553) BEL (1771,1930) (1420,1579) (1420,1579) CHE (2101,2228) (1735,1862) (1735,1862) CT (118,117) (58,57) (58,57) CZE (3098,3255) (2451,2608) (2451,2608) DC (67,70) (63,66) (63,66) DE (8,7) (5,4) (5,4) DEU-BW (1525,1588) (1341,1404) (1341,1404) DEU-BY (907,962) (813,868) (813,868) DEU-BE (707,826) (659,778) (659,778) DEU-BB (319,308) (300,289) (300,289) DEU-HB (208,216) (191,199) (191,199) DEU-HH (185,200) (152,167) (152,167) DEU-HE (696,732) (602,638) (602,638) DEU-MV (149,154) (131,136) (131,136) DEU-NI (521,527) (443,449) (443,449) DEU-NW (1775,1903) (1595,1723) (1595,1723) DEU-RP (235,234) (195,194) (195,194) DEU-SL (47,45) (45,43) (45,43) DEU-SN (996,1043) (878,925) (878,925) DEU-ST (473,491) (430,448) (430,448) DEU-SH (24,18) (24,18) (24,18) DEU-TH (274,272) (260,258) (260,258) ENG (3247,3461) (2544,2758) (2544,2758) ESP-AN (200,198) (158,156) (158,156) ESP-AR (31,30) (28,27) (28,27) ESP-AS (285,289) (218,222) (218,222) ESP-CB (120,119) (86,85) (86,85) ESP-CL (100,97) (66,63) (66,63) ESP-CM (3,2) (3,2) (3,2) ESP-CN (27,26) (27,26) (27,26) ESP-CT (619,674) (473,528) (473,528) ESP-GA (67,66) (53,52) (53,52) ESP-IB (52,52) (41,41) (41,41) ESP-MC (73,70) (59,56) (59,56) ESP-MD (432,502) (374,444) (374,444) ESP-PV (311,315) (267,271) (267,271) ESP-VC (367,373) (306,312) (306,312) FL (67,69) (47,49) (47,49) FRA-ARA (366,372) (333,339) (333,339) FRA-BFC (69,67) (69,67) (69,67) FRA-BRE (59,57) (59,57) (59,57) FRA-CVL (109,104) (95,90) (95,90) FRA-GES (183,179) (170,166) (170,166) FRA-HDF (747,773) (531,557) (531,557) FRA-IDF (1081,1214) (968,1101) (968,1101) FRA-NOR (131,124) (112,105) (112,105) FRA-NAQ (878,896) (478,496) (478,496) FRA-OCC (179,182) (171,174) (171,174) FRA-PDL (172,170) (168,166) (168,166) FRA-PAC (178,180) (157,159) (157,159) GA (83,82) (42,41) (42,41) HKG (299,322) (283,306) (283,306) IL (227,229) (153,155) (153,155) IMN (97,95) (85,83) (85,83) IRL (98,96) (86,84) (86,84) ITA-CAM (316,333) (270,287) (270,287) ITA-LAZ (452,468) (362,378) (362,378) ITA-LIG (96,96) (77,77) (77,77) ITA-LOM (641,725) (585,669) (585,669) ITA-PIE (346,365) (314,333) (314,333) ITA-TRE (4,2) (4,2) (4,2) LIE (5,4) (5,4) (5,4) LUX (46,45) (13,12) (13,12) MA (330,338) (282,290) (282,290) MD (150,145) (120,115) (120,115) MN (58,57) (39,38) (39,38) NC (44,43) (42,41) (42,41) NIR (104,104) (61,61) (61,61) NJ (303,310) (257,264) (257,264) NLD (834,911) (764,841) (764,841) NY (876,922) (765,811) (765,811) NZL (142,141) (104,103) (104,103) OH (75,74) (56,55) (56,55) ON (92,92) (73,73) (73,73) PA (564,571) (553,560) (553,560) POL (2543,2705) (2270,2432) (2270,2432) QC (105,105) (75,75) (75,75) RI (12,11) (5,4) (5,4) SCT (861,890) (473,502) (473,502) SGP (183,210) (179,206) (179,206) SVK (228,235) (197,204) (197,204) VA (87,86) (68,67) (68,67) WLS (395,395) (262,262) (262,262) WV (15,13) (9,7) (9,7) ! [1.5] Creating area data graphs. ! [1.5] Clearing HighwayGraph contents from memory. [1.5] Marking datacheck false positives........! [1.6] Found 7836 datacheck errors and matched 0 FP entries. [1.6] Writing log of unmatched datacheck FP entries. [1.6] Writing datacheck.log [1.6] Writing database file TravelMappingRail-2023-08-13@23:33:38.sql. [1.6] ...continents, countries, regions [1.6] ...systems [1.6] ...routes [1.6] ...connectedRoutes [1.6] ...connectedRouteRoots [1.6] ...waypoints [1.8] ...segments [1.8] ...clinched [1.8] ...overallMileageByRegion [1.8] ...systemMileageByRegion [1.8] ...clinchedOverallMileageByRegion [1.8] ...clinchedSystemMileageByRegion [1.8] ...clinchedConnectedRoutes [1.8] ...clinchedRoutes [1.8] ...updates [1.8] ...systemUpdates [1.8] ...datacheckErrors [1.8] ...graphs [1.8] Processed 382 highway systems. Processed 3104 routes with a total of 84061 points and 80957 segments. [1.8] WaypointQuadtree contains 4049 total nodes. [1.8] Computing waypoint colocation stats, reporting all with 9 or more colocations: (54.357547, 18.645966) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['pol.02gda +X353993', 'pol.03gda +X353993', 'pol.06gda +X353993', 'pol.07gda +X353993', 'pol.08gda +X353993', 'pol.09gda +X353993', 'pol.10gda +X353993', 'pol.11gda +X353993', 'pol.12gda +X353993'] (54.351889, 18.646331) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['pol.02gda +X914948', 'pol.03gda +X914948', 'pol.06gda +X914948', 'pol.07gda +X914948', 'pol.08gda +X914948', 'pol.09gda +X914948', 'pol.10gda +X914948', 'pol.11gda +X914948', 'pol.12gda +X914948'] (54.356384, 18.644249) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['pol.02gda DworzecGlowny', 'pol.03gda DworzecGlowny', 'pol.04gda DworzecGlownyPKS', 'pol.06gda DworzecGlowny', 'pol.07gda DworzecGlowny', 'pol.08gda DworzecGlowny', 'pol.09gda DworzecGlowny', 'pol.10gda DworzecGlowny', 'pol.11gda DworzecGlowny', 'pol.12gda DworzecGlowny', 'pol.s01gda GdanskGlowny', 'pol.s11gda GdanskGlowny'] (52.254587, 21.034977) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['pol.03war DworzecWilenski', 'pol.04war DworzecWilenski', 'pol.06war DworzecWilenski', 'pol.13war DworzecWilenski', 'pol.20war DworzecWilenski', 'pol.23war DworzecWilenski', 'pol.25war DworzecWilenski', 'pol.26war DworzecWilenski', 'pol.28war DworzecWilenski', 'pol.m02 DworzecWilenski'] (52.22983, 21.011707) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['pol.04war Centrum', 'pol.07war Centrum', 'pol.09war Centrum', 'pol.15war Centrum', 'pol.22war Centrum', 'pol.24war Centrum', 'pol.25war Centrum', 'pol.35war Centrum', 'pol.78war Centrum', 'pol.m01 Centrum'] (52.237005, 20.980175) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['pol.01war Okopowa', 'pol.11war Okopowa', 'pol.13war Okopowa', 'pol.20war Okopowa', 'pol.22war Okopowa', 'pol.23war Okopowa', 'pol.24war Okopowa', 'pol.26war Okopowa', 'pol.27war Okopowa'] (52.244367, 21.001289) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['pol.04war MetroRatuszArsenal', 'pol.13war MetroRatuszArsenal', 'pol.15war MetroRatuszArsenal', 'pol.20war MetroRatuszArsenal', 'pol.23war MetroRatuszArsenal', 'pol.26war MetroRatuszArsenal', 'pol.35war MetroRatuszArsenal', 'pol.78war MetroRatuszArsenal', 'pol.m01 RatuszArsenal'] (53.124247, 18.002509) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['pol.01byd +X362838', 'pol.02byd +X362838', 'pol.03byd +X362838', 'pol.04byd +X362838', 'pol.05byd +X362838', 'pol.06byd +X362838', 'pol.08byd +X362838', 'pol.09byd +X362838', 'pol.10byd +X362838', 'pol.11byd +X362838'] (53.123409, 18.007879) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['pol.02byd RondoJagiellonow', 'pol.03byd RondoJagiellonow', 'pol.04byd RondoJagiellonow', 'pol.05byd RondoJagiellonow', 'pol.06byd RondoJagiellonow', 'pol.08byd RondoJagiellonow', 'pol.09byd RondoJagiellonow', 'pol.10byd RondoJagiellonow', 'pol.11byd RondoJagiellonow'] (52.407776, 16.912487) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['pol.00poz +RondoKaponiera', 'pol.00poz RondoKaponiera', 'pol.02poz RondoKaponiera', 'pol.03poz RondoKaponiera', 'pol.10poz RondoKaponiera', 'pol.11poz RondoKaponiera', 'pol.12poz RondoKaponiera', 'pol.14poz RondoKaponiera', 'pol.15poz RondoKaponiera', 'pol.16poz RondoKaponiera', 'pol.18poz RondoKaponiera', 'pol.20poz RondoKaponiera_1', 'pol.20poz RondoKaponiera_2'] (52.410533, 16.91349) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['pol.03poz MostTeatralny', 'pol.07poz MostTeatralny', 'pol.08poz MostTeatralny', 'pol.10poz MostTeatralny', 'pol.11poz MostTeatralny', 'pol.15poz MostTeatralny', 'pol.16poz MostTeatralny', 'pol.17poz MostTeatralny', 'pol.18poz MostTeatralny', 'pol.20poz MostTeatralny'] (51.759329, 19.458402) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['pol.06lod +X508564', 'pol.07lod +X508564', 'pol.10alod +X508564', 'pol.10blod +X508564', 'pol.11lod +X508564', 'pol.12lod +X508564', 'pol.18lod +X508564', 'pol.19lod +X508564', 'pol.2alod +X508564', 'pol.2blod +X508564', 'pol.3alod +X508564', 'pol.3blod +X508564', 'pol.8alod +X508564', 'pol.8blod +X508564'] (51.75913, 19.455784) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['pol.06lod +X855297', 'pol.07lod +X855297', 'pol.10alod +X855297', 'pol.10blod +X855297', 'pol.11lod +X855297', 'pol.12lod +X855297', 'pol.18lod +X855297', 'pol.19lod +X855297', 'pol.2alod +X855297', 'pol.2blod +X855297', 'pol.3alod +X855297', 'pol.3blod +X855297', 'pol.8alod +X855297', 'pol.8blod +X855297'] (51.759226, 19.457098) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['pol.06lod PiotrkowskaCentrum', 'pol.07lod PiotrkowskaCentrum', 'pol.10alod PiotrkowskaCentrum', 'pol.10blod PiotrkowskaCentrum', 'pol.11lod PiotrkowskaCentrum', 'pol.12lod PiotrkowskaCentrum', 'pol.18lod PiotrkowskaCentrum', 'pol.19lod PiotrkowskaCentrum', 'pol.2alod PiotrkowskaCentrum', 'pol.2blod PiotrkowskaCentrum', 'pol.3alod PiotrkowskaCentrum', 'pol.3blod PiotrkowskaCentrum', 'pol.8alod PiotrkowskaCentrum', 'pol.8blod PiotrkowskaCentrum'] (51.111592, 17.060566) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['pol.01wro PlacGrunwalsdzki', 'pol.02wro PlacGrunwalsdzki', 'pol.04wro PlacGrunwalsdzki', 'pol.0lwro PlacGrunwalsdzki', 'pol.0pwro PlacGrunwalsdzki', 'pol.10wro PlacGrunwalsdzki', 'pol.16wro PlacGrunwalsdzki', 'pol.19wro PlacGrunwalsdzki', 'pol.33wro PlacGrunwalsdzki'] (51.111636, 17.021738) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['pol.03wro PlacJanaPawlaII', 'pol.0lwro PlacJanaPawlaII', 'pol.0pwro PlacJanaPawlaII', 'pol.10wro PlacJanaPawlaII', 'pol.14wro PlacJanaPawlaII', 'pol.15wro PlacJanaPawlaII', 'pol.24wro PlacJanaPawlaII', 'pol.31wro PlacJanaPawlaII', 'pol.33wro PlacJanaPawlaII'] (51.117697, 17.031748) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['pol.0lwro Pomorska', 'pol.0pwro Pomorska', 'pol.14wro Pomorska_1', 'pol.14wro Pomorska_2', 'pol.15wro Pomorska', 'pol.18wro Pomorska', 'pol.19wro Pomorska', 'pol.24wro Pomorska_1', 'pol.24wro Pomorska_2'] (51.101295, 17.029206) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['pol.02wro Arkady', 'pol.05wro Arkady', 'pol.06wro Arkady', 'pol.07wro Arkady', 'pol.0lwro Arkady', 'pol.0pwro Arkady', 'pol.11wro Arkady', 'pol.14wro Arkady', 'pol.15wro Arkady', 'pol.17wro Arkady', 'pol.20wro Arkady', 'pol.24wro Arkady', 'pol.31wro Arkady'] (51.097974, 17.03737) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['pol.02wro DworzecGlowny', 'pol.05wro DworzecGlowny', 'pol.08wro DworzecGlowny', 'pol.09wro DworzecGlowny', 'pol.0lwro DworzecGlowny_1', 'pol.0lwro DworzecGlowny_2', 'pol.0pwro DworzecGlowny_1', 'pol.0pwro DworzecGlowny_2', 'pol.11wro DworzecGlowny', 'pol.15wro DworzecGlowny', 'pol.18wro DworzecGlowny', 'pol.31wro DworzecGlowny'] (51.107763, 17.038658) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['pol.02wro GaleriaDominikanska', 'pol.03wro GaleriaDominikanska', 'pol.04wro GaleriaDominikanska', 'pol.05wro GaleriaDominikanska', 'pol.08wro GaleriaDominikanska', 'pol.09wro GaleriaDominikanska', 'pol.10wro GaleriaDominikanska', 'pol.11wro GaleriaDominikanska', 'pol.17wro GaleriaDominikanska', 'pol.23wro GaleriaDominikanska', 'pol.33wro GaleriaDominikanska'] (51.104563, 17.022092) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['pol.04wro PlacLegionow', 'pol.05wro PlacLegionow', 'pol.0lwro PlacLegionow', 'pol.0pwro PlacLegionow', 'pol.11wro PlacLegionow', 'pol.14wro PlacLegionow', 'pol.15wro PlacLegionow', 'pol.24wro PlacLegionow', 'pol.31wro PlacLegionow'] (52.521542, 13.41126) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['deube.m02 Alexanderplatz', 'deube.m04 SUAlexanderplatz', 'deube.m05 SUAlexanderplatz', 'deube.m06 SUAlexanderplatz', 'deube.s03 Alexanderplatz', 'deube.s05 Alexanderplatz', 'deube.s07 Alexanderplatz', 'deube.s09 Alexanderplatz', 'deube.u02 Alexanderplatz', 'deube.u05 Alexanderplatz', 'deube.u08 Alexanderplatz'] (52.520249, 13.386948) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['deube.12ber SUFriedrichstrasse', 'deube.m01 SUFriedrichstrasse', 'deube.s01 Friedrichstrasse', 'deube.s02 Friedrichstrasse', 'deube.s03 Friedrichstrasse', 'deube.s05 Friedrichstrasse', 'deube.s07 Friedrichstrasse', 'deube.s09 Friedrichstrasse', 'deube.s25 Friedrichstrasse', 'deube.s26 Friedrichstrasse', 'deube.u06 Friedrichstrasse'] (52.506368, 13.449605) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['deube.m10 SUWarschauerStrasse', 'deube.m13 SUWarschauerStrasse', 'deube.s03 WarschauerStrasse', 'deube.s05 WarschauerStrasse', 'deube.s07 WarschauerStrasse', 'deube.s09 WarschauerStrasse', 'deube.s75 WarschauerStrasse', 'deube.u01 WarschauerStrasse', 'deube.u03 WarschauerStrasse'] (52.503168, 13.46956) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['deube.s03 Ostkreuz', 'deube.s05 Ostkreuz', 'deube.s07 Ostkreuz', 'deube.s08 Ostkreuz', 'deube.s41 Ostkreuz', 'deube.s42 Ostkreuz_N', 'deube.s42 Ostkreuz_S', 'deube.s75 Ostkreuz', 'deube.s85 Ostkreuz'] (52.454692, 13.509793) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['deube.21ber SSchoneweide', 'deube.37ber SSchoneweide', 'deube.60ber SSchoneweide', 'deube.67ber SSchoneweide', 'deube.m17 SSchoneweide', 'deube.s08 Schoneweide', 'deube.s09 Schoneweide', 'deube.s45 Schoneweide', 'deube.s46 Schoneweide', 'deube.s47 Schoneweide', 'deube.s85 Schoneweide'] (50.761117, 15.046077) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['cze.02lib Nadrazi', 'cze.03lib Nadrazi', 'cze.05lib Nadrazi', 'cze.11lib Nadrazi', 'cze.l01 Liberec', 'cze.l02 Liberec', 'cze.l03 Liberec', 'cze.l06 Liberec', 'cze.l07 Liberec', 'cze.l18 Liberec', 'cze.l24 Liberec', 'cze.l35 Liberec', 'cze.l61 Liberec', 'cze.l62 Liberec'] (50.773467, 14.201288) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['cze.l02 DecinHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.t02 DecinHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.t08 DecinHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.u01 DecinHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.u03 DecinHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.u07 DecinHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.u08 DecinHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.u28dec DecinHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.u54 DecinHlavniNadrazi'] (51.343477, 12.381452) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['deusn.01lei +X111135', 'deusn.03lei +X111135', 'deusn.04lei +X111135', 'deusn.07lei +X111135', 'deusn.10lei +X111135', 'deusn.11lei +X111135', 'deusn.12lei +X111135', 'deusn.14lei +X111135', 'deusn.15lei +X111135', 'deusn.16lei +X111135'] (51.344513, 12.378834) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['deusn.01lei +X257822', 'deusn.03lei +X257822', 'deusn.04lei +X257822', 'deusn.07lei +X257822', 'deusn.09lei +X257822', 'deusn.10lei +X257822', 'deusn.11lei +X257822', 'deusn.12lei +X257822', 'deusn.14lei +X257822', 'deusn.15lei +X257822', 'deusn.16lei +X257822'] (51.344677, 12.381195) is occupied by 19 waypoints: ['deusn.01lei Hauptbahnhof', 'deusn.03lei Hauptbahnhof', 'deusn.04lei Hauptbahnhof', 'deusn.04lei Hauptbahnhof', 'deusn.07lei Hauptbahnhof', 'deusn.10lei Hauptbahnhof', 'deusn.11lei Hauptbahnhof', 'deusn.12lei Hauptbahnhof', 'deusn.14lei Hauptbahnhof', 'deusn.15lei Hauptbahnhof', 'deusn.16lei Hauptbahnhof', 'deusn.s01 LeipzigHauptbahnhof', 'deusn.s02 LeipzigHauptbahnhof', 'deusn.s03 LeipzigHauptbahnhof', 'deusn.s04 LeipzigHauptbahnhof', 'deusn.s05 LeipzigHauptbahnhof', 'deusn.s06 LeipzigHauptbahnhof', 'deusn.s10 LeipzigHauptbahnhof', 'deusn.s5x LeipzigHauptbahnhof'] (51.329492, 12.381506) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['deusn.02lei BayerischerBahnhof', 'deusn.09lei BayerischerBahnhof', 'deusn.16lei BayerischerBahnhof', 'deusn.s01 LeipzigBayerischerBahnhof', 'deusn.s02 LeipzigBayerischerBahnhof', 'deusn.s03 LeipzigBayerischerBahnhof', 'deusn.s04 LeipzigBayerischerBahnhof', 'deusn.s05 LeipzigBayerischerBahnhof', 'deusn.s06 LeipzigBayerischerBahnhof', 'deusn.s5x LeipzigBayerischerBahnhof'] (51.338732, 12.381924) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['deusn.04lei Augustusplatz', 'deusn.07lei Augustusplatz', 'deusn.08lei Augustusplatz', 'deusn.10lei Augustusplatz', 'deusn.11lei Augustusplatz', 'deusn.12lei Augustusplatz', 'deusn.14lei Augustusplatz', 'deusn.15lei Augustusplatz', 'deusn.16lei Augustusplatz'] (51.477548, 11.987329) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['deust.04hal Hauptbahnhof', 'deust.07hal Hauptbahnhof', 'deust.09hal Hauptbahnhof', 'deust.10hal Hauptbahnhof', 'deust.12hal Hauptbahnhof', 'deust.s03 HalleSalleHauptbahnhof', 'deust.s05 HalleSalleHauptbahnhof', 'deust.s07 HalleSalleHauptbahnhof', 'deust.s08hal HalleSalleHauptbahnhof', 'deust.s09 HalleSalleHauptbahnhof', 'deust.s47 HalleSalleHauptbahnhof', 'deust.s5x HalleSalleHauptbahnhof'] (51.039906, 13.733071) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['deusn.03dre Hauptbahnhof', 'deusn.07dre Hauptbahnhof', 'deusn.08dre Hauptbahnhof', 'deusn.10dre Hauptbahnhof', 'deusn.20dre Hauptbahnhof_1', 'deusn.20dre Hauptbahnhof_2', 'deusn.s01dre DresdenHauptbahnhof', 'deusn.s02dre DresdenHauptbahnhof', 'deusn.s03dre DresdenHauptbahnhof', 'deusn.s08dre DresdenHauptbahnhof'] (50.831397, 12.922293) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['deusn.01che Zentralhaltestelle', 'deusn.02che Zentralhaltestelle', 'deusn.03che Zentralhaltestelle', 'deusn.04che Zentralhaltestelle', 'deusn.05che Zentralhaltestelle', 'deusn.c11 Zentralhaltestelle', 'deusn.c13 Zentralhaltestelle', 'deusn.c14 Zentralhaltestelle', 'deusn.c15 Zentralhaltestelle'] (50.837712, 12.926059) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['deusn.03che +X584467_A', 'deusn.03che +X584467_B', 'deusn.04che +X584467_A', 'deusn.04che +X584467_B', 'deusn.c11 +X584467_A', 'deusn.c11 +X584467_B', 'deusn.c13 +X584467', 'deusn.c14 +X584467', 'deusn.c15 +X584467'] (50.83738, 12.925801) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['deusn.03che Theaterplatz_1', 'deusn.03che Theaterplatz_2', 'deusn.04che Theaterplatz_1', 'deusn.04che Theaterplatz_2', 'deusn.c11 Theaterplatz_1', 'deusn.c11 Theaterplatz_2', 'deusn.c13 Theaterplatz', 'deusn.c14 Theaterplatz', 'deusn.c15 Theaterplatz'] (53.5532, 10.006496) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['deuhh.s01 Hauptbahnhof', 'deuhh.s02 Hauptbahnhof', 'deuhh.s03 Hauptbahnhof', 'deuhh.s11 Hauptbahnhof', 'deuhh.s21 Hauptbahnhof', 'deuhh.s31 Hauptbahnhof', 'deuhh.u01 HauptbahnhofSud', 'deuhh.u02 HauptbahnhofNord', 'deuhh.u03 HauptbahnhofSud', 'deuhh.u04 HauptbahnhofNord'] (53.083106, 8.813782) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['deuhb.01bre Hauptbahnhof', 'deuhb.04bre Hauptbahnhof', 'deuhb.05bre Hauptbahnhof', 'deuhb.06bre Hauptbahnhof', 'deuhb.08bre Hauptbahnhof', 'deuhb.10bre Hauptbahnhof', 'deuhb.rs01 BremenHauptbahnhof', 'deuhb.rs02 BremenHauptbahnhof', 'deuhb.rs03 BremenHauptbahnhof', 'deuhb.rs04 BremenHauptbahnhof', 'deuhb.rs30 BremenHauptbahnhof'] (52.367753, 9.744304) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['deuni.01han +X690630', 'deuni.02han +X690630', 'deuni.04han +X690630', 'deuni.05han +X690630', 'deuni.06han +X690630', 'deuni.08han +X690630', 'deuni.11han +X690630', 'deuni.16han +X690630', 'deuni.18han +X690630'] (52.368897, 9.743312) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['deuni.01han Aegidientorplatz', 'deuni.02han Aegidientorplatz', 'deuni.04han Aegidientorplatz', 'deuni.05han Aegidientorplatz', 'deuni.06han Aegidientorplatz', 'deuni.08han Aegidientorplatz', 'deuni.11han Aegidientorplatz', 'deuni.16han Aegidientorplatz', 'deuni.18han Aegidientorplatz'] (52.376939, 9.741654) is occupied by 19 waypoints: ['deuni.01han HannoverHauptbahnhof', 'deuni.02han HannoverHauptbahnhof', 'deuni.03han HannoverHauptbahnhof', 'deuni.07han HannoverHauptbahnhof', 'deuni.08han HannoverHauptbahnhof', 'deuni.09han HannoverHauptbahnhof', 'deuni.10han HauptbahnhofZOB', 'deuni.17han HauptbahnhofZOB', 'deuni.18han HannoverHauptbahnhof', 'deuni.s01 HannoverHauptbahnhof', 'deuni.s02 HannoverHauptbahnhof', 'deuni.s03 HannoverHauptbahnhof', 'deuni.s04 HannoverHauptbahnhof', 'deuni.s05 HannoverHauptbahnhof', 'deuni.s06 HannoverHauptbahnhof', 'deuni.s07 HannoverHauptbahnhof', 'deuni.s08 HannoverHauptbahnhof', 'deuni.s21 HannoverHauptbahnhof', 'deuni.s51 HannoverHauptbahnhof'] (52.374207, 9.738564) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['deuni.01han Kropcke', 'deuni.02han Kropcke', 'deuni.03han Kropcke', 'deuni.04han Kropcke', 'deuni.05han Kropcke', 'deuni.06han Kropcke', 'deuni.07han Kropcke', 'deuni.08han Kropcke', 'deuni.09han Kropcke', 'deuni.11han Kropcke', 'deuni.16han Kropcke', 'deuni.18han Kropcke'] (52.373752, 9.751396) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['deuni.s01 +X872712', 'deuni.s02 +X872712', 'deuni.s03 +X872712', 'deuni.s04 +X872712', 'deuni.s05 +X872712', 'deuni.s06 +X872712', 'deuni.s07 +X872712', 'deuni.s08 +X872712', 'deuni.s21 +X872712', 'deuni.s51 +X872712'] (51.318044, 9.500266) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['deuhe.01kas AmStern', 'deuhe.03kas AmStern', 'deuhe.04kas AmStern', 'deuhe.05kas AmStern', 'deuhe.06kas AmStern', 'deuhe.07kas AmStern', 'deuhe.08kas AmStern', 'deuhe.rt01 AmStern', 'deuhe.rt04 AmStern'] (51.311955, 9.491608) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['deuhe.01kas +X508266', 'deuhe.03kas +X508266', 'deuhe.04kas +X508266', 'deuhe.05kas +X508266', 'deuhe.06kas +X508266', 'deuhe.08kas +X508266', 'deuhe.rt01 +X508266', 'deuhe.rt04 +X508266', 'deuhe.rt05 +X508266'] (51.478516, 7.22321) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['deunw.302gel BochumHbf', 'deunw.305boc BochumHbf', 'deunw.306boc BochumHbf', 'deunw.308boc BochumHbf', 'deunw.310boc BochumHbf', 'deunw.316boc BochumHbf', 'deunw.318boc BochumHbf', 'deunw.s01 BochumHbf', 'deunw.u35 BochumHbf'] (51.451456, 7.014449) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['deunw.101ess EssenHbf', 'deunw.105ess EssenHbf', 'deunw.106ess EssenHbf', 'deunw.107ess EssenHbf', 'deunw.108ess EssenHbf', 'deunw.s01 EssenHbf', 'deunw.s02 EssenHbf', 'deunw.s03 EssenHbf', 'deunw.s06 EssenHbf', 'deunw.s09 EssenHbf', 'deunw.u11 EssenHbf', 'deunw.u17 EssenHbf', 'deunw.u18 EssenHbf'] (50.732014, 7.096696) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['deunw.16rhe BonnHauptbahnhof', 'deunw.18rhe BonnHauptbahnhof', 'deunw.61bon BonnHauptbahnhof', 'deunw.62bon BonnHauptbahnhof', 'deunw.63bon BonnHauptbahnhof', 'deunw.66bon BonnHauptbahnhof', 'deunw.67bon BonnHauptbahnhof', 'deunw.68bon BonnHauptbahnhof', 'deunw.s23 BonnHauptbahnhof'] (51.222966, 6.781011) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['deunw.701dus SteinstrasseKonigsallee', 'deunw.705dus SteinstrasseKonigsallee', 'deunw.706dus SteinstrasseKonigsallee', 'deunw.u70 SteinstrasseKonigsallee', 'deunw.u74 SteinstrasseKonigsallee', 'deunw.u75 SteinstrasseKonigsallee', 'deunw.u76 SteinstrasseKonigsallee', 'deunw.u77 SteinstrasseKonigsallee', 'deunw.u78 SteinstrasseKonigsallee', 'deunw.u79 SteinstrasseKonigsallee'] (51.21966, 6.794164) is occupied by 17 waypoints: ['deunw.704dus DusseldorfHbf', 'deunw.707dus DusseldorfHbf', 'deunw.708dus DusseldorfHbf', 'deunw.709dus DusseldorfHbf', 'deunw.s01 DusseldorfHbf', 'deunw.s06 DusseldorfHbf', 'deunw.s08 DusseldorfHbf', 'deunw.s11 DusseldorfHbf', 'deunw.s28 DusseldorfHbf', 'deunw.s68 DusseldorfHbf', 'deunw.u70 DusseldorfHbf', 'deunw.u74 DusseldorfHbf', 'deunw.u75 DusseldorfHbf', 'deunw.u76 DusseldorfHbf', 'deunw.u77 DusseldorfHbf', 'deunw.u78 DusseldorfHbf', 'deunw.u79 DusseldorfHbf'] (51.225428, 6.776859) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['deunw.u70 HeinrichHeineAllee', 'deunw.u71 HeinrichHeineAllee', 'deunw.u72 HeinrichHeineAllee', 'deunw.u73 HeinrichHeineAllee', 'deunw.u74 HeinrichHeineAllee', 'deunw.u75 HeinrichHeineAllee', 'deunw.u76 HeinrichHeineAllee', 'deunw.u77 HeinrichHeineAllee', 'deunw.u78 HeinrichHeineAllee', 'deunw.u79 HeinrichHeineAllee', 'deunw.u83 HeinrichHeineAllee'] (50.94092, 6.975074) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['deunw.01kol DeutzMesse', 'deunw.03kol BahnhofDuetzLANXESSArena', 'deunw.04kol BahnhofDuetzLANXESSArena', 'deunw.09kol DeutzMesse', 'deunw.s06 KolnMesseDeutz', 'deunw.s11 KolnMesseDeutz', 'deunw.s12 KolnMesseDeutz', 'deunw.s13 KolnMesseDeutz', 'deunw.s19 KolnMesseDeutz'] (52.378959, 4.900761) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['nld.am51 CentraalStation', 'nld.am52 CentraalStation', 'nld.am53 CentraalStation', 'nld.am54 CentraalStation', 'nld.at02 CentraalStation', 'nld.at04 CentraalStation', 'nld.at12 CentraalStation', 'nld.at13 CentraalStation', 'nld.at14 CentraalStation', 'nld.at17 CentraalStation', 'nld.at24 CentraalStation', 'nld.at26 CentraalStation', 'nld.ic35 AmsterdamCentraal'] (52.080917, 4.32445) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['nld.ht02 DenHaagCentraal', 'nld.ht03 DenHaagCentraal', 'nld.ht04 DenHaagCentraal', 'nld.ht06 DenHaagCentraal', 'nld.ht09 DenHaagCentraal', 'nld.ht15 DenHaagCentraal', 'nld.ht16 DenHaagCentraal', 'nld.ht17 DenHaagCentraal', 'nld.ht34 DenHaagCentraal', 'nld.rme DenHaagCentraal'] (51.925045, 4.469247) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['nld.rmd RotterdamCentraal', 'nld.rme RotterdamCentraal', 'nld.rt04 RotterdamCentraal', 'nld.rt07 RotterdamCentraal', 'nld.rt08 RotterdamCentraal', 'nld.rt12 RotterdamCentraal', 'nld.rt20 RotterdamCentraal', 'nld.rt21 RotterdamCentraal', 'nld.rt23 RotterdamCentraal', 'nld.rt24 RotterdamCentraal', 'nld.rt25 RotterdamCentraal'] (51.917995, 4.480877) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['nld.rma Beurs', 'nld.rmb Beurs', 'nld.rmc Beurs', 'nld.rmd Beurs', 'nld.rme Beurs', 'nld.rt08 Beurs', 'nld.rt12 Beurs', 'nld.rt20 Beurs', 'nld.rt21 Beurs', 'nld.rt23 Beurs', 'nld.rt24 Beurs', 'nld.rt25 Beurs'] (51.921065, 4.471704) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['nld.rt04 Kruisplein', 'nld.rt07 Kruisplein', 'nld.rt08 Kruisplein', 'nld.rt12 Kruisplein', 'nld.rt20 Kruisplein', 'nld.rt21 Kruisplein', 'nld.rt23 Kruisplein', 'nld.rt24 Kruisplein', 'nld.rt25 Kruisplein'] (51.218924, 4.421203) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['bel.at02 Astrid', 'bel.at03 Astrid', 'bel.at05 Astrid', 'bel.at06 Astrid', 'bel.at08 Astrid', 'bel.at10 Astrid', 'bel.at11 CentraalStation', 'bel.at12 CentraalStation', 'bel.at24 CentraalStation'] (51.215953, 4.420946) is occupied by 24 waypoints: ['bel.at02 Diamant', 'bel.at06 Diamant', 'bel.at09 Diamant', 'bel.at15 Diamant', 'bel.ic02 AntwerpenCentraal', 'bel.ic04 AntwerpenCentraal', 'bel.ic04lil AntwerpenCentraal', 'bel.ic05 AntwerpenCentraal', 'bel.ic07 AntwerpenCentraal', 'bel.ic07 AntwerpenCentraal', 'bel.ic08 AntwerpenCentraal', 'bel.ic09 AntwerpenCentraal', 'bel.ic10 AntwerpenCentraal', 'bel.ic15 AntwerpenCentraal', 'bel.ic22 AntwerpenCentraal', 'bel.ic28 AntwerpenCentraal', 'bel.ic30 AntwerpenCentraal', 'bel.ic31 AntwerpenCentraal', 'bel.ic35 AntwerpenCentraal', 'bel.l23 AntwerpenCentraal', 'bel.s01 AntwerpenCentraal', 'bel.s32 AntwerpenCentraal', 'bel.s33 AntwerpenCentraal', 'bel.s34 AntwerpenCentraal'] (51.206218, 4.426095) is occupied by 19 waypoints: ['bel.ic02 +X491940', 'bel.ic04 +X491940', 'bel.ic04lil +X491940', 'bel.ic05 +X491940', 'bel.ic07 +X491940', 'bel.ic08 +X491940', 'bel.ic09 +X491940', 'bel.ic10 +X491940', 'bel.ic15 +X491940', 'bel.ic22 +X491940', 'bel.ic28 +X491940', 'bel.ic30 +X491940', 'bel.ic31 +X491940', 'bel.ic35 +X491940', 'bel.l23 +X491940', 'bel.s01 +X491940', 'bel.s32 +X491940', 'bel.s33 +X491940', 'bel.s34 +X491940'] (51.197452, 4.43382) is occupied by 19 waypoints: ['bel.ic02 +X492074', 'bel.ic04 +X492074', 'bel.ic04lil +X492074', 'bel.ic05 +X492074', 'bel.ic07 +X492074', 'bel.ic08 +X492074', 'bel.ic09 +X492074', 'bel.ic10 +X492074', 'bel.ic15 +X492074', 'bel.ic22 +X492074', 'bel.ic28 +X492074', 'bel.ic30 +X492074', 'bel.ic31 +X492074', 'bel.ic35 +X492074', 'bel.l23 +X492074', 'bel.s01 +X492074', 'bel.s32 +X492074', 'bel.s33 +X492074', 'bel.s34 +X492074'] (51.201499, 4.430323) is occupied by 19 waypoints: ['bel.ic02 +X654075', 'bel.ic04 +X654075', 'bel.ic04lil +X654075', 'bel.ic05 +X654075', 'bel.ic07 +X654075', 'bel.ic08 +X654075', 'bel.ic09 +X654075', 'bel.ic10 +X654075', 'bel.ic15 +X654075', 'bel.ic22 +X654075', 'bel.ic28 +X654075', 'bel.ic30 +X654075', 'bel.ic31 +X654075', 'bel.ic35 +X654075', 'bel.l23 +X654075', 'bel.s01 +X654075', 'bel.s32 +X654075', 'bel.s33 +X654075', 'bel.s34 +X654075'] (51.19963, 4.43234) is occupied by 19 waypoints: ['bel.ic02 AntwerpenBerchem', 'bel.ic04 AntwerpenBerchem', 'bel.ic04lil AntwerpenBerchem', 'bel.ic05 AntwerpenBerchem', 'bel.ic07 AntwerpenBerchem', 'bel.ic08 AntwerpenBerchem', 'bel.ic09 AntwerpenBerchem', 'bel.ic10 AntwerpenBerchem', 'bel.ic15 AntwerpenBerchem', 'bel.ic22 AntwerpenBerchem', 'bel.ic28 AntwerpenBerchem', 'bel.ic30 AntwerpenBerchem', 'bel.ic31 AntwerpenBerchem', 'bel.ic35 AntwerpenBerchem', 'bel.l23 AntwerpenBerchem', 'bel.s01 AntwerpenBerchem', 'bel.s32 AntwerpenBerchem', 'bel.s33 AntwerpenBerchem', 'bel.s34 AntwerpenBerchem'] (51.19642, 4.4347) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['bel.ic05 +X902473', 'bel.ic07 +X902473', 'bel.ic08 +X902473', 'bel.ic09 +X902473', 'bel.ic10 +X902473', 'bel.ic15 +X902473', 'bel.ic22 +X902473', 'bel.ic30 +X902473', 'bel.ic31 +X902473', 'bel.ic35 +X902473', 'bel.l23 +X902473', 'bel.s01 +X902473', 'bel.s33 +X902473'] (51.185581, 4.444313) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['bel.ic05 +X253348', 'bel.ic07 +X253348', 'bel.ic08 +X253348', 'bel.ic22 +X253348', 'bel.ic30 +X253348', 'bel.ic31 +X253348', 'bel.ic35 +X253348', 'bel.l23 +X253348', 'bel.s01 +X253348', 'bel.s33 +X253348'] (51.021753, 4.488559) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['bel.ic05 +X547778', 'bel.ic07 +X547778', 'bel.ic08 +X547778', 'bel.ic11 +X547778', 'bel.ic21 +X547778', 'bel.ic22 +X547778', 'bel.ic31 +X547778', 'bel.ic35 +X547778', 'bel.l27 +X547778', 'bel.s01 +X547778', 'bel.s04 +X547778'] (51.014679, 4.479804) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['bel.ic05 +X677367', 'bel.ic07 +X677367', 'bel.ic08 +X677367', 'bel.ic11 +X677367', 'bel.ic21 +X677367', 'bel.ic22 +X677367', 'bel.ic31 +X677367', 'bel.ic35 +X677367', 'bel.l02 +X677367', 'bel.l27 +X677367', 'bel.l28 +X677367', 'bel.s01 +X677367', 'bel.s05 +X677367'] (51.000408, 4.476457) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['bel.ic05 +X872696', 'bel.ic07 +X872696', 'bel.ic08 +X872696', 'bel.ic11 +X872696', 'bel.ic22 +X872696', 'bel.ic31 +X872696', 'bel.ic35 +X872696', 'bel.s01 +X872696', 'bel.s05 +X872696'] (51.017663, 4.48386) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['bel.ic05 Mechelen', 'bel.ic07 Mechelen', 'bel.ic08 Mechelen', 'bel.ic11 Mechelen', 'bel.ic21 Mechelen', 'bel.ic22 Mechelen', 'bel.ic31 Mechelen', 'bel.ic35 Mechelen', 'bel.l02 Mechelen', 'bel.l27 Mechelen', 'bel.l28 Mechelen', 'bel.s01 Mechelen', 'bel.s04 Mechelen', 'bel.s05 Mechelen'] (50.63119, 5.561201) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +X996427', 'bel.ic12 +X996427', 'bel.ic14 +X996427', 'bel.ic18 +X996427', 'bel.ic25 +X996427', 'bel.l15 +X996427', 'bel.s41 +X996427', 'bel.s42 +X996427', 'bel.s43 +X996427', 'bel.s44 +X996427'] (50.896659, 4.586706) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +ErpsKwerps', 'bel.ic03 +ErpsKwerps', 'bel.ic08 +ErpsKwerps', 'bel.ic12 +ErpsKwerps', 'bel.ic14 +ErpsKwerps', 'bel.ic20 +ErpsKwerps', 'bel.ic29 +ErpsKwerps', 'bel.s02 ErpsKwerps', 'bel.s09 ErpsKwerps'] (50.903757, 4.675176) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +Herent', 'bel.ic03 +Herent', 'bel.ic08 +Herent', 'bel.ic12 +Herent', 'bel.ic14 +Herent', 'bel.ic20 +Herent', 'bel.ic29 +Herent', 'bel.s02 Herent', 'bel.s09 Herent'] (50.900394, 4.632797) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +Veltem', 'bel.ic03 +Veltem', 'bel.ic08 +Veltem', 'bel.ic12 +Veltem', 'bel.ic14 +Veltem', 'bel.ic20 +Veltem', 'bel.ic29 +Veltem', 'bel.s02 Veltem', 'bel.s09 Veltem'] (50.893979, 4.712663) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +X674526', 'bel.ic03 +X674526', 'bel.ic08 +X674526_A', 'bel.ic08 +X674526_B', 'bel.ic09 +X674526', 'bel.ic12 +X674526', 'bel.ic14 +X674526', 'bel.ic21 +X674526', 'bel.ic29 +X674526', 'bel.l03 +X674526', 'bel.l23 +X674526', 'bel.l27 +X674526', 'bel.s02 +X674526', 'bel.s09 +X674526'] (50.902586, 4.698887) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +X724632', 'bel.ic03 +X724632', 'bel.ic08 +X724632', 'bel.ic12 +X724632', 'bel.ic14 +X724632', 'bel.ic20 +X724632', 'bel.ic29 +X724632', 'bel.s02 +X724632', 'bel.s09 +X724632'] (50.88135, 4.716053) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 Leuven', 'bel.ic03 Leuven', 'bel.ic08 Leuven', 'bel.ic09 Leuven', 'bel.ic12 Leuven', 'bel.ic14 Leuven', 'bel.ic21 Leuven', 'bel.ic29 Leuven', 'bel.l03 Leuven', 'bel.l23 Leuven', 'bel.l27 Leuven', 'bel.s02 Leuven', 'bel.s09 Leuven', 'bel.s20 Leuven'] (50.89, 4.4453) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +Diegem', 'bel.ic03 +Diegem', 'bel.ic06 Diegem', 'bel.ic12 +Diegem', 'bel.ic14 +Diegem', 'bel.ic20 +Diegem', 'bel.ic23 +Diegem', 'bel.ic35 +Diegem', 'bel.s02 Diegem', 'bel.s09 Diegem'] (50.889702, 4.415689) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +HarenSud', 'bel.ic03 +HarenSud', 'bel.ic06 +HarenSud', 'bel.ic12 +HarenSud', 'bel.ic14 +HarenSud', 'bel.ic20 +HarenSud', 'bel.ic23 +HarenSud', 'bel.ic35 +HarenSud', 'bel.s02 HarenSud'] (50.892761, 4.541173) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +Kortenberg', 'bel.ic03 +Kortenberg', 'bel.ic08 +Kortenberg', 'bel.ic12 +Kortenberg', 'bel.ic14 +Kortenberg', 'bel.ic20 +Kortenberg', 'bel.ic29 +Kortenberg', 'bel.s02 Kortenberg', 'bel.s09 Kortenberg'] (50.891435, 4.423285) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +X701987', 'bel.ic03 +X701987', 'bel.ic06 +X701987', 'bel.ic12 +X701987', 'bel.ic14 +X701987', 'bel.ic20 +X701987', 'bel.ic23 +X701987', 'bel.ic35 +X701987', 'bel.s02 +X701987', 'bel.s09 +X701987'] (50.892003, 4.430966) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +X931208', 'bel.ic03 +X931208', 'bel.ic06 +X931208', 'bel.ic12 +X931208', 'bel.ic14 +X931208', 'bel.ic20 +X931208', 'bel.ic23 +X931208', 'bel.ic35 +X931208', 'bel.s02 +X931208', 'bel.s09 +X931208'] (50.898337, 4.482336) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['bel.ic06 BrusselsAirportZaventem', 'bel.ic06a BrusselsAirportZaventem', 'bel.ic08 BrusselsAirportZaventem', 'bel.ic17 BrusselsAirportZaventem', 'bel.ic23 BrusselsAirportZaventem', 'bel.ic23a BrusselsAirportZaventem', 'bel.ic29 BrusselsAirportZaventem', 'bel.ic35 BrusselsAirportZaventem', 'bel.s19 BrusselsAirportZaventem'] (50.883286, 4.505854) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +Nossegem', 'bel.ic03 +Nossegem', 'bel.ic08 +Nossegem', 'bel.ic12 +Nossegem', 'bel.ic14 +Nossegem', 'bel.ic20 +Nossegem', 'bel.ic29 +Nossegem', 'bel.s02 Nossegem', 'bel.s09 Nossegem'] (50.883096, 4.483495) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +X449613', 'bel.ic03 +X449613', 'bel.ic06 +X449613', 'bel.ic12 +X449613', 'bel.ic14 +X449613', 'bel.ic20 +X449613', 'bel.ic23 +X449613', 'bel.ic35 +X449613', 'bel.s02 +X449613', 'bel.s09 +X449613'] (50.882257, 4.495211) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +X457683', 'bel.ic03 +X457683', 'bel.ic08 +X457683', 'bel.ic12 +X457683', 'bel.ic14 +X457683', 'bel.ic20 +X457683', 'bel.ic29 +X457683', 'bel.s02 +X457683', 'bel.s09 +X457683'] (50.884991, 4.473023) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +Zaventem', 'bel.ic03 +Zaventem', 'bel.ic06 Zaventem', 'bel.ic12 +Zaventem', 'bel.ic14 +Zaventem', 'bel.ic20 +Zaventem', 'bel.ic23 +Zaventem', 'bel.ic35 +Zaventem', 'bel.s02 Zaventem', 'bel.s09 Zaventem'] (50.884538, 4.396484) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['bel.ic03 +X141489', 'bel.ic05 +X141489', 'bel.ic06 +X141489', 'bel.ic06a +X141489', 'bel.ic07 +X141489', 'bel.ic14 +X141489', 'bel.ic20 +X141489', 'bel.ic23 +X141489', 'bel.ic23a +X141489', 'bel.ic29 +X141489', 'bel.ic35 +X141489'] (50.878351, 4.378846) is occupied by 21 waypoints: ['bel.bt92 Schaerbeek', 'bel.ic01 +Schaerbeek', 'bel.ic03 +Schaerbeek', 'bel.ic05 +Schaerbeek', 'bel.ic06 +Schaerbeek', 'bel.ic06a +Schaerbeek', 'bel.ic07 +Schaerbeek', 'bel.ic11 Schaerbeek', 'bel.ic12 +Schaerbeek', 'bel.ic13 Schaerbeek', 'bel.ic14 +Schaerbeek', 'bel.ic20 +Schaerbeek', 'bel.ic22 +Schaerbeek', 'bel.ic23 +Schaerbeek', 'bel.ic23a +Schaerbeek', 'bel.ic29 +Schaerbeek', 'bel.ic31 +Schaerbeek', 'bel.ic35 +Schaerbeek', 'bel.s01 Schaerbeek', 'bel.s02 Schaerbeek', 'bel.s06 Schaerbeek'] (50.869807, 4.365692) is occupied by 26 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +X209967', 'bel.ic03 +X209967', 'bel.ic05 +X209967', 'bel.ic06 +X209967', 'bel.ic06a +X209967', 'bel.ic07 +X209967', 'bel.ic11 +X209967', 'bel.ic12 +X209967', 'bel.ic13 +X209967', 'bel.ic14 +X209967', 'bel.ic16 +X209967', 'bel.ic18 +X209967', 'bel.ic20 +X209967', 'bel.ic22 +X209967', 'bel.ic23 +X209967', 'bel.ic23a +X209967', 'bel.ic26 +X209967', 'bel.ic29 +X209967', 'bel.ic31 +X209967', 'bel.ic35 +X209967', 'bel.s01 +X209967', 'bel.s02 +X209967', 'bel.s03 +X209967', 'bel.s06 +X209967', 'bel.s08 +X209967', 'bel.s10 +X209967'] (50.875792, 4.373953) is occupied by 20 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +X639578', 'bel.ic03 +X639578', 'bel.ic05 +X639578', 'bel.ic06 +X639578', 'bel.ic06a +X639578', 'bel.ic07 +X639578', 'bel.ic11 +X639578', 'bel.ic12 +X639578', 'bel.ic13 +X639578', 'bel.ic14 +X639578', 'bel.ic20 +X639578', 'bel.ic22 +X639578', 'bel.ic23 +X639578', 'bel.ic23a +X639578', 'bel.ic29 +X639578', 'bel.ic31 +X639578', 'bel.ic35 +X639578', 'bel.s01 +X639578', 'bel.s02 +X639578', 'bel.s06 +X639578'] (50.881519, 4.386828) is occupied by 18 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +X859430', 'bel.ic03 +X859430', 'bel.ic05 +X859430', 'bel.ic06 +X859430', 'bel.ic06a +X859430', 'bel.ic07 +X859430', 'bel.ic11 +X859430', 'bel.ic12 +X859430', 'bel.ic14 +X859430', 'bel.ic20 +X859430', 'bel.ic22 +X859430', 'bel.ic23 +X859430', 'bel.ic23a +X859430', 'bel.ic29 +X859430', 'bel.ic31 +X859430', 'bel.ic35 +X859430', 'bel.s01 +X859430', 'bel.s02 +X859430'] (50.845476, 4.357007) is occupied by 28 waypoints: ['bel.bm01 GareCentrale', 'bel.bm05 GareCentrale', 'bel.ic01 BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.ic03 BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.ic05 BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.ic06 BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.ic06a BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.ic07 BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.ic11 BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.ic12 BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.ic13 BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.ic14 BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.ic16 BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.ic18 BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.ic20 BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.ic22 BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.ic23 BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.ic23a BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.ic26 BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.ic29 BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.ic31 BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.ic35 BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.s01 BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.s02 BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.s03 BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.s06 BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.s08 BruxellesCentrale', 'bel.s10 BruxellesCentrale'] (50.860174, 4.36125) is occupied by 30 waypoints: ['bel.bt03 GareNord', 'bel.bt04 GareNord', 'bel.bt25 GareNord', 'bel.bt55 GareNord', 'bel.ic01 BruxellesNord', 'bel.ic03 BruxellesNord', 'bel.ic05 BruxellesNord', 'bel.ic06 BruxellesNord', 'bel.ic06a BruxellesNord', 'bel.ic07 BruxellesNord', 'bel.ic11 BruxellesNord', 'bel.ic12 BruxellesNord', 'bel.ic13 BruxellesNord', 'bel.ic14 BruxellesNord', 'bel.ic16 BruxellesNord', 'bel.ic18 BruxellesNord', 'bel.ic20 BruxellesNord', 'bel.ic22 BruxellesNord', 'bel.ic23 BruxellesNord', 'bel.ic23a BruxellesNord', 'bel.ic26 BruxellesNord', 'bel.ic29 BruxellesNord', 'bel.ic31 BruxellesNord', 'bel.ic35 BruxellesNord', 'bel.s01 BruxellesNord', 'bel.s02 BruxellesNord', 'bel.s03 BruxellesNord', 'bel.s06 BruxellesNord', 'bel.s08 BruxellesNord', 'bel.s10 BruxellesNord'] (50.851888, 4.362516) is occupied by 26 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +BruxellesCongres', 'bel.ic03 +BruxellesCongres', 'bel.ic05 +BruxellesCongres', 'bel.ic06 +BruxellesCongres', 'bel.ic06a +BruxellesCongres', 'bel.ic07 +BruxellesCongres', 'bel.ic11 +BruxellesCongres', 'bel.ic12 +BruxellesCongres', 'bel.ic13 +BruxellesCongres', 'bel.ic14 +BruxellesCongres', 'bel.ic16 +BruxellesCongres', 'bel.ic18 +BruxellesCongres', 'bel.ic20 +BruxellesCongres', 'bel.ic22 +BruxellesCongres', 'bel.ic23 +BruxellesCongres', 'bel.ic23a +BruxellesCongres', 'bel.ic26 +BruxellesCongres', 'bel.ic29 +BruxellesCongres', 'bel.ic31 +BruxellesCongres', 'bel.ic35 +BruxellesCongres', 'bel.s01 BruxellesCongres', 'bel.s02 +BruxellesCongres', 'bel.s03 +BruxellesCongres', 'bel.s06 +BruxellesCongres', 'bel.s08 +BruxellesCongres', 'bel.s10 +BruxellesCongres'] (50.84299, 4.380734) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['bel.bm01 Schuman', 'bel.bm05 Schuman', 'bel.ic16 BruxellesSchuman', 'bel.ic17 BruxellesSchuman', 'bel.ic18 BruxellesSchuman', 'bel.s04 BruxellesSchuman', 'bel.s05 BruxellesSchuman', 'bel.s08 BruxellesSchuman', 'bel.s09 BruxellesSchuman', 'bel.s19 BruxellesSchuman'] (50.830008, 4.379811) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['bel.bt81 Germoir', 'bel.ic16 +GermoirMouterij', 'bel.ic17 +GermoirMouterij', 'bel.ic18 +GermoirMouterij', 'bel.s04 +GermoirMouterij', 'bel.s05 GermoirMouterij', 'bel.s08 +GermoirMouterij', 'bel.s09 GermoirMouterij', 'bel.s19 +GermoirMouterij'] (50.836662, 4.33769) is occupied by 33 waypoints: ['bel.bm02 GareMidi', 'bel.bm06 GareMidi', 'bel.bt03 GareMidi', 'bel.bt04 GareMidi', 'bel.bt51 GareMidi', 'bel.bt81 GareMidi', 'bel.bt82 GareMidi', 'bel.ic01 BruxellesMidi', 'bel.ic03 BruxellesMidi', 'bel.ic05 BruxellesMidi', 'bel.ic06 BruxellesMidi', 'bel.ic06a BruxellesMidi', 'bel.ic07 BruxellesMidi', 'bel.ic11 BruxellesMidi', 'bel.ic12 BruxellesMidi', 'bel.ic13 BruxellesMidi', 'bel.ic14 BruxellesMidi', 'bel.ic16 BruxellesMidi', 'bel.ic18 BruxellesMidi', 'bel.ic20 BruxellesMidi', 'bel.ic22 BruxellesMidi', 'bel.ic23 BruxellesMidi', 'bel.ic23a BruxellesMidi', 'bel.ic26 BruxellesMidi', 'bel.ic29 BruxellesMidi', 'bel.ic31 BruxellesMidi', 'bel.ic35 BruxellesMidi', 'bel.s01 BruxellesMidi', 'bel.s02 BruxellesMidi', 'bel.s03 BruxellesMidi', 'bel.s06 BruxellesMidi', 'bel.s08 BruxellesMidi', 'bel.s10 BruxellesMidi'] (50.841239, 4.348569) is occupied by 26 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.ic03 +BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.ic05 +BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.ic06 +BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.ic06a +BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.ic07 +BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.ic11 +BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.ic12 +BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.ic13 +BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.ic14 +BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.ic16 +BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.ic18 +BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.ic20 +BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.ic22 +BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.ic23 +BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.ic23a +BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.ic26 +BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.ic29 +BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.ic31 +BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.ic35 +BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.s01 BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.s02 +BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.s03 +BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.s06 +BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.s08 +BruxellesChapelle', 'bel.s10 +BruxellesChapelle'] (50.830764, 4.33048) is occupied by 21 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +X128820', 'bel.ic03 +X128820', 'bel.ic05 +X128820', 'bel.ic06 +X128820', 'bel.ic06a +X128820', 'bel.ic07 +X128820', 'bel.ic11 +X128820', 'bel.ic12 +X128820', 'bel.ic13 +X128820', 'bel.ic14 +X128820', 'bel.ic20 +X128820', 'bel.ic23 +X128820', 'bel.ic23a +X128820', 'bel.ic26 +X128820', 'bel.ic29 +X128820', 'bel.s01 +X128820', 'bel.s02 +X128820', 'bel.s03 +X128820', 'bel.s06 +X128820', 'bel.s08 +X128820', 'bel.s10 +X128820'] (50.828073, 4.322605) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +X727465', 'bel.ic03 +X727465', 'bel.ic12 +X727465', 'bel.ic13 +X727465', 'bel.ic20 +X727465', 'bel.ic23 +X727465', 'bel.ic23a +X727465', 'bel.ic29 +X727465', 'bel.s03 +X727465', 'bel.s08 +X727465'] (50.829029, 4.32827) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['bel.ic05 +X363659', 'bel.ic06 +X363659', 'bel.ic06a +X363659', 'bel.ic07 +X363659', 'bel.ic11 +X363659', 'bel.ic14 +X363659', 'bel.ic26 +X363659', 'bel.s01 +X363659', 'bel.s02 +X363659', 'bel.s06 +X363659'] (50.82239, 4.389317) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['bel.bt07 EtterbeekGare', 'bel.bt25 EtterbeekGare', 'bel.ic16 +Etterbeek', 'bel.ic17 Etterbeek', 'bel.ic18 +Etterbeek', 'bel.s04 Etterbeek', 'bel.s05 Etterbeek', 'bel.s08 Etterbeek', 'bel.s09 Etterbeek', 'bel.s19 Etterbeek'] (50.822008, 4.317734) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +X191696', 'bel.ic03 +X191696', 'bel.ic12 +X191696', 'bel.ic13 +X191696', 'bel.ic20 +X191696', 'bel.ic23 +X191696', 'bel.ic23a +X191696', 'bel.ic29 +X191696', 'bel.s03 +X191696', 'bel.s08 +X191696'] (50.818239, 4.308743) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +X466472', 'bel.ic03 +X466472', 'bel.ic12 +X466472', 'bel.ic13 +X466472', 'bel.ic20 +X466472', 'bel.ic23 +X466472', 'bel.ic23a +X466472', 'bel.ic29 +X466472', 'bel.s03 +X466472', 'bel.s08 +X466472'] (50.817876, 4.292146) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +Anderlecht', 'bel.ic03 +Anderlecht', 'bel.ic12 +Anderlecht', 'bel.ic13 +Anderlecht', 'bel.ic20 +Anderlecht', 'bel.ic23 +Anderlecht', 'bel.ic23a +Anderlecht', 'bel.ic29 +Anderlecht', 'bel.s03 Anderlecht', 'bel.s08 Anderlecht'] (50.822821, 4.247203) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +X449339', 'bel.ic03 +X449339', 'bel.ic12 +X449339', 'bel.ic13 +X449339', 'bel.ic20 +X449339', 'bel.ic23 +X449339', 'bel.ic23a +X449339', 'bel.ic29 +X449339', 'bel.s03 +X449339', 'bel.s08 +X449339'] (50.749307, 4.256301) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['bel.ic06 +X209000', 'bel.ic06a +X209000', 'bel.ic11 +X209000', 'bel.ic14 +X209000', 'bel.ic26 +X209000', 'bel.s02 +X209000', 'bel.s05 +X209000', 'bel.s06 +X209000', 'bel.s07 +X209000'] (50.733746, 4.240508) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['bel.ic06 Halle', 'bel.ic06a +Halle', 'bel.ic11 Halle', 'bel.ic14 Halle', 'bel.ic26 Halle', 'bel.s02 Halle', 'bel.s05 Halle', 'bel.s06 Halle', 'bel.s07 Halle'] (51.029634, 3.746681) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['bel.ic02 +X350625', 'bel.ic04 +X350625', 'bel.ic04lil +X350625', 'bel.ic20 +X350625', 'bel.ic21 +X350625', 'bel.ic28 +X350625', 'bel.ic29 +X350625', 'bel.l02 +X350625', 'bel.l28 +X350625', 'bel.s51 +X350625', 'bel.s52 +X350625', 'bel.s53 +X350625'] (51.035575, 3.710879) is occupied by 19 waypoints: ['bel.gt01 SintPietersstation', 'bel.gt02 SintPietersstation', 'bel.gt04 SintPietersstation', 'bel.ic01 GentSintPieters', 'bel.ic02 GentSintPieters', 'bel.ic03 GentSintPieters', 'bel.ic04 GentSintPieters', 'bel.ic04lil GentSintPieters', 'bel.ic12 GentSintPieters', 'bel.ic20 GentSintPieters', 'bel.ic21 GentSintPieters', 'bel.ic23a GentSintPieters', 'bel.ic28 GentSintPieters', 'bel.ic29 GentSintPieters', 'bel.l02 GentSintPieters', 'bel.l28 GentSintPieters', 'bel.s51 GentSintPieters', 'bel.s52 GentSintPieters', 'bel.s53 GentSintPieters'] (51.031861, 3.725224) is occupied by 16 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +X179333', 'bel.ic02 +X179333', 'bel.ic03 +X179333', 'bel.ic04 +X179333', 'bel.ic04lil +X179333', 'bel.ic12 +X179333', 'bel.ic20 +X179333', 'bel.ic21 +X179333', 'bel.ic23a +X179333', 'bel.ic28 +X179333', 'bel.ic29 +X179333', 'bel.l02 +X179333', 'bel.l28 +X179333', 'bel.s51 +X179333', 'bel.s52 +X179333', 'bel.s53 +X179333'] (51.036928, 3.703551) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +X426093', 'bel.ic02 +X426093', 'bel.ic03 +X426093', 'bel.ic04 +X426093', 'bel.ic04lil +X426093', 'bel.ic12 +X426093', 'bel.ic23a +X426093', 'bel.ic28 +X426093', 'bel.l02 +X426093', 'bel.l28 +X426093', 'bel.s51 +X426093'] (50.880145, 4.115968) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +X801180', 'bel.ic03 +X801180', 'bel.ic12 +X801180', 'bel.ic13 +X801180', 'bel.ic20 +X801180', 'bel.ic23 +X801180', 'bel.ic23a +X801180', 'bel.ic29 +X801180', 'bel.s03 +X801180', 'bel.s08 +X801180'] (50.889973, 4.074769) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['bel.ic13 +X169109', 'bel.ic20 +X169109', 'bel.ic23 +X169109', 'bel.ic29 +X169109', 'bel.s03 +X169109', 'bel.s04 +X169109', 'bel.s06 +X169109', 'bel.s08 +X169109', 'bel.s10 +X169109'] (50.891895, 4.071422) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['bel.ic13 Denderleeuw', 'bel.ic20 Denderleeuw', 'bel.ic23 Denderleeuw', 'bel.ic29 Denderleeuw', 'bel.s03 Denderleeuw', 'bel.s04 Denderleeuw', 'bel.s06 Denderleeuw', 'bel.s08 Denderleeuw', 'bel.s10 Denderleeuw'] (50.824224, 3.264527) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['bel.ic04 Kortrijk', 'bel.ic04lil Kortrijk', 'bel.ic12 Kortrijk', 'bel.ic13 Kortrijk', 'bel.ic23 Kortrijk', 'bel.ic26 Kortrijk', 'bel.ic32 Kortrijk', 'bel.k80 Kortrijk', 'bel.l28 Kortrijk', 'bel.l36 Kortrijk'] (50.630361, 3.08336) is occupied by 17 waypoints: ['frahdf.c40 +X728977', 'frahdf.c41 +X728977', 'frahdf.c50 +X728977', 'frahdf.c51 +X728977', 'frahdf.c60 +X728977', 'frahdf.k12 +X728977', 'frahdf.k40 +X728977', 'frahdf.k44 +X728977', 'frahdf.k45 +X728977', 'frahdf.k50 +X728977', 'frahdf.k51 +X728977', 'frahdf.k60 +X728977', 'frahdf.k61 +X728977', 'frahdf.k90 +X728977', 'frahdf.k92 +X728977', 'frahdf.k94 +X728977', 'frahdf.p81 +X728977'] (50.634472, 3.077931) is occupied by 20 waypoints: ['frahdf.c40 +X991088', 'frahdf.c41 +X991088', 'frahdf.c50 +X991088', 'frahdf.c51 +X991088', 'frahdf.c60 +X991088', 'frahdf.c70 +X991088', 'frahdf.ic04 +X991088', 'frahdf.k12 +X991088', 'frahdf.k40 +X991088', 'frahdf.k44 +X991088', 'frahdf.k45 +X991088', 'frahdf.k50 +X991088', 'frahdf.k51 +X991088', 'frahdf.k60 +X991088', 'frahdf.k61 +X991088', 'frahdf.k70 +X991088', 'frahdf.k71 +X991088', 'frahdf.k80 +X991088', 'frahdf.p80 +X991088', 'frahdf.p81 +X991088'] (50.636309, 3.070765) is occupied by 24 waypoints: ['frahdf.c40 LilleFlanders', 'frahdf.c41 LilleFlanders', 'frahdf.c50 LilleFlanders', 'frahdf.c51 LilleFlanders', 'frahdf.c60 LilleFlanders', 'frahdf.c70 LilleFlanders', 'frahdf.ic04 LilleFlanders', 'frahdf.k12 LilleFlanders', 'frahdf.k40 LilleFlanders', 'frahdf.k44 LilleFlanders', 'frahdf.k45 LilleFlanders', 'frahdf.k50 LilleFlanders', 'frahdf.k51 LilleFlanders', 'frahdf.k60 LilleFlanders', 'frahdf.k61 LilleFlanders', 'frahdf.k70 LilleFlanders', 'frahdf.k71 LilleFlanders', 'frahdf.k80 LilleFlanders', 'frahdf.m1 GareLilleFlanders', 'frahdf.m2 GareLilleFlanders', 'frahdf.p80 LilleFlanders', 'frahdf.p81 LilleFlanders', 'frahdf.r GareLilleFlanders', 'frahdf.t GareLilleFlanders'] (51.400444, 0.06285) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.1066ln DIV_Mai', 'eng.chaml DIV_SE', 'eng.crecoaln DIV_SE', 'eng.gropkln DIV_Cha', 'eng.gropklnlew DIV_Cha', 'eng.hasln DIV_Mai', 'eng.kentdowln DIV_SE', 'eng.maieln DIV_SE', 'eng.padwoodln DIV_Cha', 'eng.seml DIV_Cha', 'eng.solestln DIV_SE', 'eng.thalnksev DIV_Chi'] (50.073454, 20.017412) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['pol.01kra RondoCzyzynskie', 'pol.04kra RondoCzyzynskie', 'pol.05kra RondoCzyzynskie', 'pol.09kra RondoCzyzynskie', 'pol.10kra RondoCzyzynskie', 'pol.14kra RondoCzyzynskie', 'pol.22kra RondoCzyzynskie', 'pol.44kra RondoCzyzynskie', 'pol.52kra RondoCzyzynskie'] (50.057628, 19.959025) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['pol.01kra RondoGrzegorzeckie', 'pol.09kra RondoGrzegorzeckie', 'pol.14kra RondoGrzegorzeckie', 'pol.17kra RondoGrzegorzeckie', 'pol.19kra RondoGrzegorzeckie', 'pol.20kra RondoGrzegorzeckie', 'pol.22kra RondoGrzegorzeckie', 'pol.49kra RondoGrzegorzeckie', 'pol.50kra RondoGrzegorzeckie'] (50.065538, 19.95895) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['pol.04kra RondoMogilskie', 'pol.05kra RondoMogilskie', 'pol.09kra RondoMogilskie', 'pol.10kra RondoMogilskie', 'pol.14kra RondoMogilskie', 'pol.17kra RondoMogilskie', 'pol.19kra RondoMogilskie', 'pol.20kra RondoMogilskie', 'pol.44kra RondoMogilskie', 'pol.49kra RondoMogilskie', 'pol.50kra RondoMogilskie', 'pol.52kra RondoMogilskie'] (50.064629, 19.944917) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['pol.02kra TeatrSlowackiego', 'pol.03kra TeatrSlowackiego', 'pol.04kra TeatrSlowackiego', 'pol.10kra TeatrSlowackiego', 'pol.14kra TeatrSlowackiego', 'pol.20kra TeatrSlowackiego', 'pol.24kra TeatrSlowackiego', 'pol.44kra TeatrSlowackiego', 'pol.52kra TeatrSlowackiego'] (50.068558, 19.947824) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['pol.03kra DworzecGlownyTunel', 'pol.05kra DworzecGlownyTunel', 'pol.17kra DworzecGlownyTunel', 'pol.19kra DworzecGlownyTunel', 'pol.50kra DworzecGlownyTunel', 'pol.s01kra KrakowGlowny', 'pol.s02kra KrakowGlowny', 'pol.s03kat KrakowGlowny', 'pol.s03kra KrakowGlowny'] (50.257598, 19.017227) is occupied by 21 waypoints: ['pol.00kat DworzecPKP', 'pol.07kat KatowiceDworzecPKP', 'pol.13kat DworzecPKP', 'pol.19kat KatowiceDworzecPKP', 'pol.23kat DworzecPKP_A', 'pol.23kat DworzecPKP_B', 'pol.37kat DworzecPKP', 'pol.43kat DworzecPKP', 'pol.62kat KatowiceDworzecPKP', 'pol.s01kat Katowice', 'pol.s03kat Katowice', 'pol.s04kat Katowice', 'pol.s05kat Katowice', 'pol.s06kat Katowice', 'pol.s07kat Katowice', 'pol.s08kat Katowice', 'pol.s31kat Katowice', 'pol.s41kat Katowice', 'pol.s51kat Katowice', 'pol.s61kat Katowice', 'pol.s71kat Katowice'] (50.259409, 19.022076) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['pol.00kat Rynek', 'pol.07kat Rynek', 'pol.13kat Rynek', 'pol.16kat Rynek', 'pol.19kat KatowiceRynek', 'pol.23kat Rynek_A', 'pol.23kat Rynek_B', 'pol.36kat Rynek', 'pol.37kat Rynek', 'pol.43kat Rynek', 'pol.46kat Rynek', 'pol.62kat KatowiceRynek_A', 'pol.62kat KatowiceRynek_B'] (50.257481, 19.005125) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['pol.s01kat +X339129', 'pol.s04kat +X339129', 'pol.s05kat +X339129', 'pol.s06kat +X339129', 'pol.s07kat +X339129', 'pol.s08kat +X339129', 'pol.s41kat +X339129', 'pol.s51kat +X339129', 'pol.s61kat +X339129', 'pol.s71kat +X339129'] (49.833092, 18.28868) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['cze.01ost +X322500', 'cze.02ost +X322500', 'cze.04ost +X322500', 'cze.06ost +X322500', 'cze.08ost +X322500', 'cze.09ost +X322500', 'cze.10ost +X322500', 'cze.11ost +X322500', 'cze.12ost +X322500', 'cze.13ost +X322500', 'cze.14ost +X322500', 'cze.16ost +X322500', 'cze.18ost +X322500'] (49.832777, 18.287274) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['cze.01ost Karolina', 'cze.02ost Karolina', 'cze.04ost Karolina', 'cze.06ost Karolina', 'cze.08ost Karolina', 'cze.09ost Karolina', 'cze.10ost Karolina', 'cze.11ost Karolina', 'cze.12ost Karolina', 'cze.13ost +Karolina', 'cze.16ost +Karolina', 'cze.18ost Karolina'] (49.850955, 18.267539) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['cze.01ost HlavniNadrazi', 'cze.02ost HlavniNadrazi', 'cze.08ost HlavniNadrazi', 'cze.18ost HlavniNadrazi', 'cze.s02mor OstravaHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.s03mor OstravaHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.s04mor OstravaHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.s05mor OstravaHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.s06mor OstravaHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.s08mor OstravaHlavniNadrazi'] (49.831287, 18.278729) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['cze.01ost +X936124', 'cze.02ost +X936124', 'cze.04ost +X936124', 'cze.06ost +X936124', 'cze.08ost +X936124', 'cze.09ost +X936124', 'cze.10ost +X936124', 'cze.11ost +X936124', 'cze.12ost +X936124', 'cze.13ost +X936124', 'cze.16ost +X936124', 'cze.18ost +X936124'] (49.831632, 18.280231) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['cze.01ost NamestiRepubliky', 'cze.02ost NamestiRepubliky', 'cze.04ost NamestiRepubliky', 'cze.06ost NamestiRepubliky', 'cze.08ost NamestiRepubliky', 'cze.09ost NamestiRepubliky', 'cze.10ost NamestiRepubliky', 'cze.11ost NamestiRepubliky', 'cze.12ost NamestiRepubliky', 'cze.13ost NamestiRepubliky', 'cze.16ost NamestiRepubliky', 'cze.18ost NamestiRepubliky'] (49.827967, 18.257738) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['cze.03ost MarianskeNamesti', 'cze.04ost MarianskeNamesti', 'cze.08ost MarianskeNamesti', 'cze.09ost MarianskeNamesti', 'cze.11ost MarianskeNamesti', 'cze.12ost MarianskeNamesti', 'cze.16ost MarianskeNamesti', 'cze.18ost MarianskeNamesti', 'cze.x3ost MarianskeNamesti'] (49.824186, 18.23459) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['cze.03ost NovaVesVodarna', 'cze.04ost NovaVesVodarna', 'cze.07ost NovaVesVodarna', 'cze.08ost NovaVesVodarna', 'cze.09ost NovaVesVodarna', 'cze.11ost NovaVesVodarna', 'cze.16ost NovaVesVodarna', 'cze.17ost NovaVesVodarna', 'cze.18ost NovaVesVodarna', 'cze.19ost NovaVesVodarna', 'cze.x3ost NovaVesVodarna'] (49.82095, 18.210139) is occupied by 15 waypoints: ['cze.03ost SvinovMosty', 'cze.04ost SvinovMosty', 'cze.07ost SvinovMosty', 'cze.08ost SvinovMosty', 'cze.09ost SvinovMosty', 'cze.17ost SvinovMosty', 'cze.19ost SvinovMosty', 'cze.s01mor OstravaSvinov', 'cze.s02mor OstravaSvinov', 'cze.s03mor OstravaSvinov', 'cze.s04mor OstravaSvinov', 'cze.s05mor OstravaSvinov', 'cze.s08mor OstravaSvinov', 'cze.s09mor OstravaSvinov', 'cze.x3ost SvinovMosty'] (48.716879, 21.260154) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['svk.01kos NamestieOsloboditelov', 'svk.02kos NamestieOsloboditelov', 'svk.03kos NamestieOsloboditelov', 'svk.04kos NamestieOsloboditelov', 'svk.05kos NamestieOsloboditelov', 'svk.06kos NamestieOsloboditelov', 'svk.07kos NamestieOsloboditelov', 'svk.r1kos NamestieOsloboditelov', 'svk.r5kos NamestieOsloboditelov'] (48.704847, 21.243052) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['svk.05kos +X902508', 'svk.06kos +X902508', 'svk.09kos +X902508', 'svk.r1kos +X902508', 'svk.r2kos +X902508', 'svk.r3kos +X902508', 'svk.r4kos +X902508', 'svk.r5kos +X902508', 'svk.r6kos +X902508', 'svk.r7kos +X902508', 'svk.r8kos +X902508'] (48.703863, 21.242151) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['svk.05kos KruhovyObjazdMoldovska', 'svk.r1kos KruhovyObjazdMoldovska', 'svk.r2kos KruhovyObjazdMoldovska', 'svk.r3kos KruhovyObjazdMoldovska', 'svk.r4kos KruhovyObjazdMoldovska', 'svk.r5kos KruhovyObjazdMoldovska', 'svk.r6kos KruhovyObjazdMoldovska', 'svk.r7kos KruhovyObjazdMoldovska', 'svk.r8kos KruhovyObjazdMoldovska'] (48.699862, 21.238503) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['svk.05kos MoldovskaObchodneCentra', 'svk.r1kos MoldovskaObchodneCentra', 'svk.r2kos MoldovskaObchodneCentra', 'svk.r3kos MoldovskaObchodneCentra', 'svk.r4kos MoldovskaObchodneCentra', 'svk.r5kos MoldovskaObchodneCentra', 'svk.r6kos MoldovskaObchodneCentra', 'svk.r7kos MoldovskaObchodneCentra', 'svk.r8kos MoldovskaObchodneCentra'] (48.696746, 21.235778) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['svk.05kos ObchodneCentrumOptima', 'svk.r1kos ObchodneCentrumOptima', 'svk.r2kos ObchodneCentrumOptima', 'svk.r3kos ObchodneCentrumOptima', 'svk.r4kos ObchodneCentrumOptima', 'svk.r5kos ObchodneCentrumOptima', 'svk.r6kos ObchodneCentrumOptima', 'svk.r7kos ObchodneCentrumOptima', 'svk.r8kos ObchodneCentrumOptima'] (50.220172, 15.811214) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['cze.v02 +X141899', 'cze.v03 +X141899', 'cze.v04 +X141899', 'cze.v05 +X141899', 'cze.v06 +X141899', 'cze.v20 +X141899', 'cze.v21 +X141899', 'cze.v41 +X141899', 'cze.v50 +X141899'] (50.214186, 15.810099) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['cze.v02 HradecKraloveHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.v03 HradecKraloveHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.v04 HradecKraloveHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.v05 HradecKraloveHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.v06 HradecKraloveHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.v10 HradecKraloveHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.v20 HradecKraloveHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.v21 HradecKraloveHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.v41 HradecKraloveHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.v50 HradecKraloveHlavniNadrazi'] (50.103567, 14.473393) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['cze.01pra Palmovka', 'cze.03pra Palmovka', 'cze.06pra Palmovka', 'cze.08pra Palmovka', 'cze.10pra Palmovka', 'cze.14pra Palmovka', 'cze.19pra Palmovka', 'cze.24pra Palmovka', 'cze.25pra Palmovka', 'cze.b Palmovka'] (50.078319, 14.419416) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['cze.02pra +X833507', 'cze.03pra +X833507', 'cze.05pra +X833507', 'cze.06pra +X833507', 'cze.14pra +X833507', 'cze.18pra +X833507', 'cze.22pra +X833507', 'cze.23pra +X833507', 'cze.24pra +X833507'] (50.07573, 14.418998) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['cze.02pra KarlovoNamesti', 'cze.03pra KarlovoNamesti', 'cze.04pra KarlovoNamesti', 'cze.06pra KarlovoNamesti', 'cze.10pra KarlovoNamesti', 'cze.14pra KarlovoNamesti', 'cze.16pra KarlovoNamesti', 'cze.18pra KarlovoNamesti', 'cze.22pra KarlovoNamesti', 'cze.23pra KarlovoNamesti', 'cze.24pra KarlovoNamesti', 'cze.b KarlovoNamesti'] (50.079489, 14.420103) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['cze.02pra Lazarska', 'cze.03pra Lazarska', 'cze.05pra Lazarska', 'cze.06pra Lazarska', 'cze.09pra Lazarska', 'cze.14pra Lazarska', 'cze.18pra Lazarska', 'cze.22pra Lazarska', 'cze.23pra Lazarska', 'cze.24pra Lazarska', 'cze.b Narodnitrida'] (50.087716, 14.433439) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['cze.03pra MasarykovoNadrazi', 'cze.06pra MasarykovoNadrazi', 'cze.14pra MasarykovoNadrazi', 'cze.15pra MasarykovoNadrazi', 'cze.24pra MasarykovoNadrazi', 'cze.26pra MasarykovoNadrazi', 'cze.s01 PrahaMasarykovoNadrazi', 'cze.s02 PrahaMasarykovoNadrazi', 'cze.s03 PrahaMasarykovoNadrazi', 'cze.s04 PrahaMasarykovoNadrazi', 'cze.s05 PrahaMasarykovoNadrazi', 'cze.s22 PrahaMasarykovoNadrazi', 'cze.s34 PrahaMasarykovoNadrazi', 'cze.s54 PrahaMasarykovoNadrazi'] (50.083172, 14.435349) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['cze.05pra HlavniNadrazi', 'cze.09pra HlavniNadrazi', 'cze.15pra HlavniNadrazi', 'cze.26pra HlavniNadrazi', 'cze.c HlavniNadrazi', 'cze.s07 PrahaHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.s08 PrahaHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.s09 PrahaHlavniNadrazi', 'cze.s65 HlavniNadrazi', 'cze.s88 HlavniNadrazi', 'cze.t10 PrahaHlavniNadrazi'] (50.07532, 14.430317) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['cze.04pra IPPavlova', 'cze.06pra IPPavlova', 'cze.10pra IPPavlova', 'cze.11pra IPPavlova', 'cze.13pra IPPavlova', 'cze.16pra IPPavlova', 'cze.22pra IPPavlova', 'cze.23pra IPPavlova', 'cze.c IPPavlova'] (50.097304, 14.403108) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['cze.01pra Hradcanska', 'cze.02pra Hradcanska', 'cze.08pra Hradcanska', 'cze.18pra Hradcanska', 'cze.20pra Hradcanska', 'cze.25pra Hradcanska', 'cze.26pra Hradcanska', 'cze.a Hradcanska', 'cze.s05 PrahaDejvice', 'cze.s54 PrahaDejvice'] (50.073089, 14.413977) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['cze.02pra PalackehoNamesti', 'cze.03pra PalackehoNamesti', 'cze.04pra PalackehoNamesti', 'cze.05pra PalackehoNamesti', 'cze.07pra PalackehoNamesti', 'cze.10pra PalackehoNamesti', 'cze.16pra PalackehoNamesti', 'cze.17pra PalackehoNamesti', 'cze.21pra PalackehoNamesti'] (50.07154, 14.404128) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['cze.04pra Andel', 'cze.05pra Andel', 'cze.07pra Andel', 'cze.09pra Andel', 'cze.10pra Andel', 'cze.12pra Andel', 'cze.15pra Andel', 'cze.16pra Andel', 'cze.20pra Andel', 'cze.21pra Andel', 'cze.b Andel'] (50.511216, 13.658838) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['cze.02mal MostNadrazi', 'cze.03mal MostNadrazi', 'cze.t08 Most', 'cze.u01 Most', 'cze.u05 Most', 'cze.u10 Most', 'cze.u12 Most', 'cze.u13 Most', 'cze.u51 Most'] (49.190592, 16.61268) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['cze.01brn HlavniNadrzai', 'cze.02brn HlavniNadrzai', 'cze.04brn HlavniNadrzai', 'cze.07brn HlavniNadrzai', 'cze.08brn HlavniNadrzai', 'cze.09brn HlavniNadrzai', 'cze.12brn HlavniNadrzai', 'cze.s02jih BrnoHlavniNadrzai', 'cze.s03jih BrnoHlavniNadrzai', 'cze.s04jih BrnoHlavniNadrzai', 'cze.s06jih BrnoHlavniNadrzai', 'cze.s41jih BrnoHlavniNadrzai'] (48.25642, 16.400056) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['aut.25wie Floridsdorf', 'aut.26wie Floridsdorf', 'aut.30wie Floridsdorf', 'aut.31wie Floridsdorf', 'aut.s01 WienFloridsdorf', 'aut.s02 WienFloridsdorf', 'aut.s03 WienFloridsdorf', 'aut.s04 WienFloridsdorf', 'aut.s07 WienFloridsdorf', 'aut.u06 Floridsdorf'] (48.21894, 16.392117) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['aut.05wie Praterstern', 'aut.0owie Praterstern', 'aut.s01 WienPraterstern', 'aut.s02 WienPraterstern', 'aut.s03 WienPraterstern', 'aut.s04 WienPraterstern', 'aut.s07 WienPraterstern', 'aut.u01 Praterstern', 'aut.u02 Praterstern'] (48.214132, 16.361861) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['aut.01wie Schottentor', 'aut.0dwie Schottentor', 'aut.37wie Schottentor', 'aut.38wie Schottentor', 'aut.40wie Schottentor', 'aut.41wie Schottentor', 'aut.42wie Schottentor', 'aut.43wie Schottentor', 'aut.44wie Schottentor', 'aut.71wie Schottentor', 'aut.u02 Schottentor', 'aut.wrt +Schottentor'] (48.180157, 16.358449) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['aut.01wie MatzleinsdorferPlatz', 'aut.06wie MatzleinsdorferPlatz', 'aut.18wie MatzleinsdorferPlatz', 'aut.62wie MatzleinsdorferPlatz', 'aut.s01 WienMatzleinsdorferPlatz', 'aut.s02 WienMatzleinsdorferPlatz', 'aut.s03 WienMatzleinsdorferPlatz', 'aut.s04 WienMatzleinsdorferPlatz', 'aut.s60 WienMatzleinsdorferPlatz', 'aut.s80 WienMatzleinsdorferPlatz', 'aut.wlb MatzleinsdorferPlatz'] (48.196836, 16.338344) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['aut.05wie Westbahnhof', 'aut.06wie Westbahnhof', 'aut.09wie Westbahnhof', 'aut.18wie Westbahnhof', 'aut.52wie Westbahnhof', 'aut.60wie Westbahnhof', 'aut.s50 WienWestbahnhof', 'aut.u03 Westbahnhof', 'aut.u06 Westbahnhof'] (48.174174, 16.331778) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['aut.62wie BahnhofMiedling', 'aut.s01 WienMiedling', 'aut.s02 WienMiedling', 'aut.s03 WienMiedling', 'aut.s04 WienMiedling', 'aut.s60 WienMiedling', 'aut.s80 WienMiedling', 'aut.u06 WeinMiedling', 'aut.wlb BahnhofMiedling'] (48.290089, 14.291883) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['aut.01lin Hauptbahnhof', 'aut.02lin Hauptbahnhof', 'aut.03lin Hauptbahnhof', 'aut.04lin Hauptbahnhof', 'aut.s01obe LinzHauptbahnhof', 'aut.s02obe LinzHauptbahnhof', 'aut.s03obe LinzHauptbahnhof', 'aut.s04obe LinzHauptbahnhof', 'aut.s05obe LinzHauptbahnhof'] (48.127537, 11.605618) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['deuby.21mun Ostbahnhof', 'deuby.s01 Ostbahnhoft', 'deuby.s02 Ostbahnhof', 'deuby.s03 Ostbahnhof', 'deuby.s04 Ostbahnhof', 'deuby.s06 Ostbahnhof', 'deuby.s07 Ostbahnhof', 'deuby.s08 Ostbahnhof', 'deuby.u05 Ostbahnhof'] (48.125933, 11.603193) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['deuby.s01 +X750536', 'deuby.s02 +X750536', 'deuby.s03 +X750536_A', 'deuby.s03 +X750536_B', 'deuby.s04 +X750536', 'deuby.s06 +X750536', 'deuby.s07 +X750536_A', 'deuby.s07 +X750536_B', 'deuby.s08 +X750536'] (48.140325, 11.559076) is occupied by 18 waypoints: ['deuby.16mun Hauptbahnhof', 'deuby.17mun Hauptbahnhof', 'deuby.19mun Hauptbahnhof', 'deuby.20mun Hauptbahnhof', 'deuby.29mun Hauptbahnhof', 'deuby.s01 Hauptbahnhof', 'deuby.s02 Hauptbahnhof', 'deuby.s03 Hauptbahnhof', 'deuby.s04 Hauptbahnhof', 'deuby.s06 Hauptbahnhof', 'deuby.s07 Hauptbahnhof', 'deuby.s08 Hauptbahnhof', 'deuby.u01 Hauptbahnhof', 'deuby.u02 Hauptbahnhof', 'deuby.u04 Hauptbahnhof', 'deuby.u05 Hauptbahnhof', 'deuby.u07 Hauptbahnhof', 'deuby.u08 Hauptbahnhof'] (48.134211, 11.583152) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['deuby.16mun Isartor', 'deuby.17mun Isartor', 'deuby.s01 Isartor', 'deuby.s02 Isartor', 'deuby.s03 Isartor', 'deuby.s04 Isartor', 'deuby.s06 Isartor', 'deuby.s07 Isartor', 'deuby.s08 Isartor'] (48.139452, 11.565664) is occupied by 17 waypoints: ['deuby.16mun KarlsplatzStachus', 'deuby.17mun KarlsplatzStachus', 'deuby.18mun KarlsplatzStachus', 'deuby.19mun KarlsplatzStachus', 'deuby.20mun KarlsplatzStachus', 'deuby.21mun KarlsplatzStachus', 'deuby.27mun KarlsplatzStachus', 'deuby.28mun KarlsplatzStachus', 'deuby.s01 KarlsplatzStachus', 'deuby.s02 KarlsplatzStachus', 'deuby.s03 KarlsplatzStachus', 'deuby.s04 KarlsplatzStachus', 'deuby.s06 KarlsplatzStachus', 'deuby.s07 KarlsplatzStachus', 'deuby.s08 KarlsplatzStachus', 'deuby.u04 KarlsplatzStachus', 'deuby.u05 KarlsplatzStachus'] (48.133638, 11.566458) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['deuby.16mun SendlingerTor', 'deuby.17mun SendlingerTor', 'deuby.18mun SendlingerTor', 'deuby.27mun SendlingerTor', 'deuby.28mun SendlingerTor', 'deuby.u01 SendlingerTor', 'deuby.u02 SendlingerTor', 'deuby.u03 SendlingerTor', 'deuby.u06 SendlingerTor', 'deuby.u07 SendlingerTor', 'deuby.u08 SendlingerTor'] (48.13716, 11.57547) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['deuby.s01 Marienplatz', 'deuby.s02 Marienplatz', 'deuby.s03 Marienplatz', 'deuby.s04 Marienplatz', 'deuby.s06 Marienplatz', 'deuby.s07 Marienplatz', 'deuby.s08 Marienplatz', 'deuby.u03 Marienplatz', 'deuby.u06 Marienplatz'] (47.072354, 15.416554) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['aut.01gra Hauptbahnhof', 'aut.04gra Hauptbahnhof', 'aut.06gra Hauptbahnhof', 'aut.07gra Hauptbahnhof', 'aut.s01ste GrazHauptbahnhof', 'aut.s03ste GrazHauptbahnhof', 'aut.s05ste GrazHauptbahnhof', 'aut.s06ste GrazHauptbahnhof', 'aut.s07ste GrazHauptbahnhof', 'aut.s11ste GrazHauptbahnhof', 'aut.s31ste GrazHauptbahnhof', 'aut.s61ste GrazHauptbahnhof'] (50.106722, 8.662763) is occupied by 17 waypoints: ['deuhe.11fra Hauptbahnhof', 'deuhe.14fra Hauptbahnhof', 'deuhe.16fra Hauptbahnhof', 'deuhe.17fra Hauptbahnhof', 'deuhe.20fra Hauptbahnhof', 'deuhe.21fra Hauptbahnhof', 'deuhe.s01 FrankfurtHauptbahnhof', 'deuhe.s02 FrankfurtHauptbahnhof', 'deuhe.s03 FrankfurtHauptbahnhof', 'deuhe.s04 FrankfurtHauptbahnhof', 'deuhe.s05 FrankfurtHauptbahnhof', 'deuhe.s06 FrankfurtHauptbahnhof', 'deuhe.s07 FrankfurtHauptbahnhof', 'deuhe.s08 FrankfurtHauptbahnhof', 'deuhe.s09 FrankfurtHauptbahnhof', 'deuhe.u04 FrankfurtHauptbahnhof', 'deuhe.u05 FrankfurtHauptbahnhof'] (50.112508, 8.697009) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['deuhe.11fra Ostendstrasse', 'deuhe.14fra Ostendstrasse', 'deuhe.s01 Ostendstrasse', 'deuhe.s02 Ostendstrasse', 'deuhe.s03 Ostendstrasse', 'deuhe.s04 Ostendstrasse', 'deuhe.s05 Ostendstrasse', 'deuhe.s06 Ostendstrasse', 'deuhe.s08 Ostendstrasse', 'deuhe.s09 Ostendstrasse'] (50.109206, 8.674951) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['deuhe.11fra WillyBrandtPlatz', 'deuhe.12fra WillyBrandtPlatz', 'deuhe.14fra WillyBrandtPlatz', 'deuhe.u01 WillyBrandtPlatz', 'deuhe.u02 WillyBrandtPlatz', 'deuhe.u03 WillyBrandtPlatz', 'deuhe.u04 WillyBrandtPlatz', 'deuhe.u05 WillyBrandtPlatz', 'deuhe.u08 WillyBrandtPlatz'] (50.114586, 8.687214) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['deuhe.12fra Konstablerwache', 'deuhe.18fra Konstablerwache', 'deuhe.s01 Konstablerwache', 'deuhe.s02 Konstablerwache', 'deuhe.s03 Konstablerwache', 'deuhe.s04 Konstablerwache', 'deuhe.s05 Konstablerwache', 'deuhe.s06 Konstablerwache', 'deuhe.s08 Konstablerwache', 'deuhe.s09 Konstablerwache', 'deuhe.u04 Konstablerwache', 'deuhe.u05 Konstablerwache', 'deuhe.u06 Konstablerwache', 'deuhe.u07 Konstablerwache'] (50.099269, 8.686366) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['deuhe.15fra Sudbahnhof', 'deuhe.16fra Sudbahnhof', 'deuhe.18fra Sudbahnhof', 'deuhe.s03 FrankfurtSud', 'deuhe.s04 FrankfurtSud', 'deuhe.s05 FrankfurtSud', 'deuhe.s06 FrankfurtSud', 'deuhe.u01 FrankfurtSud', 'deuhe.u02 FrankfurtSud', 'deuhe.u03 FrankfurtSud', 'deuhe.u08 FrankfurtSud'] (50.114837, 8.67317) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['deuhe.s01 +X290394', 'deuhe.s02 +X290394', 'deuhe.s03 +X290394', 'deuhe.s04 +X290394', 'deuhe.s05 +X290394', 'deuhe.s06 +X290394', 'deuhe.s08 +X290394', 'deuhe.s09 +X290394', 'deuhe.u06 +X290394', 'deuhe.u07 +X290394'] (50.114789, 8.691441) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['deuhe.s01 +X933301', 'deuhe.s02 +X933301', 'deuhe.s03 +X933301', 'deuhe.s04 +X933301', 'deuhe.s05 +X933301', 'deuhe.s06 +X933301', 'deuhe.s08 +X933301', 'deuhe.s09 +X933301', 'deuhe.u06 +X933301', 'deuhe.u07 +X933301'] (50.113791, 8.678899) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['deuhe.s01 Hauptwache', 'deuhe.s02 Hauptwache', 'deuhe.s03 Hauptwache', 'deuhe.s04 Hauptwache', 'deuhe.s05 Hauptwache', 'deuhe.s06 Hauptwache', 'deuhe.s08 Hauptwache', 'deuhe.s09 Hauptwache', 'deuhe.u01 Hauptwache', 'deuhe.u02 Hauptwache', 'deuhe.u03 Hauptwache', 'deuhe.u06 Hauptwache', 'deuhe.u07 Hauptwache', 'deuhe.u08 Hauptwache'] (50.102242, 8.651519) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['deuhe.s01 +X974366', 'deuhe.s02 +X974366', 'deuhe.s03 +X974366', 'deuhe.s04 +X974366', 'deuhe.s05 +X974366', 'deuhe.s06 +X974366', 'deuhe.s07 +X974366', 'deuhe.s08 +X974366', 'deuhe.s09 +X974366'] (49.445382, 11.08233) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['deuby.05nur Hauptbahnhof', 'deuby.07nur Hauptbahnhof', 'deuby.08nur Hauptbahnhof', 'deuby.s01nur NurnbergHauptbahnhof', 'deuby.s02nur NurnbergHauptbahnhof', 'deuby.s03nur NurnbergHauptbahnhof', 'deuby.s04nur NurnbergHauptbahnhof', 'deuby.s05nur NurnbergHauptbahnhof', 'deuby.s06nur NurnbergHauptbahnhof', 'deuby.u01nur Hauptbahnhof', 'deuby.u02nur Hauptbahnhof', 'deuby.u03nur Hauptbahnhof'] (49.487758, 8.466232) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['deubw.01man Paradeplatz', 'deubw.02man Paradeplatz', 'deubw.03man Paradeplatz', 'deubw.04man Paradeplatz', 'deubw.05hei Paradeplatz', 'deubw.06man Paradeplatz', 'deubw.07man Paradeplatz', 'deubw.15man Paradeplatz', 'deubw.4aman Paradeplatz', 'deubw.5aman Paradeplatz', 'deubw.6aman Paradeplatz'] (49.403538, 8.675444) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['deubw.05hei HeidelbergHauptbahnhof', 'deubw.21hei HeidelbergHauptbahnhof', 'deubw.24hei Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s01man HeidelbergHauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s02man HeidelbergHauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s03man HeidelbergHauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s04man HeidelbergHauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s05hei HeidelbergHauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s07 HeidelbergHauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s51 HeidelbergHauptbahnhof'] (49.482008, 8.472304) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['deubw.01man +X528988', 'deubw.03man +X528988', 'deubw.04man +X528988', 'deubw.05man +X528988', 'deubw.06man +X528988', 'deubw.08man +X528988', 'deubw.09man +X528988', 'deubw.4aman +X528988', 'deubw.5aman +X528988', 'deubw.6aman +X528988'] (49.481192, 8.46635) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['deubw.01man +X763287', 'deubw.03man +X763287', 'deubw.04man +X763287', 'deubw.05hei +X763287', 'deubw.06man +X763287', 'deubw.08man +X763287', 'deubw.09man +X763287', 'deubw.15man +X763287', 'deubw.4aman +X763287', 'deubw.5aman +X763287'] (49.479132, 8.469257) is occupied by 18 waypoints: ['deubw.01man Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.03man Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.04man MannheimHauptbahnhof', 'deubw.05hei MannheimHauptbahnhof', 'deubw.05man MannheimHauptbahnhof', 'deubw.06man Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.08man Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.09man MannheimHauptbahnhof', 'deubw.15man Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.4aman MannheimHauptbahnhof', 'deubw.5aman Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s01man MannheimHauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s02man MannheimHauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s03man MannheimHauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s04man MannheimHauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s06man MannheimHauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s08 MannheimHauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s09 MannheimHauptbahnhof'] (49.481987, 8.464601) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['deubw.01man Universitat', 'deubw.04man Universitat', 'deubw.05hei Universitat', 'deubw.06man Universitat', 'deubw.07man Universitat', 'deubw.08man +Universitat', 'deubw.09man +Universitat', 'deubw.15man Universitat', 'deubw.4aman Universitat', 'deubw.5aman Universitat'] (49.481056, 8.45619) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['deubw.04man RP/BW', 'deubw.07man RP/BW', 'deubw.08man RP/BW', 'deubw.09man RP/BW', 'deubw.4aman RP/BW', 'deurp.04lud RP/BW', 'deurp.07lud RP/BW', 'deurp.08lud RP/BW', 'deurp.09lud RP/BW', 'deurp.4alud RP/BW'] (49.480861, 8.456426) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['deubw.s01man RP/BW', 'deubw.s02man RP/BW', 'deubw.s03man RP/BW', 'deubw.s04man RP/BW', 'deubw.s06man RP/BW', 'deurp.s01 RP/BW', 'deurp.s02 RP/BW', 'deurp.s03 RP/BW', 'deurp.s04 RP/BW', 'deurp.s06 RP/BW'] (49.476999, 8.43353) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['deurp.04lud LudwigshafenHauptbahnhof', 'deurp.09lud LudwigshafenHauptbahnhof', 'deurp.10lud Hauptbahnhof', 'deurp.4alud LudwigshafenHauptbahnhof', 'deurp.s01 LudwigshafenHauptbahnhof', 'deurp.s02 LudwigshafenHauptbahnhof', 'deurp.s03 LudwigshafenHauptbahnhof', 'deurp.s04 LudwigshafenHauptbahnhof', 'deurp.s06 LudwigshafenHauptbahnhof', 'deurp.s44 LudwigshafenHauptbahnhof'] (48.784325, 9.182296) is occupied by 17 waypoints: ['deubw.s01 Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s02 Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s03 Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s04 Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s05 Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s06 Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s11 Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s60 Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.u05 Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.u06 Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.u07 Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.u11 Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.u12 Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.u14 Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.u15 Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.u25 Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.u29 Hauptbahnhof'] (48.775314, 9.171862) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['deubw.s01 Stadtmitte', 'deubw.s02 Stadtmitte', 'deubw.s03 Stadtmitte', 'deubw.s04 Stadtmitte', 'deubw.s05 Stadtmitte', 'deubw.s06 Stadtmitte', 'deubw.s11 Stadtmitte', 'deubw.s60 Stadtmitte', 'deubw.u02 Rotebuhlplatz', 'deubw.u04 Rotebuhlplatz', 'deubw.u11 Rotebuhlplatz', 'deubw.u14 Rotebuhlplatz', 'deubw.u21 Rotebuhlplatz', 'deubw.u34 Rotebuhlplatz'] (48.775871, 9.182934) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['deubw.u01 Charlottenplatz', 'deubw.u02 Charlottenplatz', 'deubw.u04 Charlottenplatz', 'deubw.u05 Charlottenplatz', 'deubw.u06 Charlottenplatz', 'deubw.u07 Charlottenplatz', 'deubw.u09 Charlottenplatz', 'deubw.u11 Charlottenplatz', 'deubw.u12 Charlottenplatz', 'deubw.u14 Charlottenplatz', 'deubw.u15 Charlottenplatz', 'deubw.u21 Charlottenplatz', 'deubw.u25 Charlottenplatz'] (49.008989, 8.417158) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['deubw.01kar DurlacherTorKITCampusSud', 'deubw.02kar DurlacherTorKITCampusSud', 'deubw.03kar DurlacherTorKITCampusSud', 'deubw.04kar DurlacherTorKITCampusSud', 'deubw.s02kar DurlacherTorKITCampusSud', 'deubw.s04kar DurlacherTorKITCampusSud', 'deubw.s05kar DurlacherTorKITCampusSud', 'deubw.s07kar DurlacherTorKITCampusSud', 'deubw.s08kar DurlacherTorKITCampusSud', 'deubw.s51kar DurlacherTorKITCampusSud'] (49.00992, 8.394949) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['deubw.01kar EuropaplatzPostgalerie', 'deubw.02kar EuropaplatzPostgalerie', 'deubw.03kar EuropaplatzPostgalerie', 'deubw.04kar EuropaplatzPostgalerie', 'deubw.s01kar EuropaplatzPostgalerie', 'deubw.s02kar EuropaplatzPostgalerie', 'deubw.s05kar EuropaplatzPostgalerie', 'deubw.s11kar EuropaplatzPostgalerie', 'deubw.s12kar EuropaplatzPostgalerie', 'deubw.s51kar EuropaplatzPostgalerie'] (49.009265, 8.41012) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['deubw.01kar Kronenplatz', 'deubw.02kar Kronenplatz', 'deubw.03kar Kronenplatz', 'deubw.s02kar Kronenplatz', 'deubw.s04kar Kronenplatz', 'deubw.s05kar Kronenplatz', 'deubw.s07kar Kronenplatz', 'deubw.s08kar Kronenplatz', 'deubw.s51kar Kronenplatz'] (49.009512, 8.403747) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['deubw.01kar Marktplatz', 'deubw.02kar Marktplatz', 'deubw.s01kar Marktplatz', 'deubw.s02kar Marktplatz', 'deubw.s04kar Marktplatz', 'deubw.s05kar Marktplatz', 'deubw.s07kar Marktplatz', 'deubw.s08kar Marktplatz', 'deubw.s11kar Marktplatz', 'deubw.s51kar Marktplatz', 'deubw.s52kar Marktplatz'] (49.005469, 8.403511) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['deubw.02kar EttlingerTorStaatstheater', 'deubw.04kar EttlingerTorStaatstheater', 'deubw.05kar EttlingerTorStaatstheater', 'deubw.s01kar EttlingerTorStaatstheater', 'deubw.s04kar EttlingerTorStaatstheater', 'deubw.s07kar EttlingerTorStaatstheater', 'deubw.s08kar EttlingerTorStaatstheater', 'deubw.s11kar EttlingerTorStaatstheater', 'deubw.s52kar EttlingerTorStaatstheater'] (49.010448, 8.387053) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['deubw.01kar +X712243', 'deubw.02kar +X712243', 'deubw.03kar +X712243', 'deubw.04kar +X712243', 'deubw.s01kar +X712243', 'deubw.s02kar +X712243', 'deubw.s05kar +X712243', 'deubw.s11kar +X712243', 'deubw.s12kar +X712243', 'deubw.s51kar +X712243'] (49.010553, 8.384521) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['deubw.01kar MuhlburgerTor', 'deubw.02kar MuhlburgerTor', 'deubw.03kar MuhlburgerTor', 'deubw.04kar MuhlburgerTor', 'deubw.s01kar MuhlburgerTor', 'deubw.s02kar MuhlburgerTor', 'deubw.s05kar MuhlburgerTor', 'deubw.s11kar MuhlburgerTor', 'deubw.s12kar MuhlburgerTor', 'deubw.s51kar MuhlburgerTor'] (49.010694, 8.379843) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['deubw.02kar +X280890', 'deubw.03kar +X280890', 'deubw.04kar +X280890', 'deubw.s01kar +X280890', 'deubw.s02kar +X280890', 'deubw.s05kar +X280890', 'deubw.s11kar +X280890', 'deubw.s12kar +X280890', 'deubw.s51kar +X280890'] (48.994409, 8.396248) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['deubw.02kar +X730739', 'deubw.03kar +X730739', 'deubw.s01kar +X730739', 'deubw.s04kar +X730739', 'deubw.s07kar +X730739', 'deubw.s08kar +X730739', 'deubw.s11kar +X730739', 'deubw.s12kar +X730739', 'deubw.s52kar +X730739'] (48.993538, 8.40188) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['deubw.02kar Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.03kar Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s01kar Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s03man KarlsruheHauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s04kar Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s07kar Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s08kar Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s09 KarlsruheHauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s11kar Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s31kar KarlsruheHauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s32kar KarlsruheHauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s52kar Hauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s71kar KarlsruheHauptbahnhof', 'deubw.s81kar KarlsruheHauptbahnhof'] (50.620438, 5.571914) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 +X538984', 'bel.ic12 +X538984', 'bel.ic18 +X538984', 'bel.ic25 +X538984', 'bel.ic33 +X538984', 'bel.l01 +X538984', 'bel.l15 +X538984', 'bel.s41 +X538984', 'bel.s42 +X538984', 'bel.s43 +X538984', 'bel.s44 +X538984'] (50.62427, 5.566721) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['bel.ic01 LiegeGuillemins', 'bel.ic12 LiegeGuillemins', 'bel.ic14 LiegeGuillemins', 'bel.ic18 LiegeGuillemins', 'bel.ic25 LiegeGuillemins', 'bel.ic33 LiegeGuillemins', 'bel.l01 LiegeGuillemins', 'bel.l15 LiegeGuillemins', 'bel.s41 LiegeGuillemins', 'bel.s42 LiegeGuillemins', 'bel.s43 LiegeGuillemins', 'bel.s44 LiegeGuillemins'] (50.469046, 4.86248) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['bel.ic16 Namur', 'bel.ic17 Namur', 'bel.ic18 Namur', 'bel.ic19 Namur', 'bel.ic25 Namur', 'bel.l01 Namur', 'bel.l08 Namur', 'bel.l11 Namur', 'bel.l16 Namur', 'bel.s61 Namur'] (50.404336, 4.438348) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['bel.cm01 Sud', 'bel.cm02 Sud', 'bel.cm03 Sud', 'bel.cm04 Sud', 'bel.ic05 CharleroiCentrale', 'bel.ic07 CharleroiCentrale', 'bel.ic19 CharleroiCentrale', 'bel.ic25 CharleroiCentrale', 'bel.k82 CharleroiCentrale', 'bel.s19 CharleroiCentrale', 'bel.s61 CharleroiCentrale', 'bel.s62 CharleroiCentrale', 'bel.s63 CharleroiCentrale', 'bel.s64 CharleroiCentrale'] (50.406637, 4.426095) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['bel.ic05 +X159277', 'bel.ic07 +X159277', 'bel.ic19 +X159277', 'bel.ic25 +X159277', 'bel.k82 +X159277', 'bel.s19 +X159277', 'bel.s62 +X159277', 'bel.s63 +X159277', 'bel.s64 +X159277'] (50.405064, 4.433756) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['bel.ic05 +X718799', 'bel.ic07 +X718799', 'bel.ic19 +X718799', 'bel.ic25 +X718799', 'bel.k82 +X718799', 'bel.s19 +X718799', 'bel.s61 +X718799', 'bel.s62 +X718799', 'bel.s63 +X718799', 'bel.s64 +X718799'] (50.407348, 4.41674) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['bel.ic05 +X897540', 'bel.ic07 +X897540', 'bel.ic19 +X897540', 'bel.ic25 +X897540', 'bel.k82 +X897540', 'bel.s19 +X897540', 'bel.s62 +X897540', 'bel.s63 +X897540', 'bel.s64 +X897540'] (50.363573, 3.516912) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['frahdf.c60 Valenciennes', 'frahdf.k43 Valenciennes', 'frahdf.k60 Valenciennes', 'frahdf.k61 Valenciennes', 'frahdf.p43 Valenciennes', 'frahdf.p60 Valenciennes', 'frahdf.p63 Valenciennes', 'frahdf.t1 Gare', 'frahdf.t2 Gare'] (50.618382, 3.091278) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['frahdf.c40 +X471258', 'frahdf.c41 +X471258', 'frahdf.c50 +X471258', 'frahdf.c51 +X471258', 'frahdf.k12 +X471258', 'frahdf.k40 +X471258', 'frahdf.k44 +X471258', 'frahdf.k45 +X471258', 'frahdf.k50 +X471258', 'frahdf.k51 +X471258'] (50.623011, 3.08969) is occupied by 17 waypoints: ['frahdf.c40 +X564882', 'frahdf.c41 +X564882', 'frahdf.c50 +X564882', 'frahdf.c51 +X564882', 'frahdf.c60 +X564882', 'frahdf.k12 +X564882', 'frahdf.k40 +X564882', 'frahdf.k44 +X564882', 'frahdf.k45 +X564882', 'frahdf.k50 +X564882', 'frahdf.k51 +X564882', 'frahdf.k60 +X564882', 'frahdf.k61 +X564882', 'frahdf.k90 +X564882', 'frahdf.k92 +X564882', 'frahdf.k94 +X564882', 'frahdf.p81 +X564882'] (50.371758, 3.090591) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['frahdf.c40 Douai', 'frahdf.k12 Douai', 'frahdf.k40 Douai', 'frahdf.k43 Douai', 'frahdf.k44 Douai', 'frahdf.k45 Douai', 'frahdf.p40 Douai', 'frahdf.p41 Douai', 'frahdf.p42 Douai', 'frahdf.p43 Douai', 'frahdf.p44 Douai'] (50.364011, 3.092437) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['frahdf.k12 +X892975', 'frahdf.k40 +X892975', 'frahdf.k43 +X892975', 'frahdf.k43 +X892975', 'frahdf.k44 +X892975', 'frahdf.k45 +X892975', 'frahdf.p40 +X892975', 'frahdf.p41 +X892975', 'frahdf.p43 +X892975', 'frahdf.p44 +X892975'] (50.293493, 2.81177) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['frahdf.k12 +X186808', 'frahdf.k43 +X186808', 'frahdf.k44 +X186808', 'frahdf.k45 +X186808', 'frahdf.k52 +X186808', 'frahdf.k90 +X186808', 'frahdf.k92 +X186808', 'frahdf.k94 +X186808', 'frahdf.p44 +X186808', 'frahdf.p52 +X186808', 'frahdf.p54 +X186808'] (50.286625, 2.781687) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['frahdf.k12 Arras', 'frahdf.k43 Arras', 'frahdf.k44 Arras', 'frahdf.k45 Arras', 'frahdf.k52 Arras', 'frahdf.k90 Arras', 'frahdf.k92 Arras', 'frahdf.k94 Arras', 'frahdf.p22 Arras', 'frahdf.p44 Arras', 'frahdf.p52 Arras', 'frahdf.p53 Arras', 'frahdf.p54 Arras'] (49.880758, 2.33747) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['frahdf.c10 +X766947', 'frahdf.k10 +X766947', 'frahdf.k11 +X766947', 'frahdf.k16 +X766947', 'frahdf.k20 +X766947', 'frahdf.k44 +X766947', 'frahdf.k45 +X766947', 'frahdf.k90 +X766947', 'frahdf.p10 +X766947', 'frahdf.p20 +X766947', 'frahdf.p21 +X766947', 'frahdf.p22 +X766947', 'frahdf.p23 +X766947'] (49.890097, 2.309114) is occupied by 16 waypoints: ['frahdf.c10 Amiens', 'frahdf.k10 Amiens', 'frahdf.k11 Amiens', 'frahdf.k16 Amiens', 'frahdf.k20 Amiens', 'frahdf.k21 Amiens', 'frahdf.k44 Amiens', 'frahdf.k45 Amiens', 'frahdf.k90 Amiens', 'frahdf.p10 Amiens', 'frahdf.p20 Amiens', 'frahdf.p21 Amiens', 'frahdf.p22 Amiens', 'frahdf.p23 Amiens', 'frahdf.p24 Amiens', 'frahdf.p45 Amiens'] (49.269842, 2.473297) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['frahdf.c10 +X838698', 'frahdf.c11 +X838698', 'frahdf.c13 +X838698', 'frahdf.c14 +X838698', 'frahdf.k10 +X838698', 'frahdf.k11 +X838698', 'frahdf.k12 +X838698', 'frahdf.k13 +X838698', 'frahdf.k14 +X838698', 'frahdf.k16 +X838698', 'frahdf.p10 +X838698'] (49.259634, 2.463963) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['frahdf.c10 +X924754', 'frahdf.c11 +X924754', 'frahdf.c13 +X924754', 'frahdf.c14 +X924754', 'frahdf.h +X924754', 'frahdf.k10 +X924754', 'frahdf.k11 +X924754', 'frahdf.k12 +X924754', 'frahdf.k13 +X924754', 'frahdf.k14 +X924754', 'frahdf.k16 +X924754', 'frahdf.p32 +X924754', 'frahdf.rerd +X924754'] (49.264353, 2.469177) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['frahdf.c10 Creil', 'frahdf.c11 Creil', 'frahdf.c13 Creil', 'frahdf.c14 Creil', 'frahdf.h Creil', 'frahdf.k10 Creil', 'frahdf.k11 +Creil', 'frahdf.k12 Creil', 'frahdf.k13 +Creil', 'frahdf.k14 Creil', 'frahdf.k16 +Creil', 'frahdf.p10 Creil', 'frahdf.p32 Creil', 'frahdf.rerd Creil'] (49.24118, 2.445402) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['frahdf.c10 +X377286', 'frahdf.c11 +X377286', 'frahdf.c13 +X377286', 'frahdf.c14 +X377286', 'frahdf.h +X377286', 'frahdf.k10 +X377286', 'frahdf.k11 +X377286', 'frahdf.k12 +X377286', 'frahdf.k13 +X377286', 'frahdf.k14 +X377286', 'frahdf.k16 +X377286', 'frahdf.rerd +X377286'] (49.127, 2.505741) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['frahdf.c10 +BorneBlanche', 'frahdf.c11 +BorneBlanche', 'frahdf.c13 +BorneBlanche', 'frahdf.c14 +BorneBlanche', 'frahdf.k10 +BorneBlanche', 'frahdf.k11 +BorneBlanche', 'frahdf.k12 +BorneBlanche', 'frahdf.k13 +BorneBlanche', 'frahdf.k14 +BorneBlanche', 'frahdf.k16 +BorneBlanche', 'frahdf.rerd BorneBlanche'] (49.113349, 2.525311) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['frahdf.c10 +X927450', 'frahdf.c11 +X927450', 'frahdf.c13 +X927450', 'frahdf.c14 +X927450', 'frahdf.k10 +X927450', 'frahdf.k11 +X927450', 'frahdf.k12 +X927450', 'frahdf.k13 +X927450', 'frahdf.k14 +X927450', 'frahdf.k16 +X927450', 'frahdf.rerd +X927450'] (49.100896, 2.525654) is occupied by 22 waypoints: ['frahdf.c10 HDF/IDF', 'frahdf.c11 HDF/IDF', 'frahdf.c13 HDF/IDF', 'frahdf.c14 HDF/IDF', 'frahdf.k10 HDF/IDF', 'frahdf.k11 HDF/IDF', 'frahdf.k12 HDF/IDF', 'frahdf.k13 HDF/IDF', 'frahdf.k14 HDF/IDF', 'frahdf.k16 HDF/IDF', 'frahdf.rerd HDF/IDF', 'fraidf.c10 HDF/IDF', 'fraidf.c11 HDF/IDF', 'fraidf.c13 HDF/IDF', 'fraidf.c14 HDF/IDF', 'fraidf.k10 HDF/IDF', 'fraidf.k11 HDF/IDF', 'fraidf.k12 HDF/IDF', 'fraidf.k13 HDF/IDF', 'fraidf.k14 HDF/IDF', 'fraidf.k16 HDF/IDF', 'fraidf.rerd HDF/IDF'] (49.138119, 2.490377) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['frahdf.c10 OrryVilleCoyeForet', 'frahdf.c11 OrryVilleCoyeForet', 'frahdf.c13 OrryVilleCoyeForet', 'frahdf.c14 OrryVilleCoyeForet', 'frahdf.k10 +OrryVilleCoyeForet', 'frahdf.k11 +OrryVilleCoyeForet', 'frahdf.k12 +OrryVilleCoyeForet', 'frahdf.k13 +OrryVilleCoyeForet', 'frahdf.k14 +OrryVilleCoyeForet', 'frahdf.k16 +OrryVilleCoyeForet', 'frahdf.rerd OrryVilleCoyeForet'] (49.049542, 2.502222) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['fraidf.c10 +Louvres', 'fraidf.c11 +Louvres', 'fraidf.c13 +Louvres', 'fraidf.c14 +Louvres', 'fraidf.k10 +Louvres', 'fraidf.k11 +Louvres', 'fraidf.k12 +Louvres', 'fraidf.k13 +Louvres', 'fraidf.k14 +Louvres', 'fraidf.k16 +Louvres', 'fraidf.rerd Louvres'] (49.099751, 2.525654) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['fraidf.c10 +SurvilliersFosses', 'fraidf.c11 +SurvilliersFosses', 'fraidf.c13 +SurvilliersFosses', 'fraidf.c14 +SurvilliersFosses', 'fraidf.k10 +SurvilliersFosses', 'fraidf.k11 +SurvilliersFosses', 'fraidf.k12 +SurvilliersFosses', 'fraidf.k13 +SurvilliersFosses', 'fraidf.k14 +SurvilliersFosses', 'fraidf.k16 +SurvilliersFosses', 'fraidf.rerd SurvilliersFosses'] (49.065066, 2.521791) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['fraidf.c10 +X789477', 'fraidf.c11 +X789477', 'fraidf.c13 +X789477', 'fraidf.c14 +X789477', 'fraidf.k10 +X789477', 'fraidf.k11 +X789477', 'fraidf.k12 +X789477', 'fraidf.k13 +X789477', 'fraidf.k14 +X789477', 'fraidf.k16 +X789477', 'fraidf.rerd +X789477'] (49.187215, 2.459521) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['frahdf.c10 ChantillyGouvieux', 'frahdf.c11 ChantillyGouvieux', 'frahdf.c13 ChantillyGouvieux', 'frahdf.c14 ChantillyGouvieux', 'frahdf.k10 +ChantillyGouvieux', 'frahdf.k11 +ChantillyGouvieux', 'frahdf.k12 +ChantillyGouvieux', 'frahdf.k13 +ChantillyGouvieux', 'frahdf.k14 +ChantillyGouvieux', 'frahdf.k16 +ChantillyGouvieux', 'frahdf.rerd ChantillyGouvieux'] (49.023982, 2.46347) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['fraidf.c10 +Goussainville', 'fraidf.c11 +Goussainville', 'fraidf.c13 +Goussainville', 'fraidf.c14 +Goussainville', 'fraidf.k10 +Goussainville', 'fraidf.k11 +Goussainville', 'fraidf.k12 +Goussainville', 'fraidf.k13 +Goussainville', 'fraidf.k14 +Goussainville', 'fraidf.k16 +Goussainville', 'fraidf.rerd Goussainville'] (49.032283, 2.476645) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['fraidf.c10 +Noues', 'fraidf.c11 +Noues', 'fraidf.c13 +Noues', 'fraidf.c14 +Noues', 'fraidf.k10 +Noues', 'fraidf.k11 +Noues', 'fraidf.k12 +Noues', 'fraidf.k13 +Noues', 'fraidf.k14 +Noues', 'fraidf.k16 +Noues', 'fraidf.rerd Noues'] (48.976682, 2.390471) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['fraidf.c10 +GargesSarcelles', 'fraidf.c11 +GargesSarcelles', 'fraidf.c13 +GargesSarcelles', 'fraidf.c14 +GargesSarcelles', 'fraidf.k10 +GargesSarcelles', 'fraidf.k11 +GargesSarcelles', 'fraidf.k12 +GargesSarcelles', 'fraidf.k13 +GargesSarcelles', 'fraidf.k14 +GargesSarcelles', 'fraidf.k16 +GargesSarcelles', 'fraidf.rerd GargesSarcelles', 'fraidf.t05 GargesSarcelles'] (48.960173, 2.366867) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['fraidf.c10 +PierrefitteStains', 'fraidf.c11 +PierrefitteStains', 'fraidf.c13 +PierrefitteStains', 'fraidf.c14 +PierrefitteStains', 'fraidf.k10 +PierrefitteStains', 'fraidf.k11 +PierrefitteStains', 'fraidf.k12 +PierrefitteStains', 'fraidf.k13 +PierrefitteStains', 'fraidf.k14 +PierrefitteStains', 'fraidf.k16 +PierrefitteStains', 'fraidf.rerd PierrefitteStains', 'fraidf.t11 PierrefitteStains'] (49.005743, 2.435317) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['fraidf.c10 +X351345', 'fraidf.c11 +X351345', 'fraidf.c13 +X351345', 'fraidf.c14 +X351345', 'fraidf.k10 +X351345', 'fraidf.k11 +X351345', 'fraidf.k12 +X351345', 'fraidf.k13 +X351345', 'fraidf.k14 +X351345', 'fraidf.k16 +X351345', 'fraidf.rerd +X351345'] (48.935117, 2.345495) is occupied by 16 waypoints: ['fraidf.c10 +SaintDenis', 'fraidf.c11 +SaintDenis', 'fraidf.c13 +SaintDenis', 'fraidf.c14 +SaintDenis', 'fraidf.c17 +SaintDenis', 'fraidf.h SaintDenis', 'fraidf.k10 +SaintDenis', 'fraidf.k11 +SaintDenis', 'fraidf.k12 +SaintDenis', 'fraidf.k13 +SaintDenis', 'fraidf.k14 +SaintDenis', 'fraidf.k16 +SaintDenis', 'fraidf.rerd SaintDenis', 'fraidf.t01 SaintDenis', 'fraidf.t08 SaintDenis', 'fraidf.t08vil SaintDenis'] (48.917663, 2.350345) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['fraidf.c10 +StadeFranceSaintDenis', 'fraidf.c11 +StadeFranceSaintDenis', 'fraidf.c13 +StadeFranceSaintDenis', 'fraidf.c14 +StadeFranceSaintDenis', 'fraidf.c17 +StadeFranceSaintDenis', 'fraidf.h +StadeFranceSaintDenis', 'fraidf.k10 +StadeFranceSaintDenis', 'fraidf.k11 +StadeFranceSaintDenis', 'fraidf.k12 +StadeFranceSaintDenis', 'fraidf.k13 +StadeFranceSaintDenis', 'fraidf.k14 +StadeFranceSaintDenis', 'fraidf.k16 +StadeFranceSaintDenis', 'fraidf.rerd StadeFranceSaintDenis'] (48.940078, 2.344379) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['fraidf.c10 +X203197', 'fraidf.c11 +X203197', 'fraidf.c13 +X203197', 'fraidf.c14 +X203197', 'fraidf.c17 +X203197', 'fraidf.h +X203197', 'fraidf.k10 +X203197', 'fraidf.k11 +X203197', 'fraidf.k12 +X203197', 'fraidf.k13 +X203197', 'fraidf.k14 +X203197', 'fraidf.k16 +X203197', 'fraidf.rerd +X203197'] (48.909625, 2.35219) is occupied by 16 waypoints: ['fraidf.c10 +X990910', 'fraidf.c11 +X990910', 'fraidf.c13 +X990910', 'fraidf.c14 +X990910', 'fraidf.c17 +X990910', 'fraidf.h +X990910', 'fraidf.k10 +X990910', 'fraidf.k11 +X990910', 'fraidf.k12 +X990910', 'fraidf.k13 +X990910', 'fraidf.k14 +X990910', 'fraidf.k15 +X990910', 'fraidf.k16 +X990910', 'fraidf.k +X990910', 'fraidf.rerb +X990910', 'fraidf.rerd +X990910'] (48.880381, 2.35499) is occupied by 18 waypoints: ['fraidf.c10 GareNord', 'fraidf.c11 GareNord', 'fraidf.c13 GareNord', 'fraidf.c14 GareNord', 'fraidf.c17 GareNord', 'fraidf.h GareNord', 'fraidf.k10 GareNord', 'fraidf.k11 GareNord', 'fraidf.k12 GareNord', 'fraidf.k13 GareNord', 'fraidf.k14 GareNord', 'fraidf.k15 GareNord', 'fraidf.k16 GareNord', 'fraidf.k GareNord', 'fraidf.m04 GareNord', 'fraidf.m05 GareNord', 'fraidf.rerb GareNord', 'fraidf.rerd GareNord'] (47.500489, 8.723788) is occupied by 15 waypoints: ['che.s07 Winterthur', 'che.s08 Winterthur', 'che.s11 Winterthur', 'che.s11sen Winterthur', 'che.s12 Winterthur', 'che.s12sch Winterthur', 'che.s23 Winterthur', 'che.s24 Winterthur', 'che.s24wei Winterthur', 'che.s26 Winterthur', 'che.s29 Winterthur', 'che.s30 Winterthur', 'che.s33 Winterthur', 'che.s35 Winterthur', 'che.s41 Winterthur'] (47.503163, 8.725719) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['che.s11 +X980766', 'che.s11sen +X980766', 'che.s12 +X980766', 'che.s12sch +X980766', 'che.s24 +X980766', 'che.s24wei +X980766', 'che.s26 +X980766', 'che.s29 +X980766', 'che.s30 +X980766', 'che.s33 +X980766', 'che.s35 +X980766'] (47.423231, 9.369407) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['che.s01gal StGallen', 'che.s02gal StGallen', 'che.s04gal StGallen_1', 'che.s04gal StGallen_2', 'che.s05gal StGallen', 'che.s20gal StGallen', 'che.s21gal StGallen', 'che.s22gal StGallen', 'che.s81gal StGallen', 'che.s82gal StGallen'] (47.397147, 8.596115) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['che.07zur Settbach', 'che.12zur BahnhofSettbach', 'che.s03 Settbach', 'che.s05 +Settbach', 'che.s09 Settbach', 'che.s11 Settbach', 'che.s12 Settbach', 'che.s15 +Settbach', 'che.s23 +Settbach'] (47.411801, 8.544027) is occupied by 15 waypoints: ['che.10zur BahnhofOerlikonOst', 'che.11zur BahnhofOerlikon', 'che.14zur BahnhofOerlikonOst', 'che.s02 ZurichOerlikon', 'che.s03 ZurichOerlikon', 'che.s06 ZurichOerlikon', 'che.s07 ZurichOerlikon', 'che.s08 ZurichOerlikon', 'che.s09 ZurichOerlikon', 'che.s14 ZurichOerlikon', 'che.s15 ZurichOerlikon', 'che.s16 ZurichOerlikon', 'che.s19 ZurichOerlikon', 'che.s21 ZurichOerlikon', 'che.s24 ZurichOerlikon'] (47.416175, 8.549595) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['che.s02 +X527750', 'che.s03 +X527750', 'che.s06 +X527750', 'che.s07 +X527750', 'che.s09 +X527750', 'che.s15 +X527750', 'che.s16 +X527750', 'che.s21 +X527750', 'che.s24 +X527750'] (47.413315, 8.546913) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['che.s02 +X625525', 'che.s03 +X625525', 'che.s06 +X625525', 'che.s07 +X625525', 'che.s09 +X625525', 'che.s15 +X625525', 'che.s16 +X625525', 'che.s21 +X625525', 'che.s24 +X625525'] (47.409372, 8.539295) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['che.s02 +X635147', 'che.s03 +X635147', 'che.s06 +X635147', 'che.s07 +X635147', 'che.s08 +X635147', 'che.s09 +X635147', 'che.s14 +X635147', 'che.s15 +X635147', 'che.s16 +X635147', 'che.s19 +X635147', 'che.s21 +X635147', 'che.s24 +X635147'] (47.405753, 8.536484) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['che.s02 +X920861', 'che.s03 +X920861', 'che.s06 +X920861', 'che.s07 +X920861', 'che.s08 +X920861', 'che.s09 +X920861', 'che.s14 +X920861', 'che.s15 +X920861', 'che.s16 +X920861', 'che.s19 +X920861', 'che.s21 +X920861', 'che.s24 +X920861'] (47.374222, 8.547449) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['che.s03 +X680530', 'che.s05 +X680530', 'che.s06 +X680530', 'che.s07 +X680530', 'che.s09 +X680530', 'che.s11 +X680530', 'che.s12 +X680530', 'che.s15 +X680530', 'che.s16 +X680530', 'che.s20 +X680530', 'che.s23 +X680530'] (47.378062, 8.539424) is occupied by 30 waypoints: ['che.03zur Bahnhofplatz', 'che.04zur Bahnhofquai', 'che.06zur Bahnhofstrasse', 'che.07zur Bahnhofstrasse', 'che.10zur Bahnhofplatz', 'che.11zur BahnhofstrasseBahnhofquai', 'che.13zur BahnhofquaiBahnhofstrasse', 'che.14zur BahnhofstrasseBahnhofquai', 'che.17zur BahnhofquaiBahnhofstrasse', 'che.s02 ZurichHauptbahnhof', 'che.s03 ZurichHauptbahnhof', 'che.s04 ZurichHauptbahnhof', 'che.s05 ZurichHauptbahnhof', 'che.s06 ZurichHauptbahnhof', 'che.s07 ZurichHauptbahnhof', 'che.s08 ZurichHauptbahnhof', 'che.s09 ZurichHauptbahnhof', 'che.s10 ZurichHauptbahnhof', 'che.s11 ZurichHauptbahnhof', 'che.s12 ZurichHauptbahnhof', 'che.s14 ZurichHauptbahnhof', 'che.s15 ZurichHauptbahnhof', 'che.s16 ZurichHauptbahnhof', 'che.s19 ZurichHauptbahnhof', 'che.s20 ZurichHauptbahnhof', 'che.s21 ZurichHauptbahnhof', 'che.s23 ZurichHauptbahnhof', 'che.s24 ZurichHauptbahnhof', 'che.s25 ZurichHauptbahnhof', 'che.s42 ZurichHauptbahnhof'] (47.380321, 8.531742) is occupied by 19 waypoints: ['che.s02 +X265751', 'che.s03 +X265751', 'che.s05 +X265751', 'che.s06 +X265751', 'che.s07 +X265751', 'che.s08 +X265751', 'che.s09 +X265751', 'che.s11 +X265751', 'che.s12 +X265751', 'che.s14 +X265751', 'che.s15 +X265751', 'che.s16 +X265751', 'che.s19 +X265751', 'che.s20 +X265751', 'che.s21 +X265751', 'che.s24 +X265751_A', 'che.s24 +X265751_B', 'che.s25 +X265751', 'che.s42 +X265751'] (47.381098, 8.528416) is occupied by 19 waypoints: ['che.s02 +X385302', 'che.s03 +X385302', 'che.s05 +X385302', 'che.s06 +X385302', 'che.s07 +X385302', 'che.s08 +X385302', 'che.s09 +X385302', 'che.s11 +X385302', 'che.s12 +X385302', 'che.s14 +X385302', 'che.s15 +X385302', 'che.s16 +X385302', 'che.s19 +X385302', 'che.s20 +X385302', 'che.s21 +X385302', 'che.s24 +X385302_A', 'che.s24 +X385302_B', 'che.s25 +X385302', 'che.s42 +X385302'] (47.377288, 8.543994) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['che.s03 +X842317', 'che.s05 +X842317', 'che.s06 +X842317', 'che.s07 +X842317', 'che.s09 +X842317', 'che.s11 +X842317', 'che.s12 +X842317', 'che.s15 +X842317', 'che.s16 +X842317', 'che.s20 +X842317', 'che.s23 +X842317'] (47.37978, 8.535733) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['che.s03 +X941368', 'che.s05 +X941368', 'che.s06 +X941368', 'che.s07 +X941368', 'che.s09 +X941368', 'che.s11 +X941368', 'che.s12 +X941368', 'che.s15 +X941368', 'che.s16 +X941368', 'che.s20 +X941368'] (47.385134, 8.517312) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['che.08zur BahnhofHardbrucke', 'che.s03 ZurichHardbrucke', 'che.s05 ZurichHardbrucke', 'che.s06 ZurichHardbrucke', 'che.s07 ZurichHardbrucke', 'che.s09 ZurichHardbrucke', 'che.s11 ZurichHardbrucke', 'che.s12 ZurichHardbrucke', 'che.s15 ZurichHardbrucke', 'che.s16 ZurichHardbrucke', 'che.s20 ZurichHardbrucke', 'che.s21 ZurichHardbrucke'] (47.386187, 8.513492) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['che.s03 +X165548', 'che.s05 +X165548', 'che.s06 +X165548', 'che.s07 +X165548', 'che.s09 +X165548', 'che.s11 +X165548', 'che.s12 +X165548', 'che.s15 +X165548', 'che.s16 +X165548', 'che.s21 +X165548'] (47.366651, 8.548597) is occupied by 15 waypoints: ['che.08zur Stadelhofen', 'che.11zur BahnhofStadelhofen', 'che.15zur Stadelhofen', 'che.s03 ZurichStadelhofen', 'che.s05 ZurichStadelhofen', 'che.s06 ZurichStadelhofen', 'che.s07 ZurichStadelhofen', 'che.s09 ZurichStadelhofen', 'che.s11 ZurichStadelhofen', 'che.s12 ZurichStadelhofen', 'che.s15 ZurichStadelhofen', 'che.s16 ZurichStadelhofen', 'che.s18 ZurichStadelhofen', 'che.s20 ZurichStadelhofen', 'che.s23 ZurichStadelhofen'] (47.365695, 8.551462) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['che.s05 +X101901', 'che.s06 +X101901', 'che.s07 +X101901', 'che.s09 +X101901', 'che.s11 +X101901', 'che.s12 +X101901', 'che.s15 +X101901', 'che.s16 +X101901', 'che.s20 +X101901', 'che.s23 +X101901'] (47.553733, 7.592068) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['che.01bas Bankverein', 'che.02bas Bankverein', 'che.03bas Bankverein', 'che.08bas Bankverein', 'che.10bas Bankverein', 'che.11bas Bankverein', 'che.14bas Bankverein', 'che.15bas Bankverein_1', 'che.15bas Bankverein_2', 'che.e11bas Bankverein'] (47.044909, 8.310127) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['che.s01zen +X590814_A', 'che.s01zen +X590814_B', 'che.s03zen +X590814', 'che.s04zen +X590814', 'che.s05zen +X590814', 'che.s06zen +X590814', 'che.s07zen +X590814', 'che.s09zen +X590814', 'che.s41zen +X590814', 'che.s44zen +X590814', 'che.s55zen +X590814', 'che.s77zen +X590814', 'che.s99zen +X590814'] (47.05011, 8.310256) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['che.s01zen Luzern', 'che.s03zen Luzern', 'che.s04zen Luzern', 'che.s05zen Luzern', 'che.s06zen Luzern', 'che.s07zen Luzern', 'che.s09zen Luzern', 'che.s41zen Luzern', 'che.s44zen Luzern', 'che.s55zen Luzern', 'che.s77zen Luzern', 'che.s99zen Luzern'] (46.949325, 7.438989) is occupied by 18 waypoints: ['che.03ber Bahnhof', 'che.06ber Bahnhof', 'che.07ber Bahnhof', 'che.08ber Bahnhof', 'che.09ber Bahnhof', 'che.s01ber Bern', 'che.s02ber Bern', 'che.s03ber Bern', 'che.s04ber Bern', 'che.s05ber Bern', 'che.s06ber Bern', 'che.s07ber Bern', 'che.s08ber Bern', 'che.s09ber Bern', 'che.s31ber Bern', 'che.s44ber Bern', 'che.s51ber Bern', 'che.s52ber Bern'] (46.943879, 7.40677) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['che.07ber EuropaplatzBahnhof', 'che.08ber EuropaplatzBahnhof', 'che.s01ber BernEuropaplatz', 'che.s02ber BernEuropaplatz', 'che.s03ber BernEuropaplatz', 'che.s04ber +BernEuropaplatz', 'che.s06ber BernEuropaplatz', 'che.s31ber BernEuropaplatz', 'che.s44ber BernEuropaplatz'] (46.947095, 7.410665) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['che.s01ber +X188261', 'che.s02ber +X188261', 'che.s03ber +X188261', 'che.s04ber +X188261', 'che.s05ber +X188261', 'che.s06ber +X188261', 'che.s31ber +X188261', 'che.s44ber +X188261', 'che.s51ber +X188261', 'che.s52ber +X188261'] (45.484409, 9.187424) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['italom.10mil PortaGaribaldi', 'italom.33mil PortaGaribaldi', 'italom.m02 PortaGaribaldi', 'italom.m05 PortaGaribaldi', 'italom.s01 MilanoPortaGaribaldi', 'italom.s02 MilanoPortaGaribaldi', 'italom.s05 MilanoPortaGaribaldi', 'italom.s06 MilanoPortaGaribaldi', 'italom.s07 PortaGaribaldi', 'italom.s08 PortaGaribaldi', 'italom.s11 MilanoPortaGaribaldi', 'italom.s12 MilanoPortaGaribaldi', 'italom.s13 PortaGaribaldi'] (45.464138, 9.188551) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['italom.02mil DuomoM1M3', 'italom.03mil DuomoM1M3', 'italom.12mil DuomoM1M3', 'italom.14mil DuomoM1M3', 'italom.15mil DuomoM1M3', 'italom.16mil DuomoM1M3', 'italom.19mil DuomoM1M3', 'italom.m01 Duomo', 'italom.m03 Duomo'] (46.210352, 6.142259) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['che.14gen GareCornavin', 'che.15gen GareCornavin', 'che.18gen GareCornavin', 'che.l01 GeneveCornavin', 'che.l02 GeneveCornavin', 'che.l03 GeneveCornavin', 'che.l04 GeneveCornavin', 'che.l05 GeneveCornavin', 'che.l06 GeneveCornavin'] (45.836131, 1.267462) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['franaq.d22 LimogesBenedictins', 'franaq.d31 LimogesBenedictins', 'franaq.l18 LimogesBenedictins', 'franaq.l22 LimogesBenedictins', 'franaq.l23 LimogesBenedictins', 'franaq.l24 LimogesBenedictins', 'franaq.l25 LimogesBenedictins', 'franaq.l26 LimogesBenedictins', 'franaq.l31 LimogesBenedictins'] (22.278598, 114.166296) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['hkg.1 AdmMTRSta', 'hkg.3 AdmMTRSta', 'hkg.4 AdmMTRSta', 'hkg.5 AdmMTRSta', 'hkg.6 AdmMTRSta', 'hkg.erailln Adm', 'hkg.islln Adm', 'hkg.sislln Adm', 'hkg.twln Adm'] (40.852409, 14.270511) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['itacam.01nap Garibaldi', 'itacam.02nap NapoliPiazzaGaribaldi', 'itacam.07nap NapoliGaribaldi', 'itacam.09nap NapoliGaribaldi', 'itacam.12nap NapoliGaribaldi', 'itacam.13nap NapoliGaribaldi', 'itacam.14nap NapoliGaribaldi', 'itacam.15nap NapoliCentrale', 'itacam.16nap NapoliCentrale', 'itacam.tram1 Garibaldi', 'itacam.tram2 Garibaldi'] (41.900576, 12.50242) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['italaz.05rom Termini', 'italaz.14rom Termini', 'italaz.fc01 Laziali', 'italaz.fl04 RomaTermini', 'italaz.fl05 RomaTermini', 'italaz.fl06 RomaTermini', 'italaz.fl07 RomaTermini', 'italaz.fl08 RomaTermini', 'italaz.ma Termini', 'italaz.mb1 Termini', 'italaz.mb Termini'] (41.401431, 2.179155) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['espct.r11 +X194159', 'espct.r13 +X194159', 'espct.r14 +X194159', 'espct.r15 +X194159', 'espct.r16 +X194159', 'espct.r17 +X194159', 'espct.r2 +X194159', 'espct.r2n +X194159', 'espct.r2s +X194159'] (41.386642, 2.169424) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['espct.l1 Catalunya', 'espct.l3 Catalunya', 'espct.l6 PlacaCatalunya', 'espct.l7 PlacaCatalunya', 'espct.r12 PlacaCatalunya', 'espct.r1 PlacaCatalunya', 'espct.r3 PlacaCatalunya', 'espct.r4 PlacaCatalunya', 'espct.rg1 PlacaCatalunya', 'espct.s1 PlacaCatalunya', 'espct.s2 PlacaCatalunya', 'espct.s5 PlacaCatalunya', 'espct.s6 PlacaCatalunya', 'espct.s7 PlacaCatalunya'] (41.390996, 2.166903) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['espct.l2 PasseigGracia', 'espct.l3 PasseigGracia', 'espct.l4 PasseigGracia', 'espct.r11 PasseigGracia', 'espct.r13 PasseigGracia', 'espct.r14 PasseigGracia', 'espct.r15 PasseigGracia', 'espct.r16 PasseigGracia', 'espct.r17 PasseigGracia', 'espct.r2 PasseigGracia', 'espct.r2n PasseigGracia', 'espct.r2s PasseigGracia'] (41.394433, 2.158856) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['espct.l3 Diagonal', 'espct.l5 Diagonal', 'espct.l6 Provenca', 'espct.l7 Provenca', 'espct.s1 Provenca', 'espct.s2 Provenca', 'espct.s5 Provenca', 'espct.s6 Provenca', 'espct.s7 Provenca'] (41.375031, 2.149125) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['espct.l1 Espanya', 'espct.l3 Espanya', 'espct.l8 Espanya', 'espct.r50 Espanya', 'espct.r5 Espanya', 'espct.r60 Espanya', 'espct.r6 Espanya', 'espct.s3 Espanya', 'espct.s4 Espanya', 'espct.s8 Espanya', 'espct.s9 Espanya'] (41.379715, 2.141047) is occupied by 16 waypoints: ['espct.l3 SantsEstacio', 'espct.l5 SantsEstacio', 'espct.r11 Sants', 'espct.r12 Sants', 'espct.r13 Sants', 'espct.r14 Sants', 'espct.r15 Sants', 'espct.r16 Sants', 'espct.r17 Sants', 'espct.r1 Sants', 'espct.r2 Sants', 'espct.r2n Sants', 'espct.r2s Sants', 'espct.r3 Sants', 'espct.r4 Sants', 'espct.rg1 Sants'] (41.383186, 2.149587) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['espct.r11 +X768870', 'espct.r12 +X768870', 'espct.r13 +X768870', 'espct.r14 +X768870', 'espct.r15 +X768870', 'espct.r16 +X768870', 'espct.r17 +X768870', 'espct.r1 +X768870', 'espct.r2 +X768870', 'espct.r2n +X768870', 'espct.r2s +X768870', 'espct.r3 +X768870', 'espct.r4 +X768870', 'espct.rg1 +X768870'] (41.357009, 2.125211) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['espct.l8 EuropaFira', 'espct.l9s EuropaFira', 'espct.r50 EuropaFira', 'espct.r5 EuropaFira', 'espct.r60 EuropaFira', 'espct.r6 EuropaFira', 'espct.s3 EuropaFira', 'espct.s4 EuropaFira', 'espct.s8 EuropaFira', 'espct.s9 EuropaFira'] (41.355, 2.115544) is occupied by 17 waypoints: ['espct.l8 Gornal', 'espct.r13 +Bellvitge', 'espct.r14 +Bellvitge', 'espct.r15 Bellvitge', 'espct.r16 +Bellvitge', 'espct.r17 +Bellvitge', 'espct.r2 Bellvitge', 'espct.r2n Bellvitge', 'espct.r2s Bellvitge', 'espct.r50 Gornal', 'espct.r5 Gornal', 'espct.r60 Gornal', 'espct.r6 Gornal', 'espct.s3 Gornal', 'espct.s4 Gornal', 'espct.s8 Gornal', 'espct.s9 Gornal'] (41.360818, 2.130404) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['espct.l8 IldefonsCerda', 'espct.r50 IldefonsCerda', 'espct.r5 IldefonsCerda', 'espct.r60 IldefonsCerda', 'espct.r6 IldefonsCerda', 'espct.s3 IldefonsCerda', 'espct.s4 IldefonsCerda', 'espct.s8 IldefonsCerda', 'espct.s9 IldefonsCerda'] (41.367807, 2.139587) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['espct.l8 MagoriaCampana', 'espct.r50 +MagoriaCampana', 'espct.r5 MagoriaCampana', 'espct.r60 +MagoriaCampana', 'espct.r6 MagoriaCampana', 'espct.s3 MagoriaCampana', 'espct.s4 MagoriaCampana', 'espct.s8 MagoriaCampana', 'espct.s9 MagoriaCampana'] (41.360842, 2.110469) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['espct.l8 SantJosep', 'espct.r50 SantJosep', 'espct.r5 SantJosep', 'espct.r60 SantJosep', 'espct.r6 SantJosep', 'espct.s3 SantJosep', 'espct.s4 SantJosep', 'espct.s8 SantJosep', 'espct.s9 SantJosep'] (41.368021, 2.122518) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['espct.r12 +X628783', 'espct.r13 +X628783', 'espct.r14 +X628783', 'espct.r15 +X628783', 'espct.r16 +X628783', 'espct.r17 +X628783', 'espct.r1 +X628783', 'espct.r2 +X628783', 'espct.r2n +X628783', 'espct.r2s +X628783', 'espct.r3 +X628783', 'espct.r4 +X628783', 'espct.rg1 +X628783'] (41.358265, 2.102702) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['espct.l1 AvingudaCarrilet', 'espct.l8 AvingudaCarrilet', 'espct.r50 AvingudaCarrilet', 'espct.r5 AvingudaCarrilet', 'espct.r60 AvingudaCarrilet', 'espct.r6 AvingudaCarrilet', 'espct.s3 AvingudaCarrilet', 'espct.s4 AvingudaCarrilet', 'espct.s8 AvingudaCarrilet', 'espct.s9 AvingudaCarrilet'] (41.353087, 2.084527) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['espct.l8 Almeda', 'espct.r50 Almeda', 'espct.r5 Almeda', 'espct.r60 Almeda', 'espct.r6 Almeda', 'espct.s3 Almeda', 'espct.s4 Almeda', 'espct.s8 Almeda', 'espct.s9 Almeda'] (41.357464, 2.035325) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['espct.l8 MoliNouCiutatCooperativa', 'espct.r50 +MoliNouCiutatCooperativa', 'espct.r5 MoliNouCiutatCooperativa', 'espct.r60 +MoliNouCiutatCooperativa', 'espct.r6 MoliNouCiutatCooperativa', 'espct.s3 MoliNouCiutatCooperativa', 'espct.s4 MoliNouCiutatCooperativa', 'espct.s8 MoliNouCiutatCooperativa', 'espct.s9 MoliNouCiutatCooperativa'] (41.351508, 2.070622) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['espct.l8 CornellaRiera', 'espct.r50 CornellaRiera', 'espct.r5 CornellaRiera', 'espct.r60 CornellaRiera', 'espct.r6 CornellaRiera', 'espct.s3 CornellaRiera', 'espct.s4 CornellaRiera', 'espct.s8 CornellaRiera', 'espct.s9 CornellaRiera'] (41.348484, 2.042921) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['espct.l8 SantBoi', 'espct.r50 SantBoi', 'espct.r5 SantBoi', 'espct.r60 SantBoi', 'espct.r6 SantBoi', 'espct.s3 SantBoi', 'espct.s4 SantBoi', 'espct.s8 SantBoi', 'espct.s9 SantBoi'] (41.331101, 2.09016) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['espct.l9s ElPratEstacio', 'espct.r13 +ElPratLlobregat', 'espct.r14 +ElPratLlobregat', 'espct.r15 ElPratLlobregat', 'espct.r16 +ElPratLlobregat', 'espct.r17 +ElPratLlobregat', 'espct.r2 ElPratLlobregat', 'espct.r2n ElPratLlobregat', 'espct.r2s ElPratLlobregat'] (55.952197, -3.188674) is occupied by 22 waypoints: ['sct.borln EdiWav', 'sct.croyln EdiWav', 'sct.cstln EdiWav', 'sct.dunln EdiWav', 'sct.eastlotln EdiWav', 'sct.ecmllum EdiWav', 'sct.fifelndun EdiWav', 'sct.fifelngle EdiWav', 'sct.fifelnkir EdiWav', 'sct.fifelnper EdiWav', 'sct.gmledi EdiWav', 'sct.higsle EdiWav', 'sct.higsleabe SKIP_EdiWav', 'sct.higsleinv SKIP_EdiWav', 'sct.hmledi EdiWav', 'sct.lowsleedi EdiWav', 'sct.norberln EdiWav', 'sct.norclylnhel EdiWav', 'sct.sholn EdiWav', 'sct.tpasrte EdiWav', 'sct.tpnrte EdiWav', 'sct.wcmla EdiWav'] (55.936192, -3.259935) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['sct.croyln DIV_Bal', 'sct.dunln DIV_Bal', 'sct.editram DIV_Bal', 'sct.fifelndun DIV_Bal', 'sct.fifelngle DIV_Bal', 'sct.fifelnkir DIV_Bal', 'sct.fifelnper DIV_Bal', 'sct.gmledi DIV_Bal', 'sct.higsle DIV_Bal', 'sct.higsleabe DIV_Bal', 'sct.higsleinv DIV_Bal', 'sct.hmledi DIV_Bal', 'sct.norclylnhel DIV_Balg'] (55.934197, -3.268733) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['sct.croyln DIV_Fife', 'sct.dunln DIV_Fife', 'sct.fifelndun DIV_Bat', 'sct.fifelngle DIV_Bat', 'sct.fifelnkir DIV_Bat', 'sct.fifelnper DIV_Bat', 'sct.gmledi DIV_Bat', 'sct.higsle DIV_Fife', 'sct.higsleabe DIV_Bat', 'sct.higsleinv DIV_Fife', 'sct.hmledi DIV_Fife', 'sct.norclylnhel DIV_Fife'] (55.944313, -3.22364) is occupied by 21 waypoints: ['sct.croyln DIV_Liv', 'sct.cstln DIV_EC', 'sct.dunln DIV_Liv', 'sct.editram DIV_Car', 'sct.fifelndun DIV_Liv', 'sct.fifelngle DIV_Liv', 'sct.fifelnkir DIV_Liv', 'sct.fifelnper DIV_Liv', 'sct.gmledi DIV_Liv', 'sct.higsle DIV_Liv', 'sct.higsle DIV_Nor', 'sct.higsleabe DIV_Fal', 'sct.higsleabe DIV_Liv', 'sct.higsleinv DIV_Dal', 'sct.higsleinv DIV_Liv', 'sct.hmledi DIV_Liv', 'sct.lowsleedi DIV_Fal', 'sct.norclylnhel DIV_Car', 'sct.sholn DIV_EC', 'sct.tpasrte DIV_Fal', 'sct.wcmla DIV_Fal'] (55.940861, -3.239143) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['sct.croyln DIV_Mur', 'sct.dunln DIV_Mur', 'sct.editram DIV_Mur', 'sct.fifelndun DIV_Mur', 'sct.fifelngle DIV_Mur', 'sct.fifelnkir DIV_Mur', 'sct.fifelnper DIV_Mur', 'sct.gmledi DIV_Mur', 'sct.higsle DIV_Mur', 'sct.higsleabe DIV_Mur', 'sct.higsleinv DIV_Mur', 'sct.hmledi DIV_Mur', 'sct.norclylnhel DIV_Mur'] (55.943186, -3.228736) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['sct.croyln DIV_Ros', 'sct.dunln DIV_Ros', 'sct.editram DIV_Ros', 'sct.fifelndun DIV_Ros', 'sct.fifelngle DIV_Ros', 'sct.fifelnkir DIV_Ros', 'sct.fifelnper DIV_Ros', 'sct.gmledi DIV_Ros', 'sct.higsle DIV_Ros', 'sct.higsleabe DIV_Ros', 'sct.higsleinv DIV_Ros', 'sct.hmledi DIV_Ros', 'sct.norclylnhel DIV_Ros'] (55.944787, -3.221548) is occupied by 21 waypoints: ['sct.croyln DIV_Tram', 'sct.cstln DIV_Tram', 'sct.dunln DIV_Tram', 'sct.editram DIV_Hay', 'sct.fifelndun DIV_Tram', 'sct.fifelngle DIV_Tram', 'sct.fifelnkir DIV_Tram', 'sct.fifelnper DIV_Tram', 'sct.gmledi DIV_Tram2', 'sct.higsle DIV_Tram1', 'sct.higsle DIV_Tram2', 'sct.higsleabe DIV_Tram1', 'sct.higsleabe DIV_Tram2', 'sct.higsleinv DIV_Tram1', 'sct.higsleinv DIV_Tram2', 'sct.hmledi DIV_Tram', 'sct.lowsleedi DIV_Tram', 'sct.norclylnhel DIV_Tram', 'sct.sholn DIV_Tram', 'sct.tpasrte DIV_Tram', 'sct.wcmla DIV_Tram'] (55.945337, -3.218951) is occupied by 20 waypoints: ['sct.croyln Hay', 'sct.cstln Hay', 'sct.dunln Hay', 'sct.fifelndun Hay', 'sct.fifelngle Hay', 'sct.fifelnkir Hay', 'sct.fifelnper Hay', 'sct.gmledi Hay', 'sct.higsle SKIP_Hay1', 'sct.higsle SKIP_Hay2', 'sct.higsleabe SKIP_Hay1', 'sct.higsleabe SKIP_Hay2', 'sct.higsleinv SKIP_Hay1', 'sct.higsleinv SKIP_Hay2', 'sct.hmledi Hay', 'sct.lowsleedi SKIP_Hay', 'sct.norclylnhel Hay', 'sct.sholn Hay', 'sct.tpasrte Hay', 'sct.wcmla Hay'] (55.937994, -3.251867) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['sct.croyln SKIP_Bal', 'sct.dunln SKIP_Bal', 'sct.editram Bal', 'sct.fifelndun SKIP_Bal', 'sct.fifelngle SKIP_Bal', 'sct.fifelnkir SKIP_Bal', 'sct.fifelnper SKIP_Bal', 'sct.gmledi SKIP_Balg', 'sct.higsle SKIP_Bal', 'sct.higsleabe SKIP_Balg', 'sct.higsleinv SKIP_Bal', 'sct.hmledi SKIP_Bal', 'sct.norclylnhel SKIP_Bal'] (55.819338, -4.172573) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['sct.arglncum Cam', 'sct.arglnlar Cam', 'sct.cstln SKIP_Cam', 'sct.lanln Cam', 'sct.lowsle SKIP_Cam', 'sct.sholn SKIP_Cam', 'sct.tpasrtegla SKIP_Cam', 'sct.wcmlagla SKIP_Cam', 'sct.wcmlf SKIP_Cam'] (55.818512, -4.144034) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['sct.arglncum DIV_New', 'sct.arglnlar DIV_New', 'sct.catcirlnmax DIV_WCS', 'sct.catcirlnque DIV_WCS', 'sct.cstln DIV_New', 'sct.lanln DIV_New', 'sct.lowsle DIV_Kir', 'sct.sholn DIV_New', 'sct.tpasrtegla DIV_Kir', 'sct.wcmlagla DIV_Kir', 'sct.wcmlf DIV_Kir'] (55.818888, -4.129314) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['sct.arglncum DIV_Sho', 'sct.arglnlar DIV_Sho', 'sct.cstln DIV_Ham', 'sct.lanln DIV_Ham', 'sct.lowsle DIV_Mot', 'sct.sholn DIV_Ham', 'sct.tpasrtegla DIV_Mot', 'sct.wcmlagla DIV_Mot', 'sct.wcmlf DIV_Mot'] (55.829993, -4.209802) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['sct.arglncum DIV_WCN', 'sct.arglnlar DIV_WC', 'sct.arglnwhi DIV_WCW', 'sct.cstln DIV_Arg', 'sct.lanln DIV_Arg', 'sct.lowsle DIV_Rut', 'sct.sholn DIV_Arg', 'sct.tpasrtegla DIV_Rut', 'sct.wcmlagla DIV_Rut', 'sct.wcmlf DIV_Rut'] (55.828354, -4.195361) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['sct.arglncum DIV_WhiW', 'sct.arglnlar DIV_Whi', 'sct.arglnwhi DIV_WCE', 'sct.cstln DIV_Whi', 'sct.lanln DIV_Whi', 'sct.lowsle DIV_Whi', 'sct.sholn DIV_Whi', 'sct.tpasrtegla DIV_Whi', 'sct.wcmlagla DIV_Whi', 'sct.wcmlf DIV_Whi'] (55.818946, -4.13322) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['sct.arglncum New', 'sct.arglnlar New', 'sct.catcirlnmax New', 'sct.catcirlnque New', 'sct.cstln SKIP_New', 'sct.lanln SKIP_New', 'sct.lowsle SKIP_New', 'sct.sholn SKIP_New', 'sct.tpasrtegla SKIP_New', 'sct.wcmlagla SKIP_New', 'sct.wcmlf SKIP_New'] (55.558156, -3.633556) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['sct.higsle +X304165', 'sct.higsleabe +X304165', 'sct.higsleinv +X304165', 'sct.lowsle +X304165', 'sct.tpasrte +X304165', 'sct.tpasrtegla +X304165', 'sct.wcmla +X304165', 'sct.wcmlagla +X304165', 'sct.wcmlf +X304165'] (55.63008, -3.636131) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['sct.higsle +X479100', 'sct.higsleabe +X479100', 'sct.higsleinv +X479100', 'sct.lowsle +X479100', 'sct.tpasrte +X479100', 'sct.tpasrtegla +X479100', 'sct.wcmla +X479100', 'sct.wcmlagla +X479100', 'sct.wcmlf +X479100'] (55.661441, -3.632097) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['sct.higsle +X658444', 'sct.higsleabe +X658444', 'sct.higsleinv +X658444', 'sct.lowsle +X658444', 'sct.tpasrte +X658444', 'sct.tpasrtegla +X658444', 'sct.wcmla +X658444', 'sct.wcmlagla +X658444', 'sct.wcmlf +X658444'] (55.605845, -3.602657) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['sct.higsle +X709704', 'sct.higsleabe +X709704', 'sct.higsleinv +X709704', 'sct.lowsle +X709704', 'sct.tpasrte +X709704', 'sct.tpasrtegla +X709704', 'sct.wcmla +X709704', 'sct.wcmlagla +X709704', 'sct.wcmlf +X709704'] (55.687915, -3.661451) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['sct.higsle DIV_Gla', 'sct.higsleabe DIV_Gla', 'sct.higsleinv DIV_Gla', 'sct.lowsle DIV_Edi', 'sct.tpasrte DIV_Gla', 'sct.tpasrtegla DIV_Edi', 'sct.wcmla DIV_Gla', 'sct.wcmlagla DIV_Edi', 'sct.wcmlf DIV_Edi'] (55.883508, -4.237247) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['sct.allln DIV_Spr', 'sct.croyln DIV_Spr', 'sct.cumln DIV_Spr', 'sct.gmlgla DIV_Spr', 'sct.hmlgla DIV_Spr', 'sct.marln DIV_Spr', 'sct.staln DIV_Spr', 'sct.westhiglnfor DIV_Spr', 'sct.westhiglnoba DIV_Spr'] (55.862471, -4.251108) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['sct.allln GlaQueSt', 'sct.croyln GlaQueSt', 'sct.cumln GlaQueSt', 'sct.gmlgla GlaQueSt', 'sct.higsle GlaQueSt', 'sct.hmlgla GlaQueSt', 'sct.marln GlaQueSt', 'sct.norclylnbal GlaQueSt', 'sct.norclylnhel GlaQueSt', 'sct.norclylnmil GlaQueSt', 'sct.staln GlaQueSt', 'sct.westhiglnfor GlaQueSt', 'sct.westhiglnoba GlaQueSt'] (55.858515, -4.258533) is occupied by 23 waypoints: ['sct.arglncum GlaCen', 'sct.arglnlar GlaCen', 'sct.arglnwhi GlaCen', 'sct.ayrcoalnard GlaCen', 'sct.ayrcoalnayr GlaCen', 'sct.ayrcoalnlar GlaCen', 'sct.carln GlaCen', 'sct.catcirlnmax GlaCen', 'sct.catcirlnnei GlaCen', 'sct.catcirlnque GlaCen', 'sct.cstln GlaCen', 'sct.eastkilln GlaCen', 'sct.invlngou GlaCen', 'sct.invlnwem GlaCen', 'sct.killn GlaCen', 'sct.lanln GlaCen', 'sct.lowsle GlaCen', 'sct.paicanln GlaCen', 'sct.sholn GlaCen', 'sct.strln GlaCen', 'sct.tpasrtegla GlaCen', 'sct.wcmlagla GlaCen', 'sct.wcmlf GlaCen'] (55.869716, -4.309065) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['sct.arglncum Par', 'sct.arglnlar Par', 'sct.arglnwhi Par', 'sct.glasub Par_1', 'sct.glasub Par_2', 'sct.higsle SKIP_Par', 'sct.norclylnbal Par', 'sct.norclylnhel Par', 'sct.norclylnmil Par'] (55.85186, -4.260013) is occupied by 20 waypoints: ['sct.ayrcoalnard DIV_WC', 'sct.ayrcoalnayr DIV_WC', 'sct.ayrcoalnlar DIV_WC', 'sct.carln DIV_Inv', 'sct.catcirlnmax DIV_Ayr', 'sct.catcirlnnei DIV_Ayr', 'sct.catcirlnque DIV_Ayr', 'sct.cstln DIV_Ayr', 'sct.eastkilln DIV_Ayr', 'sct.invlngou DIV_WC', 'sct.invlnwem DIV_WC', 'sct.killn DIV_Inv', 'sct.lanln DIV_Ayr', 'sct.lowsle DIV_Pai', 'sct.paicanln DIV_WC', 'sct.sholn DIV_Ayr', 'sct.strln DIV_Inv', 'sct.tpasrtegla DIV_Pai', 'sct.wcmlagla DIV_Pai', 'sct.wcmlf DIV_Pai'] (55.847822, -4.261043) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['sct.carln DIV_WCN', 'sct.catcirlnmax DIV_WCN', 'sct.catcirlnnei DIV_WC', 'sct.catcirlnque DIV_WCN', 'sct.cstln DIV_SW', 'sct.eastkilln DIV_WC', 'sct.killn DIV_WCN', 'sct.lanln DIV_SW', 'sct.lowsle DIV_Pol', 'sct.sholn DIV_SW', 'sct.strln DIV_WCN', 'sct.tpasrtegla DIV_Pol', 'sct.wcmlagla DIV_Pol', 'sct.wcmlf DIV_Pol'] (54.998026, -3.045187) is occupied by 15 waypoints: ['eng.carln SCT/ENG', 'eng.higsle ENG/SCT', 'eng.lowsle ENG/SCT', 'eng.tpasrte ENG/SCT', 'eng.wcmla ENG/SCT', 'eng.wcmlf ENG/SCT', 'sct.carln SCT/ENG', 'sct.higsle ENG/SCT', 'sct.higsleabe ENG/SCT', 'sct.higsleinv ENG/SCT', 'sct.lowsle ENG/SCT', 'sct.tpasrte ENG/SCT', 'sct.wcmla ENG/SCT', 'sct.wcmlagla ENG/SCT', 'sct.wcmlf ENG/SCT'] (54.998767, -3.045959) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['sct.carln DIV_WCS', 'sct.higsle DIV_Gre', 'sct.higsleabe DIV_Gre', 'sct.higsleinv DIV_Gre', 'sct.lowsle DIV_Gre', 'sct.tpasrte DIV_Gre', 'sct.wcmla DIV_Gre', 'sct.wcmlagla DIV_Gre', 'sct.wcmlf DIV_Gre'] (55.439434, -3.656559) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['sct.higsle +X239789', 'sct.higsleabe +X239789', 'sct.higsleinv +X239789', 'sct.lowsle +X239789', 'sct.tpasrte +X239789', 'sct.tpasrtegla +X239789', 'sct.wcmla +X239789', 'sct.wcmlagla +X239789', 'sct.wcmlf +X239789'] (55.514346, -3.683681) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['sct.higsle +X333794', 'sct.higsleabe +X333794', 'sct.higsleinv +X333794', 'sct.lowsle +X333794', 'sct.tpasrte +X333794', 'sct.tpasrtegla +X333794', 'sct.wcmla +X333794', 'sct.wcmlagla +X333794', 'sct.wcmlf +X333794'] (55.359356, -3.516998) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['sct.higsle +X354978', 'sct.higsleabe +X354978', 'sct.higsleinv +X354978', 'sct.lowsle +X354978', 'sct.tpasrte +X354978', 'sct.tpasrtegla +X354978', 'sct.wcmla +X354978', 'sct.wcmlagla +X354978', 'sct.wcmlf +X354978'] (55.246641, -3.397007) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['sct.higsle +X393047', 'sct.higsleabe +X393047', 'sct.higsleinv +X393047', 'sct.lowsle +X393047', 'sct.tpasrte +X393047', 'sct.tpasrtegla +X393047', 'sct.wcmla +X393047', 'sct.wcmlagla +X393047', 'sct.wcmlf +X393047'] (55.394273, -3.531075) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['sct.higsle +X540053', 'sct.higsleabe +X540053', 'sct.higsleinv +X540053', 'sct.lowsle +X540053', 'sct.tpasrte +X540053', 'sct.tpasrtegla +X540053', 'sct.wcmla +X540053', 'sct.wcmlagla +X540053', 'sct.wcmlf +X540053'] (55.186488, -3.403187) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['sct.higsle +X569010', 'sct.higsleabe +X569010', 'sct.higsleinv +X569010', 'sct.lowsle +X569010', 'sct.tpasrte +X569010', 'sct.tpasrtegla +X569010', 'sct.wcmla +X569010', 'sct.wcmlagla +X569010', 'sct.wcmlf +X569010'] (55.28767, -3.429108) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['sct.higsle +X644519', 'sct.higsleabe +X644519', 'sct.higsleinv +X644519', 'sct.lowsle +X644519', 'sct.tpasrte +X644519', 'sct.tpasrtegla +X644519', 'sct.wcmla +X644519', 'sct.wcmlagla +X644519', 'sct.wcmlf +X644519'] (55.47861, -3.689518) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['sct.higsle +X720654', 'sct.higsleabe +X720654', 'sct.higsleinv +X720654', 'sct.lowsle +X720654', 'sct.tpasrte +X720654', 'sct.tpasrtegla +X720654', 'sct.wcmla +X720654', 'sct.wcmlagla +X720654', 'sct.wcmlf +X720654'] (55.418979, -3.586864) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['sct.higsle +X890012', 'sct.higsleabe +X890012', 'sct.higsleinv +X890012', 'sct.lowsle +X890012', 'sct.tpasrte +X890012', 'sct.tpasrtegla +X890012', 'sct.wcmla +X890012', 'sct.wcmlagla +X890012', 'sct.wcmlf +X890012'] (55.46494, -3.645573) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['sct.higsle +X948834', 'sct.higsleabe +X948834', 'sct.higsleinv +X948834', 'sct.lowsle +X948834', 'sct.tpasrte +X948834', 'sct.tpasrtegla +X948834', 'sct.wcmla +X948834', 'sct.wcmlagla +X948834', 'sct.wcmlf +X948834'] (55.122441, -3.353748) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['sct.higsle SKIP_Loc', 'sct.higsleabe SKIP_Loc', 'sct.higsleinv SKIP_Loc', 'sct.lowsle SKIP_Loc', 'sct.tpasrte Loc', 'sct.tpasrtegla Loc', 'sct.wcmla SKIP_Loc', 'sct.wcmlagla Loc', 'sct.wcmlf SKIP_Loc'] (53.475963, -2.225193) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['eng.livnorln +X904171', 'eng.llamanln +X904171', 'eng.marln +X904171', 'eng.tpasrte +X904171', 'eng.tpnrteair +X904171', 'eng.tpnrtepic +X904171', 'eng.tpsrte +X904171', 'eng.wcmle +X904171', 'eng.wcmlecre +X904171'] (53.471506, -2.214775) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['eng.livnorln DIV_Ard', 'eng.llamanln DIV_Ard', 'eng.marln DIV_Ard', 'eng.tpasrte DIV_Ard', 'eng.tpnrteair DIV_Ard', 'eng.tpnrtepic DIV_Ard', 'eng.tpsrte DIV_Ard', 'eng.wcmle DIV_Ard', 'eng.wcmlecre DIV_Ard'] (53.467584, -2.270705) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['eng.livnorln DIV_Pom', 'eng.metlnkalb DIV_Pom', 'eng.metlnkalp DIV_Pom', 'eng.metlnkeal DIV_Pom', 'eng.metlnkedr DIV_Pom', 'eng.metlnkeds DIV_Pom', 'eng.metlnkmav DIV_Pom', 'eng.metlnktcc DIV_Alt', 'eng.tpsrte DIV_Pom'] (53.476321, -2.228765) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.livnorln ManPic', 'eng.llamanln ManPic', 'eng.marln ManPic', 'eng.metlnkalp Pic', 'eng.metlnkeal Pic', 'eng.metlnkpby Pic', 'eng.tpasrte ManPic', 'eng.tpnrteair ManPic', 'eng.tpnrtepic ManPic', 'eng.tpsrte ManPic', 'eng.wcmle ManPic', 'eng.wcmlecre ManPic'] (53.46997, -2.267421) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['eng.livnorln SKIP_Cor', 'eng.metlnkalb Cor', 'eng.metlnkalp Cor', 'eng.metlnkeal Cor', 'eng.metlnkedr Cor', 'eng.metlnkeds Cor', 'eng.metlnkmav Cor', 'eng.metlnktcc Cor', 'eng.tpsrte SKIP_Cor'] (52.94717, -1.145625) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['eng.casln Not', 'eng.dervlyln Not', 'eng.livnorln Not', 'eng.mmlnot Not', 'eng.net1 NotSta', 'eng.net2 NotSta', 'eng.norstaln Not', 'eng.poaln Not', 'eng.robhoodln Not'] (53.088986, -2.432528) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['eng.birlivln Cre', 'eng.checreln Cre', 'eng.higsle Cre', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_Cre', 'eng.marln Cre', 'eng.norstaln Cre', 'eng.potln Cre', 'eng.trevlyln Cre', 'eng.wcmla Cre', 'eng.wcmlc Cre', 'eng.wcmld Cre', 'eng.wcmlecre Cre', 'eng.wcmlf Cre'] (53.091975, -2.434351) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['eng.birlivln DIV_Man', 'eng.checreln DIV_Liv', 'eng.higsle DIV_Che', 'eng.lowsle DIV_Che', 'eng.marln DIV_WCN', 'eng.wcmla DIV_Che', 'eng.wcmlc DIV_Liv', 'eng.wcmld DIV_Man', 'eng.wcmlecre DIV_Liv', 'eng.wcmlf DIV_Che'] (52.767754, -1.927757) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['eng.chaln DIV_Tre', 'eng.higsle DIV_Cha', 'eng.lowsle DIV_Cha', 'eng.trevlyln DIV_Cha', 'eng.wcmlc DIV_Cha', 'eng.wcmld DIV_Cha', 'eng.wcmle DIV_Cha', 'eng.wcmlecre DIV_Cha', 'eng.wcmlf DIV_Cha'] (52.769663, -1.929796) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['eng.chaln RugTreVal', 'eng.higsle SKIP_RugTreVal', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_RugTreVal', 'eng.trevlyln RugTreVal', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_RugTreVal', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_RugTreVal', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_RugTreVal', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_RugTreVal', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_RugTreVal'] (52.844124, -2.180099) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['eng.birlivln +X268987', 'eng.higsle +X268987', 'eng.lowsle +X268987', 'eng.potln +X268987', 'eng.trevlyln +X268987', 'eng.wcmla +X268987', 'eng.wcmlc +X268987', 'eng.wcmld +X268987', 'eng.wcmlecre +X268987', 'eng.wcmlf +X268987'] (53.046502, -2.407808) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['eng.birlivln +X455838', 'eng.higsle +X455838', 'eng.lowsle +X455838', 'eng.trevlyln +X455838', 'eng.wcmla +X455838', 'eng.wcmlc +X455838', 'eng.wcmld +X455838', 'eng.wcmlecre +X455838', 'eng.wcmlf +X455838'] (52.962418, -2.309189) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['eng.birlivln +X601624', 'eng.higsle +X601624', 'eng.lowsle +X601624', 'eng.trevlyln +X601624', 'eng.wcmla +X601624', 'eng.wcmlc +X601624', 'eng.wcmld +X601624', 'eng.wcmlecre +X601624', 'eng.wcmlf +X601624'] (52.897228, -2.251339) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['eng.birlivln +X833913', 'eng.higsle +X833913', 'eng.lowsle +X833913', 'eng.trevlyln +X833913', 'eng.wcmla +X833913', 'eng.wcmlc +X833913', 'eng.wcmld +X833913', 'eng.wcmlecre +X833913', 'eng.wcmlf +X833913'] (52.952077, -2.278633) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['eng.birlivln +X980184', 'eng.higsle +X980184', 'eng.lowsle +X980184', 'eng.trevlyln +X980184', 'eng.wcmla +X980184', 'eng.wcmlc +X980184', 'eng.wcmld +X980184', 'eng.wcmlecre +X980184', 'eng.wcmlf +X980184'] (53.084862, -2.430296) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.birlivln DIV_Shr', 'eng.higsle DIV_Shr', 'eng.lowsle DIV_Shr', 'eng.marln DIV_WCS', 'eng.norstaln DIV_Shr', 'eng.potln DIV_Shr', 'eng.trevlyln DIV_Shr', 'eng.wcmla DIV_Shr', 'eng.wcmlc DIV_Shr', 'eng.wcmld DIV_Shr', 'eng.wcmlecre DIV_Shr', 'eng.wcmlf DIV_Shr'] (52.870192, -2.197266) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['eng.birlivln DIV_Sto', 'eng.higsle DIV_Sto', 'eng.lowsle DIV_Sto', 'eng.potln DIV_Cre', 'eng.trevlyln DIV_Sto', 'eng.wcmla DIV_Sto', 'eng.wcmlc DIV_Sto', 'eng.wcmld DIV_Sto', 'eng.wcmlecre DIV_Sto', 'eng.wcmlf DIV_Sto'] (52.797916, -2.116413) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['eng.birlivln DIV_Tre', 'eng.higsle DIV_Wol', 'eng.lowsle DIV_Wol', 'eng.potln DIV_Rug', 'eng.trevlyln DIV_Wol', 'eng.wcmla DIV_TreN', 'eng.wcmlc DIV_Wol', 'eng.wcmld DIV_Wol', 'eng.wcmlecre DIV_Wol', 'eng.wcmlf DIV_Wol'] (52.803773, -2.122335) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['eng.birlivln Sta', 'eng.higsle SKIP_Sta', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_Sta', 'eng.potln Sta', 'eng.trevlyln Sta', 'eng.wcmla Sta', 'eng.wcmlc Sta', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_Sta', 'eng.wcmlecre Sta', 'eng.wcmlf Sta'] (52.033763, -0.774236) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.gucln MilKeyCen', 'eng.higsle SKIP_MilKeyCen', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_MilKeyCen', 'eng.nhpln MilKeyCen', 'eng.trevlyln MilKeyCen', 'eng.wcmla MilKeyCen', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_MilKeyCen', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_MilKeyCen', 'eng.wcmld MilKeyCen', 'eng.wcmle MilKeyCen', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_MilKeyCen', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_MilKeyCen'] (52.100258, -0.847492) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['eng.higsle +X298268', 'eng.lowsle +X298268', 'eng.nhpln +X298268', 'eng.trevlyln +X298268', 'eng.wcmla +X298268', 'eng.wcmlb +X298268', 'eng.wcmlc +X298268', 'eng.wcmld +X298268', 'eng.wcmle +X298268', 'eng.wcmlecre +X298268', 'eng.wcmlf +X298268'] (52.28575, -1.103182) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['eng.higsle +X353002', 'eng.lowsle +X353002', 'eng.trevlyln +X353002', 'eng.wcmla +X353002', 'eng.wcmlb +X353002', 'eng.wcmlc +X353002', 'eng.wcmld +X353002', 'eng.wcmle +X353002', 'eng.wcmlecre +X353002', 'eng.wcmlf +X353002'] (52.226301, -1.073313) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['eng.higsle +X737199', 'eng.lowsle +X737199', 'eng.trevlyln +X737199', 'eng.wcmla +X737199', 'eng.wcmlb +X737199', 'eng.wcmlc +X737199', 'eng.wcmld +X737199', 'eng.wcmle +X737199', 'eng.wcmlecre +X737199', 'eng.wcmlf +X737199'] (52.380537, -1.272655) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['eng.higsle DIV_Cov', 'eng.lowsle DIV_Cov', 'eng.nhpln DIV_Tre', 'eng.trevlyln DIV_Cov', 'eng.wcmla DIV_TreS', 'eng.wcmlb DIV_Tre', 'eng.wcmlc DIV_Cov', 'eng.wcmld DIV_Cov', 'eng.wcmle DIV_Cov', 'eng.wcmlecre DIV_Cov', 'eng.wcmlf DIV_Cov'] (52.360074, -1.205664) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['eng.higsle DIV_Cri', 'eng.lowsle DIV_Cri', 'eng.nhpln DIV_WCN', 'eng.trevlyln DIV_Cri', 'eng.wcmla DIV_Cri', 'eng.wcmlb DIV_Cri', 'eng.wcmlc DIV_Cri', 'eng.wcmld DIV_Cri', 'eng.wcmle DIV_Cri', 'eng.wcmlecre DIV_Cri', 'eng.wcmlf DIV_Cri'] (52.170155, -0.908904) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['eng.higsle DIV_Nor', 'eng.lowsle DIV_Nor', 'eng.nhpln DIV_WCS', 'eng.trevlyln DIV_Nor', 'eng.wcmla DIV_Nor', 'eng.wcmlb DIV_Nor', 'eng.wcmlc DIV_Nor', 'eng.wcmld DIV_Nor', 'eng.wcmle DIV_Nor', 'eng.wcmlecre DIV_Nor', 'eng.wcmlf DIV_Nor'] (52.379018, -1.249738) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['eng.higsle SKIP_Rug', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_Rug', 'eng.nhpln Rug', 'eng.trevlyln Rug', 'eng.wcmla Rug', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_Rug', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_Rug', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_Rug', 'eng.wcmle Rug', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_Rug', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_Rug'] (52.065723, -0.804577) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['eng.higsle SKIP_Wol', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_Wol', 'eng.nhpln Wol', 'eng.trevlyln SKIP_Wol', 'eng.wcmla SKIP_Wol', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_Wol', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_Wol', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_Wol', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_Wol', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_Wol', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_Wol'] (52.686711, -1.799698) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['eng.higsle SKIP_LicTreVal', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_LicTreVal', 'eng.trevlyln LicTreVal', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_LicTreVal', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_LicTreVal', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_LicTreVal', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_LicTreVal', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_LicTreVal', 'eng.xcln LicTreVal'] (52.524225, -1.460409) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['eng.higsle DIV_Bed', 'eng.lowsle DIV_Bed', 'eng.nucln DIV_Tre', 'eng.trevlyln DIV_Bed', 'eng.wcmlc DIV_Bed', 'eng.wcmld DIV_Bed', 'eng.wcmle DIV_Bed', 'eng.wcmlecre DIV_Bed', 'eng.wcmlf DIV_Bed'] (52.526692, -1.463928) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['eng.higsle NUN', 'eng.lowsle NUN', 'eng.nucln Nun', 'eng.trevlyln NUN', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_Nun', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_Nun', 'eng.wcmle Nun', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_Nun', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_Nun'] (52.477651, -1.898704) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.bcln BirNewSt', 'eng.birlivln BirNewSt', 'eng.camln BirNewSt', 'eng.chaln BirNewSt', 'eng.malln BirNewSt', 'eng.nhpln BirNewSt', 'eng.nwcln BirNewSt', 'eng.potln BirNewSt', 'eng.salln BirNewSt', 'eng.wcmla BirNewSt', 'eng.wcmlb BirNewSt', 'eng.xcln BirNewSt'] (52.478383, -1.903102) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['eng.bcln DIV_Uni', 'eng.birlivln DIV_Uni', 'eng.camln DIV_Uni', 'eng.chaln DIV_Uni', 'eng.malln DIV_Wol', 'eng.nwcln DIV_Uni', 'eng.potln DIV_Uni', 'eng.salln DIV_Uni', 'eng.wcmla DIV_Uni', 'eng.wcmlb DIV_Uni', 'eng.xcln DIV_Wol'] (52.492671, -1.942778) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['eng.bcln DIV_Cha', 'eng.birlivln DIV_Cha', 'eng.camln DIV_Cha', 'eng.chaln DIV_Sme', 'eng.nwcln DIV_Cha', 'eng.potln DIV_Sme', 'eng.salln DIV_Cha', 'eng.wcmla DIV_Cha', 'eng.wcmlb DIV_Cha'] (52.50211, -1.980425) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['eng.bcln SmeGalBri', 'eng.birlivln SmeGalBri', 'eng.camln SKIP_SmeGalBri', 'eng.nwcln SKIP_SmeGalBri', 'eng.salln SmeGalBri', 'eng.shaln SmeGalBri', 'eng.wcmla SKIP_SmeGalBri', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_SmeGalBri', 'eng.wyrevlyln SmeGalBri'] (51.934568, -0.683126) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.gucln +X932008', 'eng.higsle +X932008', 'eng.lowsle +X932008', 'eng.nhpln +X932008', 'eng.trevlyln +X932008', 'eng.wcmla +X932008', 'eng.wcmlb +X932008', 'eng.wcmlc +X932008', 'eng.wcmld +X932008', 'eng.wcmle +X932008', 'eng.wcmlecre +X932008', 'eng.wcmlf +X932008'] (51.858326, -0.661926) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.gucln Che', 'eng.higsle SKIP_Che', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_Che', 'eng.nhpln SKIP_Che', 'eng.trevlyln SKIP_Che', 'eng.wcmla SKIP_Che', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_Che', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_Che', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_Che', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_Che', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_Ched', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_Che'] (51.916175, -0.677333) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.gucln LeiBuz', 'eng.higsle SKIP_LeiBuz', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_LeiBuz', 'eng.nhpln LeiBuz', 'eng.trevlyln SKIP_LeiBuz', 'eng.wcmla SKIP_LeiBuz', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_LeiBuz', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_LeiBuz', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_LeiBuz', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_LeiBuz', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_LeiBuz', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_LeiBuz'] (51.693795, -0.433273) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.gucln +X115762', 'eng.higsle +X115762', 'eng.lowsle +X115762', 'eng.nhpln +X115762', 'eng.trevlyln +X115762', 'eng.wcmla +X115762', 'eng.wcmlb +X115762', 'eng.wcmlc +X115762', 'eng.wcmld +X115762', 'eng.wcmle +X115762', 'eng.wcmlecre +X115762', 'eng.wcmlf +X115762'] (51.783175, -0.607853) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.gucln +X153598', 'eng.higsle +X153598', 'eng.lowsle +X153598', 'eng.nhpln +X153598', 'eng.trevlyln +X153598', 'eng.wcmla +X153598', 'eng.wcmlb +X153598', 'eng.wcmlc +X153598', 'eng.wcmld +X153598', 'eng.wcmle +X153598', 'eng.wcmlecre +X153598', 'eng.wcmlf +X153598'] (51.826455, -0.649953) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.gucln +X490740', 'eng.higsle +X490740', 'eng.lowsle +X490740', 'eng.nhpln +X490740', 'eng.trevlyln +X490740', 'eng.wcmla +X490740', 'eng.wcmlb +X490740', 'eng.wcmlc +X490740', 'eng.wcmld +X490740', 'eng.wcmle +X490740', 'eng.wcmlecre +X490740', 'eng.wcmlf +X490740'] (51.732371, -0.463057) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.gucln Aps', 'eng.higsle SKIP_Aps', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_Aps', 'eng.nhpln SKIP_Aps', 'eng.trevlyln SKIP_Aps', 'eng.wcmla SKIP_Aps', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_Aps', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_Aps', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_Aps', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_Aps', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_Aps', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_Aps'] (51.76363, -0.562835) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.gucln Ber', 'eng.higsle SKIP_Ber', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_Ber', 'eng.nhpln SKIP_Ber', 'eng.trevlyln SKIP_Ber', 'eng.wcmla SKIP_Berh', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_Berh', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_Ber', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_Ber', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_Ber', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_Ber', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_Ber'] (51.742204, -0.490522) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.gucln HemHem', 'eng.higsle SKIP_HemHem', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_HemHem', 'eng.nhpln SKIP_HemHem', 'eng.trevlyln SKIP_HemHem', 'eng.wcmla SKIP_HemHem', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_HemHem', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_HemHem', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_HemHem', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_HemHem', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_HemHem', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_HemHem'] (51.706389, -0.437844) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.gucln KinLan', 'eng.higsle SKIP_KinLan', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_KinLan', 'eng.nhpln SKIP_KinLan', 'eng.trevlyln SKIP_KinLan', 'eng.wcmla SKIP_KinLan', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_KinLan', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_KinLan', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_KinLan', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_KinLan', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_KinLan', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_KinLan'] (51.800057, -0.621886) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.gucln Tri', 'eng.higsle SKIP_Tri', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_Tri', 'eng.nhpln SKIP_Tri', 'eng.trevlyln SKIP_Tri', 'eng.wcmla SKIP_Tri', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_Tri', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_Tri', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_Tri', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_Tri', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_Tri', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_Tri'] (51.952187, -0.720034) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.gucln +X802565', 'eng.higsle +X802565', 'eng.lowsle +X802565', 'eng.nhpln +X802565', 'eng.trevlyln +X802565', 'eng.wcmla +X802565', 'eng.wcmlb +X802565', 'eng.wcmlc +X802565', 'eng.wcmld +X802565', 'eng.wcmle +X802565', 'eng.wcmlecre +X802565', 'eng.wcmlf +X802565'] (51.995464, -0.736427) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['eng.gucln Ble', 'eng.higsle SKIP_Ble', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_Ble', 'eng.marvaleln Ble', 'eng.nhpln Ble', 'eng.trevlyln SKIP_Ble', 'eng.wcmla SKIP_Ble', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_Ble', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_Ble', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_Ble', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_Ble', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_Ble', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_Ble'] (52.008747, -0.742886) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.gucln DIV_EW', 'eng.higsle DIV_EW', 'eng.lowsle DIV_EW', 'eng.nhpln DIV_EW', 'eng.trevlyln DIV_EW', 'eng.wcmla DIV_EW', 'eng.wcmlb DIV_EW', 'eng.wcmlc DIV_EW', 'eng.wcmld DIV_EW', 'eng.wcmle DIV_EW', 'eng.wcmlecre DIV_EW', 'eng.wcmlf DIV_EW'] (51.601, -0.124068) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['eng.ecmlhul DIV_Bow', 'eng.ecmllum DIV_Bow', 'eng.fenln DIV_Bow', 'eng.norcityln DIV_Sou', 'eng.norcitylnwel DIV_Her', 'eng.noreas DIV_Bow', 'eng.rheevlyln DIV_Bow', 'eng.thalnkcam DIV_Bow', 'eng.westrid DIV_Bow'] (51.597881, -0.120335) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['eng.ecmlhul SKIP_AlePal', 'eng.ecmllum SKIP_AlePal', 'eng.fenln SKIP_AlePal', 'eng.norcityln AlePal', 'eng.norcitylnwel AlePal', 'eng.noreas SKIP_AlePal', 'eng.rheevlyln SKIP_AlePal', 'eng.thalnkcam SKIP_AlePal', 'eng.westrid SKIP_AlePal'] (51.592222, -0.334826) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['eng.bakln HarWea', 'eng.gucln HarWea', 'eng.higsle SKIP_HarWea', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_HarWea', 'eng.nhpln SKIP_HarWea', 'eng.trevlyln SKIP_HarWea', 'eng.watdc HarWea', 'eng.wcmla SKIP_HarWea', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_HarWea', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_HarWea', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_HarWea', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_HarWea', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_HarWea', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_HarWea'] (51.56476, -0.106344) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['eng.ecmlhul SKIP_FinPark', 'eng.ecmllum SKIP_FinPark', 'eng.fenln SKIP_FinPark', 'eng.norcityln FinPark', 'eng.noreas SKIP_FinPark', 'eng.picln FinPark', 'eng.rheevlyln FinPark', 'eng.thalnkcam FinPark', 'eng.vicln FinPark', 'eng.westrid SKIP_FinPark'] (51.540086, -0.005643) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['eng.cenln DIV_GEW', 'eng.dlrstr DIV_Cen', 'eng.elilnshe DIV_CeW', 'eng.fliln DIV_CenW', 'eng.geml DIV_CenW', 'eng.ltslnstr DIV_CenW', 'eng.souln DIV_CenW', 'eng.suncoalncla DIV_CenW', 'eng.suncoalncol DIV_CenW'] (51.541671, -0.003927) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['eng.cenln Str', 'eng.dlrsti Str', 'eng.dlrstr Str', 'eng.elilnshe Str', 'eng.fliln Str', 'eng.geml Str', 'eng.jubln Str', 'eng.ltslnstr Str', 'eng.nll Str', 'eng.souln Str', 'eng.suncoalncla Str', 'eng.suncoalncol Str', 'eng.wamlstr Str'] (51.504232, -0.084994) is occupied by 18 waypoints: ['eng.1066ln LonBri', 'eng.gropkln LonBri', 'eng.gropklnlew LonBri', 'eng.hasln LonBri', 'eng.hayln LonBri', 'eng.haylnlew LonBri', 'eng.jubln LonBri', 'eng.maieln LonBri', 'eng.nkentln LonBri', 'eng.norln LonBri', 'eng.padwoodln LonBri', 'eng.seml LonBri', 'eng.sidln LonBri', 'eng.sidlnlew LonBri', 'eng.thalnk LonBri', 'eng.thalnkrai LonBri', 'eng.wooln LonBri_1', 'eng.wooln LonBri_2'] (51.518057, -0.081389) is occupied by 16 waypoints: ['eng.cenln LivSt', 'eng.cirln LivSt', 'eng.eliln LivSt', 'eng.fliln LonLivSt', 'eng.geml LonLivSt', 'eng.hacln LivSt', 'eng.ltslnstr LonLivSt', 'eng.lvl LivSt', 'eng.lvlchi LivSt', 'eng.metln LivSt', 'eng.newrvrln LonLivSt', 'eng.souln LonLivSt', 'eng.staex LonLivSt', 'eng.suncoalncla LonLivSt', 'eng.suncoalncol LonLivSt', 'eng.waml LonLivSt'] (51.523758, -0.059395) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['eng.fliln SKIP_BetGre', 'eng.geml SKIP_BetGre', 'eng.ltslnstr SKIP_BetGre', 'eng.lvl BetGre', 'eng.lvlchi BetGre', 'eng.newrvrln SKIP_BetGre', 'eng.souln SKIP_BetGre', 'eng.staex SKIP_BetGre', 'eng.suncoalncla SKIP_BetGre', 'eng.suncoalncol SKIP_BetGre', 'eng.waml SKIP_BetGre'] (51.542025, -0.152307) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['eng.gucln +X461847', 'eng.higsle +X461847', 'eng.lowsle +X461847', 'eng.nhpln +X461847', 'eng.trevlyln +X461847', 'eng.watdc +X461847', 'eng.wcmla +X461847', 'eng.wcmlb +X461847', 'eng.wcmlc +X461847', 'eng.wcmld +X461847', 'eng.wcmle +X461847', 'eng.wcmlecre +X461847', 'eng.wcmlf +X461847'] (51.528784, -0.134239) is occupied by 16 waypoints: ['eng.gucln LonEus', 'eng.higsle LonEus', 'eng.lowsle LonEus', 'eng.nhpln LonEus', 'eng.norln Eus', 'eng.norlnbat Eus', 'eng.trevlyln LonEus', 'eng.vicln Eus', 'eng.watdc Eus', 'eng.wcmla LonEus', 'eng.wcmlb LonEus', 'eng.wcmlc LonEus', 'eng.wcmld LonEus', 'eng.wcmle LonEus', 'eng.wcmlecre LonEus', 'eng.wcmlf LonEus'] (51.507721, -0.12409) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['eng.1066ln ChaCro', 'eng.gropklnlew ChaCro', 'eng.hasln ChaCro', 'eng.hayln ChaCro', 'eng.haylnlew ChaCro', 'eng.maieln ChaCro', 'eng.padwoodln ChaCro', 'eng.seml ChaCro', 'eng.sidln ChaCro', 'eng.sidlnlew ChaCro'] (51.505616, -0.08906) is occupied by 15 waypoints: ['eng.1066ln DIV_Can', 'eng.gropkln DIV_TL', 'eng.gropklnlew DIV_Can', 'eng.hasln DIV_Can', 'eng.hayln DIV_Can', 'eng.haylnlew DIV_Can', 'eng.maieln DIV_Can', 'eng.nkentln DIV_TL', 'eng.padwoodln DIV_CS', 'eng.seml DIV_Can', 'eng.sidln DIV_Can', 'eng.sidlnlew DIV_Can', 'eng.thalnk DIV_Can', 'eng.wooln DIV_TL1', 'eng.wooln DIV_TL2'] (51.50407, -0.099784) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['eng.1066ln DIV_TL', 'eng.gropklnlew DIV_TL', 'eng.hasln DIV_TL', 'eng.hayln DIV_TL', 'eng.haylnlew DIV_TL', 'eng.maieln DIV_TL', 'eng.padwoodln DIV_TL', 'eng.seml DIV_TL', 'eng.sidln DIV_TL', 'eng.sidlnlew DIV_TL', 'eng.thalnk DIV_Chx'] (51.504115, -0.108876) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['eng.1066ln WatEast', 'eng.gropklnlew WatEast', 'eng.hasln WatEast', 'eng.hayln WatEast', 'eng.haylnlew WatEast', 'eng.maieln WatEast', 'eng.padwoodln WatEast', 'eng.seml WatEast', 'eng.sidln WatEast', 'eng.sidlnlew WatEast'] (51.58157, -0.316458) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['eng.bakln Ken', 'eng.gucln SKIP_Ken', 'eng.higsle SKIP_Ken', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_Ken', 'eng.nhpln SKIP_Ken', 'eng.trevlyln SKIP_Ken', 'eng.watdc Ken', 'eng.wcmla SKIP_Ken', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_Ken', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_Ken', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_Ken', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_Ken', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_Ken', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_Ken'] (51.562405, -0.303798) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['eng.bakln NorWem', 'eng.gucln SKIP_NorWem', 'eng.higsle SKIP_NorWem', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_NorWem', 'eng.nhpln SKIP_NorWem', 'eng.trevlyln SKIP_NorWem', 'eng.watdc NorWem', 'eng.wcmla SKIP_NorWem', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_NorWem', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_NorWem', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_NorWem', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_NorWem', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_NorWem', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_NorWem'] (51.570435, -0.308454) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['eng.bakln SouKen', 'eng.gucln SKIP_SouKen', 'eng.higsle SKIP_SouKen', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_SouKen', 'eng.nhpln SKIP_SouKen', 'eng.trevlyln SKIP_SouKen', 'eng.watdc SouKen', 'eng.wcmla SKIP_SouKen', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_SouKen', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_SouKen', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_SouKen', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_SouKen', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_SouKen', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_SouKen'] (51.552219, -0.296588) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['eng.bakln WemCen', 'eng.gucln SKIP_WemCen', 'eng.higsle SKIP_WemCen', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_WemCen', 'eng.nhpln SKIP_WemCen', 'eng.trevlyln SKIP_WemCen', 'eng.watdc WemCen', 'eng.wcmla SKIP_WemCen', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_WemCen', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_WemCen', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_WemCen', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_WemCen', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_WemCen', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_WemCen'] (51.530146, -0.234962) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['eng.bakln DIV_Ken', 'eng.gucln DIV_Bak', 'eng.higsle DIV_Bak', 'eng.lowsle DIV_Bak', 'eng.nhpln DIV_Bak', 'eng.trevlyln DIV_Bak', 'eng.watdc DIV_WC', 'eng.wcmla DIV_Bak', 'eng.wcmlb DIV_Bak', 'eng.wcmlc DIV_Bak', 'eng.wcmld DIV_Bak', 'eng.wcmle DIV_Bak', 'eng.wcmlecre DIV_Bak', 'eng.wcmlf DIV_Bak'] (51.530626, -0.224447) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['eng.bakln KenGre', 'eng.gucln SKIP_KenGre', 'eng.higsle SKIP_KenGre', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_KenGre', 'eng.nhpln SKIP_KenGre', 'eng.trevlyln SKIP_KenGre', 'eng.watdc KenGre', 'eng.wcmla SKIP_KenGre', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_KenGre', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_KenGre', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_KenGre', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_KenGre', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_KenGre', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_KenGre'] (51.516995, -0.177369) is occupied by 17 waypoints: ['eng.bakln Pad', 'eng.berhanln LonPad', 'eng.cirln Pad_1', 'eng.cirln Pad_2', 'eng.cotln LonPad', 'eng.devml LonPad', 'eng.dislnwim Pad', 'eng.eliln Pad', 'eng.elilnhea Pad', 'eng.golvlyln LonPad', 'eng.gwml LonPad', 'eng.hacln Pad', 'eng.hex LonPad', 'eng.kenvlyln LonPad', 'eng.oxfln LonPad', 'eng.swalml LonPad', 'eng.thavlyln LonPad'] (51.533696, -0.205779) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['eng.bakln QuePark', 'eng.gucln SKIP_QuePark', 'eng.higsle SKIP_QuePark', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_QuePark', 'eng.nhpln SKIP_QuePark', 'eng.trevlyln SKIP_QuePark', 'eng.watdc QuePark', 'eng.wcmla SKIP_QuePark', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_QuePark', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_QuePark', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_QuePark', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_QuePark', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_QuePark', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_QuePark'] (51.525567, -0.235262) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln +X165256', 'eng.cotln +X165256', 'eng.devml +X165256', 'eng.eliln +X165256', 'eng.elilnhea +X165256', 'eng.golvlyln +X165256', 'eng.gwml +X165256', 'eng.hex +X165256', 'eng.kenvlyln +X165256', 'eng.oxfln +X165256', 'eng.swalml +X165256', 'eng.thavlyln +X165256'] (51.518467, -0.180405) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln +X228981', 'eng.cirln +X228981', 'eng.cotln +X228981', 'eng.devml +X228981', 'eng.golvlyln +X228981', 'eng.gwml +X228981', 'eng.hacln +X228981', 'eng.hex +X228981', 'eng.kenvlyln +X228981', 'eng.oxfln +X228981', 'eng.swalml +X228981', 'eng.thavlyln +X228981'] (51.521191, -0.200994) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln +X258198', 'eng.cotln +X258198', 'eng.devml +X258198', 'eng.eliln +X258198', 'eng.elilnhea +X258198', 'eng.golvlyln +X258198', 'eng.gwml +X258198', 'eng.hex +X258198', 'eng.kenvlyln +X258198', 'eng.oxfln +X258198', 'eng.swalml +X258198', 'eng.thavlyln +X258198'] (51.519846, -0.195136) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln DIV_Liz', 'eng.cotln DIV_Liz', 'eng.devml DIV_Liz', 'eng.eliln DIV_Pad', 'eng.elilnhea DIV_Pad', 'eng.golvlyln DIV_Liz', 'eng.gwml DIV_Liz', 'eng.hex DIV_Liz', 'eng.kenvlyln DIV_Liz', 'eng.oxfln DIV_Liz', 'eng.swalml DIV_Liz', 'eng.thavlyln DIV_Liz'] (51.518905, -0.187411) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln SKIP_RoyOak', 'eng.cirln RoyOak', 'eng.cotln SKIP_RoyOak', 'eng.devml SKIP_RoyOak', 'eng.golvlyln SKIP_RoyOak', 'eng.gwml SKIP_RoyOak', 'eng.hacln RoyOak', 'eng.hex SKIP_RoyOak', 'eng.kenvlyln SKIP_RoyOak', 'eng.oxfln SKIP_RoyOak', 'eng.swalml SKIP_RoyOak', 'eng.thavlyln SKIP_RoyOak'] (51.532789, -0.249081) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.gucln DIV_WLL', 'eng.higsle DIV_WLL', 'eng.lowsle DIV_WLL', 'eng.nhpln DIV_WLL', 'eng.trevlyln DIV_WLL', 'eng.wcmla DIV_WLL', 'eng.wcmlb DIV_WLL', 'eng.wcmlc DIV_WLL', 'eng.wcmld DIV_WLL', 'eng.wcmle DIV_WLL', 'eng.wcmlecre DIV_WLL', 'eng.wcmlf DIV_WLL'] (51.537514, -0.191531) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['eng.gucln SKIP_KilHighRd', 'eng.higsle SKIP_KilHighRd', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_KilHighRd', 'eng.nhpln SKIP_KilHighRd', 'eng.trevlyln SKIP_KilHighRd', 'eng.watdc KilHighRd', 'eng.wcmla SKIP_KilHighRd', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_KilHighRd', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_KilHighRd', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_KilHighRd', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_KilHighRd', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_KilHighRd', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_KilHighRd'] (51.541331, -0.178828) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['eng.gucln SKIP_SouHam', 'eng.higsle SKIP_SouHam', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_SouHam', 'eng.nhpln SKIP_SouHam', 'eng.trevlyln SKIP_SouHam', 'eng.watdc SouHam', 'eng.wcmla SKIP_SouHam', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_SouHam', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_SouHam', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_SouHam', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_SouHam', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_SouHam', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_SouHam'] (51.514986, -0.287029) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln DIV_Cen', 'eng.cenlneal DIV_Liz', 'eng.cotln DIV_Cen', 'eng.devml DIV_Cen', 'eng.eliln DIV_Cen', 'eng.elilnhea DIV_Cen', 'eng.golvlyln DIV_Cen', 'eng.gwml DIV_Cen', 'eng.hex DIV_Cen', 'eng.kenvlyln DIV_Cen', 'eng.oxfln DIV_Cen', 'eng.swalml DIV_Cen', 'eng.thavlyln DIV_Cen'] (51.515026, -0.294968) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln DIV_Dis', 'eng.cenlneal DIV_Dis', 'eng.cotln DIV_Dis', 'eng.devml DIV_Dis', 'eng.dislneal DIV_Liz', 'eng.eliln DIV_Dis', 'eng.elilnhea DIV_Dis', 'eng.golvlyln DIV_Dis', 'eng.gwml DIV_Dis', 'eng.hex DIV_Dis', 'eng.kenvlyln DIV_Dis', 'eng.oxfln DIV_Dis', 'eng.swalml DIV_Dis', 'eng.thavlyln DIV_Dis'] (51.517102, -0.267234) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln SKIP_ActMainLine', 'eng.cotln SKIP_ActMainLine', 'eng.devml SKIP_ActMainLine', 'eng.eliln SKIP_ActMainLine', 'eng.elilnhea ActMainLine', 'eng.golvlyln SKIP_ActMainLine', 'eng.gwml SKIP_ActMainLine', 'eng.hex SKIP_ActMainLine', 'eng.kenvlyln SKIP_ActMainLine', 'eng.oxfln SKIP_ActMainLine', 'eng.swalml SKIP_ActMainLine', 'eng.thavlyln SKIP_ActMainLine'] (51.514865, -0.301309) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln SKIP_EalBdwy', 'eng.cenlneal EalBro', 'eng.cotln SKIP_EalBdwy', 'eng.devml SKIP_EalBdwy', 'eng.dislneal EalBdwy', 'eng.eliln EalBdwy', 'eng.elilnhea EalBdwy', 'eng.golvlyln SKIP_EalBdwy', 'eng.gwml SKIP_EalBdwy', 'eng.hex SKIP_EalBdwy', 'eng.kenvlyln SKIP_EalBdwy', 'eng.oxfln SKIP_EalBdwy', 'eng.swalml SKIP_EalBdwy', 'eng.thavlyln SKIP_EalBdwy'] (51.511761, -0.338559) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln SKIP_Han', 'eng.cotln SKIP_Han', 'eng.devml SKIP_Han', 'eng.eliln SKIP_Han', 'eng.elilnhea Han', 'eng.golvlyln SKIP_Han', 'eng.gwml SKIP_Han', 'eng.hex SKIP_Han', 'eng.kenvlyln SKIP_Han', 'eng.oxfln SKIP_Han', 'eng.swalml SKIP_Han', 'eng.thavlyln SKIP_Han'] (51.513497, -0.320663) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln SKIP_WestEal', 'eng.cotln SKIP_WestEal', 'eng.devml SKIP_WestEal', 'eng.eliln SKIP_WestEal', 'eng.elilnhea WestEal', 'eng.golvlyln SKIP_WestEal', 'eng.grebra WestEal', 'eng.gwml SKIP_WestEal', 'eng.hex SKIP_WestEal', 'eng.kenvlyln SKIP_WestEal', 'eng.oxfln SKIP_WestEal', 'eng.swalml SKIP_WestEal', 'eng.thavlyln SKIP_WestEal'] (51.544, -0.282941) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.gucln +X378870', 'eng.higsle +X378870', 'eng.lowsle +X378870', 'eng.nhpln +X378870', 'eng.trevlyln +X378870', 'eng.wcmla +X378870', 'eng.wcmlb +X378870', 'eng.wcmlc +X378870', 'eng.wcmld +X378870', 'eng.wcmle +X378870', 'eng.wcmlecre +X378870', 'eng.wcmlf +X378870'] (51.663725, -0.395851) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['eng.abbln WatJct', 'eng.gucln WatJct', 'eng.higsle WatJct', 'eng.lowsle WatJct', 'eng.nhpln WatJct', 'eng.trevlyln SKIP_WatJct', 'eng.watdc WatJct', 'eng.wcmla WatJct', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_WatJct', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_WatJct', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_WatJct', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_WatJct', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_WatJct', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_WatJct'] (51.65277, -0.38435) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.gucln +X198270', 'eng.higsle +X198270', 'eng.lowsle +X198270', 'eng.nhpln +X198270', 'eng.trevlyln +X198270', 'eng.wcmla +X198270', 'eng.wcmlb +X198270', 'eng.wcmlc +X198270', 'eng.wcmld +X198270', 'eng.wcmle +X198270', 'eng.wcmlecre +X198270', 'eng.wcmlf +X198270'] (51.645301, -0.384929) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['eng.gucln Bus', 'eng.higsle SKIP_Bus', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_Bus', 'eng.nhpln SKIP_Bus', 'eng.trevlyln SKIP_Bus', 'eng.watdc Bus', 'eng.wcmla SKIP_Bus', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_Bus', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_Bus', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_Bus', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_Bus', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_Bus', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_Bus'] (51.661502, -0.393147) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['eng.gucln DIV_Ove', 'eng.higsle DIV_Ove', 'eng.lowsle DIV_Ove', 'eng.nhpln DIV_Ove', 'eng.trevlyln DIV_Ove', 'eng.watdc DIV_Wat', 'eng.wcmla DIV_Ove', 'eng.wcmlb DIV_Ove', 'eng.wcmlc DIV_Ove', 'eng.wcmld DIV_Ove', 'eng.wcmle DIV_Ove', 'eng.wcmlecre DIV_Ove', 'eng.wcmlf DIV_Ove'] (51.627935, -0.385466) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['eng.gucln SKIP_CarPark', 'eng.higsle SKIP_CarPark', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_CarPark', 'eng.nhpln SKIP_CarPark', 'eng.trevlyln SKIP_CarPark', 'eng.watdc CarPark', 'eng.wcmla SKIP_CarPark', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_CarPark', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_CarPark', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_CarPark', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_CarPark', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_CarPark', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_CarPark'] (51.609642, -0.368621) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['eng.gucln SKIP_HatEnd', 'eng.higsle SKIP_HatEnd', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_HatEnd', 'eng.nhpln SKIP_HatEnd', 'eng.trevlyln SKIP_HatEnd', 'eng.watdc HatEnd', 'eng.wcmla SKIP_HatEnd', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_HatEnd', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_HatEnd', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_HatEnd', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_HatEnd', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_HatEnd', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_HatEnd'] (51.602606, -0.356863) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['eng.gucln SKIP_HeaLn', 'eng.higsle SKIP_HeaLn', 'eng.lowsle SKIP_HeaLn', 'eng.nhpln SKIP_HeaLn', 'eng.trevlyln SKIP_HeaLn', 'eng.watdc HeaLn', 'eng.wcmla SKIP_HeaLn', 'eng.wcmlb SKIP_HeaLn', 'eng.wcmlc SKIP_HeaLn', 'eng.wcmld SKIP_HeaLn', 'eng.wcmle SKIP_HeaLn', 'eng.wcmlecre SKIP_HeaLn', 'eng.wcmlf SKIP_HeaLn'] (51.506005, -0.444539) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln DIV_Air', 'eng.cotln DIV_Air', 'eng.devml DIV_Air', 'eng.eliln DIV_Air', 'eng.elilnhea DIV_Air', 'eng.golvlyln DIV_Air', 'eng.gwml DIV_Air', 'eng.hex DIV_Air', 'eng.kenvlyln DIV_Air', 'eng.oxfln DIV_Air', 'eng.swalml DIV_Air', 'eng.thavlyln DIV_Air'] (51.508515, -0.506701) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln SKIP_Iver', 'eng.cotln SKIP_Iver', 'eng.devml SKIP_Iver', 'eng.eliln Iver', 'eng.golvlyln SKIP_Iver', 'eng.gwml SKIP_Iver', 'eng.kenvlyln SKIP_Iver', 'eng.oxfln SKIP_Iver', 'eng.swalml SKIP_Iver', 'eng.thavlyln SKIP_Iver'] (51.506071, -0.377483) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln SKIP_Sou', 'eng.cotln SKIP_Sou', 'eng.devml SKIP_Sou', 'eng.eliln Sou', 'eng.elilnhea Sou', 'eng.golvlyln SKIP_Sou', 'eng.gwml SKIP_Sou', 'eng.hex SKIP_Sou', 'eng.kenvlyln SKIP_Sou', 'eng.oxfln SKIP_Sou', 'eng.swalml SKIP_Sou', 'eng.thavlyln SKIP_Sou'] (51.509717, -0.471511) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln SKIP_WestDra', 'eng.cotln SKIP_WestDra', 'eng.devml SKIP_WestDra', 'eng.eliln WestDra', 'eng.golvlyln SKIP_WestDra', 'eng.gwml SKIP_WestDra', 'eng.kenvlyln SKIP_WestDra', 'eng.oxfln SKIP_WestDra', 'eng.swalml SKIP_WestDra', 'eng.thavlyln SKIP_WestDra'] (51.523297, -0.646648) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln SKIP_Bur', 'eng.cotln SKIP_Bur', 'eng.devml SKIP_Bur', 'eng.eliln Bur', 'eng.golvlyln SKIP_Bur', 'eng.gwml SKIP_Bur', 'eng.kenvlyln SKIP_Bur', 'eng.oxfln SKIP_Bur', 'eng.swalml SKIP_Bur', 'eng.thavlyln SKIP_Bur'] (51.507874, -0.541806) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln SKIP_Lan', 'eng.cotln SKIP_Lan', 'eng.devml SKIP_Lan', 'eng.eliln Lan', 'eng.golvlyln SKIP_Lan', 'eng.gwml SKIP_Lan', 'eng.kenvlyln SKIP_Lan', 'eng.oxfln SKIP_Lan', 'eng.swalml SKIP_Lan', 'eng.thavlyln SKIP_Lan'] (51.512081, -0.591373) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln SKIP_Slo', 'eng.cotln SKIP_Slo', 'eng.devml SKIP_Slo', 'eng.eliln Slo', 'eng.golvlyln SKIP_Slo', 'eng.gwml SKIP_Slo', 'eng.kenvlyln SKIP_Slo', 'eng.oxfln SKIP_Slo', 'eng.swalml SKIP_Slo', 'eng.thavlyln Slo', 'eng.winbra Slo'] (51.523351, -0.681324) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln SKIP_Tap', 'eng.cotln SKIP_Tap', 'eng.devml SKIP_Tap', 'eng.eliln Tap', 'eng.golvlyln SKIP_Tap', 'eng.gwml SKIP_Tap', 'eng.kenvlyln SKIP_Tap', 'eng.oxfln SKIP_Tap', 'eng.swalml SKIP_Tap', 'eng.thavlyln SKIP_Tap'] (51.488989, -0.052485) is occupied by 16 waypoints: ['eng.1066ln DIV_Bri', 'eng.gropkln DIV_Bri', 'eng.gropklnlew DIV_Bri', 'eng.hasln DIV_Bri', 'eng.hayln DIV_Bri', 'eng.haylnlew DIV_Bri', 'eng.maieln DIV_Bri', 'eng.nkentln DIV_Bri', 'eng.padwoodln DIV_Bri', 'eng.seml DIV_Bri', 'eng.sidln DIV_Bri', 'eng.sidlnlew DIV_Bri', 'eng.thalnk DIV_SE', 'eng.thalnkrai DIV_Bri', 'eng.wooln DIV_Bri1', 'eng.wooln DIV_Bri2'] (51.478967, -0.034482) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['eng.1066ln DIV_ELL', 'eng.ellnew DIV_SE', 'eng.gropkln DIV_ELL', 'eng.gropklnlew DIV_ELL', 'eng.hasln DIV_ELL', 'eng.hayln DIV_ELL', 'eng.haylnlew DIV_ELL', 'eng.maieln DIV_ELL', 'eng.nkentln DIV_ELL', 'eng.padwoodln DIV_ELL', 'eng.seml DIV_ELL', 'eng.sidln DIV_ELL', 'eng.sidlnlew DIV_ELL', 'eng.wooln DIV_ELL'] (51.483447, -0.039096) is occupied by 15 waypoints: ['eng.1066ln DIV_Gre', 'eng.gropkln DIV_Gre', 'eng.gropklnlew DIV_Gre', 'eng.hasln DIV_Gre', 'eng.hayln DIV_Gre', 'eng.haylnlew DIV_Gre', 'eng.maieln DIV_Gre', 'eng.nkentln DIV_GrW', 'eng.padwoodln DIV_Gre', 'eng.seml DIV_Gre', 'eng.sidln DIV_Gre', 'eng.sidlnlew DIV_Gre', 'eng.thalnkrai DIV_SE', 'eng.wooln DIV_Gre', 'eng.wooln DIV_SE'] (51.468168, -0.020181) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['eng.1066ln DIV_Lew', 'eng.gropkln DIV_Lew', 'eng.hasln DIV_Lew', 'eng.hayln DIV_LeN', 'eng.maieln DIV_Lew', 'eng.nkentln DIV_SE', 'eng.padwoodln DIV_Lew', 'eng.seml DIV_Lew', 'eng.sidln DIV_Lew', 'eng.wooln DIV_Lew'] (51.492015, -0.059727) is occupied by 16 waypoints: ['eng.1066ln DIV_Pec', 'eng.gropkln DIV_Pec', 'eng.gropklnlew DIV_Pec', 'eng.hasln DIV_Pec', 'eng.hayln DIV_Pec', 'eng.haylnlew DIV_Pec', 'eng.maieln DIV_Pec', 'eng.nkentln DIV_Pec', 'eng.padwoodln DIV_Pec', 'eng.seml DIV_Pec', 'eng.sidln DIV_Pec', 'eng.sidlnlew DIV_Pec', 'eng.thalnk DIV_SLN', 'eng.thalnkrai DIV_Pec', 'eng.wooln DIV_Pec1', 'eng.wooln DIV_Pec2'] (51.470334, -0.025342) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['eng.1066ln DIV_Tan', 'eng.gropkln DIV_Tan', 'eng.gropklnlew DIV_Tan', 'eng.hasln DIV_Tan', 'eng.hayln DIV_Tan', 'eng.haylnlew DIV_Tan', 'eng.maieln DIV_Tan', 'eng.nkentln DIV_Tan', 'eng.padwoodln DIV_Tan', 'eng.seml DIV_Tan', 'eng.sidln DIV_Tan', 'eng.sidlnlew DIV_Tan', 'eng.wooln DIV_Tan'] (51.476375, -0.032626) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['eng.1066ln SKIP_NewCro', 'eng.ellnew NewCro', 'eng.gropkln NewCro', 'eng.gropklnlew SKIP_NewCro', 'eng.hasln SKIP_NewCro', 'eng.hayln SKIP_NewCro', 'eng.haylnlew SKIP_NewCro', 'eng.maieln SKIP_NewCro', 'eng.nkentln NewCro', 'eng.padwoodln SKIP_NewCro', 'eng.seml SKIP_NewCro', 'eng.sidln SKIP_NewCro', 'eng.sidlnlew SKIP_NewCro', 'eng.wooln NewCro'] (51.469057, -0.02223) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['eng.1066ln SKIP_StJoh', 'eng.gropkln StJoh', 'eng.hasln SKIP_StJoh', 'eng.hayln SKIP_StJoh', 'eng.maieln SKIP_StJoh', 'eng.nkentln StJoh', 'eng.padwoodln SKIP_StJoh', 'eng.seml SKIP_StJoh', 'eng.sidln SKIP_StJoh', 'eng.wooln StJoh'] (51.494671, -0.144582) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['eng.bexln LonVic', 'eng.brosln LonVic', 'eng.chaml LonVic', 'eng.cirln Vic', 'eng.crecoaln LonVic', 'eng.disln Vic', 'eng.gatex LonVic', 'eng.kentdowln LonVic', 'eng.solestln LonVic', 'eng.vicln Vic'] (51.458646, -0.01369) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['eng.1066ln DIV_Cou', 'eng.gropkln DIV_Cou', 'eng.gropklnlew DIV_Cou', 'eng.hasln DIV_Cou', 'eng.maieln DIV_Cou', 'eng.padwoodln DIV_Cou', 'eng.seml DIV_Cou', 'eng.sidln DIV_Cou', 'eng.sidlnlew DIV_Cou'] (51.451587, -0.000129) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['eng.1066ln SKIP_HitGre', 'eng.gropkln HitGre', 'eng.gropklnlew HitGre', 'eng.hasln SKIP_HitGre', 'eng.maieln SKIP_HitGre', 'eng.padwoodln SKIP_HitGre', 'eng.seml SKIP_HitGre', 'eng.sidln HitGre', 'eng.sidlnlew HitGre'] (51.503026, -0.420442) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln SKIP_HayHar', 'eng.cotln SKIP_HayHar', 'eng.devml SKIP_HayHar', 'eng.eliln HayHar', 'eng.elilnhea HayHar', 'eng.golvlyln SKIP_HayHar', 'eng.gwml SKIP_HayHar', 'eng.hex SKIP_HayHar', 'eng.kenvlyln SKIP_HayHar', 'eng.oxfln SKIP_HayHar', 'eng.swalml SKIP_HayHar', 'eng.thavlyln SKIP_HayHar'] (51.518384, -0.722523) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln SKIP_Mai', 'eng.cotln SKIP_Mai', 'eng.devml SKIP_Mai', 'eng.eliln Mai', 'eng.golvlyln SKIP_Mai', 'eng.gwml SKIP_Mai', 'eng.kenvlyln SKIP_Mai', 'eng.marbra Mai', 'eng.oxfln SKIP_Mai', 'eng.swalml SKIP_Mai', 'eng.thavlyln Mai'] (51.460685, -0.919418) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln +X930791', 'eng.cotln +X930791', 'eng.devml +X930791', 'eng.eliln +X930791', 'eng.golvlyln +X930791', 'eng.gwml +X930791', 'eng.kenvlyln +X930791', 'eng.oxfln +X930791', 'eng.swalml +X930791', 'eng.thavlyln +X930791'] (51.460164, -0.981967) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln DIV_GW', 'eng.bruln DIV_GW', 'eng.cotln DIV_Bru', 'eng.devml DIV_GW', 'eng.golvlyln DIV_Bru', 'eng.gwml DIV_Bru', 'eng.kenvlyln DIV_GW', 'eng.newln DIV_GW', 'eng.oxfln DIV_Bru', 'eng.swalml DIV_Bru', 'eng.thavlyln DIV_Bru'] (51.458519, -0.961068) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln DIV_SW', 'eng.cotln DIV_SW', 'eng.devml DIV_SW', 'eng.eliln DIV_SW', 'eng.golvlyln DIV_SW', 'eng.gwml DIV_SW', 'eng.kenvlyln DIV_SW', 'eng.nordowln DIV_GW', 'eng.oxfln DIV_SW', 'eng.swalml DIV_SW', 'eng.thavlyln DIV_SW'] (51.459221, -0.972118) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln Rea', 'eng.bruln Rea', 'eng.cotln Rea', 'eng.devml Rea', 'eng.eliln Rea', 'eng.golvlyln Rea', 'eng.gwml Rea', 'eng.kenvlyln Rea', 'eng.newln Rea', 'eng.nordowln Rea', 'eng.oxfln Rea', 'eng.swalml Rea', 'eng.thavlyln Rea'] (51.475423, -0.863199) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['eng.berhanln SKIP_Twy', 'eng.cotln SKIP_Twy', 'eng.devml SKIP_Twy', 'eng.eliln Twy', 'eng.golvlyln SKIP_Twy', 'eng.gwml SKIP_Twy', 'eng.kenvlyln SKIP_Twy', 'eng.oxfln SKIP_Twy', 'eng.regln Twy', 'eng.swalml SKIP_Twy', 'eng.thavlyln Twy'] (51.449019, -2.580199) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['eng.avonvlyln BriTemMea', 'eng.corml BriTemMea', 'eng.filln BriTemMea', 'eng.gwml BriTemMea', 'eng.heawesln BriTemMea', 'eng.sevbealn BriTemMea', 'eng.sevln BriTemMea', 'eng.sevvlyln BriTemMea', 'eng.wesml BriTemMea'] (51.451827, -2.573075) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['eng.avonvlyln DIV_Fil', 'eng.corml DIV_Bath', 'eng.filln DIV_Bath', 'eng.gwml DIV_Fil', 'eng.heawesln DIV_Bath', 'eng.heawesln DIV_Fil', 'eng.sevbealn DIV_Bath', 'eng.sevln DIV_Bath', 'eng.sevvlyln DIV_Bath', 'eng.wesml DIV_Bath', 'eng.wesml DIV_Fil'] (51.47563, -3.179255) is occupied by 19 waypoints: ['wls.abeln CarCen', 'wls.barln CarCen', 'wls.cityln CarCen', 'wls.corln CarCen', 'wls.corml CarCen', 'wls.ebbwvaleln CarCen', 'wls.maeln CarCen', 'wls.marln CarCen', 'wls.merln CarCen', 'wls.nwswcar CarCen', 'wls.penln CarCen', 'wls.rholn CarCen', 'wls.rhyln CarCen', 'wls.sevsholn CarCen', 'wls.swalml CarCen', 'wls.swanln CarCen', 'wls.vogln CarCen', 'wls.wesml CarCen', 'wls.wwalln CarCen'] (51.481958, -3.170328) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['wls.abeln CarQueSt', 'wls.barln CarQueSt', 'wls.butbra CarQueSt', 'wls.cityln CarQueSt', 'wls.corln CarQueSt', 'wls.merln CarQueStr', 'wls.penln CarQueSt', 'wls.rholn CDQ', 'wls.rhyln CarQueSt', 'wls.vogln CarQueSt'] (51.477604, -3.171272) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['wls.abeln DIV_Bay', 'wls.barln DIV_Bay', 'wls.butbra DIV_Cen', 'wls.cityln DIV_Bay', 'wls.corln DIV_Bay', 'wls.merln DIV_Bay', 'wls.penln DIV_Bay', 'wls.rholn DIV_Bay', 'wls.rhyln DIV_Bay', 'wls.vogln DIV_Bay'] (51.476645, -3.173311) is occupied by 16 waypoints: ['wls.abeln DIV_SWML', 'wls.barln DIV_SWE', 'wls.cityln DIV_SWE', 'wls.corln DIV_SW', 'wls.corml DIV_Que', 'wls.ebbwvaleln DIV_Que', 'wls.marln DIV_Que', 'wls.merln DIV_SW', 'wls.nwswcar DIV_Que', 'wls.penln DIV_SWE', 'wls.rholn DIV_SW', 'wls.rhyln DIV_SW', 'wls.sevsholn DIV_Que', 'wls.swalml DIV_Que', 'wls.vogln DIV_SWE', 'wls.wesml DIV_Que'] (44.856397, -0.533513) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['franaq.a CenonGare', 'franaq.d15 Cenon', 'franaq.d31 Cenon', 'franaq.d33 Cenon', 'franaq.f41 Cenon', 'franaq.f43 Cenon', 'franaq.l13 Cenon', 'franaq.l15 Cenon', 'franaq.l31 Cenon', 'franaq.l32 Cenon', 'franaq.l33 Cenon'] (44.86009, -0.533599) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['franaq.d15 +X778206', 'franaq.d31 +X778206', 'franaq.d33 +X778206', 'franaq.f41 +X778206', 'franaq.f43 +X778206', 'franaq.l13 +X778206', 'franaq.l15 +X778206', 'franaq.l31 +X778206', 'franaq.l32 +X778206', 'franaq.l33 +X778206'] (44.825705, -0.555604) is occupied by 23 waypoints: ['franaq.c GareSaintJean', 'franaq.d15 BordeauxSaintJean', 'franaq.d31 BordeauxSaintJean', 'franaq.d33 BordeauxSaintJean', 'franaq.d44 BordeauxSaintJean', 'franaq.d45 BordeauxSaintJean', 'franaq.d51 BordeauxSaintJean', 'franaq.d52 BordeauxSaintJean', 'franaq.d GareSaintJean', 'franaq.f41 BordeauxSaintJean', 'franaq.f42bor BordeauxSaintJean', 'franaq.f43 BordeauxSaintJean', 'franaq.f44 BordeauxSaintJean', 'franaq.l13 BordeauxSaintJean', 'franaq.l15 BordeauxSaintJean', 'franaq.l31 BordeauxSaintJean', 'franaq.l32 BordeauxSaintJean', 'franaq.l33 BordeauxSaintJean', 'franaq.l42 BordeauxSaintJean', 'franaq.l44 BordeauxSaintJean', 'franaq.l45 BordeauxSaintJean', 'franaq.l51 BordeauxSaintJean', 'franaq.l52 BordeauxSaintJean'] (44.804178, -0.632401) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['franaq.bpes PessacCentre', 'franaq.d45 +Pessac', 'franaq.d51 Pessac', 'franaq.d52 Pessac', 'franaq.f41 Pessac', 'franaq.f42 Pessac', 'franaq.l42pes Pessac', 'franaq.l45 Pessac', 'franaq.l51 Pessac', 'franaq.l52 Pessac'] (44.821466, -0.557213) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['franaq.d44 +X893495', 'franaq.d45 +X893495', 'franaq.d51 +X893495', 'franaq.d52 +X893495', 'franaq.f41 +X893495', 'franaq.f42bor +X893495', 'franaq.f44 +X893495', 'franaq.l42 +X893495', 'franaq.l44 +X893495', 'franaq.l45 +X893495', 'franaq.l51 +X893495', 'franaq.l52 +X893495'] (44.816588, -0.56571) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['franaq.d45 +X619269', 'franaq.d51 +X619269', 'franaq.d52 +X619269', 'franaq.f41 +X619269', 'franaq.f42bor +X619269', 'franaq.l42 +X619269', 'franaq.l45 +X619269', 'franaq.l51 +X619269', 'franaq.l52 +X619269'] (44.808121, -0.621972) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['franaq.d45 +X793731', 'franaq.d51 +X793731', 'franaq.d52 +X793731', 'franaq.f41 +X793731', 'franaq.f42 +X793731', 'franaq.l42pes +X793731', 'franaq.l45 +X793731', 'franaq.l51 +X793731', 'franaq.l52 +X793731'] (44.811576, -0.612928) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['franaq.d45 +X868039', 'franaq.d51 +X868039', 'franaq.d52 +X868039', 'franaq.f41 +X868039', 'franaq.f42bor +X868039', 'franaq.l42 +X868039', 'franaq.l45 +X868039', 'franaq.l51 +X868039', 'franaq.l52 +X868039'] (43.260562, -2.926837) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['esppv.c1 BilboAbando', 'esppv.c2 BilboAbando', 'esppv.c3 BilboAbando', 'esppv.c4f BilboConcordia', 'esppv.l1 ABA', 'esppv.l2 ABA', 'esppv.r3bf BilboConcordia', 'esppv.r3f BilboConcordia', 'esppv.r4f BilboConcordia', 'esppv.tr Abando'] (43.366506, -5.855026) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['espas.c1 Oveido', 'espas.c2 Oveido', 'espas.c3 Oveido', 'espas.c6f Oveido', 'espas.c7f Oveido', 'espas.c9f Oveido', 'espas.r1bf Oveido', 'espas.r1f Oveido', 'espas.r2af Oveido', 'espas.r2f Oveido'] (40.473844, -3.681579) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['espmd.c10 Chamartin', 'espmd.c1 Chamartin', 'espmd.c2 Chamartin', 'espmd.c3 Chamartin', 'espmd.c3a Chamartin', 'espmd.c4a Chamartin', 'espmd.c4b Chamartin', 'espmd.c7 Chamartin', 'espmd.c8 Chamartin', 'espmd.m10 Chamartin', 'espmd.m1 Chamartin'] (40.466001, -3.682823) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['espmd.c10 +X483061', 'espmd.c1 +X483061', 'espmd.c2 +X483061', 'espmd.c3 +X483061', 'espmd.c3a +X483061', 'espmd.c4a +X483061', 'espmd.c4b +X483061', 'espmd.c7 +X483061', 'espmd.c8 +X483061'] (40.469062, -3.683231) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['espmd.c10 +X678965', 'espmd.c1 +X678965', 'espmd.c2 +X678965', 'espmd.c3 +X678965', 'espmd.c3a +X678965', 'espmd.c4a +X678965', 'espmd.c4b +X678965', 'espmd.c7 +X678965', 'espmd.c8 +X678965'] (40.445241, -3.691943) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['espmd.c10 NuevosMinisterios', 'espmd.c1 NuevosMinisterios', 'espmd.c2 NuevosMinisterios', 'espmd.c3 NuevosMinisterios', 'espmd.c3a NuevosMinisterios', 'espmd.c4a NuevosMinisterios', 'espmd.c4b NuevosMinisterios', 'espmd.c7 NuevosMinisterios', 'espmd.c8 NuevosMinisterios', 'espmd.m10 NuevosMinisterios', 'espmd.m6 NuevosMinisterios', 'espmd.m8 NuevosMinisterios'] (40.402864, -3.685162) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['espmd.c10 +X251046', 'espmd.c1 +X251046', 'espmd.c2 +X251046', 'espmd.c3 +X251046', 'espmd.c3a +X251046', 'espmd.c4a +X251046', 'espmd.c4b +X251046', 'espmd.c5 +X251046', 'espmd.c7 +X251046', 'espmd.c8 +X251046'] (40.408084, -3.691374) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['espmd.c10 +X685554', 'espmd.c1 +X685554', 'espmd.c2 +X685554', 'espmd.c3 +X685554', 'espmd.c3a +X685554', 'espmd.c4a +X685554', 'espmd.c4b +X685554', 'espmd.c7 +X685554', 'espmd.c8 +X685554'] (40.400641, -3.679626) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['espmd.c10 +X977799', 'espmd.c1 +X977799', 'espmd.c2 +X977799', 'espmd.c3 +X977799', 'espmd.c3a +X977799', 'espmd.c4a +X977799', 'espmd.c4b +X977799', 'espmd.c7 +X977799', 'espmd.c8 +X977799'] (40.405919, -3.689572) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['espmd.c10 Atocha', 'espmd.c1 Atocha', 'espmd.c2 Atocha', 'espmd.c3 Atocha', 'espmd.c3a Atocha', 'espmd.c4a Atocha', 'espmd.c4b Atocha', 'espmd.c5 Atocha', 'espmd.c7 Atocha', 'espmd.c8 Atocha', 'espmd.m1 Atocha'] (42.351135, -71.055236) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['ma.capefly BosSou', 'ma.failn BosSou', 'ma.fraln BosSou', 'ma.greln BosSou', 'ma.kinln BosSou', 'ma.midln BosSou', 'ma.neeln BosSou', 'ma.proln BosSou', 'ma.redln SouSta', 'ma.stoln BosSou', 'ma.worln BosSou'] (42.347004, -71.057339) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['ma.capefly DIV_NEC', 'ma.failn DIV_NEC', 'ma.fraln DIV_Mid', 'ma.greln DIV_NEC', 'ma.kinln DIV_NEC', 'ma.midln DIV_NEC', 'ma.neeln DIV_Mid', 'ma.proln DIV_Mid', 'ma.stoln DIV_Mid', 'ma.worln DIV_Mid'] (40.699861, -73.807676) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['ny.airtrnjam Jam', 'ny.babbra Jam', 'ny.babbragct Jam', 'ny.e SutBlvdArcAve', 'ny.farrocbra Jam', 'ny.hembra Jam', 'ny.j SutBlvdArcAve', 'ny.longbeabra Jam', 'ny.monbra Jam', 'ny.oysbaybra Jam', 'ny.portjefbra Jam', 'ny.ronbra Jam', 'ny.ronbragct Jam', 'ny.whembra Jam'] (40.698108, -73.814392) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['ny.babbra DIV_Atl', 'ny.babbragct DIV_Atl', 'ny.farrocbra DIV_Atl', 'ny.hembra DIV_Atl', 'ny.longbeabra DIV_Atl', 'ny.monbra DIV_Atl', 'ny.portjefbra DIV_Atl', 'ny.ronbra DIV_Atl', 'ny.ronbragct DIV_Atl', 'ny.whembra DIV_Main_W'] (40.700955, -73.80376) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['ny.babbra DIV_FarRoc/LongBea_W', 'ny.babbragct DIV_FarRoc/LongBea_W', 'ny.farrocbra DIV_Main', 'ny.hembra DIV_FarRoc/AtlBea', 'ny.longbeabra DIV_Main', 'ny.monbra DIV_FarRoc/LongBea', 'ny.oysbaybra DIV_FarRoc/LongBea', 'ny.portjefbra DIV_FarRoc/LongBea', 'ny.ronbra DIV_FarRoc/LongBea', 'ny.ronbragct DIV_FarRoc/LongBea', 'ny.whembra DIV_FarRoc/LongBea_W'] (40.705852, -73.784534) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['ny.babbra DIV_Main', 'ny.babbragct DIV_Main', 'ny.hembra DIV_WHem/Bab', 'ny.monbra DIV_Bab/WHem', 'ny.oysbaybra DIV_WHem/Bab', 'ny.portjefbra DIV_WHem/Bab', 'ny.ronbra DIV_WHem/Bab', 'ny.ronbragct DIV_WHem/Bab', 'ny.whembra DIV_Main_E'] (40.745656, -73.902905) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['ny.7 61StWoo', 'ny.babbra Woo', 'ny.babbragct Woo', 'ny.farrocbra Woos', 'ny.hembra Woo', 'ny.longbeabra Woo', 'ny.monbra SKIP_Woo', 'ny.portjefbra Woo', 'ny.portwasbra Woo', 'ny.portwasbragct Woo', 'ny.ronbra Woo', 'ny.ronbragct Woo'] (40.750923, -73.913527) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['ny.babbra DIV_Amt', 'ny.babbragct DIV_Amt', 'ny.farrocbra DIV_Amt', 'ny.hembra DIV_Amt', 'ny.longbeabra DIV_Amt', 'ny.monbra DIV_Amt', 'ny.portjefbra DIV_Amt', 'ny.portwasbra DIV_Amt', 'ny.portwasbragct DIV_Amt', 'ny.ronbra DIV_Amt', 'ny.ronbragct DIV_Amt'] (40.738519, -73.894515) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['ny.babbra DIV_PortWas', 'ny.babbragct DIV_PortWas', 'ny.farrocbra DIV_PortWas', 'ny.hembra DIV_PortWas', 'ny.longbeabra DIV_PortWas', 'ny.monbra DIV_PortWas', 'ny.portjefbra DIV_PortWas', 'ny.portwasbra DIV_Main', 'ny.portwasbragct DIV_Main', 'ny.ronbra DIV_PortWas', 'ny.ronbragct DIV_PortWas'] (40.749025, -73.924009) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['ny.babbra DIV_GCT', 'ny.babbragct DIV_Penn', 'ny.farrocbra DIV_Penn', 'ny.hembra DIV_GCT', 'ny.longbeabra DIV_GCT', 'ny.monbra DIV_GCT', 'ny.portjefbra DIV_GCT', 'ny.portwasbra DIV_GCT', 'ny.portwasbragct DIV_Penn', 'ny.ronbra DIV_GCT', 'ny.ronbragct DIV_Penn'] (40.752406, -73.97747) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['ny.0 GraCen', 'ny.4 42StGraCen', 'ny.5 42StGraCen', 'ny.6 GraCen', 'ny.7 42StGraCen', 'ny.babbragct GraCen', 'ny.farrocbra GraCen', 'ny.harln GraCen', 'ny.hembra GraCen', 'ny.hudln GraCen', 'ny.newhavln GraCen', 'ny.portwasbragct GraCen', 'ny.ronbragct GraCen'] (40.719591, -73.844841) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['ny.babbra ForHil', 'ny.babbragct ForHil', 'ny.farrocbra ForHil', 'ny.hembra ForHil', 'ny.longbeabra ForHil', 'ny.monbra SKIP_ForHil', 'ny.portjefbra SKIP_ForHil', 'ny.ronbra ForHil', 'ny.ronbragct ForHil'] (40.709572, -73.830807) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['ny.babbra SKIP_KewGar', 'ny.babbragct SKIP_KewGar', 'ny.farrocbra KewGar', 'ny.hembra KewGar', 'ny.longbeabra KewGar', 'ny.monbra SKIP_KewGar', 'ny.portjefbra KewGar', 'ny.ronbra KewGar', 'ny.ronbragct KewGar'] (40.73482, -74.029055) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['nj.bercouln Hob', 'nj.glabra Hob', 'nj.hblr8ht HobTer', 'nj.hblrhtt HobTer', 'nj.mainln Hob', 'nj.mearailln Hob', 'nj.monbooln Hob', 'nj.morln Hob', 'nj.pasvlyln Hob', 'nj.pathho33 Hob', 'nj.pathhwtc Hob', 'nj.portjerln Hob'] (40.684499, -73.977256) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['ny.2 BarCen', 'ny.3 BarCen', 'ny.4 AtlAveBarCen', 'ny.5 AtlAveBarCen', 'ny.b AtlAveBarCen', 'ny.d AtlAveBarCen', 'ny.n AtlAveBarCen', 'ny.q AtlAveBarCen', 'ny.r AtlAveBarCen', 'ny.whembra AtlTer'] (39.952624, -75.158072) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['pa.airln Jef', 'pa.cheln Jef', 'pa.chwln Jef', 'pa.cynln Jef', 'pa.foxchaln Jef', 'pa.landoyln Jef', 'pa.mannorln Jef', 'pa.medelwln Jef', 'pa.paotholn Jef', 'pa.treln Jef', 'pa.warln Jef', 'pa.wilnewln Jef', 'pa.wtreln Jef'] (39.956526, -75.181707) is occupied by 20 waypoints: ['pa.airln Phi30thSt', 'pa.atlcityln Phi30thSt', 'pa.cheln Phi30thSt', 'pa.chwln Phi30thSt', 'pa.cynln Phi30thSt', 'pa.foxchaln Phi30thSt', 'pa.landoyln Phi30thSt', 'pa.mannorln Phi30thSt', 'pa.marfraln 30th', 'pa.medelwln Phi30thSt', 'pa.paotholn Phi30thSt', 'pa.rte010 30th', 'pa.rte011 30th', 'pa.rte013 30th', 'pa.rte034 30th', 'pa.rte036 30th', 'pa.treln Phi30thSt', 'pa.warln Phi30thSt', 'pa.wilnewln Phi30thSt', 'pa.wtreln Phi30thSt'] (39.954186, -75.16732) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['pa.airln Sub', 'pa.cheln Sub', 'pa.chwln Sub', 'pa.cynln Sub', 'pa.foxchaln Sub', 'pa.landoyln Sub', 'pa.mannorln Sub', 'pa.medelwln Sub', 'pa.paotholn Sub', 'pa.treln Sub', 'pa.warln Sub', 'pa.wilnewln Sub', 'pa.wtreln Sub'] (-27.415567, 153.051653) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['ausqld.airln +X832448', 'ausqld.cabln +X832448', 'ausqld.dooln +X832448', 'ausqld.rpln +X832448', 'ausqld.scln +X832448', 'ausqld.sholn +X832448', 'ausqld.spiout +X832448', 'ausqld.spiqld +X832448', 'ausqld.tilttrn +X832448'] (-27.415386, 153.049529) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['ausqld.airln EagleJct', 'ausqld.cabln EagleJct', 'ausqld.dooln EagleJct', 'ausqld.rpln EagleJct', 'ausqld.scln EagleJct', 'ausqld.sholn EagleJct', 'ausqld.spiout +EagleJct', 'ausqld.spiqld +EagleJct', 'ausqld.tilttrn +EagleJct'] (-27.419995, 153.043478) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['ausqld.airln Wooloowin', 'ausqld.cabln +Wooloowin', 'ausqld.dooln Wooloowin', 'ausqld.rpln +Wooloowin', 'ausqld.scln +Wooloowin', 'ausqld.sholn Wooloowin', 'ausqld.spiout +Wooloowin', 'ausqld.spiqld +Wooloowin', 'ausqld.tilttrn +Wooloowin'] (-27.442466, 153.037657) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['ausqld.airln +X179407', 'ausqld.cabln +X179407', 'ausqld.dooln +X179407', 'ausqld.fgln +X179407', 'ausqld.rpln +X179407', 'ausqld.scln +X179407', 'ausqld.sholn +X179407', 'ausqld.spiout +X179407', 'ausqld.spiqld +X179407', 'ausqld.tilttrn +X179407'] (-27.429233, 153.040302) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['ausqld.airln Albion', 'ausqld.cabln +Albion', 'ausqld.dooln Albion', 'ausqld.rpln +Albion', 'ausqld.scln +Albion', 'ausqld.sholn Albion', 'ausqld.spiout +Albion', 'ausqld.spiqld +Albion', 'ausqld.tilttrn +Albion'] (-27.445246, 153.037587) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['ausqld.airln BowenHills', 'ausqld.beeln BowenHills', 'ausqld.cabln BowenHills', 'ausqld.cleln BowenHills', 'ausqld.dooln BowenHills', 'ausqld.exhln BowenHills', 'ausqld.fgln BowenHills', 'ausqld.gcln BowenHills', 'ausqld.ipsln BowenHills', 'ausqld.rpln BowenHills', 'ausqld.scln BowenHills', 'ausqld.sholn BowenHills', 'ausqld.sprln BowenHills'] (-27.465808, 153.025839) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['ausqld.airln Central', 'ausqld.beeln Central', 'ausqld.cabln Central', 'ausqld.cleln Central', 'ausqld.dooln Central', 'ausqld.exhln Central', 'ausqld.fgln Central', 'ausqld.gcln Central', 'ausqld.ipsln Central', 'ausqld.rpln Central', 'ausqld.scln Central', 'ausqld.sholn Central', 'ausqld.sprln Central'] (-27.455907, 153.034004) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['ausqld.airln FortitudeValley', 'ausqld.beeln FortitudeValley', 'ausqld.cabln FortitudeValley', 'ausqld.cleln FortitudeValley', 'ausqld.dooln FortitudeValley', 'ausqld.exhln FortitudeValley', 'ausqld.fgln FortitudeValley', 'ausqld.gcln FortitudeValley', 'ausqld.ipsln FortitudeValley', 'ausqld.rpln FortitudeValley', 'ausqld.scln FortitudeValley', 'ausqld.sholn FortitudeValley', 'ausqld.sprln FortitudeValley'] (-27.465087, 153.018833) is occupied by 18 waypoints: ['ausqld.airln RomaSt', 'ausqld.beeln RomaSt', 'ausqld.brixpt RomaSt', 'ausqld.cabln RomaSt', 'ausqld.cleln RomaSt', 'ausqld.dooln RomaSt', 'ausqld.exhln RomaSt', 'ausqld.fgln RomaSt', 'ausqld.gcln RomaSt', 'ausqld.ipsln RomaSt', 'ausqld.rpln RomaSt', 'ausqld.scln RomaSt', 'ausqld.sholn RomaSt', 'ausqld.spiout RomaSt', 'ausqld.spiqld RomaSt', 'ausqld.sprln RomaSt', 'ausqld.tilttrn RomaSt', 'ausqld.wland RomaSt'] (-27.464787, 153.017862) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['ausqld.beeln +X371227', 'ausqld.brixpt +X371227', 'ausqld.cleln +X371227', 'ausqld.exhln +X371227', 'ausqld.gcln +X371227', 'ausqld.ipsln +X371227', 'ausqld.spiout +X371227', 'ausqld.spiqld +X371227', 'ausqld.sprln +X371227', 'ausqld.tilttrn +X371227', 'ausqld.wland +X371227'] (-33.896793, 151.185801) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['ausnsw.bmt +MAC', 'ausnsw.brixpt +MAC', 'ausnsw.ccn +MAC', 'ausnsw.cwxpt +MAC', 'ausnsw.graxpt +MAC', 'ausnsw.ntxpl +MAC', 'ausnsw.outxpl +MAC', 'ausnsw.t1 +MAC', 'ausnsw.t2 MAC', 'ausnsw.t9 +MAC'] (-33.897817, 151.179568) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['ausnsw.bmt +NTN', 'ausnsw.brixpt +NTN', 'ausnsw.ccn +NTN', 'ausnsw.cwxpt +NTN', 'ausnsw.graxpt +NTN', 'ausnsw.ntxpl +NTN', 'ausnsw.outxpl +NTN', 'ausnsw.t1 +NTN', 'ausnsw.t2 NTN', 'ausnsw.t9 +NTN'] (-33.8956, 151.189696) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['ausnsw.bmt +X310197', 'ausnsw.brixpt +X310197', 'ausnsw.canxpl +X310197', 'ausnsw.ccn +X310197', 'ausnsw.cwxpt +X310197', 'ausnsw.graxpt +X310197', 'ausnsw.melxpt +X310197', 'ausnsw.ntxpl +X310197', 'ausnsw.outxpl +X310197', 'ausnsw.shl +X310197', 'ausnsw.t1 +X310197', 'ausnsw.t2 +X310197', 'ausnsw.t3 +X310197', 'ausnsw.t9 +X310197'] (-33.885295, 151.205478) is occupied by 16 waypoints: ['ausnsw.bmt +X352781', 'ausnsw.brixpt +X352781', 'ausnsw.canxpl +X352781', 'ausnsw.ccn +X352781', 'ausnsw.cwxpt +X352781', 'ausnsw.graxpt +X352781', 'ausnsw.melxpt +X352781', 'ausnsw.ntxpl +X352781', 'ausnsw.outxpl +X352781', 'ausnsw.sco +X352781', 'ausnsw.shl +X352781', 'ausnsw.t1 +X352781', 'ausnsw.t2 +X352781', 'ausnsw.t3 +X352781', 'ausnsw.t8 +X352781', 'ausnsw.t9 +X352781'] (-33.886257, 151.204802) is occupied by 16 waypoints: ['ausnsw.bmt +X839783', 'ausnsw.brixpt +X839783', 'ausnsw.canxpl +X839783', 'ausnsw.ccn +X839783', 'ausnsw.cwxpt +X839783', 'ausnsw.graxpt +X839783', 'ausnsw.melxpt +X839783', 'ausnsw.ntxpl +X839783', 'ausnsw.outxpl +X839783', 'ausnsw.sco +X839783', 'ausnsw.shl +X839783', 'ausnsw.t1 +X839783', 'ausnsw.t2 +X839783', 'ausnsw.t3 +X839783', 'ausnsw.t8 +X839783', 'ausnsw.t9 +X839783'] (-33.882922, 151.207216) is occupied by 21 waypoints: ['ausnsw.bmt CEN', 'ausnsw.brixpt CEN', 'ausnsw.canxpl CEN', 'ausnsw.ccn CEN', 'ausnsw.cwxpt CEN', 'ausnsw.graxpt CEN', 'ausnsw.l1 Central', 'ausnsw.melxpt CEN', 'ausnsw.ntxpl CEN', 'ausnsw.outxpl CEN', 'ausnsw.sco CEN', 'ausnsw.shl CEN', 'ausnsw.t1 CEN', 'ausnsw.t2 CEN_1', 'ausnsw.t2 CEN_2', 'ausnsw.t3 CEN_1', 'ausnsw.t3 CEN_2', 'ausnsw.t4 CEN', 'ausnsw.t8 CEN_1', 'ausnsw.t8 CEN_2', 'ausnsw.t9 CEN'] (-33.892313, 151.198128) is occupied by 16 waypoints: ['ausnsw.bmt REF', 'ausnsw.brixpt +REF', 'ausnsw.canxpl +REF', 'ausnsw.ccn +REF', 'ausnsw.cwxpt +REF', 'ausnsw.graxpt +REF', 'ausnsw.melxpt +REF', 'ausnsw.ntxpl +REF', 'ausnsw.outxpl +REF', 'ausnsw.sco REF', 'ausnsw.shl +REF', 'ausnsw.t1 REF', 'ausnsw.t2 REF', 'ausnsw.t3 REF', 'ausnsw.t4 REF', 'ausnsw.t9 REF'] (-33.877105, 151.104069) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['ausnsw.bmt +BWD', 'ausnsw.brixpt +BWD', 'ausnsw.ccn +BWD', 'ausnsw.cwxpt +BWD', 'ausnsw.graxpt +BWD', 'ausnsw.ntxpl +BWD', 'ausnsw.outxpl +BWD', 'ausnsw.t1 +BWD', 'ausnsw.t2 BWD', 'ausnsw.t9 BWD'] (-33.871747, 151.094252) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['ausnsw.bmt +STR', 'ausnsw.brixpt STR', 'ausnsw.ccn STR', 'ausnsw.cwxpt STR', 'ausnsw.graxpt STR', 'ausnsw.ntxpl STR', 'ausnsw.outxpl STR', 'ausnsw.t1 STR', 'ausnsw.t2 STR', 'ausnsw.t9 STR'] (-33.870073, 151.092213) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['ausnsw.bmt +X328886', 'ausnsw.brixpt +X328886', 'ausnsw.ccn +X328886', 'ausnsw.cwxpt +X328886', 'ausnsw.graxpt +X328886', 'ausnsw.ntxpl +X328886', 'ausnsw.outxpl +X328886', 'ausnsw.t1 +X328886', 'ausnsw.t2 +X328886', 'ausnsw.t9 +X328886'] (-33.887669, 151.125827) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['ausnsw.bmt +AFD', 'ausnsw.brixpt +AFD', 'ausnsw.ccn +AFD', 'ausnsw.cwxpt +AFD', 'ausnsw.graxpt +AFD', 'ausnsw.ntxpl +AFD', 'ausnsw.outxpl +AFD', 'ausnsw.t1 +AFD', 'ausnsw.t2 AFD', 'ausnsw.t9 +AFD'] (-33.883251, 151.115592) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['ausnsw.bmt +CYD', 'ausnsw.brixpt +CYD', 'ausnsw.ccn +CYD', 'ausnsw.cwxpt +CYD', 'ausnsw.graxpt +CYD', 'ausnsw.ntxpl +CYD', 'ausnsw.outxpl +CYD', 'ausnsw.t1 +CYD', 'ausnsw.t2 CYD', 'ausnsw.t9 +CYD'] (-33.893338, 151.147649) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['ausnsw.bmt +LWI', 'ausnsw.brixpt +LWI', 'ausnsw.ccn +LWI', 'ausnsw.cwxpt +LWI', 'ausnsw.graxpt +LWI', 'ausnsw.ntxpl +LWI', 'ausnsw.outxpl +LWI', 'ausnsw.t1 +LWI', 'ausnsw.t2 LWI', 'ausnsw.t9 +LWI'] (-33.893836, 151.155277) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['ausnsw.bmt +PSM', 'ausnsw.brixpt +PSM', 'ausnsw.ccn +PSM', 'ausnsw.cwxpt +PSM', 'ausnsw.graxpt +PSM', 'ausnsw.ntxpl +PSM', 'ausnsw.outxpl +PSM', 'ausnsw.t1 +PSM', 'ausnsw.t2 PSM', 'ausnsw.t9 +PSM'] (-33.89031, 151.138862) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['ausnsw.bmt +SMH', 'ausnsw.brixpt +SMH', 'ausnsw.ccn +SMH', 'ausnsw.cwxpt +SMH', 'ausnsw.graxpt +SMH', 'ausnsw.ntxpl +SMH', 'ausnsw.outxpl +SMH', 'ausnsw.t1 +SMH', 'ausnsw.t2 SMH', 'ausnsw.t9 +SMH'] (-33.894451, 151.163893) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['ausnsw.bmt +SMN', 'ausnsw.brixpt +SMN', 'ausnsw.ccn +SMN', 'ausnsw.cwxpt +SMN', 'ausnsw.graxpt +SMN', 'ausnsw.ntxpl +SMN', 'ausnsw.outxpl +SMN', 'ausnsw.t1 +SMN', 'ausnsw.t2 SMN', 'ausnsw.t9 +SMN'] (-37.80238, 144.963634) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['ausvic.001 LinSq', 'ausvic.003 LinSq', 'ausvic.003a LinSq', 'ausvic.005 LinSq', 'ausvic.006 LinSq', 'ausvic.016 LinSq', 'ausvic.064 LinSq', 'ausvic.067 LinSq', 'ausvic.072 LinSq'] (-37.799022, 144.964192) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['ausvic.001 MelUni', 'ausvic.003 MelUni', 'ausvic.003a MelUni', 'ausvic.005 MelUni', 'ausvic.006 MelUni', 'ausvic.016 MelUni', 'ausvic.064 MelUni', 'ausvic.067 MelUni', 'ausvic.072 MelUni'] (-37.802551, 144.935213) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['ausvic.albln +X109417', 'ausvic.araln +X109417', 'ausvic.benln +X109417', 'ausvic.eucln +X109417', 'ausvic.geeln +X109417', 'ausvic.melxpt +X109417', 'ausvic.seyln +X109417', 'ausvic.sheln +X109417', 'ausvic.shln +X109417', 'ausvic.warln +X109417'] (-37.800947, 144.932499) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['ausvic.albln +X528217', 'ausvic.araln +X528217', 'ausvic.benln +X528217', 'ausvic.eucln +X528217', 'ausvic.geeln +X528217', 'ausvic.melxpt +X528217', 'ausvic.seyln +X528217', 'ausvic.sheln +X528217', 'ausvic.shln +X528217', 'ausvic.warln +X528217'] (-37.801905, 144.934248) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['ausvic.albln +X643434', 'ausvic.araln +X643434', 'ausvic.benln +X643434', 'ausvic.eucln +X643434', 'ausvic.geeln +X643434', 'ausvic.melxpt +X643434', 'ausvic.seyln +X643434', 'ausvic.sheln +X643434', 'ausvic.shln +X643434', 'ausvic.warln +X643434'] (-37.807324, 144.962797) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['ausvic.001 +X899325', 'ausvic.003 +X899325', 'ausvic.003a +X899325', 'ausvic.005 +X899325', 'ausvic.006 +X899325', 'ausvic.016 +X899325', 'ausvic.064 +X899325', 'ausvic.067 +X899325', 'ausvic.072 +X899325'] (-37.813518, 144.96563) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['ausvic.001 BouStMall', 'ausvic.003 BouStMall', 'ausvic.003a BouStMall', 'ausvic.005 BouStMall', 'ausvic.006 BouStMall', 'ausvic.016 BouStMall', 'ausvic.064 BouStMall', 'ausvic.067 BouStMall', 'ausvic.072 BouStMall', 'ausvic.086 SwaSt', 'ausvic.096 SwaSt'] (-37.809691, 144.963881) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['ausvic.001 MelCen', 'ausvic.003 MelCen', 'ausvic.003a MelCen', 'ausvic.005 MelCen', 'ausvic.006 MelCen', 'ausvic.016 MelCen', 'ausvic.030 SwaSt', 'ausvic.035 SwaSt_N', 'ausvic.064 MelCen', 'ausvic.067 MelCen', 'ausvic.072 MelCen'] (-37.805516, 144.963087) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['ausvic.001 QueSt', 'ausvic.003 QueSt', 'ausvic.003a QueSt', 'ausvic.005 QueSt', 'ausvic.006 QueSt', 'ausvic.016 QueSt', 'ausvic.064 QueSt', 'ausvic.067 QueSt', 'ausvic.072 QueSt'] (-37.807983, 144.963044) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['ausvic.001 RMITUni', 'ausvic.003 RMITUni', 'ausvic.003a RMITUni', 'ausvic.005 RMITUni', 'ausvic.006 RMITUni', 'ausvic.016 RMITUni', 'ausvic.064 RMITUni', 'ausvic.067 RMITUni', 'ausvic.072 RMITUni'] (-37.811721, 144.956424) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['ausvic.030 FlaSta', 'ausvic.035 FlaSta', 'ausvic.058 FlaSta', 'ausvic.alaln FGS', 'ausvic.belln FGS', 'ausvic.cbnln FGS', 'ausvic.cgbln FGS', 'ausvic.gwln FGS', 'ausvic.hurln FGS', 'ausvic.lilln FGS', 'ausvic.merln FGS', 'ausvic.sunln FGS', 'ausvic.upfln FGS'] (-37.809712, 144.972316) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['ausvic.035 ParSta', 'ausvic.086 ParSta', 'ausvic.096 ParSta', 'ausvic.alaln PAR', 'ausvic.belln PAR', 'ausvic.cbnln PAR', 'ausvic.cgbln PAR', 'ausvic.gwln PAR', 'ausvic.hurln PAR', 'ausvic.lilln PAR', 'ausvic.merln PAR', 'ausvic.sunln PAR', 'ausvic.upfln PAR'] (-37.809996, 144.962572) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['ausvic.alaln MCE', 'ausvic.belln MCE', 'ausvic.cbnln MCE', 'ausvic.cgbln MCE', 'ausvic.gwln MCE', 'ausvic.hurln MCE', 'ausvic.lilln MCE', 'ausvic.merln MCE', 'ausvic.sunln MCE', 'ausvic.upfln MCE'] (-37.808873, 144.94326) is occupied by 15 waypoints: ['ausvic.albln +X669937', 'ausvic.araln +X669937', 'ausvic.benln +X669937', 'ausvic.cgbln +X669937', 'ausvic.eucln +X669937', 'ausvic.geeln +X669937', 'ausvic.melxpt +X669937', 'ausvic.seyln +X669937', 'ausvic.sheln +X669937', 'ausvic.shln +X669937', 'ausvic.sunln +X669937', 'ausvic.upfln +X669937', 'ausvic.warln +X669937', 'ausvic.werln +X669937', 'ausvic.willn +X669937'] (-37.810504, 144.944639) is occupied by 15 waypoints: ['ausvic.albln +X696523', 'ausvic.araln +X696523', 'ausvic.benln +X696523', 'ausvic.cgbln +X696523', 'ausvic.eucln +X696523', 'ausvic.geeln +X696523', 'ausvic.melxpt +X696523', 'ausvic.seyln +X696523', 'ausvic.sheln +X696523', 'ausvic.shln +X696523', 'ausvic.sunln +X696523', 'ausvic.upfln +X696523', 'ausvic.warln +X696523', 'ausvic.werln +X696523', 'ausvic.willn +X696523'] (-37.807432, 144.940417) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['ausvic.albln +X997974', 'ausvic.araln +X997974', 'ausvic.benln +X997974', 'ausvic.eucln +X997974', 'ausvic.geeln +X997974', 'ausvic.melxpt +X997974', 'ausvic.seyln +X997974', 'ausvic.sheln +X997974', 'ausvic.shln +X997974', 'ausvic.warln +X997974'] (-37.818224, 144.977093) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['ausvic.070 +X684188', 'ausvic.alaln +X684188', 'ausvic.bailn +X684188', 'ausvic.belln +X684188', 'ausvic.cbnln +X684188', 'ausvic.fraln +X684188', 'ausvic.gwln +X684188', 'ausvic.lilln +X684188', 'ausvic.pakln +X684188', 'ausvic.sanln +X684188', 'ausvic.tarln +X684188'] (-37.823177, 144.986701) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['ausvic.070 +X986617', 'ausvic.alaln +X986617', 'ausvic.bailn +X986617', 'ausvic.belln +X986617', 'ausvic.cbnln +X986617', 'ausvic.fraln +X986617', 'ausvic.gwln +X986617', 'ausvic.lilln +X986617', 'ausvic.pakln +X986617', 'ausvic.sanln +X986617', 'ausvic.tarln +X986617'] (-37.822021, 144.983338) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['ausvic.070 MCGHisAre', 'ausvic.alaln +MCGHisAre', 'ausvic.bailn +MCGHisAre', 'ausvic.belln +MCGHisAre', 'ausvic.cbnln +MCGHisAre', 'ausvic.fraln +MCGHisAre', 'ausvic.gwln +MCGHisAre', 'ausvic.lilln +MCGHisAre', 'ausvic.pakln +MCGHisAre', 'ausvic.sanln +MCGHisAre', 'ausvic.tarln +MCGHisAre'] (-37.823949, 144.989603) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['ausvic.070 RicSta', 'ausvic.alaln RMD', 'ausvic.bailn RMD', 'ausvic.belln RMD', 'ausvic.cbnln RMD', 'ausvic.fraln RMD', 'ausvic.gwln RMD', 'ausvic.lilln RMD', 'ausvic.pakln RMD', 'ausvic.sanln RMD', 'ausvic.tarln RMD'] (-37.819279, 144.97903) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['ausvic.070 RodLavAre', 'ausvic.alaln +RodLavAre', 'ausvic.bailn +RodLavAre', 'ausvic.belln +RodLavAre', 'ausvic.cbnln +RodLavAre', 'ausvic.fraln +RodLavAre', 'ausvic.gwln +RodLavAre', 'ausvic.lilln +RodLavAre', 'ausvic.pakln +RodLavAre', 'ausvic.sanln +RodLavAre', 'ausvic.tarln +RodLavAre'] (-37.81765, 144.976326) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['ausvic.alaln +X140235', 'ausvic.bailn +X140235', 'ausvic.belln +X140235', 'ausvic.cbnln +X140235', 'ausvic.fraln +X140235', 'ausvic.gwln +X140235', 'ausvic.lilln +X140235', 'ausvic.pakln +X140235', 'ausvic.sanln +X140235', 'ausvic.tarln +X140235'] (-37.825612, 144.992816) is occupied by 10 waypoints: ['ausvic.alaln +X402413', 'ausvic.bailn +X402413', 'ausvic.belln +X402413', 'ausvic.cbnln +X402413', 'ausvic.fraln +X402413', 'ausvic.gwln +X402413', 'ausvic.lilln +X402413', 'ausvic.pakln +X402413', 'ausvic.sanln +X402413', 'ausvic.tarln +X402413'] (-37.823239, 144.970039) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['ausvic.001 +X988446', 'ausvic.003 +X988446', 'ausvic.003a +X988446', 'ausvic.005 +X988446', 'ausvic.006 +X988446', 'ausvic.016 +X988446', 'ausvic.064 +X988446', 'ausvic.067 +X988446', 'ausvic.072 +X988446'] (-37.821824, 144.969417) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['ausvic.001 ArtsPre', 'ausvic.003 ArtsPre', 'ausvic.003a ArtsPre', 'ausvic.005 ArtsPre', 'ausvic.006 ArtsPre', 'ausvic.016 ArtsPre', 'ausvic.064 ArtsPre', 'ausvic.067 ArtsPre', 'ausvic.072 ArtsPre'] (-37.815493, 144.966563) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['ausvic.001 CitySq', 'ausvic.003 CitySq', 'ausvic.003a CitySq', 'ausvic.005 CitySq', 'ausvic.006 CitySq', 'ausvic.011 TownHall', 'ausvic.012 TownHall', 'ausvic.016 CitySq', 'ausvic.048 TownHall', 'ausvic.064 CitySq', 'ausvic.067 CitySq', 'ausvic.072 CitySq', 'ausvic.109 TownHall'] (-37.817505, 144.967475) is occupied by 12 waypoints: ['ausvic.001 FliStSta', 'ausvic.003 FliStSta', 'ausvic.003a FliStSta', 'ausvic.005 FliStSta', 'ausvic.006 FliStSta', 'ausvic.016 FliStSta', 'ausvic.035 SwaSt_S', 'ausvic.064 FliStSta', 'ausvic.067 FliStSta', 'ausvic.070 SwaSt', 'ausvic.072 FliStSta', 'ausvic.075 SwaSt'] (-37.818427, 144.965914) is occupied by 23 waypoints: ['ausvic.019 FliStSta', 'ausvic.035 FliStSta', 'ausvic.057 FliStSta', 'ausvic.059 FliStSta', 'ausvic.070 FliStSta', 'ausvic.075 FliStSta', 'ausvic.alaln FSS', 'ausvic.bailn FSS', 'ausvic.belln FSS', 'ausvic.cbnln FSS', 'ausvic.cgbln FSS', 'ausvic.fraln FSS', 'ausvic.gwln FSS', 'ausvic.hurln FSS', 'ausvic.lilln FSS', 'ausvic.merln FSS', 'ausvic.pakln FSS', 'ausvic.sanln FSS', 'ausvic.sunln FSS', 'ausvic.tarln FSS', 'ausvic.upfln FSS', 'ausvic.werln FSS', 'ausvic.willn FSS'] (-37.821294, 144.954922) is occupied by 16 waypoints: ['ausvic.alaln +X834955', 'ausvic.bailn +X834955', 'ausvic.belln +X834955', 'ausvic.cbnln +X834955', 'ausvic.cgbln +X834955', 'ausvic.fraln +X834955', 'ausvic.gwln +X834955', 'ausvic.hurln +X834955', 'ausvic.lilln +X834955', 'ausvic.merln +X834955', 'ausvic.pakln +X834955', 'ausvic.sunln +X834955', 'ausvic.tarln +X834955', 'ausvic.upfln +X834955', 'ausvic.werln +X834955', 'ausvic.willn +X834955'] (-37.816861, 144.971809) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['ausvic.bailn +X884139', 'ausvic.cgbln +X884139', 'ausvic.fraln +X884139', 'ausvic.gwln +X884139', 'ausvic.hurln +X884139', 'ausvic.lilln +X884139', 'ausvic.pakln +X884139', 'ausvic.sanln +X884139', 'ausvic.sunln +X884139', 'ausvic.tarln +X884139', 'ausvic.upfln +X884139'] (-37.818311, 144.952326) is occupied by 29 waypoints: ['ausvic.011 SouCroSta', 'ausvic.048 SouCroSta', 'ausvic.096 SouCroSta', 'ausvic.alaln SSS', 'ausvic.albln SSS', 'ausvic.araln SSS', 'ausvic.bailn SSS', 'ausvic.belln SSS', 'ausvic.benln SSS', 'ausvic.cbnln SSS', 'ausvic.cgbln SSS', 'ausvic.eucln SSS', 'ausvic.fraln SSS', 'ausvic.geeln SSS', 'ausvic.gwln SSS', 'ausvic.hurln SSS', 'ausvic.lilln SSS', 'ausvic.melxpt SSS', 'ausvic.merln SSS', 'ausvic.pakln SSS', 'ausvic.seyln SSS', 'ausvic.sheln SSS', 'ausvic.shln SSS', 'ausvic.sunln SSS', 'ausvic.tarln SSS', 'ausvic.upfln SSS', 'ausvic.warln SSS', 'ausvic.werln SSS', 'ausvic.willn SSS'] (-37.815247, 144.950062) is occupied by 20 waypoints: ['ausvic.alaln +X718505', 'ausvic.albln +X718505', 'ausvic.araln +X718505', 'ausvic.belln +X718505', 'ausvic.benln +X718505', 'ausvic.cbnln +X718505', 'ausvic.eucln +X718505', 'ausvic.geeln +X718505', 'ausvic.gwln +X718505', 'ausvic.hurln +X718505', 'ausvic.lilln +X718505', 'ausvic.melxpt +X718505', 'ausvic.merln +X718505', 'ausvic.seyln +X718505', 'ausvic.sheln +X718505', 'ausvic.shln +X718505', 'ausvic.upfln +X718505', 'ausvic.warln +X718505', 'ausvic.werln +X718505', 'ausvic.willn +X718505'] (-37.83251, 144.971724) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['ausvic.003 +X177832', 'ausvic.003a +X177832', 'ausvic.005 +X177832', 'ausvic.006 +X177832', 'ausvic.016 +X177832', 'ausvic.058 +X177832', 'ausvic.064 +X177832', 'ausvic.067 +X177832', 'ausvic.072 +X177832'] (-37.836255, 144.975543) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['ausvic.003 +X284550', 'ausvic.003a +X284550', 'ausvic.005 +X284550', 'ausvic.006 +X284550', 'ausvic.016 +X284550', 'ausvic.058 +X284550', 'ausvic.064 +X284550', 'ausvic.067 +X284550', 'ausvic.072 +X284550'] (-37.835747, 144.975264) is occupied by 9 waypoints: ['ausvic.003 TooRd', 'ausvic.003a TooRd', 'ausvic.005 TooRd', 'ausvic.006 TooRd', 'ausvic.016 TooRd', 'ausvic.058 TooRd', 'ausvic.064 TooRd', 'ausvic.067 TooRd', 'ausvic.072 TooRd'] (-37.801481, 144.902426) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['ausvic.082 FooSta', 'ausvic.albln +FSY', 'ausvic.araln FSY', 'ausvic.benln FSY', 'ausvic.eucln FSY', 'ausvic.geeln FSY', 'ausvic.melxpt +FSY', 'ausvic.seyln +FSY', 'ausvic.sheln +FSY', 'ausvic.shln FSY', 'ausvic.sunln FSY', 'ausvic.warln FSY', 'ausvic.werln FSY', 'ausvic.willn FSY'] (-37.802532, 144.891397) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['ausvic.albln +MFY', 'ausvic.araln +MFY', 'ausvic.benln +MFY', 'ausvic.eucln +MFY', 'ausvic.geeln +MFY', 'ausvic.melxpt +MFY', 'ausvic.seyln +MFY', 'ausvic.sheln +MFY', 'ausvic.shln +MFY', 'ausvic.sunln MFY', 'ausvic.warln +MFY'] (-37.799557, 144.924881) is occupied by 13 waypoints: ['ausvic.albln +SKN', 'ausvic.araln +SKN', 'ausvic.benln +SKN', 'ausvic.eucln +SKN', 'ausvic.geeln +SKN', 'ausvic.melxpt +SKN', 'ausvic.seyln +SKN', 'ausvic.sheln +SKN', 'ausvic.shln +SKN', 'ausvic.sunln SKN', 'ausvic.warln +SKN', 'ausvic.werln SKN', 'ausvic.willn SKN'] (-37.799264, 144.863212) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['ausvic.albln +TOT', 'ausvic.araln +TOT', 'ausvic.benln +TOT', 'ausvic.eucln +TOT', 'ausvic.geeln +TOT', 'ausvic.melxpt +TOT', 'ausvic.seyln +TOT', 'ausvic.sheln +TOT', 'ausvic.shln +TOT', 'ausvic.sunln TOT', 'ausvic.warln +TOT'] (-37.801727, 144.883876) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['ausvic.albln +WFY', 'ausvic.araln +WFY', 'ausvic.benln +WFY', 'ausvic.eucln +WFY', 'ausvic.geeln +WFY', 'ausvic.melxpt +WFY', 'ausvic.seyln +WFY', 'ausvic.sheln +WFY', 'ausvic.shln +WFY', 'ausvic.sunln WFY', 'ausvic.warln +WFY'] (-37.796971, 144.844565) is occupied by 14 waypoints: ['ausvic.albln +X530267', 'ausvic.araln +X530267', 'ausvic.benln +X530267', 'ausvic.eucln +X530267', 'ausvic.geeln +X530267', 'ausvic.melxpt +X530267', 'ausvic.seyln +X530267', 'ausvic.sheln +X530267', 'ausvic.shln +X530267', 'ausvic.sunln +X530267', 'ausvic.sunln +X530267', 'ausvic.warln +X530267', 'ausvic.werln +X530267', 'ausvic.willn +X530267'] (-37.802435, 144.899561) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['ausvic.albln +X804810', 'ausvic.araln +X804810', 'ausvic.benln +X804810', 'ausvic.eucln +X804810', 'ausvic.geeln +X804810', 'ausvic.melxpt +X804810', 'ausvic.seyln +X804810', 'ausvic.sheln +X804810', 'ausvic.shln +X804810', 'ausvic.sunln +X804810', 'ausvic.warln +X804810'] (-37.797683, 144.84832) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['ausvic.albln +X912354', 'ausvic.araln +X912354', 'ausvic.benln +X912354', 'ausvic.eucln +X912354', 'ausvic.geeln +X912354', 'ausvic.melxpt +X912354', 'ausvic.seyln +X912354', 'ausvic.sheln +X912354', 'ausvic.shln +X912354', 'ausvic.sunln +X912354', 'ausvic.warln +X912354'] (-37.788628, 144.832968) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['ausvic.albln +SUN', 'ausvic.araln SUN', 'ausvic.benln +SUN', 'ausvic.eucln +SUN', 'ausvic.geeln SUN', 'ausvic.melxpt +SUN', 'ausvic.seyln +SUN', 'ausvic.sheln +SUN', 'ausvic.shln +SUN', 'ausvic.sunln SUN', 'ausvic.warln +SUN'] (-37.786661, 144.831401) is occupied by 11 waypoints: ['ausvic.albln +X468938', 'ausvic.araln +X468938', 'ausvic.benln +X468938', 'ausvic.eucln +X468938', 'ausvic.geeln +X468938', 'ausvic.melxpt +X468938', 'ausvic.seyln +X468938', 'ausvic.sheln +X468938', 'ausvic.shln +X468938', 'ausvic.sunln +X468938', 'ausvic.warln +X468938'] Waypoint colocation counts: 22629 are each occupied by 1 waypoints. 10051 are each occupied by 2 waypoints. 4065 are each occupied by 3 waypoints. 2144 are each occupied by 4 waypoints. 1090 are each occupied by 5 waypoints. 618 are each occupied by 6 waypoints. 382 are each occupied by 7 waypoints. 257 are each occupied by 8 waypoints. 156 are each occupied by 9 waypoints. 110 are each occupied by 10 waypoints. 82 are each occupied by 11 waypoints. 61 are each occupied by 12 waypoints. 47 are each occupied by 13 waypoints. 34 are each occupied by 14 waypoints. 9 are each occupied by 15 waypoints. 14 are each occupied by 16 waypoints. 8 are each occupied by 17 waypoints. 7 are each occupied by 18 waypoints. 10 are each occupied by 19 waypoints. 6 are each occupied by 20 waypoints. 6 are each occupied by 21 waypoints. 2 are each occupied by 22 waypoints. 3 are each occupied by 23 waypoints. 2 are each occupied by 24 waypoints. 0 are each occupied by 25 waypoints. 3 are each occupied by 26 waypoints. 0 are each occupied by 27 waypoints. 1 are each occupied by 28 waypoints. 1 are each occupied by 29 waypoints. 2 are each occupied by 30 waypoints. 0 are each occupied by 31 waypoints. 0 are each occupied by 32 waypoints. 1 are each occupied by 33 waypoints. Unique locations: 41801 Finish: Sun Aug 13 23:33:40 2023 Total run time: [1.9]